Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Underwater Breakthrough

Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 7 Episode 23

Imagine a routine doctor's visit shattering your world. This harsh reality struck Scuba Dave and his son when a tumor discovery led to paralysis. But this episode of Living Lucky® isn't about despair; it's about a miraculous comeback story that will redefine your perspective on healing.

Join Jana and Jason as they recount the awe-inspiring journey of Scuba Dave, who defied medical expectations through a revolutionary approach: underwater therapy.

Here's what you'll discover in this episode:

  • Triumph of the Human Spirit: Witness Scuba Dave's unwavering resilience as he refuses to accept his son's paralysis as the final verdict. His story is a potent reminder that innovation is born from adversity.
  • The Power of Unconventional Thinking: Explore how Scuba Dave, by combining his scuba expertise with programmer logic, embarked on a unique path to recovery. This episode emphasizes the importance of asking better questions and venturing beyond limitations.
  • Underwater Healing: A Weightless Wonder: Delve into the transformative potential of underwater therapy.Discover how the absence of gravity creates an ideal environment for rehabilitation, allowing unprecedented movement and muscle retraining.
  • Neuroplasticity: Rewiring Your Brain for Success: Learn about the brain's remarkable ability to reorganize itselfthrough underwater therapy's stimulation of nerves and muscles. This episode sheds light on the science behind Scuba Dave's son's miraculous recovery.
  • The Shift Within: How Mindset Matters: Jana and Jason delve into the power of positive thinking. They share how Scuba Dave's unwavering belief, alongside their own experiences at the Scuba Gym, showcases the transformative potential of a growth mindset.
  • The Tranquility of the Deep: Finding Peace in Healing: Uncover the psychological benefits of underwater therapy. The serene environment fosters a meditative state, promoting self-awareness and a deeper connection with your body.
  • The Strength of Community: Lifting Each Other Up: Discover the importance of supportive communities in overcoming challenges. The Scuba Gym serves as a beacon of encouragement, where individuals share experiences and inspire each other's healing journeys.

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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®. Good morning. I'm Jana Shelfer and this is my husband, Jason Shelfer, and we are Living Lucky®. You are too.

Jana Shelfer:

I've been scuba walking what we were brought to this place? We were led to this place by the universe. It's called Scuba Gym and Dave is the man that runs it.

Jason Shelfer:

Scuba Dave.

Jana Shelfer:

He has a fascinating story, by the way. I feel like we need to preface this whole podcast with his story.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, I love this story because his son was playing football and they went in for a regular doctor, routine doctor's visit and they found a tumor on his spinal column at the base of his neck.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, and he was paralyzed, yeah, when they operated on it he ended up being paralyzed from the neck down and his dad said Dave said I don't want to accept this, there's got to be another way. And so he just started exploring. He started experimenting and saying not experimenting on his son, but just saying I want to look for possibilities he started asking better questions. Yes, I got goosebumps.

Jana Shelfer:

And he was a scuba diver himself. So he said I'm going to start taking my son underwater and we're going to start really exploring his body. Dave is also a computer programmer by trade, which is just enough to make him think a little differently. He thinks very logically in some ways.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, it makes me think of Joe Dispenza when he says firing together and wiring together.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes. Makes me think of Joe Dispenza when he says firing together and wiring together, yes. And so he takes his son underwater and he starts poking and prodding at his legs and his body and he finds out okay, where am I getting reactions and where are the nerves not reacting? And his son's like dad, you're getting on my last nerve.

Jana Shelfer:

And then, together with his son, they rewired his brain, and now his son's like dad, you're getting on my last nerve. And then, together with his son, they rewired his brain and now his son is walking barely, has a limp, like if you didn't know his whole story, you would just think, oh, maybe he hurt his ankle or something.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and what's fascinating with this is we got led to this by just the universe.

Jana Shelfer:

The universe led us there, and talking to the right people. We often say the right people at the right time with the right place. It's all about trusting and believing.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah and you'll hear this theme over and over and over again because we lean into it and we believe it yes. And when you accept it and just allow for it, wonderful magical things happen. But you have to get through the fear and get through the doubt.

Jana Shelfer:

You have to get out of your own way.

Jason Shelfer:

And when you step into different rooms, you get different conversations which lead to new possibilities.

Jana Shelfer:

We don't know what we don't know. And until you go into those new rooms with new people who are living at a different level, then you start to be aware of what's possible.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, because what you don't know? When you said, we don't know what we don't know, and what? We don't know, keeps us the same or keeps us broke, keeps us fat, keeps us stuck, keeps us all the things that we don't want.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, so back to the story. We go to visit the scuba gym and I start seeing people who are healing their bodies. They are healing their bodies by walking underwater where there's no gravity, and they are healing their bodies by the way they think and raising their vibration to become the new person that they want to be. And they're doing all of this underwater, because underwater you block out all of the noise the noise of life and also there's no gravity. There's no gravity when you're scuba diving or it.

Jana Shelfer:

you know what I'm saying, right, and every small move turns into a much larger move and once your brain starts seeing results, you start believing even more, and what you believe is your reality. And that's exactly what is happening to me right now. We visited this place. I went because I didn't want to be seen in a bathing suit on camera, so I'm like I just went in my regular clothes and I'm like I just want to you know, see what's going on and talk to you.

Jana Shelfer:

Maybe a little bit talk to some people that are here. And once I started talking to people, I forgot about the camera, so we don't have much footage.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, let me take my clothes off right now.

Jana Shelfer:

I was.

Jason Shelfer:

I'm like.

Jana Shelfer:

I'm going to go home and get my bathing suit. I want to get underwater I want to start doing this.

Jana Shelfer:

All of a sudden, I started imagining possibilities that I didn't even know could happen. Now we've done this for three, four times now, already already. The results that I have seen are miraculous, and, before we go any further, I want to do my best to document everything that is happening, because I believe God is working a miracle in my life right now and I want everybody to see it and everybody to witness it, I concur I concur wants to remember them, so I'm going to get Jason's perspective on. What did you see underwater?

Jason Shelfer:

I went underwater for the first time and what did you witness? The biggest thing for me is we've been together for 20 years, yes, and we've been married for 18 years We've had sex.

Jana Shelfer:

I mean, you know my body more, maybe even better, than I know my own body.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, and I've learned so much about paraplegia just the way your body moves and I've had this thought in my mind about what it can and can't do.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, and also I want to just preface this whole thing by saying whenever we hit an obstacle, whether we're on vacation, climbing a mountain, going, skydiving, going, whatever we're doing, jason has been my legs for me, so he knows exactly where my boundaries are and you also know, like you said, what I can and haven't been able to do so.

Jason Shelfer:

I would just rephrase that, because I know that you can do things. What's the faster way? A lot of times it's I can pick you up and we can go places.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, because.

Jason Shelfer:

I've seen you also climb the Acropolis by yourself, and that was an awkward moment for me, because people are going. Why isn't that jerk helping his wife?

Jana Shelfer:

And I was like I want to do this alone.

Jason Shelfer:

Right, you're like I want the exercise, I want to see if I can do this, and so there are. But when we go through obstacles, we can do anything, because there's always a way.

Jana Shelfer:

So what you're really saying and I don't mean to stop what you're saying there has been a little bit of learned helplessness on my part.

Jason Shelfer:

And, however, I never imagined what I saw when you got underwater and started doing this therapy, because the first time I saw your legs kick out in a walking motion and then pull back, just literally like walking.

Jason Shelfer:

And then it brings tears to my eyes. And then I started bawling like a child, like a child that had his toy taken away. But it was a joyful, like an awe, a wonderment. It was crazy, it was witnessing a miracle. And then at the end of the lesson I was bawling again, or therapy, lesson, therapy, whatever you want to call it, because it was a learning. It was your body learning and me learning. I had set the boundaries of my imagination at a certain point and I wasn't allowing it to go further.

Jana Shelfer:

Can I just add a little tidbit here? Jason had a GoPro that's been in the closet for years and so we got it out. It's not the clearest video, but he was underwater taking a little bit of video here and there. When we got home, I didn't want to watch the video, and here's why Because I was underwater and I thought that I was seeing my legs move. I thought that I was feeling my legs move. I thought that I was simulating the walking motion. However, I didn't want to be proven wrong.

Jana Shelfer:

I didn't want to see that video because I didn't want to be disappointed, which has been my vice. If you oh, I just had a bubble in my throat If you follow Jason and I, you know that my biggest vice in my whole journey has been doubt and disappointment.

Jason Shelfer:

Well, and you've had 34 years of wanting to walk or trying to walk and not going into that different room, not having the person that says, hey, there may be a way, it's always been someone saying I just started believing.

Jana Shelfer:

I started believing because I wasn't seeing results in my legs. I started believing okay, this is my reality.

Jason Shelfer:

This is my reality yes, and when we started this Living Lucky journey and believing that we are co-creating our reality together with the universe, with each other with the people around us with God. Yes, then it allowed space for us to get into different rooms, get into a new conversation, get into a greater way of thinking and realizing that when we don't know what we don't know, we are being limited.

Jason Shelfer:

So we're limiting ourselves open ourselves up for that new experience, open ourselves up for that new conversation, and it changes things, because when we get into a bigger room, if we're the smartest person in the room, we're in the wrong room, right.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, so let's just go back, because I want this documented. What did you see?

Jason Shelfer:

I saw your legs kicking out like a spider monkey, like it was kicking out and pulling back. It was the walking motion. And then I saw once the learning of the motion finished.

Jana Shelfer:

Then, when they stood you up and then had you in a standing position and then your legs started firing and walking, I was like what am I even seeing here? And before you go any further, I have laid in bed for 34 years. Every night I go to bed, every morning I go to bed. Can I move something today? Can I feel something today? I do this all the time and it's just become like a way of being. And I'm crying again because it's so frustrating to try to move and try to feel and you don't, you don't, it's just not working, it's just not working and you don't see anything. And then you're reminded of it every single day because everything I do, transfer everything I do every time.

Jana Shelfer:

I try to go to the bathroom or transfer out of bed or move it's go get some water, get out of the car and so getting out of go answer the phone so becoming. You know joe dispenza talks about becoming your new self. It's hard to step into your new reality when you are constantly being reminded of your old, of who you've already become.

Jason Shelfer:

I have become programmed Of what you might be stuck with. Yes, if it feels unchangeable.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, and when that happens over and over and over, it becomes permanent, pervasive and personal. Those three things it becomes permanent, pervasive and personal.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa, the triple P the triple p, yes, and that we that can can lead to the lower vibrations that can lead to depression it takes away hope, it crushes belief, yes, or it it creates belief in hopelessness is what it does and so this whole journey I mean, if you think of where we've been and now where we are going, that in itself is a miracle, and so, therefore, I can let go of any expectations, because I'm already so grateful for how far we've come.

Jason Shelfer:

Well, immediately, that is living lucky how far we've come. Well, immediately, that is living lucky, immediately. So I also had fear set in. Yeah, and I'm hitting the mics. But I had fear set in because I know that we're doing so much Uh-huh and immediately from my mind all these cants like C-A-N-T, c-a-n, apostrophe T. Yes, erased from my mind and all these new cans popped in.

Jana Shelfer:

So what you're telling me, what I am hearing you say, is that it transferred to other areas of our life.

Jason Shelfer:

Oh, so many, because there's all these things, like everything that we think about. I think we always imagine, okay, what are the logistics of it, how are we going to do this? But I'm already visualizing and imagining the end process of walking and doing and just this whole new us and this whole journey that we're on. But I know now everything in the world is possible.

Jana Shelfer:

I thought so before, but I've just expanded even further. Jason has been the rock in our relationship when it comes to faith and believing and perseverance, keeping going. He's really the workhorse. I call him the workhorse the bulldozer keeping going Like he's really the workhorse. I call him the workhorse because I oftentimes am quick to say this isn't working, we need to pivot. We need to pivot. And Jason's like no, let's, let's stick with the plan. And I'm like it's been five years, we haven't seen any progress. Our business, we're still making $0.

Jana Shelfer:

It's working. It's working and Jason's like have faith, keep going.

Jason Shelfer:

We're making money. We're not profitable. We're not making the money we want.

Jana Shelfer:

So what I'm hearing you say right now, in this moment, is that your faith is growing.

Jason Shelfer:

Every day, every minute.

Jana Shelfer:

I think we should end there. That's just beautiful.

Jason Shelfer:

I just feel like I'm Living Lucky® and I feel literally every moment that I'm living luckier and luckier and thank you, thank you, audience, thank you for joining us every day.

Jana Shelfer:

Thank you, dave at Scuba Gym, thank you for all the people that go there, all the volunteers. They are changing lives and sometimes they don't even realize it.

Jason Shelfer:

Thank you everyone out there listening right now, because you're changing a life right now. How are you changing?

Jana Shelfer:

Keep Living Lucky®, bye-bye, bye-bye. If the idea of Living Lucky® appeals to you, visit us at www. startlivinglucky. com.