Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Energy Audit

July 03, 2024 Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 7 Episode 27

Estonia Adventure: Sleep Hacks, Food Fun & How Travel Can Recharge You!

Can't sleep in the Land of the Midnight Sun? We spill the secrets to adjusting to a new environment & conquering travel challenges on Living Lucky®!

** Sleepless in Estonia?** Discover how darkness impacts sleep & get tips for creating an artificial night.

** Food Fun & Balance:** We share our hilarious (and gut-wrenching) experiences navigating a new culture's cuisine.Learn to balance indulgence with healthy choices!

** Forget the Gym, Estonia Is Your Gym!** Our adventure became a fitness challenge! We'll reveal how embracing an active lifestyle can energize you.

** Conquering Mental Fatigue:** Learn our tips for managing the mental strain of constant learning & navigating a new culture.

** The Quest for the Perfect Restroom:** This unexpected adventure highlights the importance of accessibility while traveling.

✨ Embrace the New, But Don't Forget You! Discover the power of stepping outside your comfort zone & the importance of balancing social interaction with alone time.

Become an Energy Detective! We'll show you how to identify & avoid "energy vampires" that zap your enthusiasm.

** Balance is Key!** Avoid travel burnout by pacing yourself & allowing for rest & reflection.

Ready to travel & thrive? Join us & discover the secrets to growth & adventure on Living Lucky®!

P.S. Visit for more Living Lucky® tips!

Keywords: Travel, Sleep, Energy, Diet, Fitness, Mental Health, Accessibility, Culture, Growth, Balance, Living Lucky®, Personal Development, Mindvalley SuperCoach #MindvalleySupercoach

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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®. Good morning. I'm Jana Shelfer, I'm Jason Shelfer and we are Living Lucky®. You are too.

Jana Shelfer:

We're talking about energy today Energy. Because Jason and I are all the way over in Estonia. What I didn't know about coming to Estonia is it's never dark, so my sleep has really suffered.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, it kind of throws off the rhythms that sleep rhythm.

Jana Shelfer:

Not only am I jet lagged, because we traveled for 30 hours to get here, we don't sleep well it's like we. It never gets dark.

Jason Shelfer:

It's it's midnight and it feels like it's 6 pm yeah, this is the same thing that happened to me when I came to do the camino de santiago. I I took a nap when I got the plane because I was exhausted, and then I woke up at 10 o'clock at night and it was. It looked like it was noon and I woke up and I was like something is wrong with the planet.

Jana Shelfer:

Right, and so I'm realizing that I really value my sleep and it really affects the way I feel during the day.

Jason Shelfer:

And value the darkness.

Jana Shelfer:

I value the darkness, oh my gosh, bring on the night. I never thought I would say that I really value the darkness. The second thing is is our food has slightly changed, has slightly changed. So even though we are intentionally looking for vegetables and health food, we're also on vacation in a way, so it's also fun to explore the culture, and when things are offered to us, I want to take in the experience.

Jason Shelfer:

But sometimes you don't know what you're getting.

Jana Shelfer:

And that is true too.

Jason Shelfer:

Like. This looks interesting on the menu. Let's order it and see what it is Interesting.

Jana Shelfer:

And so I don't want to get too granular here. But what you eat affects your gut and your digestive system.

Jason Shelfer:

And your bathroom schedule. And your bathroom schedule.

Jana Shelfer:

And your bathroom schedule and because we're in a different country, you know, for me the bathrooms have been a little challenging at times.

Jason Shelfer:

And, where they are, the accessibility where they are, they're up a flight of steps.

Jana Shelfer:

They're down a flight of steps Okay, how are we going to get there in time? Or they're up a flight of steps they're down a flight of steps.

Jason Shelfer:

Okay, how are we going to get there in time? Or they're three kilometers away?

Jana Shelfer:

the third thing that affects your energy, I feel, is we have been walking a ton, so even just to get from the hotel to the venue. It's a 30 minute walk, and so I mean it feels good and I love it.

Jason Shelfer:

And the funny thing is it's only 1.1 kilometers but it's 30 minutes because it's traffic lights, it's curbs, it's all these different turns.

Jana Shelfer:

so our bodies are moving, uh, at different. You know, like I feel like in america we schedule time to go for a walk or we schedule time to go work out. This is kind of incorporated into our lifestyle here, which I think is a good thing. Overall, I wish, I wish we had like my walking paths a little closer to where we live.

Jason Shelfer:

My muscles feel it, and the stairs, the hills, the elevation changes. My body feels amazing. It hurts, don't get me wrong, but it feels great.

Jana Shelfer:

You've been carrying me up and down steps constantly, Jason Shelfer. We went to bed last night and Jason Shelfer was like my legs are aching and I'm like that's because of all the stairs you've done with the addition of 90 pounds. Thank you for that, but that's not true, so it's.

Jason Shelfer:

the stair flight is 20 steps. I counted.

Jana Shelfer:

So that affects your energy. Now, the next thing that I want to bring up is the fact that we are constantly learning, and I love learning, learning, learning, learning. I can learn. I just love learning from people. I love learning different knowledge. I love learning about self-development and how we can become our best self. However, the mental fatigue starts kicking in at times. Are you with me there?

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, so there's a threshold of knowledge capacity, so it's like it's throwing out that pathway of this is what's available, and then how do we integrate some of that so it becomes part of us and then we can throw out a little bit more, let it become part of us and then live into it so that it's now just inherent. It's the knowing, then becoming the understanding and then learning some more of the knowing.

Jana Shelfer:

I think, though, what I'm trying to say is that we learn, and then, on top of learning, now we're trying to use new technology, trying to find ways to connect to Wi-Fi, trying to find ways even to connect with people. Not everyone has an international plan on their texting service. So then it's using different apps like WhatsApp and Telegram and finding ways to connect internationally to people.

Jason Shelfer:

Just getting contact cards.

Jana Shelfer:

So there's a capacity of mental fatigue that starts kicking in, Even finding the GPS to get places while we're walking of course, or outlets. Or outlets. Yeah, I mean there's just a lot. And then you know, is the outlet going to accommodate our American technology, so it's finding the adapters and there's just a lot there. So there's a little bit of stress in all of that, wouldn't you say?

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

The next thing I think that affects our energy is we're around different people and when you are around a new group of people or meeting people for the first time, you do show up a little differently. Would you agree with that? Yeah, you show up as your best self. I think, yeah, you put on. You put on your, your oh gosh. You know I'm going to put on my my best girl panties. I don't even know why I said that.

Jason Shelfer:

I think there's a'm going to put on my best girl panties. I don't even know why I said that I think there's a. I always put on my best girl panties. Thank you, Because it makes me feel sexy.

Jana Shelfer:

It's just just being completely transparent, you want to be interested and you want to give that first impression.

Jason Shelfer:

I think there's a couple different people out there. I think there's some people that turn down their light like they dim their light so that they can feel people out and then they start amping up. And there's some people that amp up their wattage and then they're like oh, I've overshot the crowd, Right? Yes, so it's a. I think we do a really good job of just being us and we do throw our, we do come, we do give our best selves out, Because I may need to up my ampage.

Jana Shelfer:

I think that's a good term for it.

Jason Shelfer:

I do think you need to up your ampage, because when we were, when we went through one of the exercises while we were here in the conference, it was a, it was with lisa nichols and it was the best you and it was really about during the speaker package. Um, when she was talking about what's her program. Speak to Inspire Speak to Inspire and it was the best you.

Jana Shelfer:

And I was like you didn't even mention your gold medals or your gold medal. Yeah, we were supposed to give out the best things about our lives.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and you didn't talk about winning a gold medal in.

Jana Shelfer:

Greece. No, but I talked about my great husband.

Jason Shelfer:

You did. You talked about loving your dog.

Jana Shelfer:

I talked about my dog.

Jason Shelfer:

He was a rock star, because love is your greatest value. It is, and I was like. I know this, and love is one of the highest vibrational frequencies, but you have had some of the best coaches, the most world-class coaches, through your whole life.

Jana Shelfer:

I have.

Jason Shelfer:

And we are at a coaches conference. I know Like we're at Mindvalley University, which is one of the top platforms in the world.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, this isn't about me, I know. I know I'm talking about energy. Energy we're doing a podcast on energy. Jason Shelfer loves to take the topic and make it into something else. The last thing that affects your energy is well we've kind of already incorporated this, but environment connection there's stress, there's natural rhythms, there's active lifestyle, there's the food and nutrition on the environment.

Jason Shelfer:

We talked about this this morning, kind of just changing up the scene yes, which in in a way, it it increases the energy.

Jana Shelfer:

And also, though I want to say it also in some ways decreases because literally I've had to go into rooms. I mean, I've had to go on cobblestone sidewalks looking for accessibility, trying to find bathrooms that accommodate a wheelchair. There is a part of me that is like this is a little bit draining in trying to be in a big conference room with a lot of people and knowing that I'm not going to be able to go anywhere for the next six hours. So I need to make sure I have everything I need.

Jason Shelfer:

So this goes into the whole balance, like, and we talk about. This is where we talk about okay, where do we find the balance? In the energy, because and this is also just in the, in the whole growth mindset of what's new and when we, when we're growing, you can outgrow the. If you grow too fast, you burn out. So when we're in this energizing zone, you don't want to overburn your fuel.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

Because it's just like if you start a campfire and you burn too hot, all of your fuel burns up.

Jana Shelfer:

Oh, that's good, that's really good.

Jason Shelfer:

So when you're in this new environment, if it just is overwhelming your ecosystem, your emotional, your mental, your full ecosystem, then you're like I can't take the the outside um influences.

Jana Shelfer:

It's overwhelming me, like you go to a concert or something it's like all this outside noise is just blowing me up. And I have felt that I've I have felt that so much where I'm like I just want to be alone right now.

Jason Shelfer:

I need some space.

Jana Shelfer:

I just want to go back to the hotel.

Jason Shelfer:

Right. So then it's like, okay, give yourself the space because you have to recognize, okay, what's giving me energy, what's taking me, taking my energy, but then recognize also what is giving you the energy, like, recognize the new architecture, recognize the beach, recognize what's beautiful in the area and say, okay, what's giving me the energy, recognize the new connection and the new people, recognize the other things in the area.

Jana Shelfer:

I think that's where I struggle. Some is because sometimes I think I know best and I'm not putting myself in a stretch zone, I'm not putting myself out there enough because I think, oh, I know best, I better just go hibernate and get under my heating blanket.

Jason Shelfer:

Right, and I think sometimes we allow, we get it, and then sometimes we. I think you do a good job of that. So I think you're taking a little bit of credit away from yourself, because I think you know yourself really well, because you feel your feelings really well, the the sometimes we don't. We give ourselves too much space.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

And we? I will agree with you. Right, yeah, see what I'm saying, because a lot of times, but one thing I'm going to say is we got a. We got a crappy room.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

So we have.

Jana Shelfer:

We'll save that for the next podcast.

Jason Shelfer:

Because in the beauty of having that crappy room is is we don't want to go back to the room.

Jana Shelfer:

It's like being on a cruise and buying the cheapest.

Jason Shelfer:

Buying the one at the bottom of the ship In the bowels. Yeah, so one of the beautiful things about that is it allows us to go back out into the environment. Yes, because you reframed it for me and says it makes us not want to be in the room.

Jana Shelfer:

That is true. I mean, it's hot. I'm just going to complain to everyone. I don't. I hate complaining.

Jana Shelfer:

It's okay.

Jana Shelfer:

But it is.

Jason Shelfer:

there's no air conditioner, so it makes me appreciate the air conditioner we have at home, and the thing is it allows us to go find our energy elsewhere.

Jana Shelfer:

That is true.

Jason Shelfer:

And so that's how it ties into this podcast. So we get to go find out where we get our energy in the places, and we don't give ourselves that space to go back and rest in our domicile.

Jana Shelfer:

Oh, that's a great word. I'm going to wrap this up. That's a great word. I'm going to wrap this up. I feel like just being aware, being aware of what gives you energy and what takes your energy.

Jason Shelfer:

We've talked about energy vampires before on this podcast, so just having the awareness. The wherewithal of knowing, okay, what is lighting me up and what is draining me. And energy is contagious, so find those pockets of the what you want to catch.

Jana Shelfer:

I love it.

Jason Shelfer:

And catch Living Lucky®.

Jana Shelfer:

Thanks for joining us. We'll talk to you next time. Bye-bye. If the idea of Living Lucky® appeals to you, visit us at www. livinglucky. com.