Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Drowning In It

August 02, 2024 Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 7 Episode 39

Feeling Drowned by Life's Challenges? Turn Setbacks into Setups!

Are you wading through a river of troubles, feeling swept away by negativity? This episode of Living Lucky® is your life raft, bursting with actionable tips to transform setbacks into springboards for success!

Join Jason & Jana Banana as they crack the code on cultivating resilience – the secret weapon for navigating life's inevitable storms. Discover the power of a positive mindset through Jana's inspiring journey to radical gratitude. Jason shares movie magic-inspired insights that reveal how to reframe challenges as opportunities.

Here's a taste of the life-changing wisdom you'll find inside:

  • The Drowning River Metaphor: Learn why falling in isn't fatal – it's staying submerged that steals your breath.Uncover how to choose optimism and keep your head above water, even when life gets tough.
  • Empowering Conversations: Banish negativity and spark an upward success cycle with powerful communication strategies.
  • 90% is How You React: Discover the science behind this life-altering truth. Learn to take control of your response to challenges and empower yourself to rise above them.
  • Living Lucky® – It's Not Just a Catchphrase: Embrace the concept of living lucky and unlock the secret to seeing challenges as gifts.
  • From Doom Loop to Upward Spiral: Break free from the cycle of despair and build momentum towards your dreams.
  • Your Stories Shape You: Learn how the movies you watch and the stories you tell yourself can shape your mindset.

This episode is your invitation to become a master of your own destiny. Jason & Jana share personal anecdotes and practical tools to equip you to conquer life's mountains instead of being crushed by them.

Ready to transform your setbacks into setups and live a more resilient, fulfilling life? Press play and let Jason & Jana Banana be your guides!

P.S. Struggling to identify your core values? Don't miss the powerful exercise revealed in this episode – it'll set you on the path to living a life of purpose and fulfillment!

Keywords: Resilience, Mindset, Positivity, Overcoming Challenges, Growth Mindset, Gratitude, Living Lucky, Jason and Jana Banana, Overwhelm

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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle Living start . Good morning. I'm Janna, I'm Jason and we are living lucky. You are too. We were watching a movie and there was this fabulous quote, to the point where Jason turns to me and says I need to remember that. And then you actually took a step further and you texted it to me.

Jason Shelfer:

I did. I texted it to you because oftentimes if we're watching a movie, I'm going to stay invested in the movie. And I'm going to fall asleep and I won't remember the quote, the next day In the morning, correct and I don't want to have to spend the time to go back and look for it.

Jana Shelfer:

So let's read the quote, shall we? I can remember the quote. Okay, go for it.

Jason Shelfer:

And I'll just paraphrase it, because the paraphrasing does it just as much justice, I think. But you don't drown in the river from falling in it. You drown in the river from staying submerged, oh okay. River from staying submerged, oh okay. Let's say it one more time. So you don't drown in the river from falling in it, you drown from staying submerged. And I think this ties in beautifully to the spinning plates episode, because sometimes in life it feels like one of your plates has fallen and shattered not only one.

Jana Shelfer:

It maybe, maybe, maybe them I mean kick me when I'm down right.

Jason Shelfer:

Because one plate falls, and while you're chasing after that one plate, then you knocked over two or three more. And it just feels like. Then you get into that doom loop of despair and you feel like, oh my gosh, this is happening to me, all these things are happening to me. This is happening to me, all these things are happening to me. And this goes all the way back to that quote of it's not how many times you get knocked down, but how many times you get back up.

Jana Shelfer:

And in fact I think that is the measure of success is how well can you rebound?

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

How well can you take a punch and get back into the fight?

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, because we're all going to have these moments. I mean, that's life. It back into the fight. Yes, because we're all going to have these moments. I mean, that's life. It's a roller coaster ride and the thing is we want it to feel good, we want it to feel fun and what we want is a gradual, at a minimum, a gradual and steady incline, like a rise, so that those dips dips aren't so profound and deep. But I think we will always have some of those deep valleys where we lose a loved one we have a financial thing.

Jana Shelfer:

I think those valleys call me crazy and I don't want to manifest more of them, so don't get me wrong on that front. However, I think those obstacles, challenges, valleys, those low points of falling into the river, I actually think those are gifts.

Jason Shelfer:

Well, it's because you've learned the art of the setback being the setup.

Jana Shelfer:

That's exactly it, and also radical gratitude.

Jason Shelfer:

When you did your TEDx on radical gratitude it was when you were writing that speech. It blew my mind Because I also watched the progression of it and saw how you got there with the sarcasm with God and going oh, I'm so thankful that I'm in a wheelchair. And then, when it hit you and you were like wait, wait a minute.

Jana Shelfer:

I kind of am because it has brought me to exactly where I'm at, look at all the places it's taken me, look at all the wonderful experiences and all the wonderful people that have poured into my life and, yes, I seriously believe that my disability has been one of my greatest spiritual teachers.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and we go through this spiritual curriculum and when we can look at it as what's happening for me, the quicker we can find that, the quicker we get to see how we're champions and we're survivors and we're climbing the mountain instead of being tackled by it. And it's amazing and it's very empowering and that's beautiful. So that gives us the strength to not be stay submerged in the river. But sometimes we just want to lay on the couch and say woe is me.

Jana Shelfer:

We always go back to laying on the couch, you know that that's one of our downfalls is we tend to.

Jason Shelfer:

I've talked to several clients and they're saying I know that feeling I think that's a common thing is we get home from work and I'm using we collectively, not just you and I, but people get home from work And'm using we collectively not just you and I, but people get home from work. And everyone listening to this we and we say I'm exhausted, I just want to get on the couch, I want to veg for a minute, I just want to take a break, which that?

Jana Shelfer:

is natural, that's human, that's just being human. However, we have been conditioned a little bit to say those things. Feel that way, I do believe, once we become conscious of what we're actually creating there.

Jason Shelfer:

Right and tell me the change. When we start realizing, oh, I'm building my dream and things feel like they're actually moving in progress and I feel like I'm getting so close, we wake up in a different state of mind. We wake up and start doing a different thing and it's like it's almost hard to fall asleep because we're thinking I just I can do a little bit more because I'm so excited, but we need some sleep.

Jana Shelfer:

It does come down to your state. Yes, it really comes down to what state are you in? So if you do go through some sort of I'll just say knock, knock in the face, you get punched in the face, and if you stay in that, submerged, oh my. God, I don't want to go back to school Cause I'm going to get punched again.

Jason Shelfer:

You're telling yourself a different story right, yes. So, therefore, you've created a new lens of life and you're staying submerged in that lens. In that story You're starting to see everything as that story unfolds. And you're writing your story that way and it's crazy.

Jana Shelfer:

Instead of saying you know what, I'm going to get up, I'm going to have the best day today.

Jason Shelfer:

Boy do I have enthusiasm?

Jana Shelfer:

Right and I am going to create a connection with this bully so that we become friends, and this some people say this sounds Pollyanna Pollyanna and say that all you want.

Jason Shelfer:

But it works for us.

Jana Shelfer:

It works. It works. It's all about how you feel. The state that you're in determines what you're thinking, and what you're thinking determines how you feel. It's a symbiotic relationship.

Jason Shelfer:

There's a reason that the study of positive psychology has come out and it's become so profound and so prolific in psychology today it's because it's powerful. We used to look for what was wrong with people and why it was holding people back. Now we look at what's right with people and why they're so successful. And if you want to look at those things, those people are not staying submerged. They're saying, okay, those things, those people are not staying submerged. They're saying, okay, what happened? How can I learn from this? How did it benefit me? How?

Jana Shelfer:

can I grow? What is this teaching me? It goes back to the empowering question how?

Jason Shelfer:

can I make this powerful for myself?

Jana Shelfer:

We have talked about that so many different times on so many different podcasts in so many different ways. When you get knocked down, what is the story? What is that internal voice saying? What is the internal voice saying, what is your soul saying? And if you train that voice to start asking empowering questions?

Jason Shelfer:

You get empowered.

Jana Shelfer:

You will be empowered. Get empowered, you will be empowered. However, if you're conditioned to go into, the woe is me. I'm always the big dumb. Life isn't fair.

Jason Shelfer:

It is a new language.

Jana Shelfer:

for most of us, it is because we've been conditioned, we've been conditioned, and so the 99% of people are conditioned in that way. And until you become aware and conscious, until you choose to be a 1%, until you choose yes.

Jason Shelfer:

You just choose to say I'm going to learn this language because I see it's effective for the people that are successful.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

And the language is freaking free. The language is that in the language. The language is fricking free. The language is free.

Jana Shelfer:

We give it to you three, three times a week. Wow, you know the more we talk about this. We've been talking about this for years now and it feels like I learned something new on a deeper level Every time we have a conversation.

Jason Shelfer:

I was talking about this with my coach and then also with a client on Friday, and it's when you get to, when you hear something at a different level, you get to take it in from a different perspective.

Jana Shelfer:

You do.

Jason Shelfer:

And it can be the same thing. On a different level, and that's one of the things. So remember when we used to go to conferences and we'd be like, oh, or I would. Anyway, I don't know if you did this, but I would say, oh, I've heard this before and I would kind of shut the door, I would sit there because we were together.

Jana Shelfer:

I would hear oh, you got to have gratitude and I would seriously go gratitude platitude. I know all about gratitude Well I'm the expert on f and gratitude but so so you did it too. Yes, so everybody shut the door or there, or you sit there and go positive mental attitude.

Jason Shelfer:

My ass now I can listen to a five-year-old talk about gratitude now and I will get something I will, because I'm hearing it from a different level of my knowing and understanding.

Jana Shelfer:

I learn from every single person I come into contact with.

Jason Shelfer:

It's incredible.

Jana Shelfer:

And what I see in other people is really just a reflection, a window of what I see in myself, and so that is really really an interesting tidbit once you get to that point.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, when you can start recognizing your reflection and the person that you're angry at or that you're excited Where's this anger coming from?

Jana Shelfer:

And where have I learned it? Where have I held onto it?

Jason Shelfer:

Or that you're attracted to, because a lot of times we're attracted to someone and we're when we don't feel like we're attractive, but it's in you if you're attracted to, because a lot of times we're attracted to someone and we don't feel like we're attractive, but it's in you if you're attracted to them.

Jana Shelfer:

Oh, my goodness. Okay, so we've just gone all over the place, but let's go back to the original quote.

Jason Shelfer:

The quote is you don't drown in the river by falling in the river. You drown in the river by staying submerged in the river. You drown in the river by staying submerged in the river.

Jana Shelfer:

So, no matter where you are right now, in this moment, you can make a choice. We all can make a choice. How am I going to react? How am I going to react?

Jason Shelfer:

If you're in the river right now and you're underwater, start swimming up, and if it's hard, swimming up 90 of what is 10 what happens to you? 90 how you react, how you react.

Jana Shelfer:

Thank you for correcting me, oh it's helping you through it.

Jason Shelfer:

Statistics are 90 made up anyway I already knew that I already knew it. Listen to me, I do my guy I already know keep an open mind Living Lucky® keep . Thank you.

Jana Shelfer:

Bye-bye. If the Living Lucky® of appeals to you, visit us at www. livinglucky. com.