Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana
Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana – Your Path to Unleashing Potential and Embracing Abundance!
🍀 Welcome to a dynamic realm where personal growth, wellness, and the art of living your best life converge. Jason and Jana Shelfer, the magnetic hosts behind the Living Lucky® Podcast, are here to guide you on an awe-inspiring journey to unlock your untapped potential and radiate boundless positivity. #PersonalLuck
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🎙️Jason & Jana Shelfer, your passionate podcast hosts, are your trusted companions on this adventure. With a treasure trove of experience and insights, they have scaled mountains, both literally and figuratively, to find the keys to living a lucky life. Drawing from their unique journey, they are here to share their wisdom and help you create your own path to success.
🌈 Living Lucky is more than a podcast; it's a thriving community of dreamers and achievers. Our listeners, much like you, share a common goal – to transform their lives positively. We're here to inspire and uplift each other, for together, we amplify the power of our dreams. #VibrantCommunity
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Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana
Navigating the C's
Ditch Doubt & Build Confidence: The Living Lucky® Guide to Unlocking Your Potential
Feeling stuck in a cycle of self-doubt? You're not alone! Join Jason & Jana Banana on the Living Lucky® Podcast as they crack the code to building unshakeable confidence.
This episode is your roadmap to becoming your most empowered self. Discover the powerful "C's" that will transform your mindset and guide you towards success:
- Clarity: Get laser-focused and banish overwhelm. Learn how to define your goals and chart a course for achieving them.
- Compassion: Stop the self-criticism! Cultivate self-kindness to build a strong foundation for confidence.
- Community: Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who uplift and inspire you.
- Communication: Master the art of connection. Learn to express yourself effectively and build strong relationships.
- Celebration: Acknowledge your wins, big and small. Celebrating progress fuels motivation and keeps you moving forward.
- Coaching: Get the guidance and support you need to reach your full potential.
- Confidence: It's not a magic trick, it's a muscle you can strengthen! Discover practical exercises to build unshakeable self-belief.
This episode is packed with actionable tips, inspiring stories, and powerful tools to help you silence your inner critic and step into your power. Tune in and get ready to turn doubt into your greatest asset!
Keywords: self-help, personal development, limiting beliefs, mindset, positive thinking, confidence building, overcoming self-doubt, goal setting, success habits, personal growth, supportive community, communication skills, self-compassion, celebrating achievements, life coaching
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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.
*Previously Recorded
Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®. Good morning. I'm Jana,
Jason Shelfer:I'm Jason
Jana Shelfer:and we are Living Lucky®. You are too. Today, we're talking about navigating the seas.
Jason Shelfer:Navigating the seas S-E-A. Rough waters out there.
Jana Shelfer:Jason.
Jason Shelfer:That's funny.
Jana Shelfer:Let's hop on the ship.
Jason Shelfer:Let's take a ship.
Jana Shelfer:Oh, that just went into a left turn there. We were doing a presentation last night and we talked about navigating the C's, the letter C. When we talk about C's, we're talking about the letter C and what falls under the C's navigating the C's is confidence.
Jason Shelfer:Clarity.
Jana Shelfer:Conciseness, if that's a word.
Jason Shelfer:Incorrect.
Jana Shelfer:Complete.
Jason Shelfer:Credibility.
Jana Shelfer:Compassion, connectivity, conversation, sincerity, conciseness if that's a word incorrect complete credibility, compassion connectivity conversation, community communication and a coach. Coaching. I mean it's all of the C's, and when you do that you start to really believe in yourself.
Jason Shelfer:Yes.
Jana Shelfer:It's the combination of all of those things and it's weird that they all start with the letter.
Jason Shelfer:C. Right, I know Well, you gave me a French, Latin, Italian word that.
Jana Shelfer:Confidere.
Jason Shelfer:Ah, beautiful Confidere.
Jana Shelfer:Confidere is actually a musical term. I've been learning this in my piano lessons that I'm still taking, at age 49.
Jason Shelfer:But confidere Never.
Jana Shelfer:And when we practice, what do we get?
Jason Shelfer:We lean in with curiosity, we give ourselves permission to fail.
Jana Shelfer:We gain confidence in ourselves, we learn how to navigate the seas, we learn what to do. I know.
Jason Shelfer:And there we go, folks.
Jana Shelfer:Thanks for joining us today.
Jason Shelfer:Well, it's so important because oftentimes we go into something new and we want to be perfect at it when we start it.
Jana Shelfer:I'm just going to be real right now the biggest obstacle that I have faced and I can't even believe that I'm saying this out loud. But, because you're here with us and you're part of the Living Lucky® community. I will share it with you. The biggest obstacle when I was 38, I started hearing a voice, an inner voice. It was a knowing that said Jana, there's something bigger and better. Do it, go for it, for it. And I had the hardest time taking that leap because I had doubt in myself, in my abilities.
Jason Shelfer:I didn't believe in myself. Wow, that's big. I feel like that's a very common thing. That was me when we were leaning heavily into personal development and when I saw the magic that you had started creating. Because this is well, after that portion of time, and I saw what you were doing and I felt the calling in me that says, hey, there's something bigger and better for you. You need to do it and you have to let go of all these things that you know, that you're comfortable in, that you're very successful at, so that you can make room for new and make room for that new. I've got goosebumps all over right now because what I wanted to do was keep one foot in the old and put one foot in the new. And while I was doing that, I kept waking up at 2.30 in the morning in tears, like in almost like a panic of I know that I need to.
Jana Shelfer:I know that I I could do this, and it's so scary because I wanted the benefits, the, the structure, the, the certainty of it. Uncertainty is the other part of this. So it's doubt, fear and uncertainty and, just like you said, when you're kind of putting one foot in and you're kind of keeping one foot holding on, it's like you're on the monkey bars and you're like I don't want to let go, because I know that I need to in order to grab this.
Jason Shelfer:I'm here and I'm safe, and I can't get to the next rung without letting go of this one.
Jana Shelfer:And for me, I had the hardest time betting on myself. Now I know that on the outside, people friends, family, coworkers were like of course, this is the next step for you. I don't understand what the problem is.
Jason Shelfer:Same.
Jana Shelfer:Like. This is exactly the trajectory that you're on. I don't understand. Everyone else can see it. Why can't?
Jason Shelfer:you. Well, that was the same for me when you were saying just do it Like you're so powerful in this new space, let go of the other monkey bar and grab hold of this new. And I just was like not. And then one day you said we're going to be okay and I'm here with you, yeah, and I sent the resignation letter and it's been amazing, just the most beautiful, amazing journey, learning and experimenting into the newness.
Jana Shelfer:That being said, there's also challenges that go into becoming yes and to grow that belief muscle.
Jason Shelfer:It's a it's a faith muscle, is what it is well, and I think that we have done that by by being very like, continuously showing up and being consistent in that.
Jana Shelfer:That's where I'm coming with the C's, because people say well, how, how do you grow that belief muscle in yourself, how do you take that leap of faith, how do you walk blindly into the uncertainty and how do you know that you're going to come out on the other end even bigger and better?
Jason Shelfer:Well, it's navigating these seas, it's finding the clarity, it's showing up with consistency, it's wrapping your hands around that knowing and having the credibility in yourself so that you can mirror that out.
Jana Shelfer:And it's learning to communicate. It's learning to communicate with your soul, learning to communicate with your feelings and your thoughts.
Jason Shelfer:And communication is a form of connection because it bridges the gap between understanding.
Jana Shelfer:Yes. And then you know you start building, as you start moving on this path and building that confidence by practicing and showing up the confidere. As you start building that, then you start attracting a community of people that are either on the same path with you or that want to almost ride your coattails. They want to learn from you. So you start feeling the support building underneath.
Jason Shelfer:It sounds like a Living Lucky® program.
Jana Shelfer:It's exactly what it is. I mean when people say well, how do you believe in yourself, how do you take that leap of faith? How do you know your soul is wanting something bigger and better? Well, there's a lot to it. There's a lot of little minor steps.
Jason Shelfer:And sometimes it like one of the things we did was we got ourselves a coach.
Jana Shelfer:Not just one Right. We got ourselves coaches in every area of our life and we still do this. So I just want I want to put another C in.
Jason Shelfer:There is continue to grow, continue to evolve, continue to get outside your comfort zone and, like you just said, get a coach in any area that you need, because one thing that coach is going to do is they're going to help you with the clarity around finding what you're doing well and they're also going to give you little pinpoints as to this might be adapted or changed or adjusted a little bit to give you more certainty, clarity, confidence, moving forward.
Jana Shelfer:There's one last C that I want to talk about that we haven't mentioned yet, and that is celebrate, celebrate, celebrate. Dance to the music yeah.
Jason Shelfer:Knowing what your wins are like, defining wins as the kind of the process of moving forward in faith yes, because if you're setting the wins we talked about this last night on our webinar If you're putting the win as the completion or the result a lot of times as you're growing into the newness, you're not going to realize the best optimal result right away, but it's definitely down the runway. So if you just enjoy that process and have fun doing it and celebrate the showing up consistently, Okay, so consistency is really just practicing?
Jason Shelfer:Yes, confidere when you practice.
Jana Shelfer:When you show up consistently and you practice, you start building that confidence muscle. There's a confidence muscle and this is what we call navigating the C's. We're not talking S-E-A-S, we're talking C's as in A-B, C, Charlie C. Because Conf, Charlie C? Because it feels like the way you build this belief muscle is with all of the C words. And again, just to recap, what are some of those C words?
Jason Shelfer:Jason, Clarity, conciseness, being complete and credible, having compassion, connecting with others or connection, having a powerful conversation and building a community.
Jana Shelfer:Celebrating getting a coach confidence, confidence.
Jason Shelfer:Yeah, we're here to build that confidence muscle. We're here to pump you up.
Jana Shelfer:I've heard that before. Thanks for joining us. I hope this helps anyone out there for Thanks for joining us.
Jason Shelfer:I hope this helps anyone out there. If so, please give us a little email at Jason at livingluckycom, and keep Living Lucky®, bye-bye.
Jana Shelfer:If the idea of Living Lucky® appeals to you, visit us at www. LivingLucky. com.