Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Door Number One

Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 7 Episode 83

How are YOU Living Lucky®?

Stop Doodling Dreams & Take the Leap: Unleash Your Potential with Living Lucky®!

Feeling stuck staring at your dreams like a distant galaxy? This episode of Living Lucky® with Jason & Jana Banana is your rocket launch to action!

We all grapple with the fear of taking the first step. But what if we told you the only thing separating you from success is the courage to open door number one... right now?

Join us as we ditch the myth of the "perfect moment" and show you how every misstep is a stepping stone to growth. Learn to embrace "failure" as valuable feedback, propelling you forward on your journey to self-discovery and action.

Here's what you'll unlock in this episode:

  • The illusion of the "perfect moment" - and why it's keeping you stuck (plus actionable steps to break free!)
  • The power of starting NOW - why immediate action trumps procrastination every time. ⏱️
  • Reframing "failure" as feedback - learn to see setbacks as opportunities to learn and improve.
  • The importance of taking action over fear - conquer limiting beliefs and unlock your true potential.
  • The "Living Lucky®" mindset - discover how every decision becomes a chance to grow and evolve. ✨

Feeling that familiar pang of "what if?" Don't let another year slip by! This episode equips you with the tools and inspiration to step into your power and chase your dreams. It's time to stop doodling dreams and start living lucky!

P.S. Craving more life-changing strategies and success stories? Visit for a treasure trove of inspiration!

#selfhelp #personaldevelopment #mindset #positivethinking #livinglucky #startyourjourney #takeaction #breakthroughfear #LivingLuckyPodcast
self-help, personal development, overcoming fear of failure, life coaching tips, growth mindset vs. fixed mindset, how to start living lucky®, courage to start, stepping out of your comfort zone, stop procrastination, actionable personal growth tips, why perfection is the enemy of progress, personal development podcast for self-growth, tools for embracing failure as feedback, strategies to overcome fear and take action

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!!! SEND US A MESSAGE: Are you ready to unlock your path to a more inspired life where you're Living Lucky®? Email me directly and let's chart your course toward realizing your dreams and creating a life that fills you with daily inspiration.
Email Jason Shelfer

The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®. Good morning. I'm Jana, I'm Jason and we are Living Lucky® you are too.

Jana Shelfer:

You've got two doors Door number one you go for your dream and you fail.

Jason Shelfer:

Oh no.

Jana Shelfer:

Door number two. You wait six years to go for your dream and then you fail.

Jason Shelfer:

Oh no, that doesn't sound fun. But which is better?

Jana Shelfer:

Why not start now?

Jason Shelfer:

Start now. So one of the big things is nothing is a complete success. I can't think of anything that's a 100% complete success on the first try.

Jana Shelfer:

And it's not a failure until you accept it as a failure. It's just feedback.

Jason Shelfer:

It's how do I adjust, how do I pivot, what's the next best move forward?

Jana Shelfer:

But the problem is people want success now. They want to know that if they go for their dream, there's no chance of rejection, there's no chance of not being the best.

Jason Shelfer:

There's no chance of making a mistake. Yeah, it's crazy and I know I did this, I still do this, hello yeah, I well, right off the top of my head, the biggest thing that comes to me was September 2021. And I was sitting at my computer sitting getting ready to go into another useless meeting in my sales job with my manager.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, now Jason, useless meeting, I don't know.

Jason Shelfer:

Do you remember?

Jana Shelfer:

the last week. I do, we don't need to.

Jason Shelfer:

We were talking about what's your favorite movie and we went around 20 people.

Jana Shelfer:

They were trying to bond, trying to connect, trying to find commonalities.

Jason Shelfer:

We went through 20 employees asking what their favorite movie was, when we could have been out talking about how to prospect more.

Jana Shelfer:

We won't have to talk about that. Let's move forward.

Jason Shelfer:

I was sitting in that and it was kind of that moment where it was like I can't do this anymore, and you saw it on my face and you heard it in my voice.

Jana Shelfer:

No, I saw it in your physiology.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, your face your voice, all of it. I was changing your slumped shoulders.

Jason Shelfer:

You were starting to pick at your neck, which is always which I have scars right now because of all the picking.

Jana Shelfer:

You have pock face.

Jason Shelfer:

Oh boo.

Jana Shelfer:

Just on your neck.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

And you know what? It reminds me of where you were.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and for I think it was like two and a half years before that, I'd had a coaching certificate, I'd been certified as a life coach, but I didn't want to step fully into it. I was waiting, I, but I didn't want to step fully into it. I was waiting. I was waiting for that quote unquote perfect time to move into it. And you said it's okay, like start it's, and I think your word I don't know if it was the word for that year or not, but your word was start.

Jana Shelfer:

No, my year for my word for 2018 was start.

Jason Shelfer:

Okay, so finally in 2021,. I accepted that word and I said you know what?

Jana Shelfer:

It was my word. It wasn't a word for you.

Jason Shelfer:

I wasn't trying to say this is your word and this is your word, but I knew at that moment I needed to make a move. I couldn't be doing half and half anymore. Like it was time to say I'm going to give it a shot and I'm going to move forward with this and if I fail.

Jana Shelfer:

I fail, but I'm going to be more fulfilled.

Jason Shelfer:

I'm going to be like as soon as I made the decision to move, to get off the fence. I know People who sit on the fence. Guess what happens to them? Their crotch gets hurt. But as soon as I was, I literally was able to breathe better. And it didn't go perfectly, I literally was able to breathe better.

Jana Shelfer:

And it didn't go perfectly, like it wasn't the perfect thing. It has gone absolutely. It was the hardest year, everything except perfectly Right. I'm going to be real with you.

Jason Shelfer:

But you don't, but you just practice. It has been the hardest, four years yeah. But you just keep getting better, and keep getting better, and keep getting better, and that's the thing is. Like I could have, I could still be sitting on the fence just wrecking my crotch and never making that move. But I recognize now the importance of sitting on an idea and sitting on a dream, or taking action toward it.

Jana Shelfer:

I feel like I take action toward it and then it gets to a point where I just get physically exhausted. So then I run back to the fence and I sit there for a little bit.

Jason Shelfer:

Let me sit on this couch fence.

Jana Shelfer:

It's like I'm going to sit on the fence and recharge, think about this a little more, Then I try again and I usually get just a little bit further, and then I run back to the fence and that seems to be my pattern. It's like I, you know, leave home base.

Jason Shelfer:

It's like you're waiting for the pitcher to throw you out, like I'm going to run, I'm going to go, I'm going to go, I'm tired, go back, but you do get further. I watch you get further and further and I think that to go, I'm going to go, I'm tired, go back, but you do get further. I watch you get further and further and I think that's okay. We're going to naturally have a tendency to move back towards our comfort zone.

Jana Shelfer:

But I will say, I will say so the way we started this was would you rather do door number one, which is go for your dream?

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

And yes, you may face some challenges.

Jason Shelfer:

You're going to face challenges.

Jana Shelfer:

You are going to face challenges.

Jason Shelfer:

Whether you do it now or in six years, it's just you wait six years, or would you rather wait?

Jana Shelfer:

six years. So what my point is? I look back now and I'm so glad that we did it when we did it, because it has been a long ass journey and I'm just so proud that we have. We have just kept going. It's almost like a litmus test.

Jason Shelfer:

And I think another part of that is is how many times do you start doing something and you look back and go gosh. I wish I would have started that earlier. Like there's so often that we do things and we have whether it's successful or whether it's whether we're just getting feedback through failure or mistakes.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, like songwriting. I'm like if I would have started songwriting when I was little, I could be Taylor Swift right now.

Jason Shelfer:

And that's the thing is give yourself the runway. If you start now, you've just extended your runway. Start now and don't look for ultimate success for six years. How about that? That changes it.

Jana Shelfer:

And don't look for ultimate success for six years. How about?

Jason Shelfer:

that that changes it. Whoa, whoa, whoa Say that again Don't look for ultimate success for six years, yeah. So count your wins as the starting and then accept the failure, the feedback, the ways you can pivot and adjust so that in four, three, four, five years, then you are hitting your stride and you're ready to really take off. Now, hopefully, you don't have to wait that long, but if you start today, then you are way ahead of where you would be starting in four or five years. No matter what you how much studying, how much preparation, I think it comes from the action and you will be glad that you started when you did like that. You took door number one, yeah, and that's where I am right now. I feel like I'm so glad that I decided september 2021 to go fully into life coaching, fully into helping people realize their dreams and get over their limiting beliefs and get into action.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, yeah. I mean, if people ask me oh you know, would you suggest this path?

Jason Shelfer:

How bad do you want it?

Jana Shelfer:

I would not suggest this path for everyone. There may be a select few that I would say try it if you want. I think you have what it takes, and that's what is keeping me from really putting myself out there as a motivator is because I don't think that I would suggest this path to very many people.

Jason Shelfer:

Well, so many things are hard.

Jana Shelfer:

However, I will say I am so proud of myself for how far I've come no kidding For real. I think that is where I get stuck is because I haven't surpassed where I was in my mind. I haven't surpassed where I was in my mind. So if I could go back and just stay where I was at I I'm about, even at this point.

Jason Shelfer:

At this point. So basically, what you've done is you've started in a completely new field.

Jana Shelfer:

It feels like I was Okay. So at my peak I was on top of the glacier right, and then I started to fall down to where I was at the ground point, the base camp, yeah, I would say the sea level point. And so then I decided, okay, I got to make a change, because I am sliding and I feel myself sliding, I'm not happy, I need to make a change. So then I decided to make a change and I fell while making that change. I fell all the way to the bottom of the below the sea, I'm drowning.

Jana Shelfer:

I was drowning, yes, and so then, you know, once I hit that bottom point, it was like okay, well, there's nowhere else to go except up, and I started climbing, climbing, climbing, climbing, trying new things, trying new things, facing all sorts of challenges, and now I finally feel like I'm back at sea level.

Jason Shelfer:

And that is so to me, that's a learning curve, that's a I am starting with experience, but I am starting something new, so it's something that I haven't done before per se, and now there's a different framework and feel to it. I'm going to have to learn how to swim in this new ocean or how to climb this new mountain.

Jana Shelfer:

And I will say what I have going for me is momentum, because I have been climbing upward, upward, upward.

Jason Shelfer:

And you've got a history of success.

Jana Shelfer:

I know where I'm headed.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

I know where I'm headed at this point, because my thoughts are good, my feelings are good, my actions are good, my intention is good.

Jason Shelfer:

And you are a freaking rock star.

Jana Shelfer:

Well, thank you Well I think everyone sees it.

Jason Shelfer:

I mean you look at your history of success. I mean you were a Paralympic gold medalist. I know you don't like talking about this. I'm going to blow up the spot. You're a Paralympic gold medalist. You were the number one personality in my mind in Orlando and the whole program that you were on for 12 years. You were the light. We hear this from everybody. You were the light that had people listening and then you got to a point where it was like-.

Jason Shelfer:

My soul was dying you weren't growing anymore, you weren't given the opportunity to have your own show, so you created it and in what you did for 12 years now we've done this for four and you're you're already back to sea level and now it's just it's grow time.

Jana Shelfer:

Build time. Yeah, it's build time. I feel like the grow time was me going to the bottom of the glacier.

Jason Shelfer:

Now you get to build your own mountain, yeah, and invite others to climb with you. That's true and it's incredible looking at it.

Jana Shelfer:

At any rate, I am so thankful that I picked door number one right because what if you were still waiting that I picked door number one Right?

Jason Shelfer:

Because what if you?

Jana Shelfer:

were still waiting. I'm so thankful that I picked door number one. Yes, because at this point I could have been a contender. And that's the rub I have when people who are my age and at this point in life, when they come to me and say I really want to go, do what you did, I want to leave corporate America, I want to start my own brand, I'm hesitant to say yes, do it. Because I know the path that they will face.

Jason Shelfer:

Right, and so one of the things to me is like kind of figure out okay, well, what's your level of dissatisfaction right now? What's your motivation? What's your why? Because people are going to move based on the pain they're feeling or the inspiration and motivation that they have, and what's the sustainability of that? What's your runway right?

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, so let me just talk to all of you that are listening. Do you have a dream? And if you put that dream in door number one, would you rather open that door and walk through it now, or would you rather wait six years? And you're six years older, it's 2030. You probably have more responsibilities or more experience, whatever, and that fear is even going to get bigger and stronger and have more of a grasp on you.

Jason Shelfer:

Well, the one thing we can't give ourselves is more time Like we don't know what our timetable is going to be and the further we get my clients. What I hear is I've gone this far, I'm not happy where I am. I'm scared that if I make a decision, it's going to be a mistake. There are no mistakes in life right If you're feeling it's going to be a mistake. Would you rather make that mistake today, or would you rather make that mistake six years from now?

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, door number one.

Jason Shelfer:

Door number one. It is You've sold me, let's go. You've sold me, jason, let's do it. Door number one 2025. Take door number one.

Jana Shelfer:

Thanks for joining, bye-bye.

Jason Shelfer:

Keep Living Lucky®.

Jana Shelfer:

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