Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana
Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana – Your Path to Unleashing Potential and Embracing Abundance!
🍀 Welcome to a dynamic realm where personal growth, wellness, and the art of living your best life converge. Jason and Jana Shelfer, the magnetic hosts behind the Living Lucky® Podcast, are here to guide you on an awe-inspiring journey to unlock your untapped potential and radiate boundless positivity. #PersonalLuck
🌟 Just as a caterpillar transforms into a magnificent butterfly, you too can undergo a profound metamorphosis. Dive deep into topics that matter most to you, from self-improvement and mindfulness to entrepreneurship and the liberating world of creative hobbies. Our podcast is your compass to navigate the waters of change and growth. #ThePowerOfTransformation
🎙️Jason & Jana Shelfer, your passionate podcast hosts, are your trusted companions on this adventure. With a treasure trove of experience and insights, they have scaled mountains, both literally and figuratively, to find the keys to living a lucky life. Drawing from their unique journey, they are here to share their wisdom and help you create your own path to success.
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Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana
Mistake, BIG Mistake😳
Life is an ever-evolving work of art.
Ditch the Perfection Trap & Unleash Your Creativity: Happy Mistakes Welcome Here! (New Episode!)
Feeling stuck in a cycle of self-doubt and missed creative opportunities? This episode of Living Lucky® with Jason & Jana Banana is your permission slip to embrace the beautiful mess of creation!
Here's what you'll get:
- Break free from the "perfection monster": Discover how to reframe limiting beliefs and unleash your inner artist. (Goodbye, negativity! Hello, creative flow!)
- Turn "happy little mistakes" into stepping stones: Learn how to view challenges as opportunities for growth, just like Bob Ross with his famous "happy accidents."
- Ditch the fear of judgment: We'll show you how to quiet your inner critic and embrace the joy of exploration, even in collaboration.
- Find the fun in the journey: Stop waiting for the "perfect" moment and start enjoying the creative process itself.
Ready to transform your life and see mistakes as stepping stones to greatness? Tune in and get ready to create a masterpiece…imperfections and all!
Keywords: self-help, personal development, limiting beliefs, mindset, positive thinking, creativity, Bob Ross, happy mistakes, overcoming fear, finding joy, living lucky
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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.
*Previously Recorded
Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®. Good morning. I'm Jana
Jason Shelfer:, I'm Jason
Jana Shelfer:and we are Living Lucky®.
Jason Shelfer:You are too.
Jana Shelfer:This morning I was reading the back of my magazine and it literally said creativity is having fun making mistakes.
Jason Shelfer:Oh, that's good.
Jana Shelfer:Why is it that sometimes in life we try to be perfect, we try to make all of the right decisions, and there's something?
Jana Shelfer:about oh, did I make a mistake?
Jana Shelfer:that just causes all sorts of doubt and uncertainty in our mind.
Jason Shelfer:It's chaos for the canvas.
Jana Shelfer:Oh, tell me more.
Jason Shelfer:Fear of making a mistake and realizing, hey, I'm just moving into something new, I'm creating something, I've got a vision in my head and I'm trying to get it out into the world, into life, however it is, and it's not giving yourself the grace to kind of figure it out as you go.
Jana Shelfer:Yes, yes, yes and yes.
Jason Shelfer:And it's like whenever we're moving into a newness or whenever we're creating, Like if a baby's creating its ability to walk the baby just.
Jana Shelfer:We always use the damn baby. Well, it's easy to think, forget the damn baby.
Jason Shelfer:I'm so over babies Throw the baby out in the bag. Forget the babies With the dishwater.
Jana Shelfer:Yes right. I'm so over babies. I mean, if they're so enlightened, then why do we even need to go through this damn earth? I Then why do we even need to go through this damn earth?
Jason Shelfer:I think it's not that they're enlightened, it's there they are enlightened.
Jana Shelfer:They come and they don't have any baggage.
Jason Shelfer:They're just brand new, they're pure. That's it. They don't have the baggage, they don't have the expectation of perfection, and that's that's like a that's a beautiful thing. Why do we?
Jana Shelfer:learn that? Where does that come from? Why are we conditioned to feel that way?
Jason Shelfer:Because we're smart, capable beings and we want to fit in. We pick up on social cues. So we pick up on those cues of you're doing it wrong with the scrunched face or that fart smell. Look that someone gives you when you give them an idea and they're like oh, I don't know, and you're like that, that was a great like. I loved that idea. I was in love with that idea.
Jana Shelfer:I offered it to you Until I saw how you reacted.
Jason Shelfer:Right, and so then we put the meaning on what they said and their, their fart face might have just been oh, I'm going to have to think about that a little bit. But even if, but if they don't express it, we're going to take that as but even if, but if they don't express it.
Jana Shelfer:we're going to take that as they just made a fart face.
Jason Shelfer:That was a stinky idea Right, nobody.
Jana Shelfer:nobody smells a fart and goes oh yeah, actually some of mine are pretty good. I'm just going to be real.
Jason Shelfer:Yeah, the only farts that smell good are your own.
Jana Shelfer:Why is that?
Jason Shelfer:It's that awe and wonder Like oh, I wonder what that was Is it's it's that awe and wonder like oh, I wonder what that was.
Jana Shelfer:Is it because I never wonder what that was, I just go?
Jason Shelfer:yeah, that kind of has. It's like going to the not quite roses, it's like driving up to the gas station.
Jana Shelfer:You know people are like, oh, the gas smells. I was always like that smells, kind of good it does.
Jason Shelfer:It smells like go juice gasoline well, that's what it is. Go juice what is go juice.
Jana Shelfer:It's go juices helps your car's what it is Go juice.
Jason Shelfer:What is go juice? It's go juice. It helps your car go. It's the juice that helps your car go.
Jana Shelfer:Did you just make that up when you were a baby?
Jana Shelfer:I'm pretty sure I made that up when I was a baby.
Jason Shelfer:Let's go get the car. Some go juice. That's why it's so brilliant Not afraid to fail. Oh yes, I, I'm not afraid to fail.
Jana Shelfer:Oh yes, I think there's a fear of failure.
Jason Shelfer:Yeah.
Jana Shelfer:Well, it's which we've talked about many times on this podcast Fear of failure, fear of failure, fear of rejection. But there's something very, very minute about fear of making a mistake. Fear of making a mistake, because that leads to when I make a decision, then I question whether I made the right decision.
Jason Shelfer:How am?
Jana Shelfer:I going to be judged? Yeah, it does come back to judgment, but judgment from myself.
Jason Shelfer:Oh yeah, oh yeah. See if we can let go of the judgment from ourselves and let go of the judgment of others, and knowing that we're just in alignment, and give ourselves the freedom and the grace to be messy.
Jana Shelfer:To fuck up.
Jason Shelfer:And have fun. And have fun doing it, like exploring, like let curiosity lead, like if you don't know, you don't know, if you find out little things along the way, you can make, make, turn the puzzle into a masterpiece, which is what I mean. You're great at that, puzzling it's. I think we're all great at it. It's just certain areas we wish we were better and we we pick at the ways that we're not good at it.
Jana Shelfer:We wish we were better and we pick at the ways that we're not good at it. I mean, if I look at our brand that we are building, I started before I thought that I was completely ready and prepared.
Jana Shelfer:I just jumped in and said, all right, let's learn as we go. Right, we never really stopped and had a clear, clear vision of exactly what is it that we're building. We haven't had some crucial conversations between the two of us, because sometimes I feel like you're building something and I'm building something, and it feels like we're not on the same field sometimes it's like let's, let's.
Jason Shelfer:if we had canvases like dueling canvases, we wouldn't have been super clear about the overall vision and we just said, all right, turn around and paint back to back.
Jana Shelfer:Yeah.
Jason Shelfer:And see what you come up with, see what I come up with, and then we're going to mesh them together. We're going to mesh them together, but the thing is we can always, once we're building, then we can look at what each other's built and say, how do these work together? Or how do we start crafting them to be together and allow for that grace of nothing that we each put on the canvas is a mistake. It's just now we need to. We can start adding layers.
Jana Shelfer:It's having fun making mistakes. Having fun making mistakes, happy little mistakes like Bob Ross would say yeah, I love that. So what you're really saying? What we're really saying is life is a work of art and we should just have fun making the mistakes and learning from them.
Jason Shelfer:Yeah, and realizing that there's always another availability of a brushstroke to add to the betterment of it.
Jana Shelfer:And instead of saying I just fucked up, say how can this serve me? What is the opportunity here.
Jason Shelfer:Yeah, there's no need. The beautiful thing about painting is there's no need to throw the canvas away. The canvas is life, the canvas is business, the canvas is the relationship, the canvas is you. Now we just add another layer to it.
Jana Shelfer:So if there's something you don't like, you can always paint over it.
Jason Shelfer:Yeah.
Jana Shelfer:But there comes a point and I am a creator.
Jana Shelfer:I know this from even my mannequin that I've been working on forever now, songs that I have crafted, paintings that I've done. There's a point in your art where you start playing not to lose. Does that make sense? Okay, so I just used a basketball analogy. But you start, you start the game by playing to win, playing to win, playing to win. And then you get to like the end of the third quarter into the fourth quarter and you like okay, we're ahead, let's not fuck this up. Yeah, the playing not to lose my language. I'm just a little bit, I'm a little hyped up this morning it's not the caffeine, but so yeah, that playing not to lose yes is a chasing, it's a um, I don't, it's, it's.
Jason Shelfer:it's a different feeling than having fun, enjoying what you're doing. Playing to win, yes, and even if it's just redefining the win, the team that's playing to lose is going to feel like they're in a battle. The team that's playing to win or to have fun is in a game.
Jana Shelfer:Yeah, okay. So let's bring this back to art. Though there is a point in art, like I know this painting that I I made for our wall in our bedroom there's a point where I think, okay, it could be done, although I really have this, this feeling that I should put a big old streak in front of it.
Jana Shelfer:And then I I'm like, oh, I don't want to, because I like it the way it is now.
Jason Shelfer:I mean it could make it better, or will it just?
Jana Shelfer:clutter. So, muck it, muck it up, Like like your paintings that end up as brown blocks.
Jason Shelfer:So I, I looked at my painting and I was like this absolutely sucks. And I, I looked at my painting and I was like this absolutely sucks. And you know what? I didn't have fun in it, and I also didn't give myself any grace to be imperfect, because I remembered how I could paint when I was younger.
Jana Shelfer:When you were a baby, when you were enlightened, you were born onto this earth.
Jason Shelfer:And when I had a coach, like when I had an art instructor like Ms Carol Pallister she taught me how to paint and she's like it's real fun and it's easy and you can create whatever you want.
Jana Shelfer:Wait, was her last name really Pallister?
Jason Shelfer:It was Pallister, but I see what you did there and I like it.
Jana Shelfer:I never put that together and I'm so punny that I don't even know myself.
Jason Shelfer:Okay, so you were saying she taught you how to paint. Yeah, and I remembered what I would consider in my older days as perfection, because we reminisce and we make things back then better than they were and they probably weren't great, but I did win awards with my art, with my paintings you know, I wonder where this need for perfection comes from me.
Jana Shelfer:I think it comes from you know, like. I know this is a freudian thing, but some people say you know if you're, if your mom changes your diapers, like right after you mess them. And now we're back to the baby analogy.
Jason Shelfer:You're making a mess.
Jana Shelfer:Right and I remember like when.
Jason Shelfer:I would go out and play with it.
Jana Shelfer:It smells like a fart and we've come full circle.
Jana Shelfer:No, but I remember when I was little, you know not to get my hands dirty. I remember one time my friend wanted to play mud pies. I had never done that and I thought my diapers. I thought no, no, no, no, no. But I thought my mom was just going to like have a conniption fit.
Jason Shelfer:And so and sometimes it can be like they're looking you. You see them looking at you as you're a mess, you're disappointing, and and their thought might be just oh, those were clean clothes, I'm going to have to wash them again, like it's. Like I wanted you to have fun, but I didn't want you to get that dirty, and so and but we put a lot of meaning on that. Look, that fart face, look and that disappointment and the anger that comes out because and it's and we absorb it as our own.
Jana Shelfer:Okay. So let's put this, let's apply this now to anyone that's listening it has to fart what? No, stop, Stop. We've taken it too far. Where in your life are you playing not to lose? Where in your life are you? You have this intuition like, oh, I should just put one more stroke, but I don't want to mess it up. Yeah, and it's like your inner voice is saying ah, just do it.
Jason Shelfer:Just do it and it's your feelings that are holding like. There's a feeling that wants to, and then there's a feeling of that fear and that doubt and that uncertainty that holds you back to stay safe and comfortable. Because if you look like, if you look at some of the most prolific art, I think there is like some of it you look at and we've just claimed it as perfect, and then there's some of it that's like, just like I don't get that, but the art world is saying that's perfect. That's probably a weird analogy, but it's um, and it's like why did they do this? Why did they do that? Like I think of who was the guy that did the splatters? Like it looks like the top of our roof.
Jana Shelfer:Oh, Jackson Pollock.
Jason Shelfer:Yes, like I think he was in that not playing, not to lose, but in that just fun, creative, and he's probably tormentedmented or was probably tormented. A lot of artists are because they're balancing that act of perfection and fun and meaningful.
Jana Shelfer:Life is a work of art and creativity is having fun.
Jason Shelfer:Doing it.
Jana Shelfer:Making mistakes Happy little mistakes.
Jason Shelfer:Happy little mistakes, happy little mistakes that are really gifts from the universe helping us become our best selves. When Bob Ross says that there's a feeling involved. When Bob Ross says that there's a feeling involved Like it's changing any mistake into a feeling of fun, feeling of good, happy A happy little mistake and that's a lot of times what we're just searching for and we say I'm not going to be happy unless this is perfect and so it's beautiful.
Jason Shelfer:And you always say be the feeling like, embrace the feeling first, and that allows you to step fully into that feeling and just recreate more of it. And if you're telling yourself I'm playing to lose, then that's not a or playing not to lose. That evokes a non-happy feeling. And we all, I think, want more happiness, more love and more connection and we want to feel like we're Living Lucky®.
Jana Shelfer:So again recap, Life is a work of art and creativity is having fun making mistakes.
Jana Shelfer:I love it. Thanks for joining us. Keep Living Lucky®. Bye-bye. If the idea of Living Lucky® appeals to you, visit us at www. LivingLucky. com.