Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

That's a SMART Goal

Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 8 Episode 15

How are YOU Living Lucky®?

Stop Dreaming, Start Achieving: Unlock Your Potential with the Power of SMART Goals

Tired of setting goals that fizzle out before you even get started? This episode of the Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason & Jana Banana is your guide to achieving anything you set your mind to.

We dive deep into the power of SMART goals – a proven framework that transforms your aspirations from wishful thinking into tangible reality.

Here's what you'll discover:

  • Why vague goals are a recipe for disaster: Learn how to ditch the "I want to be healthier" and embrace the power of specificity.
  • The magic of measurability: Track your progress and stay motivated with clear, quantifiable goals.
  • Achievability vs. Overwhelm: Set ambitious goals that challenge you, but are also realistic and within your reach.
  • The importance of relevance: Ensure your goals align with your deepest values and aspirations.
  • The power of deadlines: Time-bound goals create a sense of urgency and keep you accountable.
  • The "why" behind your "what": Discover how connecting your goals to your deeper purpose fuels lasting motivation.

We share personal anecdotes, offer practical tips, and even reveal the hidden pitfalls of goal setting (like getting so caught up in the "how" that you forget to enjoy the journey).

Ready to stop dreaming and start achieving? This episode is your roadmap to success. Tune in to the Living Lucky® Podcast and unlock your full potential!

Keywords: self-help, personal development, goal setting, SMART goals, motivation, success, productivity, achievement, mindset, positive thinking, life coaching

#SMARTGoals #GoalSetting #AchieveYourGoals #PersonalGrowth #Motivation #ProductivityTips #SelfImprovement #MindsetShift #JasonShelfer #JanaShelfer #LivingLuckyPodcast #JasonAndJanaBanana #LivingLucky #Podcast #HowToSetSMARTGoals #AchieveAnyGoal #OvercomeProcrastination #GoalSettingStrategies #BreakDownBigGoals #FindYourWhy #LiveWithPurpose

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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®. Good morning. I'm Jana, I'm Jason and we are Living Lucky®. You are too. We've been doing a series about the 14 questions that will change your life, and today we're on question number seven lucky number seven.

Jason Shelfer:

And that's what specific, measurable and achievable, relevant and time-bound goals will help you move towards your visions. These are also known as SMART goals yeah, because a lot of times we fill the space of our day of smart goals yeah.

Jana Shelfer:

Cause a lot of times we fill the space of our day with minutia, I know. And then we we say well, you know what I want to? I want to train for the ski tournament coming up. Well, when is it, and how are you going to train and how are you going to measure whether or not your training is working along the way?

Jason Shelfer:

That's so big and are you doing things like are the goals something that are so clearly defined that it's easy to figure out what the process is for them and move forward in that? Because if we make a little progress each day, then we're going to get there?

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, I'm going to be real with you. When Jason said, oh, today, you know, let's record a podcast. Today's topic is smart goals I literally my gut went. Ah.

Jason Shelfer:

Your face did that.

Jana Shelfer:

I am so tired of talking about freaking smart goals. It feels like I've been talking about this since sixth grade.

Jason Shelfer:

Well, the thing is, when we go to dance, you're like what's my next goal?

Jana Shelfer:

And so I have. I didn't finish what.

Jason Shelfer:

I was getting ready to say so I had like this dread coming in here.

Jana Shelfer:

And as we're talking about it, I realize the universe is totally doing me a favor right now, because if anyone needs to set some smart goals, it is little Miss Jana Banana.

Jason Shelfer:

Well, I think that's where so often we get off track or we let time slide by is by just kind of whimsically doing the things that we do.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, and this past week we've been at a ski camp and I literally got out a calendar and I started putting specific goals on that calendar and so sometimes the goal when we set such big, lofty goals.

Jason Shelfer:

Like being picked for the world team.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, there's a lot that goes into that. Like I've realized, I need to lose some weight. I need to lose, I need to get healthy.

Jason Shelfer:

I hope it's not 212 pounds.

Jana Shelfer:

Why do you say that?

Jason Shelfer:

Because that would be me.

Jana Shelfer:

Oh, I need to lean up and get strong. I need to lift weights. I mean, there's so many things that I need to be doing, even going to some of these practice tournaments, I need to get the logistics, which means hotel travel, finding a way to fund all of this.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

Registration, many little things, and not to mention getting out and skiing and learning some new tricks and pushing myself even more, so on the water, I think that's Landing more tricks.

Jason Shelfer:

One of the benefits of us working together is that when I know what the logistics are and when I know where we're going, I can kind of lend into some of the quote unquote delegated tasks.

Jana Shelfer:

If we know what they are, which is why it's so important to set smart goals. I mean so many times in a family setting, many times. You know, we know that our second grade daughter has a spelling test on Friday.

Jason Shelfer:

Or they need to make a volcano.

Jana Shelfer:

That is literally a smart goal, right. And then the whole family kind of starts all right, let's practice your spelling words and you know it and everybody can get on board because it has been communicated and known clearly and it's on the calendar yes, whereas sometimes, once we adults, we start putting our own goals to the back burner because everyone else becomes a little more important, it seems.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and we think that we're moving towards them because we're doing the same thing we were doing when we started moving towards them Because we go to work every day, right. That is the biggest, I think, misnomer Fallacy, fallacy, misnomer. That we get up and go to work every day trying to reach this goal, that it usually doesn't get met.

Jana Shelfer:

And if you do reach this In the back of our head, we're thinking oh well, you know what? I want to make a little more money this year, so I'm going to get up and go to work every day. So we started doing the same things that we did last year, which we did the year before and the six years prior to that. And if we don't consciously become aware, what is it that my soul really wants?

Jason Shelfer:

Start building the life that you are wanting.

Jana Shelfer:

Then next thing, you know, 10 years has passed and then you have that. Oh, I wonder if or what would have happened.

Jason Shelfer:

I could have been a contender Regrets and I'm so tired because I've been giving it all I've got doing this stuff.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, and you become deflated because you're like, well, I'll never make more money because I've been trying to do that for the last eight years.

Jason Shelfer:

Or you might have made more money, but you've also spent more money. Yes, because we fall into that trap. Yes, so we didn't set a smart goal on the saving or the smart goal on the expenses versus what's the revenue coming in that we're not only telling ourself, but we are making it visual to everyone around us.

Jason Shelfer:

That's so big, making it visual. It's almost like saying. It's almost like using your blinkers when you're driving Like I'm a firm believer in blinkers when we drive. I get super pissed off when people don't use their blinkers. Yes, which isn't really my problem, but it is called a signal. It identifies what your intentions are, yes, and if I'm coming at you and your intention is to turn in front of me, I might be more aware of what's going on, just in case you turn too soon.

Jana Shelfer:

I'm telling you, have you ever tried to follow someone who doesn't know where they're going? It is not only frustrating to the person behind them, but it's dangerous, and it literally is. It wastes time because they they slow down at every stop Like is this the? One and then they're trying to look at their GPS and they're weaving.

Jason Shelfer:

Especially when both people don't know where they're like the car and the back car don't know where they're going.

Jana Shelfer:

So that's why it's important to set SMART goals. Yes, so let's go through the SMART goal formula, and if you are not familiar with this, it will change your life. So listen up SMART spelling.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

S is specific, so set specific goals For me. I would like to break the world record, which means I need a score of at least 750 on my trick ski in 20 seconds, and I would like to do that by August 1st. Hmm, August 1st. How about for you, jason? Right now we're in February.

Jason Shelfer:

So February, march, april, may, june. So that's six months, six months. I think we could do that sooner.

Jana Shelfer:

Right now I'm out of 500.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, so I think we could do it sooner. But I hear you, you were very specific, yes, and measurable. In order to break the record, I must complete this in a tournament, okay this in a tournament, okay, and then we're going to create little small goals between there, yes, small goals on how to get there, but I will leave that to some of the other letters. So we're in February, so by the end of April I would like to have three additional one-on-one clients.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

So that's where I'm going. With that, I've got space in my time. Even with all the things that we do, it's an hour a week, yes. So I would like to add I'm going to open up three spots and I would like to have those filled by the end of April.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, I feel like that's such a small goal.

Jason Shelfer:

I'm not trying to poo poo your goals, but I just know so many people want to work with you and it feels to me like I'm looking at capacity and capability, so I'm capable of helping a lot of people, but we've got skiing coming up. We dance every week there's. I'm hosting two different certifications in Mindvalley right now, I know, and that will be over in, so maybe I could open up five spots, because I think one of them is I don't think you should open up more spots.

Jana Shelfer:

I think your goals, I think your goal is the wrong goal. I think you need to push yourself to get in front of goal. I think you need to push yourself to get in front of audiences.

Jason Shelfer:

I think you need to push yourself.

Jana Shelfer:

See, that's what a good coach will do, yeah well, it's yeah, so I-. So it's kind of like, and hear me out on this.

Jason Shelfer:

Hear me out for anyone that's listening.

Jana Shelfer:

So let's say your goal, and I'm just going to use a different example so that we're not using you. But if your goal is to lose weight, your subconscious mind is I don't want to say it sabotages you, but it doesn't connect to your why.

Jason Shelfer:

So I want to be a healthy person.

Jana Shelfer:

Now, if you said to me I want to change three people's lives by the end of April, you're that's very congruent with my why. That is very congruent. However, what we speak into the world matters, very true, and what we speak into the world matters.

Jason Shelfer:

Very true.

Jana Shelfer:

And what we speak to the universe matters. Yes. So when you say I would like three additional clients Now to you, that means one thing, but what I've realized in manifestation is we have to let go of our own expectations and what the universe I mean the universe literally sent you three clients just in the last two days. Right, do you know what I'm saying? Yeah, and I don't think you realize it, but you have. You have clients that are you, are serving, all around you, like they are literally wanting to work with you and so it's continuing with the breakthroughs and the life changers.

Jason Shelfer:

That's that's really more incongruent with me, because whether I have, whether they're quote, unquote a client, um, it's, it's impact is what I love, and I love seeing people change and I love seeing the world around me changing, the world around other people change, because we believe in creating our own reality. So I hear you and I've been kind of while you were talking, milling over the getting in front of audiences.

Jana Shelfer:

I'm telling you, jason, you are a world-class coach and I know, I know, our podcast is.

Jason Shelfer:

And smarkles.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, smarkles.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, this is kind of our fun here, and this is where we talk a lot of things out, so this is a good thing.

Jana Shelfer:

You are a world-class coach and what I hear you doing is you automatically. I mean, when you're on Mindvalley and you're coaching the coaches, you literally say, if anyone else needs something, I'll be here for an extra. You give your time away to them freely and I feel like you are coaching them. So I guess I have to be careful about what I say. But if I say, oh, I want to lose 10 pounds, then by the when I lose 10 pounds, then all of a sudden that goal goes kind of out the window.

Jason Shelfer:

Right, so it doesn't become part of my means goal, not an end goal.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

And I feel like when you, when, when we specifically put all of our attention into our means goals, we kind of lose. We get a little fixated on outcomes.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, I'm here.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, and we get a little fixated on. Well, this isn't quite turning out the way I imagined what's happening. Why, why is this? Do you know what I'm saying?

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and for me it's more easily described in the weight journey because I can want to lose, like I've lost thousands of pounds over the years. I know and it's because I've leaned into. I want to lose 10 pounds.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

And if I just leaned into the goal of I want to become a healthier eater by in the next 90 days and I'm going to do that by only buying healthy foods from the store, not eating out yes, so I will make my own meals and I will eat healthy foods and I will buy healthy foods, and I will just not have the option for the rest. And in 90 days, I would like to change the beingness of me. Yes, from a person who, quote unquote, has cheat days, you're totally getting it.

Jason Shelfer:

And the person who quote unquote treats myself in a horrible way. That's anti, my goal.

Jana Shelfer:

Here's the thing. Okay, so the eating is just such an easy example to use. But if I just say I want to lose 10 pounds, I may eat well and lose two pounds, and I still fit in my clothes and I'm still getting around. It's not until I say you know what. It's not until I start skiing and realize, oh my gosh, if I leaned up I could do these tricks so much easier. It's like connecting to a different, why that's deeper and that motivates you. You might think that what you were doing motivates you, but the fact is you're still serving clients. So when you say, yeah, I would like three more clients, you're already doing that. So there's, there's got to be some deeper, different so what I need to?

Jana Shelfer:

so that'll give me something to ponder on yeah and it'll which is why smart goals are so important, because all of us, we go through life and we think we're doing all the right things.

Jason Shelfer:

And that we're maximizing ourselves. Yes, like we're exhausting ourselves, yes, but are we maximizing ourselves? Are we maximizing the effort?

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, so real quickly, let's go through. So smart is specific, make your goal specific.

Jason Shelfer:

And make them measurable.

Jana Shelfer:

M is make it measurable, and it doesn't mean make it measurable so that you can go oh my God, I failed my goal. No, it makes it measurable so that you can see if you are making progress or if maybe you need to pivot or tweak a little bit.

Jason Shelfer:

One of the biggest tools in here that I have is having three sets of measurable right there, like. One of them is going to be your target goal oh, that's good. One of them is going to be your minimum. So, like, if, like it's a stretch to get that minimum, yeah. But if I get close, if I get to that minimum, I'm successful. And I know so, I know I can do the minimum if I put in a, put in the work, yes, I really want to hit that target. And then I have an outrageous goal, yeah. So I don't stop at the target, because sometimes we stop at the target and we realize, you know what, I could have gone more, but we just want to take our foot off the gas instead of really becoming the person who has achieved the goal and who lives the goal.

Jana Shelfer:

Oh my gosh, that is really important. That is really important Because and I got- that through the Mindvalley platform. Oh my gosh, you're speaking to me. You're speaking to me right now. Okay, keep going.

Jason Shelfer:

The other part of that is, you want to make it. The A is achievable Achievable. If you don't believe it, you won't achieve it. So make sure it's within the scope of possibility.

Jana Shelfer:

Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, Like I wouldn't say I want to lose 100 pounds because I'm like 212 right now 213.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

And I would not want to. I mean, it's not fathomable for me to lose 100 pounds. No, it doesn't make sense. Yeah, Even One one 65. No, not going to happen. That's not where I want to be. Um, and then you want to make it relevant.

Jana Shelfer:

Make it achievable.

Jason Shelfer:

All right, so the R is irrelevant. I was going to do measurable again, but R is relevant. So is it relevant to where you're going in life and what your your real end goals are?

Jana Shelfer:

And, ah wait, there's been so much that has been packed into this. And then T is time bound. T is time bound. So make sure at the very end of it you say by specific date and time.

Jason Shelfer:

Because then when you hit that time, then that's a. If you haven't already readjusted and recalibrated and kind of looked at what your process is, then you can look at your process and start tweaking things and then shoot for the same goal again or push the goal out or bring it a little bit closer or connect a deeper?

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

So big, connect a bigger. Why?

Jana Shelfer:

I feel like we've covered it all right there.

Jason Shelfer:

That's got it. So, make sure that you're actually just getting up and just you don't have to do it every day. A lot of people do smart goals every day, but if you have smart goals, like three smart goals for the week, that's going to put you so far ahead of everyone else, that's playing the game.

Jana Shelfer:

Baby steps. Little by little, the hill is behind us.

Jason Shelfer:

That's right. Keep Living Lucky®.

Jana Shelfer:

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