Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Where Are YOU Overly Abundant?

Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 7 Episode 62

Have you ever realized how much abundance you already have in your life? 

It’s easy to get caught up in a mindset of scarcity, focusing on what we’re missing rather than appreciating the wealth of time, freedom, and opportunities right in front of us.

Stuck in Scarcity Mode? Unlock Abundance & Fulfillment in Every Area of Your Life (New Episode!)

Feeling like you're constantly chasing after what you lack? You're not alone. But what if the key to happiness and success is already within your grasp? In this episode of Living Lucky® with Jason & Jana, we crack the code on abundance and show you how to cultivate a mindset that attracts the good stuff.

Here's what you'll get:

  • Break Free from Limiting Beliefs: Discover how reframing your thoughts with powerful questions like "What makes me happy?" can transform doubt into delight. (Goodbye negativity, hello sunshine!)
  • Unmask Your Saboteurs: We all have them – those unconscious thoughts that hold us back. Learn how to identify these hidden roadblocks and unleash your full potential.
  • Turn Overwhelm into Opportunity: Feeling paralyzed by too many choices? We reveal a simple strategy for navigating "negative abundance" and making decisions with clarity and purpose. (No more Cheesecake Factory meltdowns!)
  • Find Abundance in Unexpected Places: Even challenges and setbacks can hold hidden gems. Learn how to cultivate an optimistic outlook and find joy in the journey.
  • Live a Life That Matters: We'll show you how to harness the power of abundance to step outside your comfort zone, pursue your passions, and create a life that's truly fulfilling.

Ready to ditch the scarcity mindset and unlock the abundance that's already yours? Tune in and get ready to transform your life!

Keywords: self-help, personal development, limiting beliefs, mindset, positive thinking, abundance, gratitude, decision fatigue, overcoming challenges, goal setting, success habits

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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®. Good morning, I'm Jana,

Jason Shelfer:

I'm Jason

Jana Shelfer:

and we are Living Lucky®.

Jason Shelfer:

You are, too.

Jana Shelfer:

Abundance is everywhere.

Jason Shelfer:

Right, and a lot of times we're looking for abundance but we already have it and we don't recognize every single person has it. It's just choosing and recognizing, becoming aware of where the universe is providing abundance for you right and there's someone out there right now because I was this person years ago that was like I'm getting so much of what I don't want and I didn't recognize that as abundance. You know it's like why am I not finding what I want? Wrong question, and I realize I'm finding a lot of what I don't want.

Jana Shelfer:

You know, it really was an aha moment for me when Jason said yesterday. It really was an aha moment for me when Jason said yesterday even if you are obese or overweight, that's the universe providing you abundance. You are abundant in food time. Do you know what I'm?

Jason Shelfer:

saying and you're not using what you're given. So you're given the time, but you're using it to just lay around, to be sedentary, to not move, to not exercise, and I think in our souls, like we're given these things, the opportunities, and our souls oftentimes will say I want to go do something.

Jason Shelfer:

And then there's something else saying but I just want to stay comfortable, I want to stay in my comfort zone. So we can say that we want abundance, we want wealth and health and relationships and we don't take the action with what we're given.

Jana Shelfer:

That is so spot on. That is so spot on.

Jason Shelfer:

It's. I see it myself also, Like, like. I want to write a book and I have. We put so much like in our learning and the things that we've done, experienced, so what's stopping?

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

What we've done is that if I write the book, I'm going to be uncomfortable and I'm going to have to, and it's permanent. But it's really not right. So I can change my view anytime, because a belief is literally just your current level of understanding.

Jana Shelfer:

Write it in pencil and then you can always erase, See and that's a great idea.

Jason Shelfer:

Seriously, you said it like it's a simple fix, but oftentimes it is a simple fix. It's just saying I, I'm going to do this because it's something that's in me and I want to do and I'm willing to put the work in. It's like it's a different topic, but the guitar, like that's something I thought like I've romanticized about and fantasized about for your whole life. I had a guitar for 25 years and I haven't. It's been a case for 25 years, except for like three times when I pulled it out to take lessons.

Jana Shelfer:

I was going through my piano music and I found these books that we bought. Learn the ukulele, yeah.

Jason Shelfer:

I was. Jason went through a very, very brief brief ukulele stint Because I was looking for an easier way. To learn the guitar, to learn the guitar Because being around a campfire, being in a crowd, it feels good to just sing those kumbaya type songs. Easy for me to say.

Jason Shelfer:

So would you say, then you're abundant in, I'm abundant in capability and ideas and capability, but I'm not like there's a capacity thing, so it's like picking those things that I really I'm really inspired to do and inspire myself to do and feel it's. It's a stretch for my comfort zone, but it's not too big of a stretch. So I see the areas where I'm holding myself back, but also I'm seeing the areas where I'm growing and I and I really like to move into the areas that are are more, I guess, of a priority for me.

Jana Shelfer:

I guess, when I analyze my life, I feel like I am very abundant in time and freedom. I'm very abundant in time and freedom and yet I often say, oh, I don't think I have the time, yeah, I don't think I have the time, or I start on a project and then I feel like my freedom is.

Jason Shelfer:

The projects take away your freedom because it compartmentalizes your time.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, and then, at the same time, sometimes, when I feel overwhelmed, I feel like there's so many things that I could be doing, and then I end up not doing anything because I don't know how to. I don't know how to which one to pick.

Jason Shelfer:

It's like a Cheesecake Factory menu.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, but Cheesecake Factories are way too big. Can we just all agree on this, Like why do they? Serve everything, although today is actually National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day and I was thinking this morning, maybe we should go to the Cheesecake Factory and get some pumpkin cheesecake.

Jason Shelfer:

It's probably on sale today.

Jana Shelfer:

But, yes, it's like sitting down at a Cheesecake Factory and you go there for the cheesecake, right? You're like, oh, you know what, we're going to have some nice cheesecake afterwards, but then they give you this book of a menu and that you're so abundant in choices. Yes, that's our problem, jason, is we are abundant in choices, and I think that's where it falls out, or lines up.

Jason Shelfer:

To know, like you talk about it all the time, like go inside and figure out exactly what you want, look for that and then you can pick where you're going. So you can still go to the cheesecake factory but know what you want, like know exactly, and the cheesecake factory is one of those places where you could go, you could know what you want and it's probably on that dang menu, like I.

Jason Shelfer:

I wouldn't be shocked if they serve sushi there I think they might, I think that I think they have sushi cheesecake but the thing is is oftentimes we don't know what we want, which, so we just whoa, whoa I I have to think about this.

Jana Shelfer:

I think they do serve some sort of like sushi cheesecake, so it they serve every flavor of cheesecake you could possibly imagine they just so you're eating the consistency of cheesecake, oh God.

Jason Shelfer:

I just vomited in my mouth.

Jana Shelfer:

This is not an advertisement for Cheesecake Factory.

Jason Shelfer:

How do you like your tuna cheesecake, sir, or your salmon cheesecake?

Jana Shelfer:

Tastes like cheesecake, smells like Tuna Smells like salmon. Oh, that's terrible. It's like the riverfront of an alaskan bear trap I think the whole idea of being abundant in choices is an aha moment for me we're all and I love where you started out, because to me I consider that freedom. When I have an abundant in choices, that means I have freedom and yet at the same time, that feels overwhelming to me sometimes that, oh my gosh, I have so many things to choose from, I don't know what to choose.

Jason Shelfer:

Well, there is a study in marketing about giving someone three choices versus giving someone like seven or nine choices or more, Like when you give someone three choices oftentimes they're going to pick the middle.

Jason Shelfer:

And if you give someone more, they're like I don't know, I can't make a choice. So it's like let's just decide what is it that I do want to do, like what's the roadmap or the route that I want to take, and let's start taking that route. Yes, and that makes things a lot easier. It creates less confusion and more clarity, because we start knowing this is where I'm going.

Jana Shelfer:

You know what that is so big? Because I feel like when people do give me choices, even when I go for services, then I'm like I don't know, because we don't know what we don't know. We don't know what we don't want or want.

Jason Shelfer:

And so to me, like when you said that, I thought she's going to go to like the car dealership. Yeah, when it's like I went in for an oil change and a tire rotation and they're like okay, these are some other things that we could work on, because your car needs this and we're very much like vehicles that are moving through life and a lot of times we don't know what we need to work on, what we need to tune up, what we need to repair.

Jana Shelfer:

Tune up, tune up, tune up.

Jason Shelfer:

I see what you did. And then they say, well, if you want to get everything fixed, it's going to be $6,000 or $2,000. If you want to just stick with what the oil change, the entire rotation that you came in, it's $150, $200. Or these are some other recommendations that we have in the middle that it's going to be about $2,500. And I'm like, well, let's just do the middle, because some of these things, I don't know what you're talking about. How important are they?

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, so I'm going to get us back on track here. So where are you abundant in your life? Where is it that you are abundant and really think about this?

Jason Shelfer:

because Think about the negative abundance and the positive abundance.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, and nobody has ever put it in words like that to me that I have negative abundance and the positive abundance, yes, and nobody has ever put it in words like that to me that I have negative abundance. And sometimes if I say, well, you know what, I really want to make more money Well, that cuts into my time and freedom. And all of a sudden then I feel hampered.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, yeah, and we can. Oh, and it's literally just saying if you look at abundance as piles like, I've got a pile of like. Let's go back to the obesity issue. If I've got a pile of time and food, do I need all that? Or can I take the food that's fuel and use that and take some of the time that is sedentary and sitting around and put some movement in there? So it's just moving the pile from the negative abundant pile and flipping the coin over and getting the good parts of that abundance that's already there and already available.

Jason Shelfer:

Turning the coin over to the other side of well, I can do this with my time, instead of rest, instead of just emotional eating.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, or binge watching. I mean I find myself sometimes because I don't know, I mean I get fatigue, work, fatigue.

Jason Shelfer:

And also decision fatigue, decision fatigue, work fatigue, because there's so many choices. Like we are, everyone is abundant in choices.

Jana Shelfer:

But when I flip it and reframe it and say it's because I'm so abundant in choices, oh, I just had an aha moment and in fact I'm going to go make a list right now of where I have negative abundance or where the abundance is actually working against me, which we all know. Everything is working in our favor, but we just need to recognize where I can move that pile of abundance, like you said, into something, channel it into something a little more productive, efficient and beneficial for my soul.

Jason Shelfer:

I love that you use the word channel, because that is a channel, is something that is directional and it's also something that I think has flow in it.

Jana Shelfer:

Wow, this is a good one. This is a podcast worth listening to a few times, I think.

Jason Shelfer:

I do too.

Jana Shelfer:

Woo, thanks for joining us. Keep Living Lucky®, bye-bye. If the idea of Living Lucky® appeals to you, visit us at www. LivingLucky. com.