Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana
Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana – Your Path to Unleashing Potential and Embracing Abundance!
🍀 Welcome to a dynamic realm where personal growth, wellness, and the art of living your best life converge. Jason and Jana Shelfer, the magnetic hosts behind the Living Lucky® Podcast, are here to guide you on an awe-inspiring journey to unlock your untapped potential and radiate boundless positivity. #PersonalLuck
🌟 Just as a caterpillar transforms into a magnificent butterfly, you too can undergo a profound metamorphosis. Dive deep into topics that matter most to you, from self-improvement and mindfulness to entrepreneurship and the liberating world of creative hobbies. Our podcast is your compass to navigate the waters of change and growth. #ThePowerOfTransformation
🎙️Jason & Jana Shelfer, your passionate podcast hosts, are your trusted companions on this adventure. With a treasure trove of experience and insights, they have scaled mountains, both literally and figuratively, to find the keys to living a lucky life. Drawing from their unique journey, they are here to share their wisdom and help you create your own path to success.
🌈 Living Lucky is more than a podcast; it's a thriving community of dreamers and achievers. Our listeners, much like you, share a common goal – to transform their lives positively. We're here to inspire and uplift each other, for together, we amplify the power of our dreams. #VibrantCommunity
🎧 From riveting interviews with thought leaders and experts to heartwarming stories of ordinary individuals turned extraordinary, Living Lucky is your daily dose of inspiration. Immerse yourself in our engaging discussions, and let our dynamic hosts infuse you with the motivation to chase your dreams relentlessly. #TuneInAndTransform
💪 The Living Lucky® Podcast is your gateway to discovering the infinite possibilities that life has to offer. Explore, learn, and grow with us. Discover the secrets of living a fulfilling and fortunate life, and let your luck shine through! #JourneyToAbundance
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Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana
Celebrating Milestones: A Tool For Transformation
Is your midlife a crisis or an awakening? You get to decide! 🎉
Feeling stuck and unfulfilled? You're not alone. In this episode of the Living Lucky® Podcast, Jason and Jana Banana turn a birthday into a powerful metaphor for personal transformation.
Here's what you'll get:
- Midlife Awakening vs. Crisis: Learn how to shift your perspective and view this stage of life as an opportunity for growth.
- Ditch the Ladder, Climb Your Mountain: Discover how to break free from societal expectations and pursue what truly matters to you.
- The Power of Celebrating Your Wins: Acknowledge your achievements, big and small, to fuel your motivation and propel you forward.
- Embrace the Unknown & Leap Towards Your Dreams: Learn to overcome fear and trust your inner compass to navigate life's exciting uncertainties.
- Every Day is Your Birthday: Cultivate a celebratory mindset to bring more joy and positivity into your daily life.
Feeling lost? This episode is your roadmap to a life of purpose and fulfillment. You'll discover actionable steps to:
- Identify your core values and align your life with them.
- Let go of limiting beliefs that hold you back.
- Embrace the power of self-awareness and reflection.
- Shift your energy to attract positive experiences.
- Rewrite your story and create a future you love.
Stop feeling stuck. Start living lucky! Tune in and let Jason and Jana Banana guide you on your personal development journey.
P.S. Don't forget to check out the show notes for more inspiring content and resources!
#LivingLuckyPodcast #SelfHelp #PersonalDevelopment #MidlifeAwakening #Mindset #PositiveThinking #LivingLucky
Keywords: self-help, personal development, limiting beliefs, mindset, positive thinking, midlife crisis, awakening, core values, life purpose, fear, motivation, celebration, Jason Shelfer, Jana Shelfer, Elite Life Coach, Success Track, Best Life, Living Lucky, Living Lucky Podcast
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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.
*Previously Recorded
Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®. Good morning. I'm Jana, I'm Jason and we are Living Lucky®. You are, too. It's Jason's birthday.
Jason Shelfer:Oh, happy birthday to me. Happy birthday, have a happy birthday, happy birthday.
Jana Shelfer:Have a happy birthday. Happy birthday, have a happy day Woo.
Jason Shelfer:Love it. Thank you, baby.
Jana Shelfer:How do you feel? I feel great.
Jason Shelfer:Do you feel?
Jana Shelfer:any older.
Jason Shelfer:I don't really feel older. I almost said do you feel?
Jana Shelfer:any order.
Jason Shelfer:Sometimes I don't, if you know, jason, that is not one of his natural characteristics. I don't feel older, I do feel excited.
Jana Shelfer:You do yeah, tell me more.
Jason Shelfer:So I see where I've come from. Like just looking at the last four or five years, especially in 2021 when I left corporate America yeah, like the difference in my life and while I'm doing something that I feel driven to do in my soul.
Jana Shelfer:That was a big leap and I know a lot of people relate to that feeling in your soul like, oh my gosh, it's almost like you've. I want to call it a midlife crisis, but we've reframed that to a midlife awakening.
Jason Shelfer:Absolutely.
Jana Shelfer:Where your soul is like okay, it's halftime. Well, it could have been a crisis. It's halftime of the game, and are we going to continue to play the game we're playing? Because, if so, we'll, we'll be okay, we'll be fine, or Because things were good. Are we going to take that leap and say you know what?
Jason Shelfer:And play a. Yeah, play an amazing game, an extraordinary game, an impactful game that will be remembered for lifetimes.
Jana Shelfer:That's pretty. It's a scary risk to take.
Jason Shelfer:And it could have been a midlife crisis, because a lot of people, like a lot of my clients are going through, are approaching a midlife awakening or crisis. It's however you perceive it. It is how you perceive it. Because, a lot of times, and how you react, yes, it's however you perceive. It is how you perceive it because, a lot of times, and how you react.
Jana Shelfer:Yes, how you react.
Jason Shelfer:To respond so you, you react in a midlife crisis, you respond in a midlife awakening.
Jana Shelfer:Oh, and that's one say that again you react in a midlife crisis in midlife crisis you are reacting that's very knee-jerk which usually results in buying a sports car, having an affair.
Jason Shelfer:Yeah, it's all the things that blow up what was before.
Jana Shelfer:Doing something that is almost illegal.
Jason Shelfer:Yeah Well it's something that has potential to really blow up or destroy all the things that you've worked towards. Yeah, because a lot of times you think you're working towards your dream and then you realize it's that old adage that if you're going to climb the mountain, make sure you're climbing the right mountain. Or if you're climbing the ladder to success, make sure you're climbing the right ladder. Oh, okay, and when you realize that, hey, this ladder or this mountain isn't serving me, I can either blow up everything before it or I can respond, have a midlife awakening and say, okay, what is my soul really calling me to do and how can I use all this experience that I leaned into prior to?
Jana Shelfer:So then, when you're having an awakening you said you are responding.
Jason Shelfer:Yeah, which is a thoughtful process of first being aware of what do I truly want, like, what are my core values, who am I as a person, and what is it that I really truly want for my life and how am I going to live it. What are the steps towards?
Jana Shelfer:that. So it's learning to communicate and understand your own desires.
Jason Shelfer:Yes, and that was a big thing, and you helped me do that when you said it's okay to let go.
Jana Shelfer:It's okay, we're going to be okay.
Jason Shelfer:I remember that day so distinctly because I felt that I was feeling the pressure, I was feeling the weight, I was feeling like I'd been sitting on a resignation letter for a couple of months.
Jana Shelfer:Okay, so let's just put this into context, because so today you are turning 53 years old, so this was in 2021. And I believe you would have been 50, 49, 50. And so, at 49, to completely quit your job which is your security, your safety.
Jason Shelfer:Our insurance.
Jana Shelfer:Our insurance, our insurance.
Jason Shelfer:Our health insurance.
Jana Shelfer:Not knowing what's next or where you want to go and exactly.
Jason Shelfer:Anyway, you didn't have a clear, clear picture of what that was going to look like, but I knew I had to start building it. I knew that there was like and.
Jana Shelfer:I. If we don't start building now, then we are going to die with regrets. Yeah.
Jason Shelfer:It's one of those things like when's the best time to plant a tree 20 years ago? When's the next best time Today?
Jana Shelfer:Yes.
Jason Shelfer:And I think, when my birthday comes around, I know this like there's this feeling. So it's at the beginning of the year and there's this feeling of excitement and and what's to come and I have this, just this little spark of creativity and motivation and and a new, renewed energy.
Jason Shelfer:And what I'd like to invite people to do, and something I might take on, is just pretend it's your birthday every month. Oh, just to have that Like, how about every week? Every week is fine too. I don't want it to get old, but I do want it to to spark that. Hey, every we talk about this a lot, that every moment is a moment to choose extraordinary.
Jana Shelfer:Well, you feel really special on your birthday. I sometimes have the opposite feeling that's attached, and I know that that's something that I can really work on.
Jason Shelfer:Like I'm getting older, I'm not where I want to be. Yeah, and I don't know if it's a female thing, or if it's a Jana thing. I think a lot of people do feel that, because it is a, it is a marker in time, it's a measuring stick. Yes, you say it's a Jana thing. I think a lot of people do feel that, because it is a marker in time.
Jana Shelfer:It's a measuring stick.
Jason Shelfer:Yes, you say it's a measuring stick, and it's so true, but a lot of times we're not telling ourselves all the things that we've accomplished, all the things that we've done. We're putting the pinpoint, or we're putting a pin in it, in the things that we haven't gotten to which I know expectations are my vice. Sometimes it's hard to get around that because as we grow and as we continue to improve and live our extraordinary lives, we see how far out the next horizon it goes.
Jason Shelfer:And then we're like wow, I thought I was quote unquote arriving and then we realize there's so much more. But as our imagination expands, as our mind expands, was a rock quote unquote arriving and then we realized there's so much more. But as we, as our imagination expands, as our mind expands, we are building our own mountain or our own landscape and we will continue to create something bigger and better, because our soul desires to grow and expand constantly. I believe.
Jana Shelfer:I believe that too. I believe there's growth, destruction and transformation Like that is the which goes along with the up and downs of the fires that we're seeing in LA.
Jason Shelfer:But we have to recognize, okay, well, how far have I come? Like whether it's I mean, if you lose, like in LA, they're losing everything physically but how far have they come emotionally, spiritually, in community and relationship, like those are some of the things you can look at and now we carry those things that we have forward and you can only grow or you can only expand on the things that you have and really we have everything available to us.
Jana Shelfer:So, on your birthday, what you're saying is to be conscious.
Jason Shelfer:You're saying is to be conscious, consciously aware of the positive, the optimism, the enthusiasm, how far you've come and where you want to go and just what's the next best fun thing to do towards it. I mean, that's kind of our ingredients for Living. Lucky is what's fun, what's exciting and what's on my journey to where I want to go and when we live in that and there's such an energy, like you often tell me, just feel the feeling it's about energy and then live into that, Because how you show up in the world is the way the world will respond to you.
Jana Shelfer:However, if it's a lower frequency feeling, Ask yourself is it the truth? That's something that we need to transmute into a higher frequency and don't ignore it, like that's.
Jason Shelfer:what I did for a long time is just ignore that feeling.
Jana Shelfer:Why do we do that?
Jason Shelfer:Well, because I'm anti-confrontation and that's an inside confrontation which I felt powerless to because I didn't understand emotions, I didn't understand how to deal with those things, and that also portrayed outwardly. So, like if there was something that bothered me about what we were doing or something that bothered me about someone else, I would just go. My thought process was I'm stronger than that.
Jana Shelfer:I'm going to ignore that feeling instead of recognizing it Back to your birthday, and so really, we're reflecting right now.
Jason Shelfer:Is what we're doing.
Jana Shelfer:We're reflecting specifically on the last four to five years because even that first year that you were feeling a stir inside you and I'm just so proud of you that you recognized it and you honored it.
Jason Shelfer:Yeah.
Jana Shelfer:You honored it because so many people have that stir and then they just decide, no, I can't.
Jason Shelfer:I can't let go of this monkey bar to get to the next.
Jana Shelfer:Yeah.
Jason Shelfer:Yeah, and it wasn't like it was just a one-year thing, because we've been on this self-development journey for 10 years.
Jana Shelfer:Yes, I will say.
Jason Shelfer:And right in the middle of that was that kind of the 2000,. Was it 21?
Jana Shelfer:Well, 2020 was the pandemic, 2021 is when you quit your job.
Jason Shelfer:Yeah, so it was kind of middle of that.
Jana Shelfer:And I had been going through my transformation in the five years prior to that yeah, since 2014, 15. So I guess there is that middle point, though, where you take the leap. It's scary. You don't know how to fly and you, literally, are sometimes in a free fall.
Jason Shelfer:It felt like it yeah.
Jana Shelfer:And it is learning to let go of the fear and to learn to trust.
Jason Shelfer:And so it's the letting go of the fear and trusting, and it's also embracing the knowing.
Jana Shelfer:Yes, because when?
Jason Shelfer:you embrace the knowing, like when you say I know that I'm an achiever, I'm an overcomer. Like when you say I know that I'm an achiever, I'm an overcomer, I've made it through all my hardest days so far. And you look back and you kind of see the footpath in the sand of all the choices that you made and all the decisions and all the relationships that you made to how you got to where you are today and realize, wow, I am like. You tell yourself the clean truth of how I am a champion, how I have overcome everything. Then you have the strength and the wherewithal and the energy to say if I got here, based on my thoughts, decisions, my feelings and my actions, I can decide where I want to go and start laying the thoughts, feelings, decisions and actions to lead the footsteps to that. And start laying the thoughts, feelings, decisions and actions to lead the footsteps to that. Just what's the next best step? And I think, when we feel like it's our birthday week, it gives us that energy and that excitement to make that next step.
Jana Shelfer:It really all comes down to energy. If you ask me if you want to change your life, change your energy, and so what you're saying is, to almost use your imagination, it's my birthday, and for Jason, that is a very special feeling, and that is a feeling that you want to Excites me?
Jason Shelfer:Yes, Carrie. Like I don't need a huge celebration, but I do enjoy the feeling of yes, it's my birthday, put on my birthday suit and run around the block.
Jana Shelfer:So if you don't have that feeling personally, if you're listening and you're like, you're like me, who's like, oh my God, it's my birthday and my birthday Then just pretend, pretend you're Jason, that's right.
Jason Shelfer:Or give me a call and we'll rewrite. Rewrite your story so that now you get excited about your birthday and you get excited about the next moment in life.
Jana Shelfer:Our message today is to celebrate you.
Jason Shelfer:Thanks for joining us. Keep Living Lucky®.
Jana Shelfer:If the idea of Living Lucky® appeals to you, visit us at www. LivingLucky. com.