Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Breaking Points: Break the Cycle Before It Breaks You

Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 8 Episode 8

Feeling Stuck? Conquer Frustration and Reignite Your Spark with Living Lucky®

Do you ever feel like you're stuck in a cycle of tech meltdowns and mounting frustration? Join Jason and Jana Banana as they ditch the script in this hilarious and relatable episode of the Living Lucky® podcast, diving deep into the real lessons learned while wrestling with an old DVD player.

This episode goes beyond the struggle of outdated technology. It's a powerful metaphor for the challenges we all face in life. Get ready to discover actionable tips to:

  • Smash limiting beliefs: Learn how to identify and dismantle the negative self-talk that holds you back.
  • Master your mindset: Discover the importance of perspective and how to reframe frustration into fuel for growth.
  • Build resilience: Unearth the secrets to bouncing back from setbacks and emerging stronger.
  • Embrace teamwork: See how collaboration and asking for help can unlock hidden solutions.
  • Find joy in the journey: Learn to appreciate the process, even when things get messy.

This episode is packed with practical wisdom and laugh-out-loud moments that will leave you feeling empowered and equipped to tackle any obstacle life throws your way. So, ditch the stress, hit play, and get ready to experience the Living Lucky® difference!

self-help, personal development, limiting beliefs, mindset, positive thinking, resilience, overcoming challenges, breaking negative cycles, growth, teamwork, collaboration, communication, problem-solving, Jana Shelfer, Jason Shelfer, Living Lucky, Best Podcast, Best Podcast 2025

 #LivingLucky #selfhelp #personaldevelopment #mindset #positivethinking #breakthrough #growthmindset #lifelessons #overcomingchallenges #resilience #podcast #inspiration #motivation #frustration #TechIssues

HEY, Feeling stuck? Share your experience in the comments below!

Sometimes, the most valuable lessons come from the most unexpected places. Who knew a dusty old DVD player could hold the key to unlocking your inner rockstar? 😉

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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®.

Jason Shelfer:

Good morning. I'm Jana, I'm Jason and we are living, lucky you are too.

Jana Shelfer:

I want to talk about troubleshooting, problem solving.

Jason Shelfer:

Being stuck.

Jana Shelfer:

Being stuck and not getting frustrated along the way.

Jason Shelfer:

That's probably the biggest thing I had to learn.

Jana Shelfer:

Jason and I just spent three hours three hours trying to get our DVD player.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, she said DVD player Now.

Jana Shelfer:

DVDs, I know are 20 years old.

Jason Shelfer:

Some people might not even know what a DVD player is. Or 20 years outdated.

Jana Shelfer:

Exactly If you're listening to this and going, what the heck is a DVD?

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

What the hell is a DVD player Is that inside Amazon it's this device that we used to watch movies on before they were digitally downloaded. In fact, you would actually go to Blockbuster and you like date night Redbox. You would say hey, do you want to watch a movie? You want me to pick up a movie? On the way home, and so you'd meet at the movie store and you would browse the aisles.

Jason Shelfer:

Like going through previews on Amazon, Netflix or any of these things, Except for you would do it physically. Right.

Jana Shelfer:

And you would browse the aisles and you would pick up the actual carton and you would read the back of it and say, hey, what about this one? And then you would relay that to your partner and there was, like this whole process of picking out movies.

Jason Shelfer:

This is, I think, where YouTube thumbnails came in, because when we were in Blockbuster, if the cover caught your eye, if the cover catches your eye, you're going to pick it up Then you read the back.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

So it's like I see how thumbnails are so important.

Jana Shelfer:

And also, I mean, there was a you know what. Maybe it's the nostalgia, Because nowadays we literally sometimes you and I will watch three movies like in one sitting, and we never used to do that. We would go to the store, we may rent three movies, but we wouldn't dare watch them all at one time.

Jason Shelfer:

Rent two, get one free Because there was a whole process. You got to return it. There was an anticipation, you got to rewind it.

Jana Shelfer:

There was this whole ceremony ceremony.

Jason Shelfer:

It was a process pop and circumstance that's right and run into who you're gonna see, and then, what did you watch? What did you return?

Jana Shelfer:

okay, so I'm getting off off topic here. What I really want to talk about is troubleshooting, because I have a stack of dvds that I either. Don't know whether I should throw them away, which I probably should.

Jason Shelfer:

However, as I was going through them, I'm like you know what I want to watch this I want to watch this and if you paid $25 for the DVD and then you're going to pay another $25 for it to get digitally mastered into a USB or something like that?

Jana Shelfer:

So Jason and I were like let's just, we have this old DVD player that is so dusty. We haven't used it in years and I'm like let's see if we can get this to work. Well, of course, our TV is too complicated. That's one thing is as this technology develops.

Jason Shelfer:

With remote controls and all the different inputs and outputs, and now you have streaming apps, and so they, they try to. You know, make things easy as they come, but there's like a transitional period and there's a there's a balance between certain things that you're doing every day are so easy to get to. But if you want to do something outside of the norm, because really the TVs aren't designed for a DVD player, and things like that, I don't believe.

Jana Shelfer:

Anymore, Anymore. They're not, because that's old technology that's going backwards.

Jason Shelfer:

20-year-old DVDs, even though they're very like a lot of them are your art CDs and different things like that. It's almost like you should be able to find it on YouTube, but people just didn't take the time or they quit doing it.

Jana Shelfer:

I tried looking and I couldn't find it.

Jason Shelfer:

So we had to go through the process.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, so here's the thing.

Jason Shelfer:

by the time we or we chose to go through the process.

Jana Shelfer:

So our regular TV, like we started there, and that one was too complex and we literally both spent about an hour each trying to push buttons and trying to like get out different remote controls, and then of course those all needed batteries.

Jana Shelfer:

And then to get down under the cabinet, we needed a flashlight. Well, by the time we found a flashlight, that needed a battery. So there was just like all these little things. So then we went to plan B. Plan B was to go hook it into our computer, so we had to unplug everything which all of the wires and the TV are behind a wall, and behind the wall they're all zip tied together to try to keep them all nice and neat, and so that was frustrating, cutting those, and then the dust and the get-goes. I mean, I've been cleaning up, that's a lizard, I have been dust vacuuming.

Jason Shelfer:

Maybe we should get a cat. Keep the get-goes out.

Jana Shelfer:

And so there's that whole process right. And then we finally got the DVD unplugged from the receiver and all of the mound of cords behind the wall and we took it into the computer room where we have a three computer monitor and I'm like this will be great. We got it hooked up with no sound and there were several steps in there where we didn't have the right adapters, because you need adapters to from the old to the new.

Jason Shelfer:

HDMI to whatever.

Jana Shelfer:

And so by the time we got it to pop up on the screen like we were jumping up and down yeah, we did it, we did it. Oh my God, we did it, we did it. This was after two hours, but there was no sound. So then we were trying to troubleshoot the sound into the Apple Studio, and by the time we got answers to that, pretty much the answer was no.

Jason Shelfer:

It's not going to do it. You're going to need more.

Jana Shelfer:

It's old technology and it's just not going to work.

Jason Shelfer:

Transcription service or something that allows it to play on the Apple Studio.

Jana Shelfer:

So then, just when I start Googling okay, how much does a portable DVD player cost, and can Amazon deliver that today, which is $129? We had one last idea, and that was to use the TV in our bedroom.

Jason Shelfer:

Because it's probably the least complicated system outside of the remotes.

Jana Shelfer:

So we go and take it to the bedroom and of course we have to get out remotes again, and one remote needs a battery because we never use this remote.

Jason Shelfer:

We only use the fire stick remote. Haven't used it since we got the television.

Jana Shelfer:

And then we realized there were actually two remotes. One was for an old TV that never got thrown away, and then by the time we got that, then we needed batteries again. So we go do that process, then Jason drops the battery under the bed, and so then we got to somehow clean out underneath the bed.

Jason Shelfer:

We don't have an easy process to get under the bed and underneath the bed again, I find gum.

Jana Shelfer:

I found gum. No, it wasn't gum, yeah it was something like that, it might have been something like that.

Jason Shelfer:

Hopefully it wasn't gum, it was like gooey, it was a booger. Yeah, I don't know what it was, it's just a booger. It's a bed booger or a tater burger.

Jana Shelfer:

But we had to go find a stick in order to get underneath the bed, like there's just this whole process, and in the meantime I almost said you know what? Just throw them away, I'm done, screw it, I'm done.

Jason Shelfer:

I know I think one of the big like what, like creating the light bulb and all those things, and it's you can get focused on like everything is going wrong, All these challenges, all these obstacles, or you can say, gosh, I have to be getting one step closer, and that's like, and it took me a long time to get there, because I remember like I was abusive to technology abusive to computers Like I would get so mad and frustrated.

Jana Shelfer:

That's been one of our challenges even in starting our business, because we have these great ideas, we have all this energy and then we go to do it and we have these technology blocks and we do our best to work through it, work through it, work through it, get help to come in to help us, help us, and it just became so. We would have this feeling like, oh my god, I just don't want to deal with this and almost almost every time my inner four-year-old tantrum would come out would come out.

Jana Shelfer:

I had a couple.

Jason Shelfer:

I would just be like I would slam, I would beat, I would throw like it's. No, I would just be like I would slam, I would beat, I would throw Like it's. What can I do to damage this so that I don't have to think about me not being able to figure it out? It's broken now.

Jana Shelfer:

No, when I was in college, when I was in college, I lived on. I think I lived in this apartment. You had to ride an elevator up to your thing, but the middle there was like a middle area where everybody could see everybody.

Jason Shelfer:

Does that make sense? So, like it was, almost like a garden, a courtyard.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, and anyway. I remember one day I was coming in and I was coming up the elevator and some kid he was so frustrated with his computer that he literally goes out on the balcony and he just threw it out on the courtyard. Threw it over the balcony out onto the courtyard. Yeah, threw it out on the court. Threw it over the balcony out onto the courtyard.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, everybody could see it. It was like a desktop at that time.

Jana Shelfer:

But I was. I always laughed at that, because there is this frustration moment where you just want to throw it over the balcony Right.

Jason Shelfer:

Am I right? I think a lot of techie people think of it like, oh, it's just a puzzle, we'll figure it out, and I'm like I don't know, I can't see the pieces of the puzzle, I don't know how to figure it out and here's the thing is I am a great puzzle solver.

Jana Shelfer:

However, when it comes to technology, there's a little more to. It would be like me trying to figure out what's wrong with my car, like nobody has ever really explained to me how a car actually works. I just get in and drive.

Jason Shelfer:

As long as it has gas and oil, you're good and the oil's an if and whenever I ask questions well, how, how does this computer actually work?

Jana Shelfer:

how are we getting these?

Jason Shelfer:

you know how does the wi-fi connect things? How does the Bluetooth?

Jana Shelfer:

and the Wi-Fi and how are we getting what's on our phones up onto the screen? And, like all of those things, nobody wants to sit down and spend the next three weeks explaining it to me.

Jason Shelfer:

And do we care until we need to care?

Jana Shelfer:

Exactly, and that's the answer people give me is you know what? It doesn't matter how.

Jason Shelfer:

Let the people that do that do that. Let the how be the how and just learn to use it and then, if I find out, I got cancer from it 20 years from now. That's just going to be part of it.

Jana Shelfer:

But the problem is, when I don't know the how or the why or what's happening behind the scenes, then I don't know how to fix it.

Jason Shelfer:

And the glitches hurt.

Jana Shelfer:

And you feel the pain and you know what. There there's another lesson in life, because so many times we, especially as women, a lot of times we, you know like a lot of times my dad took care of all the bills and the money, the finance, and, and when I would ask questions, he would say you know what I got this I got this.

Jana Shelfer:

I got this, don't yet this isn't something you should worry about. The only thing is is eventually I'm going to become an adult and I'm going to have to figure this out myself.

Jason Shelfer:

And so. On that note, there are so many things that are like the invisible workload or the. I will handle this responsibility. It is frustrating, it is hard. I'm going to handle it, so you don't have to.

Jana Shelfer:

Or because it's frustrating to explain.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, so men and women have their own fair share of those. Or because it's frustrating to explain fun that we spend a lot of time doing things together and discussing things because you're going to be fine when I pass away. You're going to be fine, I will probably go first. I'm older and I'm crazy. I'm wild and crazy.

Jana Shelfer:

Oh, anyway, I just want. My point of today's podcast is it is frustrating. It is frustrating along the way. Let's be real. It can be hard, it can be frustrating and it can get to the point where you need to maybe step away. However, there's also lessons of resilience and perseverance there and I think and I will say that as, like two and a half hours into this, we started saying Jason, I am just so grateful that you are a problem solver. We started gelling.

Jason Shelfer:

We did, I think, gelling with the process to finding the solution, and I think part of that process is the pause Like recognize that you're feeling frustrated, recognize that you might be getting angry, you might be getting like you might have a lot of emotions coming up. Then we just take a break, like take a pause.

Jana Shelfer:

Jason walked away at one point and I said you know what? I'm just going to play for a little bit. And Jason, literally at that point I could see in his inner mind that he was like, oh great, she's going to fuck up the TV.

Jason Shelfer:

Now, all the things that we used to be able to use. That's exactly what my thought was.

Jana Shelfer:

I said I'm going to let her play.

Jason Shelfer:

Because one of the things about problem solving is try to break it Not literally forcefully break it, but fiddle with it until it's like a Rubik's Cube. If you don't know the formula, you just spin it and try to screw it up as much as you can and you may end up solving it.

Jana Shelfer:

That's the only way I solved it ever, but that's not the way people. When people get a Rubik's cube, they often go.

Jason Shelfer:

Okay, I don't want to mess this up, and if I do mess this up, I need to know exactly how to get back what the formula is to get back and there is, like it's, a mathematical formula, but however, there comes a point where it's so messed up, well, yeah. I've pulled all the stickers off, or I've taken the cube apart. I did that a couple times.

Jana Shelfer:

I was like I'm going to get this thing one way or the other. It never goes back together the same way. It doesn't turn the same.

Jason Shelfer:

I'll tell you that. But pause, breathe, know when to ask for help. Like it's like. I'm at my wit's end right now. Can you come in? Do you know anything about this? But when you ask for help.

Jana Shelfer:

that doesn't mean check out and let someone else solve it for you. Watch and learn and be curious and ask questions. Oh, that's so big Right, so big Because there is going to be a time where this whole thing happens in maybe another area of your life or the same television, and you need to know okay, you know what. I know how to do this.

Jason Shelfer:

As soon as that thunderstorm comes in and knocks the power out one time.

Jana Shelfer:

And once you say I've faced this before, I know that I can do this, there's confidence.

Jason Shelfer:

There, confidence and resilience yes, and you don't have to know. And you start believing in yourself Everything, because now you have a better just a better understanding of what's going on. So, just like anything else in life, we go in with extra experience. If we didn't just walk away.

Jana Shelfer:

Oh my gosh, yes, yes, yes, and you're also training your soul that you can do it.

Jason Shelfer:

You're an overcomer. We've overcome the hardest days of our life so far. This too shall pass and I will overcome it.

Jana Shelfer:

Oh my gosh. Thanks for listening. I know that this really helped me. I'm going to go back and listen to this three times. Three times, not two. Three.

Jason Shelfer:

Awesome. Keep Living Lucky®. Thanks for joining us Bye-bye.

Jana Shelfer:

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