Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Assess Your Situation

Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 7 Episode 58

Don't Let Hurricanes Blow Your Optimism Away: Mastering Gratitude for a Lucky Life (Even in Storms) ⛈️

Feeling battered by life's storms? This episode of Living Lucky® with Jason & Jana Banana is your life raft to a calmer, more grateful you!

Jason and Jana, caught smack dab in a hurricane themselves, share powerful strategies to transform adversity into triumph through the magic of gratitude and mindset shifts.

Uncover these golden nuggets:

  • The "Doom Loop" Demolition Crew: Learn how to break free from negative thought cycles and start spinning positivity's upward success spiral.
  • Gratitude: Your Secret Weapon: Discover how appreciating what you have elevates your mindset, leading to proactive and positive actions.
  • Emotional Detachment: Your Hurricane Survival Guide: Detach from negativity and assess situations objectively to open doors for growth and success.
  • The Power of "What Might Have Been" (Used Wisely): Learn how to ask empowering questions like "What might I have done better?" to fuel future efficiency, not self-blame.
  • The Lucky You Manifesto: Embrace the transformative power of gratitude and cultivate a high-vibration mindset that attracts more good into your life.

Feeling stuck? This episode is your springboard to a more resilient, grateful YOU!

Bonus: Steal Jason & Jana's powerful 4-question framework to navigate any life challenge with grace and growth.

Ready to start Living Lucky®? Listen now and rewrite your life's narrative!

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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®. Good morning, I'm Jana

Jason Shelfer:

. I'm Jason and we are Living Lucky®.

Jason Shelfer:

We hope you are too.

Jana Shelfer:

We're actually recording this a little bit early because we're in the middle of a hurricane and we want to talk about assessing the situation.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and getting stuck in the assessment because and we're recording early because we probably won't have power on Friday this morning, so, whatever the outcome is, it's just an outcome and it really doesn't matter.

Jana Shelfer:

Is it's just an outcome and it really doesn't matter. However, whenever we go through any situation in life and I'm going to call this a stressful situation, because that's what this last week has been Then, for some reason, we wake up the next morning and we start attaching emotion to the situation, so we start assessing what happened.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, I literally will wake up early Anytime there's a hurricane. It's like I get up extra early the next day First of all. I don't sleep well. Then I get up extra early the next day and the first thing I do is run to the windows, throw up in the sash and look out on the yard.

Jana Shelfer:

Oh my God, you just sounded like a.

Jason Shelfer:

Christmas story carol. But I go, I actually go outside and I start kind of pacing around the neighborhood and walking around and surveying and and saying okay, assessing what the damage was.

Jana Shelfer:

Now, just the question that you asked, just asking the okay. So again the question that you asked Yep, just asking the okay. So again, we talk about these things because it helps us. These tools that we are giving people on a daily basis help us. And it all comes down to your thoughts, your feelings and your actions, and many times it comes down to just being aware what is the language that we're using.

Jason Shelfer:

And Jason immediately said that's my first thought is what damage has happened?

Jana Shelfer:

What's the damage, instead of saying.

Jason Shelfer:

What's the first best thing I can do to clean up?

Jana Shelfer:

Oh yes.

Jason Shelfer:

Or let's just assess this is just a situation.

Jana Shelfer:

It's not good nor bad, it's just a situation. Yeah, I can literally take a snapshot.

Jason Shelfer:

That's the thing is. Instead of creating this motion picture for myself, I could take a snapshot and then just start figuring out how to change the picture to the way I want it to look.

Jana Shelfer:

That's why, if we were just AI robots, we would be going through this so much easier, because we wouldn't have human emotion or stories or past experiences to attach to what's happening now.

Jason Shelfer:

Right, and if we did, we would only use the best parts and most productive parts of it.

Jana Shelfer:

And that's the secret that Jason and I want to share with you. So, no matter what circumstance you find yourself in, it is learning that, okay, there's always something to be grateful for.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, which means there's always value, because you value the things to be grateful for.

Jana Shelfer:

So even if you're out there and I'm just using this as an example, so don't judge me for the words that I use but even if you go out after a hurricane and you find your mattresses in the street.

Jason Shelfer:

Well, you grew up in tornado alley. I mean tornadoes come through and we don't have all the dirty pain that we talked about, Even if you find destruction.

Jana Shelfer:

then that's where you say, oh my gosh, I'm so grateful to be alive, Thank you for keeping me safe. And you start there. You start focusing on what you do have, because what you appreciate appreciates.

Jason Shelfer:

And you can only create from the resources that you have.

Jana Shelfer:

So that's how you create your state, your emotion that you want to have. Once you are in that vibration, then it is easier to say, okay, this is where I'm at, this is where I want to go. Now, how am I going to get there?

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, what's my creative path forward?

Jana Shelfer:

It's easier to say. I've got three trees down. I've got a broken screen. How am I going to fix this?

Jason Shelfer:

What's the first thing to do? Well, why don't we just start with the small like the big, the screens, fixing the screens.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, let's. Let's clear a path so that we can get there. Let's make sure that you know nobody. There's no further danger happening and there's not.

Jason Shelfer:

I don't think there's a wrong process. It's figuring out what process works for you. Some people some people want to start small so that they can see some incremental improvements. Some people are like I need to get the trees out of the way first, because they're big, it's going to take a lot of energy, and I want to say I don't want to have to be out of energy when I get there. So their process is okay, let's get the trees out of the way Now.

Jason Shelfer:

Some people get so caught up in the assessment that they just they start creating more of this movie and like woe is me and all these things that have happened. Oh my gosh.

Jana Shelfer:

I've met so many people that I want to share this podcast with, because, just as of recently, I met this person and, of course, it had to do something with their husband. Their husband was causing them to be in a mood and then, all of a sudden, three weeks later, that mood becomes a funk. Right, and it all has to do with something their husband did three weeks ago. It was like he refused to.

Jason Shelfer:

And then, two months later, it becomes a way of life.

Jana Shelfer:

He refused to hear her. That was. It was something like that.

Jason Shelfer:

He never listens to me. He never listens to me.

Jana Shelfer:

I asked him to do this and he just let it go in one ear and out the other so important to me okay. So then three weeks later it becomes a funk, right, and then all of a sudden, next thing you know they're like going through all sorts of issues.

Jason Shelfer:

Everything has become an issue, yes, and it all starts from this one little root of a seed, one little.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, you start manifesting what you pay attention to.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

And so it's the same thing. When you're assessing the storm, it's important to say, okay, this is just a circumstance. There is no good or there is no bad here, it's just, it is what it is and let's move forward.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and I think one of the biggest things that's worked really well for us when we have something that might stick us to it in the past, like one of those circumstances that happens or one of the events that we've done or an experience, is those three questions or four questions that we go to all the time.

Jana Shelfer:

You know what? Let's share those. Let's share those Because, after any event, jason and I go through three questions, and we've shared these before, but we're going to share them with you again. That's how valuable they are. We do this all the time, almost daily.

Jason Shelfer:

It's three questions. And then it's our standard question that we almost end everything in with how lucky am I?

Jana Shelfer:

So first question is first question is what did we do well? So, when it comes to the hurricane, what did we do?

Jason Shelfer:

well, you know, we planned we prepared the best we could. We got the information. We didn't live in the information, but then we started proactively planning for what's the what are the case scenarios that we can move forward in each event second question what might we have done better? We might have just picked up and moved like picked up and gone out of the area, like avoided the whole situation from a personal perspective and just said you know what Stuff is stuff.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, yes, that's true, or we might have gotten more sandbags and filled them up ourselves. We might have, but there's no sense in saying what should I have done Because what should you have done, because what should you have done can't be changed, what might you have done is so. It's less blaming and less personal attacking yourself, and that's really important.

Jana Shelfer:

So this question needs to be word for word what might I have done? What might I have done Because?

Jason Shelfer:

one of the biggest things is is I truly believe that we all do the absolute best we can in any given situation, given our current emotional stability or our emotional capacity or physical capacity or mental capacity and those in our intellectual capacity, like the things we know, because a lot of times we don't know what we don't know at that moment and we're doing it Like even if I, just if I, if I just say yeah, I know there's a hurricane coming, I'm laying on the couch, I didn't have the bandwidth emotionally, spiritually, mentally, physically, spiritually to do anything, get up and do anything else.

Jana Shelfer:

I hear you. The third question is how can I be more efficient in the future?

Jason Shelfer:

More efficient or effective, so you can switch those words out, use them however you want. But that's looking at, okay. I now see how my actions got me to where I am right and now I realize, okay, if this event were to happen the same way again in the future, what might be more effective for me?

Jana Shelfer:

And that's huge and because that question in itself will continuously help us to get just a little bit better each and every time we experience any type of adversity.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, and this isn't just a hurricane situation to use these questions in.

Jana Shelfer:

This is any situation. I do this after dinner parties. I do this after we go do a workout.

Jason Shelfer:

The opportunity to grow or opportunity to create a more effective and more beautiful future for yourself.

Jana Shelfer:

Or improve who you want to be.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah. And then the fourth question is how lucky am I?

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

Because that's where you get to really take into account the whole situation that you went through from an objective standpoint not an in it emotionally invested standpoint, but an objective standpoint and start saying, OK, I have all these things, I learned all these things, I was able to feel and experience all these things. Now, how do I make those better for in the future?

Jana Shelfer:

And I actually feel like that question is just a standard question that we ask all the time.

Jason Shelfer:

How lucky am I If you want to be living a lucky lifestyle, if you want to feel like life is working for you and that you're growing and that you're experiencing the best of the life. I think that has to be one of your core questions.

Jana Shelfer:

Because it puts you in a state of gratitude. Yes, which is how we started this when you are grateful for what you have, you start tuning in to a different vibration, and when you feel that way, your thoughts will be slightly different. So, you start actually being proactive of the thoughts you want to have, and that affects the actions you take.

Jason Shelfer:

And when you acknowledge and appreciate and feel how lucky you are and I'll take have that gratitude you start seeing more things that fit in that box and then you start literally creating those in your space for the future and then you're truly Living Lucky®.

Jana Shelfer:

So it's just a circumstance. It's important to realize that we are greater than our circumstances and not to attach the lower vibrational emotions to these.

Jason Shelfer:

Clean it up, get the dirt off of it and get that high vibration. What did I do? Well?

Jana Shelfer:

How might I have done this differently and how can I be more efficient in the future, and how lucky am I. Thanks for joining us Bye-bye Keep Living Lucky®. If the idea of Living Lucky® appeals to you, visit us at www. LivingLucky. com.