Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana
Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana – Your Path to Unleashing Potential and Embracing Abundance!
🍀 Welcome to a dynamic realm where personal growth, wellness, and the art of living your best life converge. Jason and Jana Shelfer, the magnetic hosts behind the Living Lucky® Podcast, are here to guide you on an awe-inspiring journey to unlock your untapped potential and radiate boundless positivity. #PersonalLuck
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🎙️Jason & Jana Shelfer, your passionate podcast hosts, are your trusted companions on this adventure. With a treasure trove of experience and insights, they have scaled mountains, both literally and figuratively, to find the keys to living a lucky life. Drawing from their unique journey, they are here to share their wisdom and help you create your own path to success.
🌈 Living Lucky is more than a podcast; it's a thriving community of dreamers and achievers. Our listeners, much like you, share a common goal – to transform their lives positively. We're here to inspire and uplift each other, for together, we amplify the power of our dreams. #VibrantCommunity
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Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana
Choose EMPOWERED Certainty
Discover How to Navigate Uncertainty and Create Certainty with Living Lucky®!
Feeling adrift and unsure where to turn? You're not alone. In this episode of Living Lucky® with Jason & Jana Banana, we delve into the power of leadership – both internal and external – to help you cut through the fog of uncertainty and create a clear path forward.
Here's what you'll unlock:
- Break free from the "Disney World Effect": Learn how aimlessly following the crowd can lead to missed opportunities and stagnation. Discover how strong leadership, both personal and political, can guide you towards a brighter future.
- Ditch the "Analysis Paralysis": Feeling overwhelmed by endless options? We explore the importance of decisive action and how clear direction helps you focus on what truly matters.
- Embrace the "Band-Aid Rip": Fear of the unknown can hold you back. Discover how embracing the initial sting of change, like ripping off a band-aid, can lead to a more fulfilling journey.
- Cultivate a "Living Lucky®" Mindset: We share personal anecdotes and tips to help you navigate the chaos of life with optimism and a sense of adventure. Learn how to find joy in the journey and seize opportunities with confidence.
- Actionable Takeaways: Whether you're battling limiting beliefs or simply need a dose of encouragement, this episode will equip you with practical tools to cultivate a positive mindset and create the certainty you crave.
Ready to stop feeling lost and start living with purpose? Tune in and unlock the power of leadership and optimism on your journey to a brighter future!
#LivingLucky #Uncertainty #Leadership #Mindset #PositiveThinking #PersonalDevelopment
Keywords: self-help, personal development, limiting beliefs, mindset, positive thinking, leadership, uncertainty, clarity, direction, change, optimism, Living Lucky®, Election 2024, Democracy, Jana Shelfer, Jason Shelfer, Elite Life Coaches, Millionaire Mindset, Multimillionaire, Success Leaves Clues, Certainty
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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.
*Previously Recorded
Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®. Good morning. I'm Jana,
Jason Shelfer:I'm Jason
Jana Shelfer:and we are Living Lucky®. You are too.
Jana Shelfer:We've been up all night. We've been watching the election returns. Like a lot of other people, we're going to have to go take naps today, and what I find so interesting is we can seriously talk this to death of why people voted the way they did. What sector was thinking what? How could the campaign have made different decisions? We can sit here and analyze. It's called analysis paralysis.
Jason Shelfer:What's right, what's wrong?
Jana Shelfer:And we can literally sit and try to look at all the data. The truth is, the win in all of this is that we have a certainty.
Jason Shelfer:We have a leader.
Jana Shelfer:We know we have a leader, Whereas going into this, they literally warned us. When I say they, I'm talking about the political pundits warned us we might not know who is our president until January.
Jason Shelfer:Right, and then that just kind of leads you in this kind of COVID haze.
Jana Shelfer:Yes, you get into a fog where you're like I don't know who I'm following, I don't know where we're going, I don't know what to say.
Jason Shelfer:Which sometimes I think the American populace is comfortable being in that, because a lot of times we live in that when we are not chasing our personal dreams. It's like we get up and we keep doing, doing, doing. And if you have the fog of uncertainty about who the leader is, then it's just kind of like oh, I can still exist in my normal nothingness.
Jana Shelfer:Well, the truth is, the last four years we've been in a fog. I'm just going to call a spade a spade. We haven't had a. I mean I'm not putting anyone down, but there hasn't been a strong, clear Presence direction.
Jason Shelfer:It hasn't felt like that, and we haven't all known which way we're going.
Jana Shelfer:We just kind of it's like you're, I want to say a sperm. We're just rushing out of here. You're following the crowd. No, here's an example.
Jason Shelfer:Here's an example I love that you said a sperm, disney.
Jana Shelfer:World, because I've been thinking about that this morning.
Jana Shelfer:Wait, no, stop Too much. Back it off no, stop Too much.
Jana Shelfer:Back it up. No, it's kind of like at Disney World. You know, when Disney World, the end of the day the park is closed. We've watched the fireworks show and now we just kind of follow the crowd.
Jason Shelfer:Back to the parking lot.
Jana Shelfer:We don't know where we're going. We just kind of go oh well, everyone else is going this way, so let's go that way, and that's what the last four years has felt like.
Jason Shelfer:Am I right? It has. There's been a, and that's just. I think when we talk about that certainty, subconsciously we are all looking for certainty and kind of that loud voice that says this is what's going to happen and this is where we're going, so that you know in your head okay, this is where we're going.
Jana Shelfer:Okay, okay, I'm going to put this out in experiences that I have had and I may not know what I'm talking about, but this is my experience. I've been on a lot of sports teams and when our coach I had one coach and she literally would say you're doing good, the other team's not.
Jason Shelfer:So you're going to win.
Jana Shelfer:So keep doing what you're doing, team.
Jason Shelfer:Go team Very exciting.
Jana Shelfer:And I mean, yeah, we got through the season, but nobody really knew the plan or where we're headed or our goals or how to improve, or if we're even working on the same side here Right, we just all kind of went out and started playing catch and keep away. That's what we did.
Jason Shelfer:That's a fun game, but if not, it doesn't produce points on the scoreboard all the time.
Jana Shelfer:Now I've had coaches where I haven't always necessarily liked these coaches.
Jana Shelfer:But if a coach comes out and yells at us and says we're doing this. Drill stump, that's what my maiden name was and that's what I was called on these teams. Drill stump, that's what. That's what my maiden name was and that's what I was called on these teams. It felt like, okay, I know what I'm supposed to be doing. I know who's in charge, because I'm not out there asking the captain. I don't. I don't understand what's the play. What are we supposed to do? Oh, you know what I'm mad at, cindy, so I'm gonna go talk to mindy, right, yeah?
Jason Shelfer:Yeah. So I wanted to take it back to the Disney, the thought of being in Disney, yeah, because, like, if there's a group of you going to Disney, yes, and you want to make everyone happy in the group. Yes, you say, okay, what does everyone want to do? And then no one makes the decision.
Jana Shelfer:We get nowhere that way and you sit there and you discuss it for hours 30 minutes, at least 30 minutes, until somebody gets angry and says I'm tired of standing. Can we just go?
Jason Shelfer:Yeah, and then it's you typically go get some food.
Jana Shelfer:Right.
Jason Shelfer:Because, now you're eating your feelings and you're like we know everyone wants food, let's go find food, and then you're probably going to spend another couple of minutes discussing where to go eat because there's so many options.
Jason Shelfer:Well, that's kind of in politics If you're making everyone happy, you make no one happy, you're going to spend a lot of time running around doing nothing and at the end of your time at Disney quote unquote you're going to realize wow, there were so many things we could have done. We didn't have a director, we didn't have someone that's taking action and taking leadership.
Jana Shelfer:We didn't have a leader. That's what leading is, and sometimes not everyone in the group likes the decisions that you made, but at least there's a decision that's made Again. I know I could be a metaphor salad right now.
Jason Shelfer:I love metaphors.
Jana Shelfer:It's kind of like when Jason and I go. What do you want for dinner?
Jason Shelfer:I don't care.
Jana Shelfer:Whatever, Just you know, you decide when I want steak.
Jason Shelfer:But I don't want to put the work in of going to the butcher, going to the grocery store, getting spices and then firing up the grill.
Jana Shelfer:However, if I said I really want tacos tonight, I really want tacos.
Jason Shelfer:Very clear, very direct certainty Now.
Jana Shelfer:Jason goes. That sounds great. Now we have a plan and we know which direction we're going. We're going to the store to buy things to make tacos.
Jason Shelfer:And because of the certainty I'm more willing to go to the store.
Jana Shelfer:Because you know where we're going and so, no matter how you feel about the election returns, we have certainty. We have certainty. This is our leader. There's no ambiguous. I mean I'm sure, I'm sure that's about to come. People might start questioning. However, for the most part, it is very clear we have a leader and there's a relief there. There's a release in all of this anxiety that has been leading up to this for the last several months.
Jason Shelfer:And there's going to be a subsect of America. That's creating that dirty uncertainty. Yes, because what, what, and we all do this in different areas of our life, but this is a very unifying position that people get to create and go oh, this may happen, this could be horrible, and we start building that dirty pain, dirty anxiety.
Jana Shelfer:That's not even true yet we manifest it by our thoughts, feelings and actions.
Jason Shelfer:And, instead of analyzing what is true saying is that true? Has it been proven? Because in the now, in the moment, we are all the same people we were a couple of days ago.
Jana Shelfer:You know, I feel like what you just said there's. There is a component to all of that where we just we don't want to feel out of control and when we focus on what we can't control, we become out of control, we become out of control. We act chaotic, we feel powerless, we become out of control. We become out of control, we act chaotic. We feel powerless, we start acting chaotic, whereas now that I know, you know what America has decided we have a leader. They have projected the leader by 8 am on November 6th.
Jason Shelfer:Which is quicker than the past couple of years or couple of election cycles.
Jana Shelfer:That makes me know that there was some unity. It wasn't a complete.
Jason Shelfer:It wasn't a landslide, but there was certainty among the certain but the majority speaks.
Jana Shelfer:The majority speaks Correct, and so now I know there's something about me in knowing. I feel safer, I feel clearer, I feel calmer.
Jason Shelfer:I feel, and when you live into that, you start making decisions that create a new.
Jana Shelfer:Safety, calmness, all of the things that I just said.
Jason Shelfer:Yeah, because Clarity, because you're not throwing ahead of you that dirty anxiety, that dirty pain, that dirty uncertainty to create more uncertainty in your future.
Jana Shelfer:So what he just said, I'm going to translate in layman's terms. It goes back to the Band-Aid. You know, when you take the Band-Aid off, yeah, it might hurt a little bit.
Jana Shelfer:However, if you sit and go, I don't want to take a bandaid on me. Oh, it's going to be horrible. I'm going to see something nasty and it's going to be painful. I can't do it. I can't do it.
Jana Shelfer:Count to three. No, you do it. You do it. It's that, that uncertainty of how it's going to feel, that starts creating this energy within us. Yeah, and that is scary, it's painful, whereas if we just say we are going to take the Band-Aid off in four seconds, Three, two, one done. Now we have a direction, Now we know there's certainty there and the Band-Aid's off. And the Band-Aid's off.
Jason Shelfer:Time to get to work, thanks, for joining us.
Jana Shelfer:We the band-aid's off and the band-aid's off Time to get to work. Whew, thanks for joining us. We need to go take a nap. We've been up all night.
Jason Shelfer:That's right, we're going to be sleeping lucky Up all night. Keep Living Lucky®.
Jana Shelfer:Bye-bye. If the idea of Living Lucky® appeals to you, visit us at www. LivingLucky. com.