Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Let Them Let ME

Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 8 Episode 7

Stop Trying to Control Everything and Live Lucky®! Let Them, Let You, Be You!

Feeling stuck and like you're constantly micromanaging the world around you? You're not alone. In this episode of Living Lucky®, Jason and Jana Banana unpack the transformative power of letting go and embracing Mel Robbins' latest bestseller, "Let Them."

Here's what you'll get:

  • Break Free from the Control Trap: Discover how letting go of the need to control others and situations unlocks a life of freedom and growth.
  • The Gift of Mistakes: Learn why failure is a stepping stone, not a roadblock, and how to reframe challenges into opportunities
  • Empowerment Through Acceptance: Stop judging yourself and others! Cultivate a mindset of acceptance to foster personal growth and deeper connections.
  • Identify Your Limiting Beliefs: Unearth the hidden beliefs that hold you back and discover a powerful technique to transform them into self-compassion.
  • Let Yourself Live Lucky®: Learn to quiet the hyper-critical  voice and step into a space of authenticity and joy.

Feeling burnt out? This episode is your permission slip to let go!

Jason and Jana share a powerful story that highlights the importance of surrendering control. They also guide you through a practical technique from their life coaching experience to help you identify and overcome limiting beliefs.

This episode is a must-listen for anyone who wants to:

  • Break free from self-doubt and negative self-talk.
  • Stop trying to control everything and everyone around them.
  • Embrace the power of personal growth through acceptance.
  • Live a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Ready to finally let go and Start Living Lucky®? 

#LivingLuckyPodcast #SelfHelp #PersonalDevelopment #LettingGo #Mindset #Empowerment #Acceptance 

  • Trying to control everything is a recipe for burnout and unhappiness.
  • Let others make their own choices and learn from their experiences.
  • Mistakes and failures are valuable opportunities for growth.
  • Limiting beliefs can hold you back from your full potential.
  • Embrace self-compassion and let yourself live authentically.

self-help, personal devel

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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky® Good morning.

Jason Shelfer:

I'm Jana. I'm.

Jana Shelfer:

Jason, and we are Living Lucky®. You are too. Let them.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

Let them. These are the two words of Mel Robbins' new bestselling book Let them.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and it's powerful.

Jana Shelfer:

Really, what you're doing is letting go of control.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, let them. Let them do what they're going to do.

Jana Shelfer:

You know, several years ago, Jason and I were sitting in the parking lot at church at Hope Church the parking lot at church at hope church and the whole sermon was about reaching out to the young people in the church and preventing them from making mistakes, preventing them from getting off path and and really cage them up. I understand where the preacher was coming from. However, Jason and I went into the parking lot. We literally argued about this for a while.

Jason Shelfer:

It had to be like 45 minutes to an hour and then it carried over into multiple days thinking about this thought.

Jana Shelfer:

Because there was something in my soul at that time that said, if I have the message of we need to be grateful for our challenges and our souls are wanting, they're wanting to go into these dark areas so that we can grow and learn and become.

Jason Shelfer:

Well, the lessons that we learn in life are often there's a price to be paid, there's an investment of emotion, safety, all these things that we need to experience that failure, that disappointment, so we can learn the lesson and it sticks. Otherwise, if we don't have a chance to make the mistakes ourselves, then we are just going on almost like credit, like you're not getting the full value of the lesson.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, you know, I always talk about the Wizard of Oz. It is my greatest spiritual teacher. I love that movie. It is my greatest spiritual teacher. I love that movie and in it.

Jana Shelfer:

Galinda the good witch says You've always had it, my dear, you just needed to find it yourself. Well, in order to find it, it being your inner power, you need to make the mistakes. You need to fall down a few times. You need to gain 20 pounds so that you know you don't want to be that way. You need to go bankrupt so you know that's not the way I want to live.

Jason Shelfer:

Or lose the bet right live.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, you almost need that in life in order to it's like a, it's like a bumper in bowling. Yeah, it kind of it's like a guide. It keeps you going in the direction you want.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, especially, and so the message is more teach people how to navigate their feelings and their emotions, so that when they hit the bumper, they know okay, this is like you were saying earlier, this is not where I want to go, and now I get to see. Okay, what is better for me? How do I?

Jana Shelfer:

They get to figure that out for themselves. So in Mel Robbins book, let them. She's basically saying two things. She's saying let go of trying to control the people around you.

Jason Shelfer:

You can't control other people's actions. They're going to do what they're going to do based on their internal thoughts, feelings and emotions.

Jana Shelfer:

And she's also saying when you let people make mistakes, let people do what they want to do, say what they want to say, be who they want to be. You are fully accepting them.

Jana Shelfer:

That's pretty big, like when she said that I was like oh, that releases the judgment that I may not have even known that I was having on these people judgment that I may not have even known that I was having on these people, which is where my soul was trying to say it felt like the preacher at that church when we were having that argument. It felt like the preacher was judging, yeah, those that choose to go down a different path than what?

Jason Shelfer:

he. I will say there's a lot of judgment in churches anyway. But you know what? Let them.

Jana Shelfer:

Let them.

Jason Shelfer:

Let them, because the more Preach what they're going to preach If we accept their judgments, then that allows us to have different opinions.

Jason Shelfer:

And everyone has their own story that they're telling so and they're going to react out of that story Like they're going to play the part of the character that they've written into the story of life, and so they're going to do what they're going to do. So let them. And it's where am I not letting them? That is influencing me and affecting how I show up and which also creates a not letting me.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, yes when you don't let them. What you're really saying is I don't let myself.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and that is a huge. I don't know if Mel talks about in her book we haven't read it yet, I did order it but I don't know if she talks about when you're not letting them, you also, subconsciously and consciously, you're telling yourself that means I'm not going to let me.

Jana Shelfer:

There's a turnaround there, so I'm just going to try to break this down and explain it to people who are listening. In life coaching there's a tool, and when you discover a limiting belief for example, when you don't let them then really you can turn it around with they don't let me. And then the third turnaround is I don't let me God, that just gave me chills. So that's really the breakdown of how limiting beliefs work is. First we go outward with them and then they come.

Jason Shelfer:

They reflect back.

Jana Shelfer:

They reflect back to us and then we realize it's really an inward belief.

Jason Shelfer:

It's really the story that I'm telling myself that's holding me back, which comes back to how do I get out of my own way? How do I let me.

Jana Shelfer:

How do I let me? So if we let them, then they let us, which means I can let me so big Right. They let us, which means I can let me so big Right, that's really what, the three steps, and that's putting it in very simplistic terms. But Jason and I have accumulated these tools along the way and sometimes we don't actually give you the tool, which we probably should. We probably should just give you the tool, except for when we try to give it to people they don't understand all of the yeah.

Jason Shelfer:

And it took us 10 years to get these tools To really understand it and to really apply it in ourselves.

Jana Shelfer:

Now, sometimes I apply it to the point where I'm thinking three and four steps ahead.

Jason Shelfer:

You're playing chess with life, which is beautiful.

Jana Shelfer:

It is beautiful and at the same time, I'm like that's why I meditate, is because I have to sometimes get out of my head. I'm like I just need to live. I just need to live and in fact, the last six months I have pretty much stepped back from a lot of the life coaching, the self-development, the creation of content, and the reason is is because I just need to allow Do you know what I'm saying? Which is kind of what Mel Robbins is saying Let them, let me, let my soul be.

Jason Shelfer:

And, like Dr Demartini says, let my soul be. And like Dr Demartini says, when something goes away, something always fills that space. So, for you, all these other things that are really igniting your life have fallen into place. That's true. And for the people that have not been able to experience your personal and individual coaching and speaking, then I've actually leaned into that because it lights me up and fires me up and you're, you've become so great and I and I'm thrive like it's like I got chills again because I'm thriving in it and I love it and you've helped so many people, which is so awesome

Jana Shelfer:

so nothing goes and there's a story that we tell ourselves and I was telling the story that you didn't like coaching I know and I I caught you telling someone and that's not true, because this has been a passion of mine pretty much my whole life it has allowed. I mean, everything that I have ever done has geared me to this direction.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

And I mean I was consuming so much self-development and doing my best to help everyone around me to the point where I felt like I wasn't letting them be them.

Jason Shelfer:

And you weren't letting you Be me. Look for those things that are specifically designed to just really light your bonfire so that the world sees how we're Living Lucky®. It was really helping other people live lucky and not letting them actually see all the things that we've done and are doing that are our version of Living Lucky® every single day, I know. So, that bonfire is so bright right now.

Jana Shelfer:

I feel like Mel Robbins is speaking to us right now. She, but she. I mean, I don't know if you can hear the light bulbs going off over Jason in my head right now. I really feel like we are having a I mean, and we've been doing this, we've been doing this. We just now have put it into words. We are letting our souls, let our souls be our souls.

Jason Shelfer:

We are letting our souls, let our souls be our souls. We're letting me, let me, let me, let me live lucky.

Jana Shelfer:

Let me, let me.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

And it's crazy that we need to actually become so hyper aware of every little nuance of our thoughts and feelings. However, that's-.

Jason Shelfer:

That's the story we're writing.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, I know. So write the story that empowers you and makes you feel? Like you're Living Lucky®, all right.

Jason Shelfer:

Can we back it off on the? The hyperness? Yes, hyper awareness, maybe, maybe.

Jana Shelfer:

Awareness, yes, maybe just be more, more aware, not hyper aware because, then, then we start like guessing.

Jason Shelfer:

I don't like that. We'll let ourselves do that.

Jana Shelfer:

Just let, let, let. Maybe we should just shorten it to let.

Jason Shelfer:

Let Keep Living Lucky®. Thanks for joining us.

Jana Shelfer:

Bye-bye. If the idea of Living Lucky® appeals to you, visit us at www. LivingLucky. com.