Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Yes, I Can!!!

Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 7 Episode 79

From $150K to $2M: Turning Impossible Goals Into Achievable Reality (Living Lucky® Podcast)

Feeling stuck between epic dreams and the daily grind? This episode of Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason & Jana Banana is your launchpad to success. We're cracking the code on the power of small, intentional steps to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

Get ready to discover:

  • How to silence your inner critic and replace doubt with a mindset of endless possibility (we all have that voice, but it doesn't have to control you!)
  • The magic of incremental goals: Learn why celebrating small wins like a $1,000 monthly income boost can lead to monumental growth (compound interest is your friend!)
  • The importance of patience and perseverance: We'll share a coaching client's journey from a $150,000 salary to aiming for $2 million, proving that anything is possible with the right timeframe (and a whole lot of hustle!).
  • How to design a life of purpose: It all starts with defining your destination and aligning your actions with your ultimate goals. (Are you taking steps that truly resonate with your dreams?)

Bonus nugget:  Reassessing your journey is key! Take a moment to reflect and ensure you're on the right path.

This episode is packed with practical strategies and inspiring stories to help you transform your life.  Stop feeling overwhelmed by big goals and start taking action with intention and purpose.

Ready to turn your dreams into reality? Press play and join us on Living Lucky® Podcast!

P.S. Don't forget to subscribe for more life-changing tips and inspiring stories!

Jana Shelfer, Jason Shelfer, Living Lucky, Living Lucky Podcast, personal development, life coaching strategies, goal setting and achievement, growth mindset transformation, overcoming self-doubt, how to turn small steps into big goals, shifting from scarcity to abundance mindset, strategies for achieving financial freedom, personal growth through intentional living, compounding progress for exponential success, life coaching tips, goal setting inspiration, self-help s

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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®. Good morning, I'm Jana, I'm Jason and we are Living Lucky®. You are too.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, I can yes, I can. We've been singing this song that says, yes, I can, yes, I can. We've been singing this song that says, yes, I can. However, I'm going to be real. Sometimes we have this little voice inside our brains that says what if I can't Right? What if it's not good enough?

Jana Shelfer:

What if?

Jana Shelfer:

I fail.

Jason Shelfer:

It's that voice of doubt. Yes, yeah, and one of the biggest things that I've learned this week, and it's clear when I look back that anything is possible. So there's nothing, there's no unrealistic goals if you give yourself the right time frame. Like I remember, when I first started in my sales career, I came out of law enforcement, landed in Orlando, brand new to the area, and I walked into this new environment of sales and if I had thought then I need to come up with, I need to sell a hundred million dollars worth of product, it would have just blown my mind. It would have been like I cannot do that Because the goal is too big. The goal was too big. However, having been in sales for 20 years, I surpassed $100 million in sales because I've done the math, I've done the numbers and it just. It would have never occurred to me that that was possible at the time.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, so here's where I struggle, because I like to set big goals. That's what excites my soul, that's what inspires me from within.

Jason Shelfer:

I know that's right.

Jana Shelfer:

However, sometimes I tend to think too big. I think, okay if I don't speak in front of a million people this year, then I'm not going to reach, I'm not going to feel successful.

Jason Shelfer:

Right, I'm not going to feel successful Right, and so I would have. I would have been so overwhelmed if someone sat me down that first day in the new field and said you're going to need to sell a hundred million dollars for the product. Okay, I would have been. Just. I would have been like okay, I just need to quit now because it's not possible.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

It's not realistic, yeah, but if you give yourself the right timeline, like give yourself some more time, some space to accomplish it, and then you're put your intention and attention towards it and move purposely towards it, it's nothing is unrealistic.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay. So you were telling me that in one of your coaching calls this week you had someone that said I want to make $2 million in the next year. Right, that's a pretty hefty goal.

Jason Shelfer:

His thought was that he needed the $2 million in a year, and what came out of the whole conversation was that he didn't need the $2 million in the year. He wanted to replace his current income, his current annual income, and make that his new monthly income. Okay, so once we work through that.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, these are big numbers. I feel like I mean for people to make $2 million in a year. That's a whole, that's a. It's a different ballgame, that's a level that a lot of people don't see.

Jason Shelfer:

So he's right now, he's currently making $150,000 a year, okay, and he wants to turn that into $150,000 a month.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, that's pretty lofty.

Jason Shelfer:

It is. But the thing is is, if you give yourself time, like let's just say, we add $10,000 a month and we start compounding that. So next month we add $20,000. The month after that we add $30,000.

Jana Shelfer:

That's still pretty lofty. It's not Because I know the compound interest. I know how money can accumulate. That's at a pretty rapid rate. That feels a little unrealistic.

Jason Shelfer:

So would it be possible to add $1,000 a month?

Jana Shelfer:

That might work Right. But to get up to $2 million when you're making $150,000, and then next month you make $151,000. And then the month after that, I mean especially since right now he's only making $150,000 a year Right.

Jason Shelfer:

So what we're doing is we're basically increasing almost 10% what his annual income is.

Jana Shelfer:

So you're not going to get to $2 million In a year?

Jason Shelfer:

No, but you might be able to do that in three to five years.

Jana Shelfer:

Not. If you're not at those numbers, you could.

Jason Shelfer:

So what you're going to do is you're going to just start showing yourself the win, Because what you can do is say okay, next month I'm going to try to shoot for an extra $1,000 a month.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

So wait, let's just let's make this. So you said 150,000 is what he's making yearly, so let's put this into 120,000, because that's easy to say. Okay, you're making $10,000 a month. There's 12 months. So now let's say if he, makes one extra thousand dollars every month. That means next month he's going to make 11,000. Next month he's going to make $11,000.

Jason Shelfer:

Next month he's going to make $11,000. Okay, that's going to show him that he can increase his value $1,000 a month. Okay, so what if the following month he makes $12,000? Okay, and then the next month he makes $13,000. Okay so now, at the end of that, I mean it's going to take longer, but once he realizes okay, I can make an extra thousand dollars each month. So I'm compounding that thousand. Yes, at the end of the year I'm going to be making $162,000.

Jana Shelfer:

We won't do the math because we show our ignorance.

Jason Shelfer:

It's actually more than that.

Jana Shelfer:

Let's don't even go there. We show our Alabama math.

Jason Shelfer:

No offense Alabama.

Jana Shelfer:

But what I'm saying is that is a long ways from $2 million, and to get to $2 million it's not going to be three years, five years, it's going to be a lot longer than that.

Jason Shelfer:

So we just need to give ourselves a runway though, because it's doable, because obviously there are people making $5 million a month yeah, I know, like $60 million a year. So if someone else can do it, you can do it. It's just, how do I increase my value?

Jason Shelfer:

it's realizing yes, I can, yes, I can yeah so a lot of times and I get overwhelmed by big goals and then sometimes, when you get so overwhelmed by the big goal, you can, can't see the next step and it's just saying okay, well, what can I do? That moves me towards where I'm going? Yeah, right, yeah. And if you're moving towards where you're going, then you learn to take more purposeful or meaningful steps that create more value and more growth.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, so what Jason is saying is that you can do anything. Don't be scared to dream big. But here's the thing is sometimes I dream so big that it feels I don't see results.

Jason Shelfer:

It's almost like reverse claustrophobia.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, I dream so big that I start feeling like, okay, this mountain is so tall that I run out of steam before I even get a couple strides into it.

Jason Shelfer:

This happened to me on the Camino where I was going up, like hill after hill. They felt like mountains. I was exhausted, I didn't feel like I was getting anywhere, but I knew in my mind that if I'm putting one foot in front of the other like that was literally the saying that got caught in my brain was just one more step.

Jana Shelfer:

One more step. It's almost like that?

Jason Shelfer:

Um, what was the movie where he's? He's climbing up just one more? Um, give me the strength to get one more down from the top of the heartbreak Ridge.

Jana Shelfer:

I think was the name of it. Oh yeah, okay, uh, okay.

Jason Shelfer:

So that's a whole different analogy, but it was like just let me make one more foot in the step in the right direction.

Jana Shelfer:

Jason sometimes gives analogies inside analogies inside analogies and then people text us and say I have no idea what you guys are talking about?

Jason Shelfer:

What was he talking about?

Jana Shelfer:

And here's the thing is I've lived with him long enough that I can totally follow it. I'm like oh yeah, I know where he's at.

Jason Shelfer:

Oh wait, we're talking about the Camino. Oh wait, we're talking about setting goals. Okay, so, yeah, so, if so, if you can just know, if you keep your your like a soft gaze on the big vision, on the end goal, yes, and then you know, okay, I'm still heading towards that big goal and I'm just making small steps. It's like a climber doesn't try to reach the peak with one big jump, big leap. Yeah, they're going to take each little foothold and each little handhold and just pull themselves towards it.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, so to recap what Jason is saying you can do anything if you give yourself enough time.

Jason Shelfer:

And put your intention and attention towards that big dream. Yes, you can.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, but a soft gaze, not your intention.

Jason Shelfer:

Your intention is to make little steps in the now your intention has to be on the handholds and the footholds where you currently are, okay. And then you'll look back and say, wow, look, how far I've come, okay. And then you'll look back and say, wow, look, how far I've come, okay. But you and you will know like if you recalibrate and readjust and just make sure that you are moving intentionally towards, you're going to get to wherever you're going, okay so I guess that's where my struggle comes in is in order to excite me, in order to inspire my soul, I need really large, gigantic dreamer goals.

Jason Shelfer:

I'm a dreamer inside and then also set those little wins. Know that each little handhold and each little foothold is a win on that path.

Jana Shelfer:

My problem is the little handholds, footholds, the little baby steps. That exhausts me and sometimes it Physically. It exhausts me physically and if you don't give them.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, like a climber gets exhausted, and that's where conditioning comes in.

Jana Shelfer:

So it's almost like my mind is living in this world over here and my body is saying wait a minute, jana. This is tiring, is saying wait a minute, jana. We need to. We need to lessen where you're living mentally, and so there's a disconnect of where I am physically and where I am mentally.

Jason Shelfer:

So and that happens to a lot, I think it happens to a lot of us and what happens is is we start whittling away at the bigger dream.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, so we start lowering the standards, yeah, and eventually we lower the standards so much to where we think, okay, why am I even doing this? Yeah, or this is good.

Jason Shelfer:

Because it no longer excites me and we say, quote unquote this is good enough. Yeah, and that's where a lot of us get stuck in the this is good enough. Yes and our soul is still saying but there's more.

Jana Shelfer:

But you were born for greatness.

Jason Shelfer:

I just got goosebumps, because this, this whole thing of moving purposely towards and the good enough traps so many people, yes, so many people. And as a dreamer, however much personal development we go through, whatever we, whatever level we, get to we always know in our soul that there's something more like we. We are building our own mountains to climb and we will never reach the peak.

Jana Shelfer:

Because the peak is what that thing that says it's just good enough, so it's like it's like okay, so that this may be another podcast, because you just you've just opened up the doors to a, a topic. It feels like in order to be at peace with our inner selves, we need to accept things the way they are and stop wanting and needing and and seeking. So it kind of feels like I understand what you're saying but at the same time, it it kind of feels like in order to have that I'm good within, you have to accept I'm good enough in the now, I'm good enough at where I'm at, and I think that goes back to, like that old saying of the journey is the gift or the trip was the gift.

Jana Shelfer:

But then my soul isn't inspired. So there's again, there's this.

Jason Shelfer:

So it's getting inspired by the actual climb, getting inspired by the path, knowing that you are great and perfect where you are and that you have a place to go to. And that's a lot of us won't even take time to say, to readjust and say what is it that I really want to go to, like, where is that destination? And when we define it, we can design it and move towards it.

Jana Shelfer:

OK, there's a lot to think about. I need to just pause for a minute. Just pause for a minute. Maybe re-listen to this five times and see if where I'm at is also in congruence with where I want to go.

Jason Shelfer:

Oh, that's so great. Let's do it. Let's keep Living Lucky®.

Jana Shelfer:

Thanks for joining us, bye-bye.

Jana Shelfer:

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