Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Routine: Good or BAD

Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 8 Episode 16

How are YOU Living Lucky®?

Unlock Your Peak Performance: The Power of Daily Rituals

Tired of feeling overwhelmed and unproductive? Craving more energy, focus, and fulfillment in your day? This episode of the Living Lucky® Podcast is your guide to unlocking your inner potential through the power of daily rituals.

Join Jason and Jana Banana as they dive deep into the science of habit formation and explore how consistent practices can transform your life. Discover how to:

  • Break free from the tyranny of decision fatigue: Design a morning routine that streamlines your day and sets you up for success.
  • Cultivate a mindset of abundance: Start your day with intention through practices like meditation, affirmations, and visualization.
  • Boost your energy levels and enhance your physical well-being with simple yet impactful movement routines.
  • Fuel your mind with knowledge: Discover the transformative power of consistent learning and reading.
  • Unleash your creativity: Explore the benefits of journaling and expressive writing as a powerful tool for self-discovery.

We'll share practical tips, personal anecdotes, and the SAVERS method – a proven framework for creating a high-performing morning routine.

This episode is for you if:

  • You're feeling stuck in a rut and need a fresh start.
  • You want to increase your productivity and achieve your goals.
  • You're looking to cultivate a more mindful and intentional lifestyle.
  • You're ready to unlock your full potential and live a life of purpose.

Press play and discover the transformative power of daily rituals!

Keywords: self-help, personal development, morning routine, habits, productivity, mindfulness, meditation, affirmations, visualization, exercise, reading, journaling, success, fulfillment, motivation, lifestyle design, SAVERS method

#MorningRoutine #DailyRituals #HabitStacking #SelfCare #Mindfulness #ProductivityHacks #PersonalGrowth #SelfImprovement #SuccessHabits #LivingLuckyPodcast #JasonAndJanaBanana #LivingLucky #Podcast #SAVERS

Create a Powerful Morning Routine, How to Improve Your Mornings, The SAVERS Method Explained, Increase Productivity with Daily Rituals, Mindfulness Practices for Morning Routines, Overcome Procrastination with a

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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®. Good morning. I'm Jana, I'm Jason and we are Living Lucky®. You are too.

Jana Shelfer:

We've been doing a series about the 14 questions that will change your life today. Life changing. Is number eight.

Jason Shelfer:

Develop a daily ritual. So the question is what consistent practices would nourish my mind, my body and my soul, and how can I incorporate these into my daily routine?

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, I believe that I believe in morning routines. I even believe in nighttime routines and sleep routines.

Jana Shelfer:

I believe in lunchtime routines. I do believe, for me, I do better when I can start stacking little habits together. For example, as of recent, I have been really into washing my face, like almost to the point where I have made it into a spa night Every night, where I, you know, when I'm doing my evening routine, I'm like, ooh, I'm going to wash my pores, I'm going to do this little. I'm exfoliating, yeah, I'm scraping, yeah, and I put my hair back Plucking my pores.

Jason Shelfer:

Let me do this little. I'm exfoliating.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, I'm scraping, yeah, and I put my hair back.

Jason Shelfer:

Plucking my mustache. I put like a little headband on and I don't cut my mustache. I was thinking, if you were listening to me.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, it took me a while, didn't it, and I believe that that has helped. How many people have commented on my skin?

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

Right Because you're glowing.

Jason Shelfer:

You're glowing.

Jana Shelfer:

So I guess what I want to say is routines for me. It takes away the decision fatigue of what am I supposed to be doing right now, Because I have that a lot.

Jason Shelfer:

One of the things I love about the way we work within routines is not being scared to take something out of the routine to try something new, because the face part, like you did, a face routine. I'm not a face scrubbing guy.

Jana Shelfer:

I used to do a face routine when we first got married and then I got out of the habit.

Jason Shelfer:

But you still will wipe off and stuff like-.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, I kind of wipe my makeup off, but now you've gotten very specific and granular with it and there's been huge changes.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, so it's like sometimes we fall into a routine that creates a rut. So, examining the pieces of the routine-.

Jana Shelfer:

Oh, I'm so glad you brought that up. Yes, because sometimes our routines are actually self-defeating.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, because, first of all, something might not be as productive as it once was and, second of all, it might be a trap of sameness. And that definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over again, expecting a different result.

Jana Shelfer:

For example. You know, sometimes Jason and I will get in a habit of needing a sweet treat.

Jason Shelfer:

God, I resemble that.

Jana Shelfer:

But it's true.

Jason Shelfer:

I know.

Jana Shelfer:

And then sometimes I'm like you know what? It's not that I'm hungry, it's just a habit.

Jason Shelfer:

It's become part of my routine.

Jana Shelfer:

It's part of sitting down and watching.

Jason Shelfer:

TV. I'm supposed to have ice cream after dinner. It's part of my. I've built that habit in.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, do you know what I'm saying?

Jason Shelfer:

Do I? I live it.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, so let's go through. We're just going to share with you A basic morning routine. Yes, and I actually think that after this series of podcasts of life-changing questions is over, I think we should revisit routines.

Jason Shelfer:

There's two things that I want to come back to. Yes, one of them is the four most important questions. Okay, and then I really want to dive deep into either morning routines or evening routines, or maybe a podcast on each.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, so let's just go through a basic routine that we will share with you, and we were introduced to this back in 2020, I believe.

Jason Shelfer:

I thought it was like 2018.

Jana Shelfer:

Well, it just so happened that we became the facilitators on a the Miracle morning clubhouse. Yes, there was a clubhouse platform and Jason and I actually helped facilitate the morning for about 300 people. The miracle morning routine every single day, every day we did this and since then we have done the 75 hard routine. We have done, we've tried several, we've tried several, we've done the 75 hard routine.

Jason Shelfer:

We have done, we've tried several.

Jana Shelfer:

We've tried several. We've done the 5 o'clock in the morning routine.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, 5 am club.

Jana Shelfer:

Like there's just several different routines to start your day.

Jason Shelfer:

I really like sleeping in on that 5 am club.

Jana Shelfer:

What I will say, though, is that if I can do just a few basic things for myself first thing in the morning, first thing, it helps me really just set the tone and the vibe, because here's the thing If I don't do it for myself first thing in the morning, then other things get in the way. Emails start coming in.

Jana Shelfer:

Other goals I need to walk my dog.

Jana Shelfer:

Other people need me for different things, but that first hour of the day there's no excuses.

Jason Shelfer:

I look at this as literally a very personal and very intentional recharging, like a recharging of your mind your soul, your spirit and that's part of the question, because that's so important to be in the question. It says what consistent practices would nourish your mind, your body and your soul, Because we talk about it all the time that how you show up in the world is going to predicate the results you get.

Jana Shelfer:

It's so true.

Jason Shelfer:

So when you show up energized and peaceful and intentional, it's your energy you will get that back. Yeah, I agree with that and you get to choose that I agree with that. So here's a basic routine Is the basic routine, very basic morning routine, and this is from the Miracle Morning with Hal Elrod.

Jana Shelfer:

You know, tickle me, Elrod. So if you use the word SAVERS, it will help you remember. It's like an acronym for all the things that you can do that first hour that you wake up.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and the beautiful thing is it's six letters in the word SAVERS, so it's 10 minutes for each. 10 minutes for each one For each letter, and that's doable. If you don't have 10 minutes for each one of these throughout the day or in the morning, then you've got bigger fish to fry.

Jana Shelfer:

So, savers, s-a-v-e-r-s the S stands for silence, and for me that means meditation. I sit and I just clear my mind, I uncharge, and you were saying earlier that it's not just a way for me to listen to God or listen to my inner voice, but it's also a way for my hormones.

Jason Shelfer:

Your cortisol levels drop tremendously. If you can give yourself 10 or 15 minutes of silence and meditation, you're way ahead of the ballgame. Because we live in a world that is so full of distractions, so full of we're in fight or flight, things to do and decisions to make, and stress is at its all-time high right now. We're in the best time of our lives and also in the busiest times of our lives. Yes, Because there's so many options available. That is so true.

Jana Shelfer:

So we're always in this hyper, hyper sense of stress and and I don't- want to say panic, we're on edge, we are, we're on alert, we're constantly on alert. So our cortisol levels have like.

Jason Shelfer:

The norm of what it was 20 years ago or 30 years ago is that we've moved our thermostatic home for what our cortisol levels are up into dangerous levels.

Jana Shelfer:

Which is why a lot of us have an extra layer of beta it's all because of those hormones that we're releasing without even knowing it.

Jason Shelfer:

Give yourself 10 minutes, 15 minutes of silence and distraction-free recharging and just rest, and that's equivalent to like two hours of sleep.

Jana Shelfer:

It's just by sitting still and just letting your brain not have to think about anything, which I know people say that's the struggle, as I sit there and I think about everything.

Jason Shelfer:

Catch your thoughts. That's the thing is. You're not going to be perfect. I quit, I didn't meditate for years because I couldn't do it right. It was my brain, my thought on that, and then I was taught by a meditation coach. There's no wrong way, and it's just being aware of those thoughts that are going through your mind and then allowing them to go and make sure we're not catching hold of them, and just try to keep coming back to silence until you're good at coming back to silence.

Jana Shelfer:

Oh, that's so good. Okay, so S is silence. A Affirmations, affirmations. Now for me. I have a coach named Robin Bakes, and he has the best affirmations.

Jana Shelfer:

And right now Because you like sing-song affirmations? I do. I like sing-song best affirmations. And right now Because you like sing-song affirmations, I do. I like sing-songy affirmations, I love to get into like a rhythm, and right now my affirmation is I'm brilliant, I'm bright, I'm a radiant being of light. I'm brilliant, I'm bright, I'm a radiant being of light. I'm brilliant, I'm bright, I'm a radiant being of light.

Jason Shelfer:

And for me and my clients, what I like to do is have them go through like the 10 most successful times in their life, the 10 moments in life where they felt the most loved or the most impactful, and write those things out and then come up with an affirmation around those, because a lot of times we ignore how successful we are and how amazing we are, and that we've had these moments, and when you have an affirmation that you remember and you see is so true, you get to rewrite the version of you that's showing up in the morning.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, so affirmations. For anyone that is like I don't really know what you're talking about, it's either a positive saying it can be what Jason said. It's your most empowering truth.

Jason Shelfer:

It's revisiting a feeling, a feeling that maybe is empowering to you when it's connecting to the person that you're becoming.

Jana Shelfer:

To the highest version of yourself. So big.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, I got my hand up like hallelujah Now immediately after affirmations.

Jana Shelfer:

Because these two there's a blurred line between these two is visualization. The V stands for visualize. So not only do you want to say these positive things to yourself, these optimistic, enthusiastic Boy, do I have enthusiasm, enthusiastic Boy, do I have enthusiasm Chants, incantations, words, you not only say those to yourself. The next step is to visualize them actually happening.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, Visualize that version of you experiencing the best day possible.

Jana Shelfer:

And being in that energy. So so many times we just need to step into our best self energy. That's really what we need to do, and we don't take the time to visualize. What does that look like? What does that feel like? What does that taste like? What does that smell like? What?

Jason Shelfer:

does that sound like? What are the words being used in my environment? What are the thoughts that go through my head when I'm in that energy.

Jana Shelfer:

So that's V visualize. The next one is E. So 10 minutes of movement in the morning is Intentional movement.

Jason Shelfer:

Intentional movement, not walking back and forth to the refrigerator back and forth to the coffee maker, but intentional movement designed for exercise or heart rate.

Jana Shelfer:

And I feel it's, it's necessary.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

Like I almost feel like if you don't do some sort of movement, it's almost like taking a depressant in the morning. Yeah Right, get your motor running so it almost 10 minutes of exercise almost puts you at at start point. Yes, I think because I mean. I, I'm human and I get into ruts where I don't exercise and it takes a toll on me mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically.

Jason Shelfer:

Well, just imagine the difference between just getting up and kind of rolling through the day, or getting up and just getting your blood pumping like you've just been to a pep rally and then saying I own this day, Like it's one of those little things in 10 minutes of exercise. That's one of those things where it's just like hey, put it in the calendar, put it in, put it, put your timer on and just knock it out. It's 10 minutes.

Jana Shelfer:

The next one is R and that stands for reading. If we can read for 10 minutes in the morning. I know that doesn't sound like a lot. However, 10 minutes of information being fed into your brain, it's really just investing in yourself.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and that's a perfect time to do it, as after the exercise, because it'll give your body a chance to kind of wind back down. If you worked up a sweat, 10 minutes should be enough for you to stop that sweat, because how many times have you gone from the gym or been exercising really hard, jumped in the shower, got out even if it's a cold shower and you realized after you'd done drying off that you're still sweating? So this will be a perfect little time, and I think my math might be wrong here, but I feel like 14, somewhere between 14 and 17 minutes a day. That would be a 1% of your day, yeah.

Jason Shelfer:

So they talk about that doesn't sound like much at all, I know, but when they talk about and yet, over time, that sounds like a lot. When you talk about incremental improvements. If I embraced something that built my brain and expanded my imagination every day for like 10 to 15 minutes, crazy things happen.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, and then, last but not least, is another S, because it's plural savers. This is going to save your life, savers. And that last S stands for scribe, and for me that means gratitude, journaling or even morning pages. I just love, sometimes to just vomit out my true thoughts and I try not to think about it. I try not to censor, I try not to filter, I try to just let my hand do the talking and it may surprise you what comes out sometimes.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and then you can examine it. That's the beautiful thing, because when you're just free flowing- like that.

Jana Shelfer:

It makes you aware.

Jason Shelfer:

Then you get to look at it and say, oh wow, that's disempowering. Or oh wow, is there a different truth here that I can grab onto and it's more empowering for me.

Jana Shelfer:

So this is just a sample routine. Feel free to borrow it. We didn't come up with it. We are using it from the miracle morning and it has worked really well for us, and we actually have found that we tweak it here and there for our own purposes. The key is figuring out what works for you.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, like it's like not turmeric is not going to work for everyone, for like a supplement. But figure out what in this works for you. Create your own morning routine. It'll give you a template of where to start Exactly. Then you get to play around with it and tweak your engine, get your motor running, get out on the highway and start Living Lucky®, get your motor running, get out on the highway.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, I'm saying goodbye. Now.

Jason Shelfer:

Love you, bye-bye.

Jana Shelfer:

If the idea of Living Lucky® appeals to you, visit us at www. LivingLucky. com.