Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Choose To Change

Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 8 Episode 23

Stop Living on Autopilot: Activate Your Inner Luck (Living Lucky® Podcast)

Are you tired of feeling stuck in a rut? Do you dream of a life filled with abundance and opportunity? In this episode of the Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason & Jana Banana, we reveal the secrets to unlocking your inner luck and creating the reality you crave.

We're kicking off a new series that dives deep into the philosophy of Living Lucky®, showing you how to break free from limiting beliefs and step into a life of purpose and joy.

Here's what you'll discover:

  • Your Reality, Your Creation: We empower you to understand that you are the architect of your own life, and how to take control of your destiny.
  • The System Update You Need: Learn how to recognize and replace outdated thought patterns and beliefs that are holding you back.
  • The Power of Decision: We explore how making bold, decisive choices can transform your life and attract incredible opportunities.
  • Feeling Your Way to Success: Discover how aligning your thoughts and feelings with your desires can create a powerful magnetic pull.
  • Burn the Boat Mentality: We share how going "all in" and eliminating escape routes can propel you towards your goals.
  • The Little Hacks of Decision Making: Learn how to make decisions easier and stop hemming and hawing.
  • Let Go of the Good for the Great: Understand the importance of stepping outside your comfort zone to achieve your full potential.

This episode is your invitation to break free from autopilot and start living a life of intention and abundance. We share personal stories, practical tips, and powerful insights to help you unlock your inner luck and create the reality you deserve.

Key Nuggets:

  • How to identify and overcome limiting beliefs.
  • The importance of aligning your thoughts and feelings.
  • How to make decisive choices and commit to them.
  • How to create a powerful magnetic pull for opportunities.

Ready to stop living on autopilot and activate your inner luck? Tune in to the Living Lucky® Podcast and discover the secrets to creating the life you crave!

Keywords: Living Lucky, mindset, manifestation, limiting beliefs, personal growth, self-help, abundance

How are YOU Living Lucky®?

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!!! SEND US A MESSAGE: Are you ready to unlock your path to a more inspired life where you're Living Lucky®? Email me directly and let's chart your course toward realizing your dreams and creating a life that fills you with daily inspiration.
Email Jason Shelfer

The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®. Good morning. I'm Jana, I'm Jason and we are Living Lucky®. You are too, Thanks for joining us today. Our last series was so successful that we decided we're going to have a little theme for the next month.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

And we're going to start a series where we actually dive into what is Living Lucky® and, even more so, how. How do you start Living Lucky®? Because when Jason and I talk about this, for us it's almost become like duh doesn't this all make sense?

Jason Shelfer:

And we were figuring all this out as we were going like kind of hunting around in the dark for answers and finding these little magic boxes in our thoughts, our feelings, our actions.

Jana Shelfer:

And we were sharing them as we were going through the journey, and now I feel like we have a better understanding of how to explain it to other people.

Jason Shelfer:

When we get to go back and look at the process, because when we were going through it it did not feel like a process, it felt like a hide and seek or like finders keepers thing, like find what works, hold onto that, see if it works for a while and then keep doing it, create new habits, all these little things, and we would find these gems and we were like, oh my gosh, we have to share this. We have to share this, yeah, because this is gold, this is gold so.

Jason Shelfer:

I think over the next month which gives us awareness.

Jana Shelfer:

Like I am so grateful that we realized we were on to something.

Jason Shelfer:

Right, well, and I think you say it a lot when you talk about what is the feeling, you know, like, feel the way you want to feel and then allow things to present themselves that are attracted to that feeling.

Jana Shelfer:

So, for people who are brand new and today is your first podcast with us You're lucky. We have a philosophy called Living Lucky®. Now, by the time, most people are 35, they get stuck in their habits, they get stuck in their thoughts, they get stuck in their feelings. Their feelings almost become their emotional home, and sometimes those thoughts and those feelings are not really in their best interest.

Jason Shelfer:

No, they're so set in the way they're doing things and they're so invested in the effort that they've put in so far.

Jana Shelfer:

And also we're being conditioned by the outside world. Yes, and there's a.

Jason Shelfer:

That if I keep putting in this effort, doing the same thing, I'm going to get something different.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, like I've always learned that if you work harder you'll make more money. Or I just need to work harder and at some point it's almost like we're little computers and there comes a point where we are working with outdated software. Yeah, we just need a system update.

Jason Shelfer:

A system update, not only a system update.

Jana Shelfer:

Sometimes we need to maybe A whole reorg. Yes, we need a whole new building system inside A whole new processing center. So let me start from the beginning. We are creating our reality, amen. So if there's something in your life that you don't like, well, guess what? You are creating it, and in that there is power. Yes, there is power because what we have realized, if there is something in your life that you're like, why does this always happen? You have the power to change it.

Jason Shelfer:

That's so big.

Jana Shelfer:

So big.

Jason Shelfer:

Right, yeah. And when you recognize that everything that's happening for you and with you right now is what the person five years ago, two years ago, last year, put in motion for you to have right now, yes, so what do you want to put in motion right now for you to have?

Jana Shelfer:

next year, next week, next month, whenever, and here's the thing, the thoughts and the feelings that we have right now are not creating our instant reality. They are creating our future reality, and that is what people. That has been the hardest thing for me to understand.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, that has been the hardest thing for me to understand the invisible cloak between the me now and the future me.

Jana Shelfer:

Do you need to cough or something?

Jason Shelfer:

I just breathed in something which I think is just a way of bringing awareness to this, because I remember this um, this monk, telling me that the person who has the dream is not the person who receives the dream. So the person who has the inspiration, the big plan for their life, that's our future self. Not the person who gets it. The person you grow into is the person that gets it. The person that you become is the person who's able to have it.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, if you did not follow that, that was huge, because what Jason is saying is that we are constantly evolving, we are constantly growing, we are constantly manifesting, and sometimes we manifest unconsciously. So we actually pay more attention to our fears, our doubts, our disappointments, and that's what creates the experiences that we think gosh, why does this always happen? Why am I always in this situation?

Jason Shelfer:

So this series is designed to help you change, to break through limits, to attract opportunities and momentum, and then lock in this new you that is creating the life that you love, and have a sustainable momentum forward.

Jana Shelfer:

So, to put this in a very elementary nutshell, Living Lucky® is not only having thoughts like you are the luckiest person in the world, like truly believing that you are lucky, yeah because you're going to show up differently when you believe that. And then secondly, bringing your energy into that lucky space. Lucky people don't show up with their shoulders all drooped down. They definitely don't show up defeated.

Jana Shelfer:

They don't show up with sad energy, they don't show up in the victimology role because those emotions, which they're important emotions, it's important to feel your feelings. Don't get me wrong, but some people get stuck in this energy.

Jason Shelfer:

They get comfortable and excited about those feelings, because I think it breeds an area to say, well, it didn't happen for me because it kind of creates this, or I'm not going to take another step towards it because yes or.

Jason Shelfer:

I would have been there, yeah, but like, creating all excuses is what it is, and I use excuses. I'm not going to be, I'm not going to be the guy that says I have everything now, right, I feel like I'm Living Lucky® and I'm. I know that I'm moving towards it, but I, I come up, I every day. There's some type of little excuse in me that says, hey, you've put enough in, give yourself a break, like and that's. I think that's fine.

Jana Shelfer:

So, in like, in very simple terms, what we are teaching you is how to communicate with the universe, because the thoughts that we have are us putting these little wavelengths. It's like a radio system, and the thoughts that you have are putting the wavelengths out to the universe, to God, whatever you believe, to say this is what I want, this is who I am, this is what I dream, and then the feelings that we attach to those thoughts is the experiences we attract.

Jason Shelfer:

That blew my mind when I understood it the first time I thought you were going to say blew my manhood. It blew my. I said mean for some reason. I know I was like what kind of mean do I have? What is?

Jana Shelfer:

he going to say.

Jason Shelfer:

And then he kind of, because it blew my mind when I first realized that is the pull like the throwing it out there, that's that magnetic attraction and really, when you think about resonance, like, is this resonating with my soul? Is it coming in together and vibrating at the same frequency? Like, how are we pulling things towards me while I'm moving towards them? Yes, so the reason most people don't realize their dreams, they don't become the person who has that new reality, is because they don't make that decision to change.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, so this podcast in particular, we are talking about making the decision, yeah.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

And I remember specifically the day that I decided to make this decision, to go down this spiritual journey, and I was actually in my art room and I made this page in my book that says start.

Jason Shelfer:

I remember.

Jana Shelfer:

Start and I just decided okay, this is the route I'm going.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, sometimes you don't start because you want to find out what you're looking for and there's a ton to find.

Jana Shelfer:

If you're looking for what you're looking for, yeah, you're like I don't know how to start because I don't have clarity and this doubt voice starts mucking up your brain and you think, oh my gosh, I don't want to make the wrong decision. Well, those are all limiting beliefs, and when you start thinking like that, then you're actually becoming your biggest obstacle.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and if you can imagine yourself in a hole or in a rut. So when you're stuck you kind of feel like you're in a hole, you're in a rut, and if you are trying to find what you're looking for in the rut, you're going to be very limited to the exposure, to the experience. If you just start, if you move, if you go out and experience, then you have more opportunity to say, yes, that's it. Because then you're going to feel the feelings adjust. You're going to say, oh, that feels good, oh, I'm enjoying this, I want more of this in my life. And then you just get to be curious about that. But having the decision to say am I getting the things that I want in my life? Am I moving in the right direction? Are there things that could be changing? Yeah, and decide what it is exactly that you do want. So, a you're not chasing someone else's want or dream, and B you're very aligned with where you want to be heading and what feels congruent to your soul.

Jana Shelfer:

I'm going to give you a few little hacks that I've learned about. Decisions, because I'm one of those people making a decision is very difficult for me and when I do I hymn and haw and then I doubt myself. Decisions, because I'm one of those people making a decision is very difficult for me and when I do I hem and haw and then I doubt myself and I look back and go, oh my gosh, maybe. And let's think of it like this, like if I say I'm going to swim across the lake and then I dive in and I start swimming and then all of a sudden, four strokes in, I go, I don't know if this is the right decision. What if there's?

Jason Shelfer:

alligators out there. What?

Jana Shelfer:

if I get hit by a boat. So I start swimming back to the dock and then I think, oh, no, no, no. I promised myself I was going to do this, so I do this. So I turn back around, I start swimming again, and then I get about 10 more. I thought, so I sit there and I start treading water going. Do I really want to do this? Because you know what? It's not too late to turn back. It's not too late to turn back and in the meantime, I'm expending all of this energy.

Jason Shelfer:

Going back and forth.

Jana Shelfer:

Going back and forth to where. I am making it so much more complex than if I would have just said I'm swimming across the lake.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, that's kind of the burn the boat mentality. So like if you said, hey, jason, I'm going to swim this distance, take me in the boat, out this far, I'm going to swim back, that's it, I'll meet you at the dock Like you've got to go. Like if you're, I'll meet you at the dock, like there's you gotta go. Like if you're dropped off in the middle of the lake, yes, you gotta go to the shore, yes.

Jana Shelfer:

And it challenges yourself to find how Find a venue.

Jason Shelfer:

Make it work. You know, the thing is, you will do what needs to be done.

Jana Shelfer:

Be done to survive and to make it work, yes, but, and to make it work, yes, but if you start hemming and hawing and going, I don't know. I don't know what to do.

Jason Shelfer:

We are not encouraging anyone to drop themselves off in the middle of the ocean or the lake without proper safety equipment, but what we are saying is Go all in, bring the boats, go all in, don't give yourself an out. For me, it was the coaching. I was coaching, part-time, working, a full-time job, and now I needed that for my mentality, my finance, all the things that made me feel safe to get confident enough. But I still would never have done it if you hadn't come to me one day and just said and over my ear, it wasn't even like we were having a face-to-face conversation and you said it's okay.

Jana Shelfer:

It is, it's okay.

Jason Shelfer:

It's okay, let go of that and get the like. Let go of the good Cause we were. Everything was really good In order to find the great, get the great.

Jana Shelfer:

And I was like Let go of the good in order to find the great.

Jason Shelfer:

And that and I was like let go of the good in order to find the great. That blew my mind and I have goosebumps about it now still, because that was almost five years ago now and that's when I was able to really breathe and recognize what I'm pulled for, like what my purpose was, in a more full capacity, a more fulfilling capacity. Yes, and it's changed everything. It hasn't, like you were talking about with the lake. It wasn't always easy, but I burned that boat.

Jana Shelfer:

We burned that boat. I didn't burn bridges there, I burned the boat. I was like I'm all in here and in some ways it has forced us to make it work.

Jason Shelfer:

Make it work, find opportunities, get into new rooms and crowds, like all some of the things that we're going to be talking about through this series, but you have to make the decision and really we've talked about this on a lot of and if we want those nice dinners, those steaks, the boat like, if we want the lifestyle that we want to create, like we don't have a fallback plan.

Jana Shelfer:

This is it, gotta be it and I feel like in so many people's lives we give ourselves too easy of an out and we give ourselves a chicken exit. Yeah we do? We give ourselves a chicken exit. You know, when I was 10 years old, we went to Worlds of Fun and we waited in line.

Jason Shelfer:

That must have been Worlds of Fun. It was, I convinced my parents, I mean, they named it that.

Jana Shelfer:

I convinced my dad to go on the Orient Express.

Jason Shelfer:

Is that a train ride? And I?

Jana Shelfer:

was barely tall enough Like I was really standing on my tiptoes, tiptoes. Yeah, you know how it is, I know how it is, and we waited in line. It was the most popular ride in the park and we waited in line, waited in line, waited in line, and when we got to the very front, there was a chicken exit.

Jason Shelfer:

Oh in case you're like oh yeah, I can't do it In case you're like I can't do it. I've waited all this time, I can't do it and my sister was like I'm out, I'm out.

Jana Shelfer:

And I was like no, we are getting on this ride and we are doing it. So my dad and I ended up riding it. My sister took the chicken exit and I will never let her forget that.

Jason Shelfer:

I know which sister it was too.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, you do.

Jason Shelfer:

Oh, that's so funny. So the reason most people fail before they ever get started is because they don't make that decision to change and then have a commitment to it.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, so that's another thing that I want to talk about, and then we're going to wrap today's podcast up, because we've gotten already so much information. Is that I feel like we? Is that I feel like we? When people do finally make a decision, then they I don't want to call it, they start lying to themselves but they don't show up for themselves, the way we sometimes expect others to show up for us. Wow, do you know what?

Jason Shelfer:

I'm saying it's it's.

Jana Shelfer:

It shows in the little things that we do. For example, if I say you know what I'm gonna, I'm gonna start eating very nutritiously tomorrow. And then tomorrow comes and I'm like, okay, well, what's one more day, or the alarm goes I'll start at dinner tonight. What if you? You say I'm going to get up at 5 am in the morning and meditate, and then that alarm goes off and you're like, oh, I'm going to snooze.

Jason Shelfer:

You know what I'll do. What I'm going to do is taper into it.

Jana Shelfer:

Because right now that doesn't feel. That doesn't feel good.

Jason Shelfer:

No, it's, that's that's the future you that wants to bust through, because your insight has told you this is what I know is going to make a difference. We often have these big aha moments and we say, wow, this would make a massive difference for me if I boom, whatever that is in there and you just fill in the blank, yes, and then you say I am going to get to that tomorrow Because your future self knows, but your current safe, comfortable self. A lot of times so for my clients, they just are exhausted because they've been doing it the way they thought they should, or the best way they could, for so long in their current level of thinking, current level of understanding all this. So now they're exhausted because they've been, like you said earlier, working harder. And it's not about working harder or smarter, it's about thinking differently Thinking differently, Thinking differently.

Jana Shelfer:

I'm telling you when you start thinking differently, you start thinking you are lucky. When you start feeling you are lucky, there's an energy that you tap into and next thing you know, it all starts coming to fruition. We create our reality.

Jason Shelfer:

And you change the equation. So thanks for joining us. Keep Living Lucky®. Bye-bye.

Jana Shelfer:

If the idea of Living Lucky® appeals to you, visit us at www. LivingLucky. com.