Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Spinning Plates

July 31, 2024 Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 7 Episode 38

The Secret to Living Lucky® Might Be in Your Routine (Not What You Think!)

Imagine getting healthier, wealthier, and happier – all from a tweak in your daily habits. Sound too good to be true? It's not! In this episode of Living Lucky®, Jason and Jana Banana smash the myth that you can only focus on one area of life at a time.

Here's what you'll discover to unlock ways to thrive:

  • The Ripple Effect of Self-Improvement: Remember that time you got super fit? Jason and Jana reveal how their fitness journey led to unexpected financial gains (plus, how it can happen for you too!).
  • The "Recipe" for Your Perfect Life: Is it better to focus on one goal or juggle several? There's no one-size-fits-all answer! Learn how to find the personal growth style that gets you the best results.
  • Spinning Plates Without Getting Dropped: Feeling overwhelmed by all the things? Discover the art of balancing multiple priorities without crashing and burning (think circus act with way less juggling anxiety).
  • The Power of Core Values: Uncover the secret sauce to a fulfilling life: identifying your core values and aligning your actions with them. Jason and Jana use a powerful "wheel" metaphor to illustrate this.
  • Communication is Key (Especially with Your Partner): Learn how open and honest communication with your significant other is essential for achieving balance and avoiding burnout. Jason and Jana share their personal "huddling" strategy for staying on the same page.
  • The Habit Stacking Hack: Discover how small, consistent actions in different areas of life can create a powerful synergy and propel you towards your goals.

This episode is more than just a podcast; it's a roadmap to living your best life. You'll walk away with actionable tips and a fresh perspective on how to achieve holistic success.Ready to stop feeling stuck and start living lucky? Press play and let Jason & Jana Banana show you the secrets to a life that's fulfilling in every way!

P.S. Struggling to find your "gold medal"? Download this episode and discover a powerful exercise to identify your core values and start living a life of purpose and fulfillment!

Keywords: Personal Growth, Self-Improvement, Fitness, Finance, Relationships, Balance, Habits, Core Values,Communication, Living Lucky®, J

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!!! SEND US A MESSAGE: Are you ready to unlock your path to a more inspired life where you're Living Lucky®? Email me directly and let's chart your course toward realizing your dreams and creating a life that fills you with daily inspiration.
Email Jason Shelfer

The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle start Living Lucky® .

Jason Shelfer:

Good morning.

Jana Shelfer:

I'm Jana and this is my husband,, I'm Jason and we are Living Lucky®. You are too. I had a coach this week. Tell me, janna, you need to strengthen every area of your life, and it struck me as that's a philosophy that you and I tend to. We tend to work on everything all at once, and I've often heard the opposite of that, where you need to just pick one thing, one area of your life, almost get the plate spinning in that one area.

Jason Shelfer:

Keep the main thing. The main thing, Like find that one thing.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, and then the energy and the momentum you start to get, then that will start to.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

And it will start to bleed into other areas of your life.

Jason Shelfer:

So there's different philosophies here and I think it's a, it's almost like a recipe, okay, and you find what recipe you like, the taste of the best.

Jana Shelfer:

I thought today we could just have a conversation, because what is your taste? I feel like we naturally we tend to fall into.

Jason Shelfer:

I feel like working on a lot of things at once. And it's usually three or four areas all at once, and I think what tends to happen is is we we focus on one thing and things start getting better in other areas and we say yes, and so then we just move naturally into those areas where we could. So if we're looking for individual mastery in one area, we could stay totally focused in one area.

Jana Shelfer:

So like finances.

Jason Shelfer:

Well, I was going to go fitness.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, let's do fitness. Fitness is always something that everyone can relate to when we had Cindy as our fitness coach.

Jason Shelfer:

We saw tremendous results in fitness.

Jana Shelfer:

We did.

Jason Shelfer:

And but we? We lost some of our social life. We, like we, were focused heavily on.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, because we stopped drinking alcohol and we stopped eating crap.

Jason Shelfer:

We stopped going out to dinner. We stopped like it was like watch what you're eating. You're working out five days a week like different workouts, and we were tired.

Jana Shelfer:

We would go to bed early because we were like, oh my gosh. But our bodies were like jamming they were, and when our bodies were jamming, we started making more money, we started getting more opportunities at work. I mean, it started to grow into other things which we.

Jason Shelfer:

Then we said okay, Cindy, this is enough, because we it wasn't like we wanted to go into bodybuilding competitions. I know so if we had wanted to go into bodybuilding competitions, then we would have changed our ecosystem to bodybuilders friends, but that's not what our lifestyle wanted to be. What we wanted was our same lifestyle, better bodies.

Jana Shelfer:

I still want that.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

Where's Cindy now? That's all I can say.

Jason Shelfer:

So what we did was we started okay, well, okay, let's focus here. And then we went and said, all right, well, let's focus on the eating, let's focus on the finance, let's focus on work. Then we said, well, okay, let's focus here. And then we went and said, all right, well, let's focus on the eating, let's focus on the finance, let's focus on work. Then we said, hey, we need to focus on each other, let's focus on our relationship.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, and when we started focusing on our relationship, then we started to exude more happiness, which affected our friendships with people, our family.

Jason Shelfer:

Connection in general, yes, and then it also created this new relationship with life, relationship with our health, relationship with money, like all types of relationships.

Jana Shelfer:

So I guess the real question is can you have it all at once?

Jason Shelfer:

I think you can. It's just about okay. What's the process you want to go through, like, what's that recipe you want to follow, or what's your learning style?

Jana Shelfer:

And recognizing, ours is not spinning seven plates at once or 12 plates at once, but we tend to do that, and then we tend to drop a couple plates, and so we usually focus on about four plates, and I say plates because it reminds me of, you know, when you're at the circus and the mime.

Jana Shelfer:

Different rings are going, yeah the mime comes out and he starts spinning the plates. Right, and then he spins two plates, and then you're like well, he can spin two plates, and then all of a sudden he spins two plates. And then you're like well, he can spin two plates, and then all of a sudden he spins three, and he's running from one side and then to the other, and then to the other.

Jason Shelfer:

All of a sudden he's got seven or eight plates going, and then you're waiting for the plate to drop.

Jana Shelfer:

You're like which plate's going to drop, which plate's going to drop? And right, when you think, oh, I was. What are my three or four most important plates?

Jason Shelfer:

And then what plates affect the most things.

Jana Shelfer:

But eventually the plates start Supporting each other.

Jason Shelfer:

Feeding into each other and that's where you get the gears like a habit stacking, it's like a gear. You put the gears and the things in place that start feeding each other. So it's not running between, it's just one feeds another and then they start working together and it's recognizing that formula. Okay, and say how does that work?

Jana Shelfer:

I'm glad we're having this conversation, because not only is it sometimes a challenge to get your own gears, going in the right direction and all moving in synchronicity and towards the same dream and toward the same dream. However, then I think it even becomes more complex when you have a partner and you have and you're trying to get a separate dream the two, the two machines to work in tandem and support each other.

Jason Shelfer:

And it feels, like that's where communication is key. That's like when we come back and huddle multiple times a day and we're fortunate because we set our lives up to where we can actually do it in person, almost probably 80 to 90% of the time.

Jana Shelfer:

We do huddle pretty well. However, I do think that there's always room for improvement.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

Yes, and I still feel like you and I. Sometimes our machines are just slightly out of sync and when yours-.

Jason Shelfer:

And there's a wrench in there somewhere clanging around.

Jana Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

And a lot of times that happens we fine tuned it a lot, don't get me wrong, and I feel, like anyone that's listening to this podcast they that in your life you can relate to this, because we all, you know, start getting things moving and going and okay, yeah, you know, my health is, I'm eating better, I'm exercising, and now, all of a sudden, I feel better and I have more energy, which then leads to okay, I can do more work, or I can spend more time with the kids, or I can do more projects around the house, and that gets my creativity going. And then, all of a sudden, more money's coming in because I'm creating more and you do start feeding and it's hard to get everyone in the household on the same motivation frequency.

Jason Shelfer:

That right swing plane. And what happens for me sometimes just to throw it out there is that sometimes I look at you, kind of like looking at a Facebook post or an Instagram post, and it looks like you are in the right state, the right frame of mind, the right energy frequency and you're on track, and I might feel a little exhausted or I might feel a little like there's something in me that's saying I'm kind of pushing my limit right now. So I'm at a point where I need to take a break, but I don't want to break the flow.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

And so I don't speak up.

Jana Shelfer:

Jason, that is so brave and courageous of you to say that out loud and just showing a little vulnerability helps me and anyone that's listening to this, because I'm going to be real with you. Up until just recently, I felt that way. I felt I would look at you and go, oh my gosh, Jason is building our business and I don't know if I can keep up.

Jason Shelfer:

And I think in couples and in life we go through this and we do this often and we don't, with our partner, have these crucial conversations where it's like this is where I'm at emotionally and physically and spiritually and how can I be a better partner, Like that's the questions that we can ask each other, not like how can I be a better partner for you, how can I love you better, how can I do better for you, like not what have you done today?

Jason Shelfer:

Like not those questions Like what have you checked off the list today? No, how can I show up better for you? How can I support you more? Those types of questions, because that leans into where are you Like, what are you feeling right now, what are you thinking right now? And where are you emotionally, physically and mentally? Because that way I can say, hey, you know what I gave it all I had, this is what I did. Well, this is what I think I might've done differently and this is how I can be more effective later. But I'm pushing the limit and I just need to breathe right now, or I might just need to be alone so I can decompress a little bit.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, you've just opened the door to so many different topics that I want to bring up, but to keep our podcast succinct, I just want to tie this in a button. So I guess what we're saying is it's up to the individual to pick your style of growth.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, Do you want to focus on one thing at the time, which makes things simpler but it also leaves other plates unattended. Or do you want to say, all right, what are my true values, my biggest highest values in life, and focus on like three or four and just get really good at those, and then figuring out what are the, what are the things in between those that tie them together?

Jana Shelfer:

I I like to think of it as the wheel, the hub of a wheel.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, you know if.

Jana Shelfer:

I can become the hub, then the spokes in my life will.

Jason Shelfer:

Take care of the outside pieces. Yes, and what I believe about, and that becomes working on yourself.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

Because, as the hub, you take care of the hub, like the hub stays tight my true, authentic self and to speak my truth. Not the BS that influences the hub, because the hub influences out.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, not to become what I think everybody wants me to be, but to really speak my soul and say this is who I am. This is what I want to do with my life. This is what I'm about.

Jason Shelfer:

That's the only way to spin true.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, yeah. And have balance true, yeah, yeah and have balance.

Jason Shelfer:

Well, I'm not sure we helped anyone but I believe you all helped us, so thank you for allowing us to have this conversation. We do this sometimes just to get it out of our heads in one of our huddles and get it into yours.

Jana Shelfer:

No, can I just one last thing and then we'll wrap up. I seriously sometimes think that Jason and I do this podcast so that we can help ourselves.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, I really believe that and hopefully us articulating it out loud, because I don't think. I think we're all more same than we are different, and we're all going through a lot of the same things. That's true. I think we're all more same than we are different, and we're all going through a lot of the same things. That's true. And we grow every single day and hope we want our community growing every single day with us. Yeah, I love it, keep Living Lucky®.

Jana Shelfer:

Thanks for joining us. Bye-bye. If the idea of Living Lucky® appeals to you, visit us at www. livinglucky. com.