Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Seasonal Sluggishness

Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 7 Episode 82

How are YOU Living Lucky®?

Conquer Winter Blues & Holiday Hangovers: Beat Seasonal Sluggishness with Jason & Jana Banana!

Feeling sluggish and stuck in a winter rut? You're not alone! This episode of Living Lucky® with Jason & Jana Banana dives deep into the science-backed strategies to combat  seasonal depression and revitalize your mind and body.

Here's what you'll discover:

  • The sneaky culprit behind winter blues: Learn how even a change in environment can impact your mood and energy levels. ([Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), Vitamin D deficiency])
  • Sunshine is your superpower: Discover the powerful link between sunlight exposure and mental clarity. ([Brain fog, Mood enhancement])
  • Busting the "cozy equals inactive" myth: Learn how to stay active and engaged during the holidays, even when surrounded by tempting treats and comfy couches. ([Holiday weight gain, Maintaining motivation])
  • The importance of awareness: We'll show you how recognizing patterns of lethargy is the first step to making positive changes. ([Self-reflection, Goal setting])
  • Giving yourself grace (without getting stuck): Discover the power of setting boundaries and prioritizing restwithout sacrificing productivity. ([Work-life balance, Mindful living])

Feeling the winter blues doesn't have to be your reality. Join Jason & Jana Banana as they share actionable tips and personal anecdotes to help you  thrive during the colder months and  beyond!

P.S. Looking for more inspiration to Live Lucky®? Subscribe for fresh episodes packed with life-changing strategies and success stories!

#PositiveThinking #SeasonalDepression #WinterBlues #HolidayWeightGain #Motivation #Lethargy #BrainFog #VitaminDDeficiency #GoalSetting #WorkLifeBalance #Rest #Productivity #Mindfulness #LivingLucky #LivingLuckyPodcast 
how to overcome brain fog and mental fatigue, tips for beating seasonal depression naturally, life coaching insights for breaking negative cycles, how to set meaningful goals and regain focus, turning negativity into positivity in daily life

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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®. Good morning.

Jana Shelfer:

I'm Jana, I'm Jason and we are Living Lucky® you are too Thanks for joining us this morning, because we almost didn't join us.

Jason Shelfer:

I kid you not. What day is it? What time is it?

Jana Shelfer:

Last night, before I went to bed, I was like we're going to get up and the first thing we're going to do in the morning is a podcast.

Jason Shelfer:

Knock that podcast out.

Jana Shelfer:

And yet I wake up and I have so many other things on my mind Mostly just I need to wash my hair Like really mundane everyday things and it's almost like I'm living in this mind fog. Now I'm going to bring this up because I feel like this happens to a lot of people. I know that I've been very vulnerable about, or transparent about, my hormones changing that time of life. However, since we've been home in Kansas for the last month of December, we haven't been getting out and about as much because it's so cold outside and there's been snow on the ground, and so we have literally Hibernated, hibernated, yes.

Jason Shelfer:

And so we have literally hibernated. Hibernated, yes, and I so. I was watching a program with Dr Sanjay Gupta and he was talking about kind of mental fatigue these the things that make your mind overworked and overstimulated, but also not adding value to your mind.

Jana Shelfer:

Mostly our phones.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, yeah, that's big.

Jana Shelfer:

The things we do on our phones. Yeah.

Jason Shelfer:

That's big.

Jana Shelfer:

The things we do on our phones. I also, though, I feel like, because I haven't been out in the sun, I haven't been getting my is it vitamin.

Jason Shelfer:

I know the sun provides a lot of vitamins, but vitamin D is the main one right, and I want to give you some vitamin D but we need the sun's vitamin D.

Jana Shelfer:

The sun's not. Yes, like S-U-N Vitamin D. I thought he was going kinky there for a little bit.

Jana Shelfer:

Kinky boots. I'm like we got to have sun. That's what we got to do.

Jason Shelfer:

Let's talk about sex baby. Yeah, I know, he gave me that, look, I knew exactly where he was going.

Jana Shelfer:

I'm like uh, yeah, what is wrong with me. What is wrong with me, right, what is wrong with me, no, what is?

Jason Shelfer:

wrong with you, not me Trying to have a serious conversation here and me wanting to think about sex.

Jana Shelfer:

No, I need to get out in the sunlight and I also feel like I haven't been moving very well.

Jason Shelfer:

That was what was mentioned as. Like the primary and biggest reason for brain rot.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, is get out and move it's brain rot and I think like I remember.

Jason Shelfer:

So it's a lot. The temperature is a lot different here, not to digress into the weather.

Jana Shelfer:

We sound like we're coming up with excuses, though.

Jason Shelfer:

Well, it's so nice Like we are blessed in Florida.

Jana Shelfer:

We are blessed in Florida. I will say that we are so blessed.

Jason Shelfer:

Like it's 70 degrees in Florida right now. Like we can complain about having shorts on at Christmas and for the new year.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay. So let me just let me okay, let me just be really, really transparent about what we've been experiencing. There's been so many positives and we've talked about a lot of the positives of being here, oh yeah, mostly seeing people that we haven't seen in a while. The community, it just feels like the christmas spirit is all around us. My parents are right next door.

Jason Shelfer:

It's been so fabulous in so many ways yes the only thing is we don't feel good physically I, so I almost believe this might be part of where seasonal depression comes from, like we are in the middle of a joyous season.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

But we're not moving as much as we could.

Jana Shelfer:

No, we're watching Christmas movies that we watch every year. So I mean I've seen these movies before but I'm like, oh, I got to watch this Christmas movie.

Jason Shelfer:

I find myself. The walking that I'm doing is to the refrigerator and back. Really. We're eating all of these holiday foods.

Jana Shelfer:

I'm getting diabetes for Christmas Because everyone's so kind they're bringing us all of these kolaches and cookies and ice cream.

Jason Shelfer:

Cookies and cookies and ice cream, and because we're not doing some of the things that we normally do and we're not prioritizing the things that we could be doing, because it almost feels like vacation.

Jana Shelfer:

Right, and in fact that has come out of our mouths. We've said it just feels so good to just let loose for a little bit.

Jason Shelfer:

We've come 2 000 miles and now we're just going to just relax for a minute right, and that's what we've done.

Jana Shelfer:

We've let other people feed us, we've kind of just stayed inside. I mean, we've been more social than we've, than we ever are in florida, which that's where there's like a disconnect there, because, you know, I'm telling you, yeah, we've, all we do is hibernate and stay inside and yet, at the same time, we've been visiting people constantly. So that's been a little bit different. I will say, though, our sleeping schedules. I haven't been waking up feeling refreshed. There's. I haven't been falling off. I haven't been waking up, feeling refreshed.

Jason Shelfer:

Well, I haven't been falling asleep.

Jana Shelfer:

I haven't been falling asleep, I haven't been waking up refreshed, and then in the middle of the afternoon, instead of working on something or doing a project or getting anything productive done, I see this really inviting couch with this nice fleece blanket over it, and the dog is enjoying it so much.

Jason Shelfer:

it's got to be good.

Jana Shelfer:

Right and I think, oh, that would be so nice and warm. What I'm trying to say is I have been feeling brain fog. I have noticed I have actually noticed that I'm not remembering things as well, I can't seem to get organized mentally, and it feels like there's a definite decline.

Jason Shelfer:

Yep, and so and I love the awareness of it, because a lot of times we just get caught up in doing the same thing we've been doing and hoping for a different change. And this morning when we got up and you said today, today it changes.

Jana Shelfer:

It changes. I said it yesterday.

Jason Shelfer:

Today we are getting up and we are prioritizing, we're setting the goals, we're going to define the wins and we're going to actually plan out the whole year. We are and we have several things on the calendar today that are also prompting that movement and that engagement.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes so.

Jason Shelfer:

I love A the awareness that when you mentioned it last night, hey, we've kind of fallen into this routine or rut.

Jana Shelfer:

Well, it's a routine of vacation is what it is, and it's okay to allow yourself to go there, it's okay to take a break, but I also feel that's not who I want to be in life. You know, I really feel like my parents think that I'm just a lethargic sloth.

Jason Shelfer:

Couch turd. They think that I'm a couch turd. Hey, what's that? Is there a couch turd in?

Jana Shelfer:

there, I mean last night they went to the wrestling meet and didn't even ask if we wanted to go.

Jason Shelfer:

Oh, couch turd's not getting up.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, their blinds are closed.

Jason Shelfer:

So one of the things is is like and you can even take rest during the day, you can take rest during the day, the week, the month, the year, however you want to do it, so take those breaks, set time limits, Like that's one of the things is, I've turned my watch off, like I've turned the clock off when we got here, which is why we almost forgot to do our podcast today.

Jason Shelfer:

So it's like if I need 15 minutes to unwind or take a break or take a power nap for 30 or 40 minutes, that's okay, like recharge, reset, but set the timer and don't start the power nap at noon and then get up at 5 o'clock.

Jana Shelfer:

And then say, oh, it's time to go to bed, oh crap.

Jason Shelfer:

Look what I did, because I'll do that. I'll give myself the permission or quote, unquote the grace and then to binge watch some show.

Jana Shelfer:

Next thing you know you're on this, the last episode, and then you're upset that, oh my god, I sat here all day and I watched this and it's two o'clock in the freaking morning and I, what I like to do is get up at four or five okay. So I guess what we're saying is yes, we have holiday, brain rot, that's what it is.

Jason Shelfer:

Smells like a fruitcake.

Jana Shelfer:

It is holiday, brain rot.

Jason Shelfer:

Lots of dates.

Jana Shelfer:

And so please give us a little grace, because we will be giving ourselves a little grace and we will be taking action.

Jason Shelfer:

And we will be getting back to your word for the year of 2025 intention.

Jana Shelfer:

Intention, intention.

Jason Shelfer:

All right, I love it.

Jana Shelfer:

Thank you for joining us.

Jason Shelfer:

Have a great day. Keep Living Lucky®. Avoid the holiday brain rush Just avoid it If you can't just make sure you're aware of it.

Jana Shelfer:

Bye-bye. If the idea of Living Lucky® appeals to you, visit us at www. LivingLucky. com.