Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Create Winning Teams

Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 7 Episode 77

Turn Your Team & Mindset into Success Magnets!

Feeling like your goals are stuck in neutral? This episode of the Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason & Jana Banana is your turbo boost to success!

We're cracking the code on the contagious energy of winning teams and the mindset shift that unlocks limitless potential.

Here's what you'll get:

  • The secret weapon behind a Kansas community's fundraising miracle (and how to apply it to your own goals!)
  • How to ditch "obligation" and turn contributions into exciting opportunities. This simple switch can triple your impact!
  • The power of positive language: Learn how the words you choose can transform a chore into a chance to shine.
  • Unleashing the leader within: Discover the leadership traits that inspire others and attract the support you need.
  • The "B-12 shot" effect: Find out how to inject contagious enthusiasm into your team and ignite a winning streak!

Feeling inspired? We've got even more! This episode also dives into the intriguing ability of some people to predict the success of sports teams. ⚾️ Is it a lucky guess, or is there a powerful skill anyone can learn?

Join Jason & Jana Banana as they unpack the secrets of positive mindset and effective teamwork. Learn how to transform negativity into a winning cycle that benefits you and your community!

Ready to start Living Lucky®? Head over to for more inspiration and to join the journey!

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Keywords: Self-help, personal development, limiting beliefs, mindset, positive thinking, success, teamwork, leadership, motivation, fundraising, community building, communication, inspiration, Positive mindset, Transforming negativity, Abundance and growth, Contagious enthusiasm, Leadership by example, Energy and motivation, Success strategies, Goal achievement, Living Lucky®, Life coaching principles, Believe in yourself, Community growth, Unlocking potential, Building momentum

#LivingLucky #PositiveMindset #PersonalDevelopment #LifeCoaching #AbundanceMindset #Inspiration

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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®. Good morning, my name's Channa, I'm Jason and we are Living Lucky®. You are too. We are in Kansas for the month of December. I've spent three days with my dad and he is on a mission.

Jason Shelfer:

He's on fire. You can see it in the way he walks around.

Jana Shelfer:

He has this aura about him. He is part of the Community Foundation and they are raising $70,000 in the month of December, in the month of December. And again, he is the rocket fuel. He literally has a clear and compelling future and in that you can see the excitement.

Jason Shelfer:

You can and some people aren't going to understand $70,000 being a big deal, but for this town, For a small town that's huge. It is huge. And plus, if they can reach $, can reach 70 000, then they have other there's a matching donors that will pop in and that creates a massive three times yes the amount and he is on fire. You, you mentioned to me after going to a town meeting with him today, um, that people have come up and said he is the best thing that has happened to this committee, this community.

Jana Shelfer:

Because money follows energy.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

And he literally is going in there with this energetic enthusiasm that people can feel. It's contagious.

Jason Shelfer:

And he has a clear vision of what they want to do A to get to the money and then B what they want to do with the money A to get to the money and then B what they want to do with the money. So it's pretty, I would say, special and very deliberately intentional about what he's doing in the community and for the community.

Jana Shelfer:

OK, so the reason we're talking about this is because he literally is creating this vortex around him.

Jason Shelfer:

And people are getting swept into it.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, so just in the last three days he's raised, I think, $24,000. And it literally started with him talking to people and then he gets one to say yes, and then he's like, okay, okay, so this person is donating this. Why don't you come in and can we count on you? And it just feels like there is this contagious.

Jason Shelfer:

Well, just like you always say, the energy is contagious. It is Money, flow is an energy.

Jana Shelfer:

Money flows where energy goes.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, and I think what's happening is he's showing up as a I don't want to say an influencer, but he is no, he totally is. When you feel like you're Living Lucky®. Which he's got this pep in his step, that swagger, we talk about when we talk about feeling lucky and he shows up in that energy vortex.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, then other people are like I want what he has. How do I get that? And that's that's why people come alongside of us is because they're like I want what they have. What do I? How do I? Just, proximity is power, and so they're going to sweep into that. Okay.

Jana Shelfer:

So let's learn from him, because there were a couple of things that happened today that really made an impression on me. One was a couple of the board members were using language like peer pressure. So they have a leaderboard of all of the donors in the town and some of the board members were saying, well, peer pressure is a real thing and if we can get one person to donate and we can make that transparent public, to make that public knowledge, then other people are going to feel the pressure to also.

Jason Shelfer:

I need to be like the Joneses To also donate.

Jana Shelfer:

And my dad said no, no, no, no, it's set the tone, yes, it's building the excitement Like I'm, like life is so good and so abundant.

Jason Shelfer:

I can, I can afford to give this. And it will come back to our community, yes, and get other people into that frame of mind, not like I feel pressured to do this because that's a that there's a friction there. That's not healthy. The excitement energy, though, is very healthy, and it's contagious and it leads into further action.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, so let's just apply this to our own lives. So when we use language like I, have to do this. I should do this. I need to do this. It tells our brain that this is almost a chore or it's peer pressure.

Jason Shelfer:

It's saying I have to fight through resistance instead of join the movement.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, whereas if we can change our mindset into oh my gosh, this is a way I can contribute, this is a way I can help, this is the way I can build my dream, create my future.

Jason Shelfer:

Well, the words you use create the story that you're writing, and the story you're writing creates the ending.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, oh, my gosh, okay. So the words that we use very, very crucial, very, very crucial. Secondly, another thing that he did was he, like you said, he not only goes in with the energy that he wants to attract and he wants, it's like he's leading by example.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, amen.

Jana Shelfer:

But the thing that he did was he found other communities that are doing exactly what he wants to create, so that he has something to show people and it's almost opening their eyes to the possibilities.

Jason Shelfer:

Oh, that's so big.

Jana Shelfer:

And sometimes, when we try to verbalize or articulate what it is that we are creating, people have different interpretations, people have different translations, and so if you have something to show people, it's almost like a template.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, yes. Well, success leads breadcrumbs. Yes, so when you can say this is what community B has done, and if I'm community A and I want to create that same thing, and it's called abundance, it's called growth, it's called prosperity, it's called a more cohesive community, okay, so what did the other community do that created all that and generated this? Now, where are we Identify where I am right now as a community and what are some of the minor adjustments we can make to lean into that?

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, and it puts everyone on the same page, so that we're all working for the same common goal and we know what to look for for the same common goal and we know what to look for.

Jana Shelfer:

And then the third thing that I want to bring up that I learned from my dad is it's not about raising the money. That's not his why. He always comes back to how this will affect you as a community member. So he's bringing in a team of people, and the way he does that is by saying this is how this will benefit you and your kids.

Jason Shelfer:

This is how you're going to feel. This is how you're going to experience life. This will be the new birth of what the world you really wanted and you thought it could be.

Jana Shelfer:

Which goes back to then. People want to join the movement.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, one of the other things that you mentioned. It might be slightly off topic, but that you've been to a couple of meetings with him already and he's the first one there. Yes, he is setting the tone you mentioned that earlier for the meetings.

Jana Shelfer:

He brings an excitement. He brings an energy around him, and it was amazing to me how, even just today, three people said to me you have no idea how great it has been to have your dad on this committee.

Jason Shelfer:

He's like a shot of testosterone or a shot of energy into the community. He's a B12 shot. That's right.

Jana Shelfer:

He's a walking B12 shot. He's a B-12 shot, that's right, he's a walking B-12 shot.

Jason Shelfer:

He's a B-lucky shot.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, no, that's exactly what it is.

Jason Shelfer:

And when people realize that they can be like that. So I feel like we all want that. But we cover ourselves in the blanket of safety, the blanket of sameness, blanket of sameness. And then when we realize we can shuck those blankets off and be the excitement and the energy and the enthusiasm that brings the more of that to us. It's a very contagious energy and creates a. If you can get it into a directional focus, it creates almost like a power train to where you're going.

Jana Shelfer:

One last thing he has been asking. So he's been calling people, talking to people, so he's literally spreading his vision, his dream.

Jason Shelfer:

He's talking to people and he's asking, he's asking the ask Do you want to be part of this? How would you like to contribute?

Jana Shelfer:

How would you like to contribute? People want to help. People want to help. People can feel passion and people want to jump in. A lot of times they don't know exactly how to help.

Jason Shelfer:

And then if you just ask how would you like to contribute and they're like I don't know. What are some of the examples of how other people have contributed, just like you said earlier, how's Town B doing it, yes, then I can know okay, I have this within my capacity and within my capabilities to contribute that way. I didn't know that was an option. Sometimes people just I love that you brought that up that sometimes people don't know what the difference maker is, because even in life sometimes we're just going through the motions, doing, doing, doing, doing, doing, yes, and we stay so busy in the doing and we haven't changed anything so that we know what is the contribution that's going to make the difference.

Jana Shelfer:

OK, let me wrap this up, because, as I was leaving the meeting today, I I popped in. I was like I'm, I'm Jerry's daughter. My whole life, people have said oh, are you Jana's dad? Are you Jana's dad? And today I got to be Jerry's daughter and I said you know, I have experienced it in my own life Whenever my dad decides to put his full support behind a team or a project, we always win. It's a win, we always win. And there is a superpower there. There is a superpower there. He is an expert at building teams, building goals building and a support system yes, and I wonder if some of that comes from. And a support system yes.

Jason Shelfer:

And I wonder if some of that comes from having a farming background Plant the seeds tend to the crop and then harvest at the end.

Jana Shelfer:

Maybe, maybe, I don't know Because you've got to nourish it.

Jason Shelfer:

Maybe it's his sports background.

Jana Shelfer:

I don't know what I told the group was every team that he ever decides to get behind. I mean, he'll call me and say you know, I think we should get behind the Royals this year. I'm like what? And then they yeah, no World Series champs World Series champs. And then he's like oh the Chiefs, they have this quarterback, we should keep an eye on him. Oh, Chiefs, are like winning, winning, winning. So I feel like there is a superpower there in how to build teams how to work together how to spread that energy.

Jason Shelfer:

How to reach a goal.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, all right. Thanks for joining us. Thanks for tuning in, yeah.

Jason Shelfer:

Keep Living Lucky®.

Jana Shelfer:

Bye-bye. If the idea of Living Lucky® appeals to you, visit us at www. LivingLucky. com.