Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Managing through Milton

Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 7 Episode 57

Hurricane Prep Without Panic: Living Lucky® Through the Storm (and Beyond)

Hurricane Milton's bearing down, but you don't have to be! ️ This episode of Living Lucky® with Jason & Jana Banana equips you to transform fear into proactive steps and navigate pre-storm chaos with clarity.

Here's what you'll unlock:

  • Clean vs. Dirty Pain: Learn to distinguish between essential preparation and crippling anxiety.
  • Taming the Hype Monster: Discover how to filter information wisely and avoid getting swept up in sensationalized news. ‍♀️ Fear-mongering? Not on your watch!
  • Actionable Strategies:  Practical tips for managing stress and anxiety,  before, during, and after the storm.(Because a calm mind makes better decisions!)
  • Turning Fear into Fuel:  Harness the energy of uncertainty and use it to fuel proactive planning and resilience.
  • The Power of Perspective:  Shift from "why me?" to gratitude for what you have. Adversity can be a catalyst for growth!

Bonus nugget:  Say goodbye to the "shoulda, woulda, coulda" blues! Learn how to focus on the present and take actionable steps to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.  Living Lucky® is about thriving, not just surviving!

Facing a hurricane? Don't weather the storm alone! Listen to this episode and start living lucky® today!

P.S. Check out the full blog post for even more insights.

Keywords: Hurricane preparedness, Hurricane Milton, Anxiety management, Disaster relief, Living Lucky®, Personal growth, Resilience, Positivity, Milton2024
#HurricanePreparedness #HurricaneMilton #AnxietyManagement #DisasterRelief #LivingLucky #PersonalGrowth #Resilience #Positivity #Milton2024 #FloridaHurricane

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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®. Good morning. I'm Jana

Jason Shelfer:

I'm Jason and we are in the middle of.

Jason Shelfer:

Hurricane Milton. We are like it's coming, it's almost here, it'll be here very shortly and we're right in the path.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, today we're talking about managing fear. Fear and expectations, and we are going to use the example of hurricanes, because that's what we happen to be going through right now.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and we.

Jana Shelfer:

Along with the entire state of Florida.

Jason Shelfer:

And this happens over and over again. It's a cycle, it's a hurricane's coming. We got a season. They come through, some of them are bad, some of them are not, but we get the news cycle that really amps up what's happening out there and paints a worst case scenario.

Jana Shelfer:

Now there's three phases in managing a stressful event there's before the stressful event, there's during the stressful event and then there's after the stressful event. So we're going to break this down and we're just going to talk about managing fear, anxiety and stress. That's tight. Right now we are in the pre-storm phase. Yep, we've been talking about this for a while Now. When you're in the pre-storm phase, there's a lot of hype.

Jana Shelfer:

And energy is contagious. So you're going to be talking to people and they're going to be ramped up because they got to go to the store and they got to put gas in their car.

Jason Shelfer:

Oh wait there's no gas, there's no water in the grocery store, they're out of toilet paper.

Jana Shelfer:

Like I don't understand why everybody runs out of toilet paper during any event.

Jason Shelfer:

Storms make you crap.

Jana Shelfer:

I mean, that's the number one fears People are like oh what if I don't have toilet paper?

Jason Shelfer:

Why aren't they buying new underwear if they're going to be crapping so much?

Jana Shelfer:

Oh my gosh. Okay, so there can. If we're not careful, this can start to take on a life of its own, and Jason and I often talk about clean pain versus dirty pain. The dirty pain is the anticipation oh this is going to hurt, yeah and the catastrophizing it's catastrophizing, and I feel like that is what is happening right now. Now I understand that information is crucial and being prepared is crucial, and data is only information. However, I also know that energy is contagious and the way people are acting right now feels a little fear-based. It feels a little fear-based.

Jason Shelfer:

And there's also a difference in panicking and pretending different things, when, if you've been told so it just brought up for me when you're told to evacuate, like when you're told you are in, you're going to be on ground zero, and if you don't feel prepared, and if you've been told to evacuate, maybe you just get up and move. You move yourself out of the position of fear into something else. But I love where you're going with it, where it's like where people are getting hyped. People are kind of expanding this possibility of catastrophe because we've seen it. I went down to St Pete just this past weekend.

Jana Shelfer:

And it was devastating and we saw what kind of destruction comes.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, I understand this is this whole new thing? So the people there that are in the direct, like ground zero, getting hit by the storm are and they're on the coast. Have that evidence in place of what could happen.

Jana Shelfer:

There's a distinction, though. There's a very important distinction, and it is the questions that we ask in these moments, because, yes, we want to be prepared, we want to know the knowledge, we want to know everything that we can. However, we don't want to buy into the hype and the fear.

Jason Shelfer:

It's. It's about the, the preparedness. Yes, it's just like is it? What are? What is the? What are the facts around the preparedness? Not what are. What is, what is the doom and gloom? We don't want to attach worry yeah, and anxiety, because that can freeze you sometimes it does it, it starts putting it into a lower vibration, if that makes sense. And it's also like a stacking effect, like that worry creates more worry creates a new worry, and you'll find yourself worrying about things you never would have even worried about on your own.

Jana Shelfer:

Now here's the thing is. I want to talk about this because I feel like I struggle with this. I really do. In fact, in the last two days, I have been noticing my body has been acting out. It is feeling the stress and the anxiety of everything that's going on around me. I look at Jason, and you actually have something on your lip.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, I've been biting on my lip Right, so the same thing's been happening to you actually have something on your lip.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, I've been biting on my lip Right, so the same thing's been happening to you.

Jason Shelfer:

That's a subconscious thing.

Jana Shelfer:

It is. There is a subconscious stress thing, and that's why I want to talk about this. I'm not bringing this up because we are.

Jason Shelfer:

We're not trying to exacerbate any of your time.

Jana Shelfer:

We haven't mastered this skill. This is something that we deal with on a daily basis. Mastered this skill. This is something that we deal with on a daily basis. It's important to watch the news because you want to know when is it coming, where is it coming? You want to know everything you can about the storm, and yet they start using language like-.

Jason Shelfer:

Death and destruction.

Jana Shelfer:

If you fight mother nature, mother nature always wins.

Jason Shelfer:

There's no chance.

Jana Shelfer:

They make your subconscious mind start feeling like you are in this battle against.

Jason Shelfer:

The world the right, and it's a. And it's one of these situations where you start feeling like and you're. And it's one of these situations where you start feeling like and you start picking up this tonality of I'm going to be a victim.

Jana Shelfer:

What kind of victim am I going to be? They're setting you up. Yeah, and I hate to say this, but a lot of this is ratings and sensationalized in many ways. Now, I know there's going to be people that are like, oh well, until you lose your home. Well, that's the thing. Yes, tragedies can happen and are going to happen, and are going to happen and are going to happen, and we just need to know that when that happens, that's when we go into action to find the solution and to go into cleanup mode. Where I don't want people to go is, oh my gosh, the worst is going to happen. Yeah.

Jason Shelfer:

And then you either just give up, you start manifesting, yeah. You stop planning, you start manifesting and then you also you get into that haste makes waste scenario where it's either I'm over preparing or I'm not. I'm trying to get everything together and then I just take off and then you build, you keep building that worry and fear, because now you can't see it, you don't know what's going to go happening with your quote-unquote livelihood.

Jana Shelfer:

But it's a there is an uncertainty. There is an uncertainty that we are going into and I just want to say that it doesn't have to be a scary uncertainty.

Jason Shelfer:

No, I think it's a part of that, part of managing that stress is have, have your preparation plan, have your evacuation plan, have, have those plans in place so that you have clarity. And that's that's, I think the big thing is. A lot of people are like so it's the uncertainty that you mentioned that then they start buying into and absorbing or taking in all this outside information where it's like, if I'm not clear, if I don't have a plan, if I don't have action steps that I know I can take, then I'm subject to soaking in like a sponge, all this negativity and all these doomsday possibilities that are coming and all these doomsday possibilities that are coming, and then I'm just weighed down and soaked up with all those negative vibrations, negative feelings, and now I'm just a soggy sponge laying where I started, not going anywhere, not doing anything, with no agency over the whole situation.

Jana Shelfer:

We become paralyzed with fear.

Jason Shelfer:

I didn't want to use the word paralyzed.

Jana Shelfer:

I just used it.

Jason Shelfer:

No, I actually I feel like it's overused.

Jana Shelfer:

I actually had a friend call me today and told me that I needed to put my pool furniture in the deep end of my pool.

Jason Shelfer:

We don't really have a deep end of our pool Well, yeah, we do we do, but it's yeah, we do.

Jana Shelfer:

And I just thought that's misinformation. That's not what you should do in this situation.

Jason Shelfer:

Bring it inside, right, bring it inside, put it in the garage, put it wherever it fits.

Jana Shelfer:

But don't put it in, you don't need to put it in your pool.

Jason Shelfer:

No, the reason I think a lot of people started putting some of their furniture in the pool is so it didn't blow away putting some of their furniture in the pool is, so it didn't blow away.

Jana Shelfer:

She also said there's a gas station 60 miles from our house that has gas 60 miles there, 60 miles back. It's time to refill. That's a full day. These are the things I mean that's why people go to the store and they buy 10 rolls of 10 packages of rolls Right, 360 rolls of toilet paper, because the storm is coming and you never know, and God forbid, we have to go without toilet paper. Yeah.

Jason Shelfer:

And I just I picture someone getting the 360 rolls of toilet paper and they are on. They're sitting on the floor somewhere and then water comes in the house and now all the toilet paper is ruined anyway.

Jana Shelfer:

Now what I don't want people to do is listen to this and say that, oh, jana and Jason aren't taking this storm seriously because we are Jana and Jason said don't worry about anything, Hakuna Matata.

Jason Shelfer:

That's not what we're saying. That's not what we're saying.

Jana Shelfer:

What we're saying is let's manage the stress and the fear and the anxiety, because there's no need to attach all of these lower vibrations and we are not in a fight against God and Mother.

Jason Shelfer:

Nature and we're definitely not in a fight against each other. When we get on the road or try to get gas or we try to go to the grocery store and we realize, okay, they don't have this, that I wanted what else, start looking at that adaptability and the overcoming and, okay, well, what else will work?

Jana Shelfer:

I mean, I feel like you know, we just watched this stupid show on television called.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

Outlast and they were on this island together, in Alaska, and next thing you know, they started sabotaging each other and that's what's happening at the grocery store. They're like oh my God, the water aisle is getting low on water. I'm going to block people from going down that aisle until I get everything.

Jason Shelfer:

I need. Kick the lady over so I can make sure she doesn't bring her cart close to the cases of water that I want while I'm trying to grab them. I got to have them all.

Jana Shelfer:

God only gives us what we can handle, and yes, that means there's going to be times where the outcome is not exactly what we expect or want. However, we can handle it, and sometimes adversity, sometimes these challenges are actually little gifts that maybe at the time we don't quite understand why we're going through this or why this is in our life, but it's really a gift in order to make us better to make us stronger make us stronger, make us more resilient, make us more Make us see our strength. Yes, know how strong we are.

Jason Shelfer:

I read yesterday or not yesterday, but I think it was about two weeks ago was adversity is a horrible thing to waste, because a lot of times we just go through it and we have the stress. We're like we're looking for we're creating all that dirty pain around the adversity. We were like we're looking for creating all that dirty pain around the adversity and we just once it goes through, it's like, oh, it wasn't that bad or oh, it was really hard. And now I have had to get through it and I'm trying to get through it. But we never take time to just look into it and say, ok, well, how is this making me better? We say how did this screw up my life? How did this deplete me? How did this take away from me instead of what did it give me?

Jana Shelfer:

The second thing that I want to bring up is managing stress and anxiety during the storm, because that is the moment where the dog's shaken, there's wind whistling, there's things happening outside and your mind can automatically go to a really scary place yeah, and so it's very important to really be cognizant of the the words and the thoughts that you're having in those moments that story you're telling yourself, because I know for me like my first instinct is to shoot all over myself.

Jason Shelfer:

I should have done this, I should have done that. I why didn't?

Jana Shelfer:

I start beating your own self up. It's like your own hurricane inside your mind and what that is is.

Jason Shelfer:

it's digging myself a hole, a pit, an emotional pit, a confidence pit, all these. It's just putting me deeper in a ditch that is makes it harder to get out of. On the go forward side, right, but if I can catch those should haves, could haves, why didn't I's early? Then I can just start saying, okay, well, I'm here, this is what's happening in my presence and in my circumstances. What is the next best thing Like? What can I do right now, in this moment, that protects me, that keeps me safe, that helps the dog, helps my family? That's where we get to have that stress reducer and get clarity around what our agency is in the situation.

Jana Shelfer:

And then the third part of this is the aftermath, the afterstorm, and again, we talked a little bit about this when Jason went to St Pete and helped the cleanup there. There's several instances where your mind can go to everything that you've lost.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, because it's right there, it's in front of you, because it's right there. You're actually picking it up, physically, moving it out of your house if it's still in there.

Jana Shelfer:

You can start asking the questions why me, oh Lord, why me, oh Lord? And you automatically become the victim.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and you start telling yourself I'll never recover.

Jana Shelfer:

Oh it'll never be the same.

Jason Shelfer:

Look at what has happened to me? I guess this is the new normal.

Jana Shelfer:

And so it's very important to catch yourself in that phase and say, okay, this is the situation I find myself in, I'm alive, let's be grateful for that. I, you know, you. You start really focusing and consciously moving your thoughts, your feelings and your actions in the direction you want to go.

Jason Shelfer:

Hey, freaking men. Yeah, we have to take inventory of what we have at hand, like what are tools and resources that we can use now? Tools and resources that we can use now? And one of the stories that comes to my mind all the time in situations like this is someone gets stabbed or they get shot or something in their arm. It's not life-threatening, but all they focus on is the wound, like I've been stabbed, I've been stabbed, I've been stabbed. And then they go to the hospital and all the doctors are like you've been stabbed, you've been stabbed, you've been stabbed, but no one ever starts working to stop the bleeding, no one ever stops to actually take acknowledgement and inventory of what's there, like what we have, all the resources around us, and actually help the problem get better, like on the move forward, so that way things can start getting better. And it's not about what happened in the past. It's about what we're doing now.

Jana Shelfer:

How are we going to learn to use what we still have?

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

Yes, Okay, so three phases and again. This is really just about managing our thoughts, our feelings and our actions.

Jason Shelfer:

To get the results that we want.

Jana Shelfer:

And to know that there's fear and there's anxiety. That is in the air. It's called energy and it's very important to shield ourselves from it and realize it's only information.

Jason Shelfer:

So we need to almost filter the information that we're getting, just be selective at a minimum, because fear is what sells things.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

And that's a lot of times. You're being sold to watch this program, you're being sold to go buy certain products, and if you can manage what you're allowing in, like you're saying, then you get to start managing. Okay, what do I want to think and feel about this and how do I want to act? Moving forward, okay, find yourself Living Lucky®.

Jana Shelfer:

We'll talk to you again on Friday. Wish us luck.

Jason Shelfer:

Good luck, keep Living Lucky®.

Jana Shelfer:

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