Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana
Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana – Your Path to Unleashing Potential and Embracing Abundance!
🍀 Welcome to a dynamic realm where personal growth, wellness, and the art of living your best life converge. Jason and Jana Shelfer, the magnetic hosts behind the Living Lucky® Podcast, are here to guide you on an awe-inspiring journey to unlock your untapped potential and radiate boundless positivity. #PersonalLuck
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🎙️Jason & Jana Shelfer, your passionate podcast hosts, are your trusted companions on this adventure. With a treasure trove of experience and insights, they have scaled mountains, both literally and figuratively, to find the keys to living a lucky life. Drawing from their unique journey, they are here to share their wisdom and help you create your own path to success.
🌈 Living Lucky is more than a podcast; it's a thriving community of dreamers and achievers. Our listeners, much like you, share a common goal – to transform their lives positively. We're here to inspire and uplift each other, for together, we amplify the power of our dreams. #VibrantCommunity
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Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana
Unpacking Your Limiting Beliefs
Is Your Mind Playing Tricks on You? Unmask Your Limiting Beliefs and Unleash Your Potential with Living Lucky®!
Ever feel like something's holding you back, but you can't quite put your finger on it? You're not alone. In this powerful episode of the Living Lucky® podcast, Jason and Jana Banana dive deep into the world of limiting beliefs – those sneaky stories we tell ourselves that keep us stuck and small.
Discover how these deeply ingrained beliefs, often rooted in our childhood and societal conditioning, shape our reality and influence our decisions. We'll explore how seemingly harmless thoughts, like "I'm too busy" or "money can't buy happiness," can actually be cleverly disguised roadblocks to our success and fulfillment.
This episode is a MUST-LISTEN if you're ready to:
- Identify your hidden limiting beliefs: Learn practical techniques to unearth those subconscious narratives that are running the show.
- Challenge your inner critic: Discover how to silence the negative self-talk and cultivate a more empowering inner dialogue.
- Rewrite your story: Learn how to dismantle old beliefs that no longer serve you and create new, positive affirmations that propel you forward.
- Unlock your full potential: Embrace the power of self-awareness and step into the life you were always meant to live.
Here's a taste of the wisdom you'll gain:
- The surprising ways seemingly positive beliefs can actually be limiting.
- How your upbringing and societal norms influence your beliefs.
- Why simply "adding" positive affirmations on top of negative beliefs doesn't work.
- The importance of revisiting and adjusting your beliefs as you grow.
- The power of working with a coach to uncover and overcome deeply rooted limiting beliefs.
Ready to break free from the mental chains that bind you? Tune in to this episode of Living Lucky® and start living the life you truly deserve!
self-help, personal development, limiting beliefs, mindset, positive thinking, self-awareness, overcoming challenges, personal growth, subconscious mind, limiting beliefs examples, how to overcome limiting beliefs, identifying limiting beliefs, Best personal development podcast, Best Podcast 2025
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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.
*Previously Recorded
Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®. Good morning, I'm Jana, I'm Jason and we are Living Lucky®. You are too. We've been going through questions that will change your life. Life changers, and we're on question number three. What is it Jason? The?
Jason Shelfer:question is designed to uncover limiting beliefs, and it's what stories do you tell yourself that hold you back? What beliefs are preventing you from achieving your full potential?
Jana Shelfer:We all have limiting beliefs, whether we know it or not.
Jason Shelfer:Yeah, the one that just popped up for me is that I'm too busy.
Jana Shelfer:And.
Jason Shelfer:I didn't recognize it because I wasn't paying attention. But it comes up a lot and when I examine it I'm not that busy.
Jana Shelfer:No. In the grand scheme of things, no.
Jason Shelfer:It's prioritization, and I do fill my time though. So when I continually continue to fill, my time? Yes, and we talk about this all the time.
Jana Shelfer:We talk about that and I feel like it goes back to our upbringing. I know, for me, my mom was always so busy, so busy that she didn't have time. She didn't have time for me. Do you know what I'm saying? And it felt like if you're busy all the time, then that means you're important and you're needed. You've got places to go and people to see.
Jason Shelfer:People to do and places to go.
Jana Shelfer:Yes.
Jason Shelfer:I see.
Jana Shelfer:And so it feels to me like it's a learned limiting belief. I mean, most people would say, well, that isn't really a limiting belief. Yes, it's a limiting belief because we all have the same amount of time.
Jason Shelfer:And if it limits your progress, if it limits you chasing your dream to its fullest, it is a limiting belief.
Jana Shelfer:I know that I was that person that would say I don't have any limiting beliefs. Like I am limitless, I am unstoppable. Like I've always felt that about myself, I can do anything I put my mind to.
Jason Shelfer:And I believe that Go ahead.
Jana Shelfer:As we have become aware and we've learned the tools on how to spot limiting beliefs and how to eradicate limiting beliefs, I've realized, oh yeah, I've got some. They're deep. They're deep and they are very well hidden. Right, very well hidden, very well hidden For me.
Jason Shelfer:Another thing that just came up, because when you're talking about how your mom would be busy all the time, I created this thought that I never wanted to be in a relationship, never wanted to get married, that I love working, I loved my job and the truth of it was I was good at it and I didn't have to really face many of my emotions while I was there. So there's so many benefits pros, making money, developing a skill, socializing and then, on the flip side, not recognizing my feelings or emotions, not spending the money. So I got to watch that pile up, which was cool. So what is the limiting belief? The limiting belief was I didn't need connection in a romantic and life partner way, because you were getting that from your career.
Jason Shelfer:Yes. However, once we met that's when the recognition came in I was like I never want to be without this girl and I had to challenge that workaholic in me.
Jana Shelfer:Yeah, I also think our society puts value on workaholics and working hard.
Jason Shelfer:That's why we always say I'm so busy.
Jana Shelfer:Yes, people value that. People say, oh, they're a hard worker.
Jason Shelfer:And it goes back to what you were saying. The thought internally is I must be important because I'm so busy. I'm trying to matter the most, the most I can.
Jana Shelfer:Yes, it's very odd how these belief systems or they're really a bunch of BS Belief systems- it's a bunch of BS.
Jason Shelfer:What does Vishen call them? Oh, brules, but that's different.
Jana Shelfer:No, these are belief systems that are woven deep within our DNA and a lot of times we learn them from just our upbringing, just our upbringing. So where you grew up, who your parents are, who your siblings are, that has a lot to do with what you believe and how you think about things.
Jason Shelfer:So true. Well, I think belief really I heard it defined one way, this way one time was that a belief is something you hold to be absolutely true, given your current understanding of the world and your role in it. And I was like, oh, because I know that I adjust my beliefs, I change who I am and what I believe, which creates a new direction, pattern and action system for myself. And it's OK to believe one way today and believe another way tomorrow, like we get to kind of pick our beliefs, but we also have to understand what your old story was, what your old belief was, so you can start developing the evidence for yourself to prove this new truism.
Jana Shelfer:Sometimes these beliefs, you don't think they're limiting. When you unveil them and uncover them and extract them, you think, well, that's not really limiting, is it? Here's an example you can't buy happiness. So many people think, well, money doesn't buy happiness. And you think, oh, that's not a limiting belief. That's not a limiting belief, but if you really unpack this, there is an implication that poverty buys happiness.
Jason Shelfer:God, that's huge.
Jana Shelfer:Right. It's like the reverse image If you really unpack it, your subconscious mind. If you grew up saying, yeah well, money doesn't buy happiness, money doesn't buy happiness, grew up saying, yeah well, money doesn't my happiness, money doesn't my happiness, there is an implication, whether it is deep in your subconscious mind.
Jason Shelfer:Well, your brain figures that out.
Jana Shelfer:That thinks oh well, poverty must buy happiness.
Jason Shelfer:Poverty has to be the way.
Jana Shelfer:And therefore people constantly are running out of money, they're in credit card debt. Halfway through the month they're like, oh I lost my money.
Jason Shelfer:Yeah, where's my money? I'm already in the hole. I was trying to buy happiness. It doesn't work. They're right, everyone's right. It doesn't buy me happiness, and there is this underlying implication that, well, poverty must buy happiness, right, but if you don't say those words, like hearing you say those words Out loud it makes my mind go holy shit, that's what I was. I mean, that's the way I would interpret that If money can't buy me happiness, you think, okay, well, what's the opposite of money?
Jana Shelfer:I'm telling you these beliefs are everywhere and you can spot them when you train your brain. Jason and I have trained our brains.
Jason Shelfer:It's only taken 12 years.
Jana Shelfer:Yes, and we've also trained how to extract them and make them dissipate, because that's also important. So many times people once they recognize, oh, I have a limiting belief here, then they try to add a new belief on top of it, which is just putting cheese on top of a pizza.
Jason Shelfer:The pizza's still there.
Jana Shelfer:Trust me, that only creates a big old circle.
Jason Shelfer:is what that does, what it does it lends you into acting like the new way and you feel like you're faking it till. You make it, but you always end back up in that old comfort zone of the old belief. Yes, yeah, so true.
Jana Shelfer:And these beliefs are everywhere and sometimes okay. Here's another thing that I have noticed as of recently is sometimes we have people that we hold in high regard and yet when we speak about them, we will say subtle things about them, and it reveals what we truly believe about that person.
Jason Shelfer:What the back thoughts are yes, and it could be in a situation like money doesn't buy me love.
Jana Shelfer:The reason I bring this up is because I realize that sometimes these are our parents or grandparents and there's something inside us that wants to make them proud, wants to be like them, that wants to make them proud, wants to be like them, and yet when we say these things about them, we're revealing what is really happening.
Jason Shelfer:What's under the layer?
Jana Shelfer:Yeah, I notice it. I mean, I talk about my mom a lot. I notice it. With my mom, I will say things you know, oh, she is so talented, you know.
Jason Shelfer:And then I do it with my grandmother.
Jana Shelfer:Yes.
Jason Shelfer:Because there's a love and respect. And then there's also these are you do it with your grandfather?
Jana Shelfer:Here's an example Jason absolutely adores you adore your grandfather, right In fact, I would say-.
Jason Shelfer:He's passed now, but yes.
Jana Shelfer:If there is one person that has Impacted, impacted you from a very early age.
Jason Shelfer:He was a genius, smart, hard worker.
Jana Shelfer:He would build things with you. He was a great Adventures. He would cook these pecan pies right.
Jason Shelfer:Yes, Right, talk to me, sister, okay.
Jana Shelfer:And what you and I. I know that when I first met you, I actually fell in love with your grandfather before I actually fell in love with you.
Jason Shelfer:I believe that. I believe that.
Jana Shelfer:Because I saw the way he treated your grandmother and I was like I want what they have. I want a manservant that adores and loves me. However, I have noticed that sometimes, when you talk about him, you will fill the room with all of these really, really positive things, like things that you strive to be. But you know, he was a hard ass, You'll say, but he didn't end up with much.
Jason Shelfer:Right.
Jana Shelfer:At the end of life.
Jason Shelfer:Yeah, so that's, and that's true. And so, if there's, something in your soul that says I want to be just like my grandfather, and so I need to thank you so much for bringing that up, Because I know this.
Jana Shelfer:No, I've been doing it with my mom.
Jason Shelfer:But when I look at the real truth, he had so much. He was so abundant and he left. He had things to leave, yes, for his kids. Yes, he left a house, actually left two houses, had this huge garden, had acreage, that he had kind of a garden and beautiful forest on. So I need to never say he didn't have much when he left.
Jana Shelfer:Yes, that's the story that we attached, and I heard that from my mom. Yes, here's an example that I have been realizing about myself. I speak so highly, highly about my mom's talent and skills, and I mean seriously. My mom is. She can fill a room with energy. She is so warm and loving and so giving, and if there is one person that I would say is the most talented person I've ever known, it is my mom. And then sometimes I will follow that thought. So it's like the second and third thought that are attached to that. I will say you know, it's too bad that the world couldn't see her light yeah.
Jana Shelfer:Yeah, and that is wrong because she shares it. Yes, yes. For some reason there's like a little expectation that Jana attaches.
Jason Shelfer:Well no it's because, I think, look from an objective standpoint. It's you hearing your mom not seeing her light? Like she is constantly stoking the flames, pouring gas on it and she is burning bright and beautifully and she doesn't see it. But I see the world responding, like when we had the open house over Christmas. I saw the world responding. I see her when she goes up to the feathered nest or wherever in town I see the world responding to her light.
Jason Shelfer:I don't think she sees it and I think she probably gets that from her parents.
Jana Shelfer:Yes. So the reason I'm bringing this up is because sometimes our original thought we think that's not limiting, that's not limiting Money can't buy happiness. You think, oh well, that's me being noble and altruistic. Do you know what I'm saying? There's a lot packed in there and following what my passion and what I love. And, however, if you really really study, what are these thoughts that are going on? These are like programs. These are programs that are going on in your mind and your computer, sometimes your computer system, which is your mind, your brain, your thought system. Sometimes it needs a little reboot, updating. Sometimes we're working with the 1980 computer.
Jason Shelfer:Your mind is your best friend, and it can also be your worst enemy.
Jana Shelfer:Thank you for saying that that is so true.
Jason Shelfer:That is so true. I think it's just finding that awareness around it and actually all the things that happen inside are in my mind. I'll just speak to my mind. There's so much going on in there. It's not until the words come out and get real in the world that, a I've put them in some type of order and understand them, and then, b I can let you hear them or me hear them, and we can start saying, hey, is that really true? Yes, is it always true? What's the other evidence? Did your grandfather really leave this planet with not much Like yeah, in his coffin?
Jana Shelfer:he didn't have much, but in the world he left so much. I mean. Think of what's in your heart, what's in Jason's heart.
Jason Shelfer:I've got goosebumps because he changed me, like he's left me in this world Right Along with all the material stuff and it's how are we defining much? How are we? Can you leave a castle and an island in the Caribbean and again?
Jana Shelfer:that all comes back to perception and the way we not only tell stories to the world. We present stories to the world but we present stories to ourselves and we do that through our thoughts and our feelings and the feelings that we attach.
Jason Shelfer:Which are going to impact the actions that we take.
Jana Shelfer:And the reality we see Boom, have a great day world. One last thing I want to add if you, if you keep coming up against the same problem in life, like say, you're like, oh I finally learned the same lesson. I finally paid off my credit card and then, four months later, oh guess what you're in the exact same situation. It feels like you're constantly. The universe is giving you the same circumstances. Maybe it's with a relationship that you have and you're like oh, keep getting into the worst relationships.
Jana Shelfer:Yes, and then all of a sudden, you find yourself in that again, or maybe a job that you find unfulfilling, and then all of a sudden you're in it again.
Jana Shelfer:Yes. So if you keep finding the same circumstance, it's like the world is trying to teach you something and there's probably a belief that is just buried really deep in your subconscious mind. And if you want to extract it, hire a coach. Hire a coach because Jason and I have learned the tools that not only can spot these, but they can. In 45 minutes you can get a pretty good idea of oh my gosh, wow. That gives me a whole different way of seeing things.
Jason Shelfer:Yeah, that's really big. You're going through it through its same story, different characters. You're just the same character in the story.
Jana Shelfer:Yes. And it's over and over and over again. So many people do it, and they do it where they don't feel they're good enough or skinny enough or funny enough, or they think why is this happening to me?
Jason Shelfer:I feel like this is happening with a lot of millennials with their jobs. I've had nine jobs in the last 11 years. Yes, and they will say that they're chasing the money. Okay, but what happens is they can chase the money in the company that they're currently working for, but what's happening is they're getting to this pattern of work, work, work, work, work, or do whatever they're doing, then saying I don't like something here, I don't like that, I'm going somewhere else to get in and I will get a raise with it, fine.
Jana Shelfer:And they're creating a pattern.
Jason Shelfer:But recognize the pattern you're creating and also recognize the thoughts that you're having around it.
Jana Shelfer:There is a thought somewhere hidden in there. There's some sort of thought that the grass is greener on the other side.
Jason Shelfer:Because if you were that good, you could blow up that company You're like, like, do really well, and you would be highly compensated for it.
Jana Shelfer:Yeah, I know, I know it's it's odd, but once we just become aware again, it comes back to awareness of what is really happening with our thought process and the feelings that we attach to them Choosing the Living Lucky® way. Woo, thanks for joining us Keep Living Lucky®.
Jason Shelfer:We'll see you soon. Bye-bye.
Jana Shelfer:If the idea of Living Lucky® appeals to you, visit us at www. LivingLucky. com.