Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

What Goes Around Comes Around

Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 7 Episode 60

Stuck Feeling Shortchanged by Life? It's Time to Shift Your Energy!

Feeling like life's playing hard to get, no matter how positive you are? You're not alone! But what if the key to unlocking abundance wasn't about external circumstances, but your inner world?

Join Jana and Jason Shelfer, the power couple behind the Living Lucky® podcast, as they crack the code on manifesting the life you crave, a life where you're Living Lucky® In this episode, you'll discover:

  • The Secret Power of Perspective: Learn how a simple shift in mindset can transform a perceived loss (like a missed conference) into a universal gift. This powerful story reveals how letting go of negativity and embracing a giving spirit can open doors to unexpected opportunities.
  • The Law of Attraction in Action: They say "what goes around, comes around," and Jana and Jason break down exactly how this plays out in your life. Discover how your energy attracts similar energy, and how choosing empowering thoughts can lead to a life filled with abundance.
  • The Empathy Advantage in Sales (and Life!): Forget the stereotype of the pushy salesperson. This episode reveals the power of genuine connection and giving freely, whether it's your time, understanding, or energy. Learn how fostering empathy can not only boost your sales success, but also enrich your personal relationships.
  • Investing in Yourself is a Gift, Not a Debt: Stop viewing personal growth as a financial burden! Jana and Jason show you how reframing these investments as opportunities for growth can unlock a mindset of abundance and propel you forward.
  • Take Control of Your Luck with Intention: The power is in your hands! Discover how consciously choosing your thoughts and energy can influence the experiences you attract. This episode empowers you to create a life that truly feels lucky by harnessing the magic of intention.

This episode is packed with actionable takeaways and inspiring stories that will leave you feeling empowered to create your own lucky breaks!

Ready to ditch the negativity and attract abundance? Tune in and get ready to Live Lucky®!

Keywords: Self-help, personal development, life coaching, law of attraction, positive thinking, abundance mindset, empathy, sales success, investing in yourself, intention

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!!! SEND US A MESSAGE: Are you ready to unlock your path to a more inspired life where you're Living Lucky®? Email me directly and let's chart your course toward realizing your dreams and creating a life that fills you with daily inspiration.
Email Jason Shelfer

The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®. Good morning. I'm Jana

Jason Shelfer:

, I'm Jason

Jana Shelfer:

and we are Living Lucky®.

Jason Shelfer:

You are, too

Jana Shelfer:

. What?

Jana Shelfer:

goes around, comes around.

Jason Shelfer:

Ooh, I like it.

Jana Shelfer:

That is the thought that we are talking about today. What goes around comes around. Ooh, I like it. That is the thought that we are talking about today. What goes around comes around.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

Do you believe that's true I?

Jason Shelfer:

100% believe that's true. I didn't always believe that was true. I was always waiting for things to come back through a door that I was expecting it to come back through.

Jana Shelfer:

How come, when we think that it's not true, we often go to. Well, I've been putting out good and it hasn't been coming back to me, and then life turns to be unfair.

Jason Shelfer:

I'm always getting the short end of the stick. I'm always giving. I'm the giver, I'm not a receiver, and that's where I was.

Jana Shelfer:

And maybe you're giving out negative juju vibes.

Jason Shelfer:

Well, of course you are when you feel like which is what comes back to you. Yes, Because once you start labeling, life is not fair and once you start saying it's not coming back to me, you put this it's not coming back?

Jana Shelfer:

It's not coming back to me now, or is it it's all coming? It's all coming back. It's not coming back to me now, or is it? It's all coming.

Jana Shelfer:

It's all coming back.

Jason Shelfer:

We're correcting ourselves when you put that thought in your head about it's not coming back to me you start. You put basically a lens like a pair of sunglasses on that say I'm only going to see how it's not coming back to me now. Yes, whereas if you take responsibility, and you say whatever it is that not coming?

Jana Shelfer:

back to me now, yes, whereas if you take responsibility and you say, whatever it is, that's coming back to me, that's what I've been putting out in the world, my world changed back in like 2000,.

Jason Shelfer:

I want to say seven or eight that when I started, just allowing and just freed myself of life isn't fair, life isn't working out for me, and when I did that, it was really about living more fully into me and serving and giving and being the me that I want to be and that I was. And then, when I didn't have any expectations, it was incredible how things just kind of came back to me from different angles.

Jana Shelfer:

But you have to be aware enough to recognize it.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

Okay, so let's get specific here, because we don't want to talk in broad strokes, in hyperbole. This is the situation. This is the situation. I have this ticket to go to a conference this coming weekend in Toronto.

Jana Shelfer:

I only bought one ticket, because I was thinking oh, you know, this will be a nice little getaway for me Now. Since then, I've invited like five people to go with me and nobody has been able to go or they don't want to go. So that's the other thing. And within the last two weeks, because we've gone through two really shaking hurricanes for Florida and even though we fared fairly well, our communities are still not back up and going and we're not still not back up and going.

Jason Shelfer:

And we're not still completely back up and going.

Jana Shelfer:

And we had a gala. We're on this foundation and Jason and I we have been planning this gala for our Chair of the Love Foundation and because of the hurricanes that has been postponed and so now the timing just doesn't feel right for me to go to this retreat. The retreat was Liz Gilbert and Martha Beck in Toronto.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah. So I have this extra ticket and it's kind of late in with everything. If everything had been perfect, there still would have been a lot of work in rescheduling flights, hotels, all the all the ancillary things around.

Jana Shelfer:

And this one ticket is in the wheelchair accessible section, and so like to find the perfect person to sell my ticket to. Doesn't feel that feels heavy, that feels heavy and it feels.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

Daunting. So this morning I was like you know what? It's? Just my gift. It is my gift to the universe and at this point in the game I just want my ticket to be used. And when I changed my energy around this, Around, I'm losing this $500 for the ticket.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, I spent this money. I'm not going to get to use it. It's now. It turns it from a.

Jana Shelfer:

I'm a victim to. It's a gift. It's a gift and I know that the right person is going to come to me and say I would love that ticket. I also know that by giving them that ticket and giving them that experience, it might not come back from them, but the universe will reward me in some way, shape or form. I just know.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, especially when you allow it and you're not looking for what's the next shoe to drop about me not living a fair life?

Jana Shelfer:

And I'm not even looking for a reward. I just know that by me changing my energy around this ticket, I will attract different experiences.

Jason Shelfer:

There will be abundance. I believe tenfold or more. That comes back.

Jana Shelfer:

And it's scientific, is what it is. It's science. What we put out in the world, we attract. We attract what we are, and Jason and I have often said that we attract what we are. But when it comes to this particular thing, I literally had a conversation this morning. I was like do I have a money block? Do I have? And I was looking for everything that was wrong with me. And literally what I did was I said you know what this feels like? A better energy for me to just give it to whomever can use it at this point.

Jason Shelfer:

And how often do we get in those disempowering energies and we look for more reasons to be in those energies when there's a different truth involved in there and you can choose the different truth? They're both true. If you believe and want them to be true, they're both true. So choose the one that empowers you, Choose the one that lifts you. If you believe and want them to be true, they're both true.

Jason Shelfer:

So choose the one that empowers you, Choose the one that lifts you, that makes you, that gets you into the feeling that you want to feel and experience, because, and I'll say that abundance just doesn't work if everyone is holding on to everything.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, or if you have, if you have an attitude deep down that you're not getting your fair share or you're getting the short end of the stick and I think everyone has.

Jason Shelfer:

like I would have to search for that in me right now just because I haven't experienced that as of late. But I think we all have, because those blind spots You're really good.

Jana Shelfer:

You are really good about I feel you give without any expectations in return. That's what this is really about.

Jason Shelfer:

And part of that was because of the change that I saw in my life when I started doing that, Like I remember specifically because I was in sales for 25 years.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

And when you're in sales, it's you're going to meet someone, You're going to have a conversation, You're going to uncover their needs and then you're going to provide a solution when they don't want the solution. You feel like I wasted my time. They're idiots. You start creating all these stories about life and people and the people that you deal with every day, and do you remember me saying I was like I talked to 18 idiots today and three people that had sense, because I saw the problem and I could when you say sense, you're literally meaning they only want to pay you in nickels and dimes.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

And they didn't even want to. They didn't want to come off of that because what? The solution that I was providing was high values, money saving, time saving and I didn't do it. I didn't look at it as me having a challenge communicating that service or solution. I looked at it as them going I'm closed to that, I'm not going to do it Like the world is closed off, they're not open to learning and understanding. And so I created that story. But then when I started saying, okay, I'm just going to do it Like the world is closed off, they're not open to learning and understanding, and so I created that story.

Jason Shelfer:

But then when I started saying okay, I'm just going to Okay Now, before you go any further, because in that story what you're putting out reflects back to us, and that is why you weren't getting the sales that you thought you needed at that time that really came down to me understanding them, or me trying to explain me and the service that I provide, and not fully understanding them. But the whole thing about giving the reason I was doing all that is because I wanted the Rolex, I wanted the nice car, I wanted all these things and I kept feeling like they're blocking me from it. When I started understanding them and saying I'm just going to give freely and freely, my understanding, my energy, like live in more, a love feeling, that's when change, changes started, people started. I started understanding what people really needed and where they were, and then I could bring them towards um, where they were going to be in a more abundant productive space oh, I'm having an aha moment like this is really and I quit caring breakthrough for me.

Jason Shelfer:

I quit caring about the role, the specific rolex, like if the universe wants me to be abundant, I'm gonna have a rolex, but my income doubled the my relationships built like it wasn't transactional at all because it it literally bleeds into other parts of your life and and what happened was is the energy that I was in. It wasn't like it was fun to go out and have these conversations with people and if they said no, I understood.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, well, that's just where you are now and if you want to change your life, change your energy. Yes, change your energy.

Jason Shelfer:

And that will ultimately change the lens that you look at life through.

Jana Shelfer:

There's so many blind spots. There are, there's so many blind spots because seriously, with this whole I know it sounds like such a minuscule example with a concert ticket or a retreat ticket is what it was. Example with a concert ticket or a retreat ticket is what it was. It was a high dollar retreat ticket, but it has literally been weighing heavy on me for weeks, for weeks for weeks as soon as as soon as hurricane Helene was coming through, I'm like, oh my gosh, is this going to affect my trip?

Jana Shelfer:

And then it didn't. But then hurricane Milton came through and I'm like, oh my gosh, is this going to affect my trip? And then it didn't. But then hurricane milton came through and I'm like, oh my gosh, is this gonna affect my trip? And yes, now I have freed myself all from one little text where I said it's my gift to the universe to a friend in toronto. That I haven't even met yet.

Jason Shelfer:

In person.

Jana Shelfer:

I don't even know, who that person is.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and I guarantee you. So just having the feeling and not having the heaviness, yes, is potentially a way the universe is paying you back.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah exactly.

Jason Shelfer:

But if we're not looking in that direction, we're like where's my money? Where's my money, honey? But when you think about what's it worth not to feel this heaviness, what's it worth not to feel this dread, what's it worth not to feel this is my coaching clients. They're like oh, I'm not ready to pay that yet. Well, have you achieved the things that you want to achieve? No, are you moving in that direction? Achieve the things that you want to achieve? No, are you moving in that direction? I don't feel like I am right now. So what's it worth to Pay that debt? Yeah. To just to make the investment in yourself? Yeah, let's reframe it.

Jana Shelfer:

It's not pay the debt, it's make the investment, make the investment. So sometimes we okay.

Jana Shelfer:

So here's another breakthrough. We keep trying to do things on our own.

Jana Shelfer:

No, I just had another breakthrough. So what you're saying, jason, is sometimes we need to give first. Yes, give first. So if we make that investment in ourself and what he's really saying is change the energy in your own life, and the way you do that is by giving- yes, giving freely, and because what you're holding onto is the feeling that I can do this myself and I haven't.

Jason Shelfer:

And then that gets very heavy. That's where regret comes in, that's where every birthday comes by and you're like I'm not where I want to be right now.

Jana Shelfer:

Or you start thinking that there's some sort of flaw in yourself, Like you're not good enough, or you're like there's so okay, we're speaking in again. We're speaking in very broad strokes. I hope that you're following us, because I am having such a breakthrough right now in what you're saying?

Jason Shelfer:

Well, because we're talking about the conference that you didn't get to go to, and it brought me back to the first conference that we went to together.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, okay and that, might that?

Jason Shelfer:

maybe we'll save that for the next podcast, Because when we when we hired our first coach, it changed our lives.

Jana Shelfer:

Because we invested in ourselves, which changed our energy.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, did it Huge.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, so Next podcast. Again, jason and I are speaking because we've been married for so long and because we spend so much time together. Sometimes we speak in converse like we just had a whole conversation up here in our heads by just looking at each other and really went, hey, jason, let's don't change the subject, I don't really want to go there because we're talking about something else right now. And then it makes it difficult for people who listen to us all the time to understand. We're almost like twins.

Jana Shelfer:

That have sex. That just got weird. That just got weird for everyone that was hearing that.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

So, let's just say sandwiches.

Jana Shelfer:

Let's recap of everything we just talked about. The thought is what goes out.

Jason Shelfer:

Comes back, comes back to you Abundantly.

Jana Shelfer:

However, if you are putting what goes out comes back to you, if you are looking for reasons of why it's not coming back to you, of how you are giving more than the universe is giving back, you start getting into a lack mentality.

Jason Shelfer:

And if you put stipulations on things, oftentimes those stipulations aren't going to be fully met, which makes you again grab that energy of I'm getting the short end of the stick, because disappointment comes in the form of unexpressed expectations.

Jana Shelfer:

And what you're really doing. Those thoughts are creating an energy around you, and so what happens is you manifest your fears.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, you just drag that, that's baggage that you grab, hold on and you move that forward into all your new actions, all the new relationships, experiences, and there's a residue that comes with it that gets things similar to that to stick.

Jana Shelfer:

And it's the way the universe teaches you the lessons that you need to learn in order to raise your consciousness.

Jason Shelfer:

Spiritual curriculum.

Jana Shelfer:

And so what happened this morning in this particular case is I decided instead of living in oh, the hurricanes came and I can't go to this conference. And now I have this $500 ticket and I don't know what to do with it and I just feel like I wasted my money and nobody's going to want to buy it because it's in the disabled section.

Jason Shelfer:

I wasted my time planning it.

Jana Shelfer:

I don't know anyone that needs to go to this conference.

Jason Shelfer:

The people that are in my sphere that would go to that conference.

Jana Shelfer:

I've invited five people and nobody is even interested. So I've been living in this. I have this wordless ticket, yeah. However, I changed my energy around it this morning by literally just saying it's my gift. Whoever would like it and whoever can use it, I would love to transfer it to you for free. It's literally a gift, and once I did that, I changed my energy, which changes the experiences that I have. So then it comes back to what goes around Comes around Comes around, Love it and you. You get to decide what comes around.

Jason Shelfer:

By deciding what you're putting out. What you put out, yeah, oh my gosh. And then you're Living Lucky®. Okay, let's stop right there.

Jana Shelfer:

I hope you followed that, because for me I just had some extreme aha moments.

Jana Shelfer:

Thank you, jason, thank you Jana. Have a great day, bye-bye. If the idea of Living Lucky® appeals to you, visit us at www. LivingLucky. com.