Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Mastering Manifestation

Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 6 Episode 28

Unveiling the Mystery of Manifestation: Align Your Vibes, Attract Abundance on the Living Lucky® Podcast
Ready to unlock the secret to making your dreams a reality?
Join Jana and Jason on the Living Lucky® Podcast as they delve into the captivating world of manifestation, unveiling powerful insights from a recent Miami conference brimming with practical wisdom and inspiring stories.

Discover potent strategies to:

  • Harness the transformative power of community: Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who ignite your dreams and witness the magic of collective intention propel your goals forward.
  • Master the art of energetic resonance: Learn how to elevate your vibrational frequency and attract abundance by cultivating a heart brimming with gratitude and positivity.
  • Unlock the 80/20 secret to success: Effortlessly achieve more by focusing on the 20% of actions that resonate deeply with your soul and intuition, leaving the rest behind.
  • Embrace the wisdom of renowned thought leaders: Gain invaluable insights from Michael Beckwith and Neale Donald Walsh as they share their experiences and the profound truth – you attract who you are, not just what you ask for.

This episode is your roadmap to manifesting your deepest desires. Jana and Jason weave personal anecdotes, captivating real-life examples, and actionable takeaways into a tapestry of inspiration, empowering you to:

  • Ditch the negativity spiral: Replace limiting beliefs with the fuel of optimism and propel yourself into a cycle of success.
  • Unleash the power of self-reflection: Tune into your inner voice, discover your true desires, and embark on a journey of self-discovery.
  • Cultivate a vibrant connection with the universe: Recognize the abundance that already exists within you and learn to nurture it for a life overflowing with fulfillment.

Whether you're a seasoned manifester or a curious newcomer, this episode is your invitation to unlock the door to a reality brimming with potential. Tune in, align with your deepest desires, and start living a life that is not just successful, but overflowing with purpose and meaning.

#manifestation #abundance #LawOfAttraction #gratitude #selfReflection #intuition #MichaelBeckwith #NealeDonaldWalsh #LivingLucky #positivevibes #successmindset #dreamlife #Podcast #Personalgrowth #Insp

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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start living lucky. Good morning, I'm Jana and this is my husband, Jason, and we are living lucky, I know you are too, because you are here joining us today.

Jana Shelfer:

We just returned from a manifestival.

Jason Shelfer:

It was wonderful.

Jana Shelfer:

Manifesting. It was a manifesting conference and it was full of wonderful speakers and wonderful tips, tricks, tools of the trade and people. Oh my gosh, the community was fabulous.

Jason Shelfer:

I loved meeting so many different people and I felt like so many people already knew us.

Jana Shelfer:

Everyone knew you, knew you. It was with the Mind Valley community, which Jason is a coach of, and so it just it was down in Miami, and we want to share with you some of the biggest insights and takeaways that we took from the best manifestors in the world.

Jason Shelfer:

It was kind of incredible, like just Dr Michael Beckwith or Reverend Michael Beckwith.

Jana Shelfer:

People were manifesting things that weekend, like they would come in on Friday and write down this is what I want to intend this weekend. This is what I want, and by Sunday evening it had already come to fruition. That's how quickly they were in tune with the universe and their desires, and the right people, the right opportunities happen to be in that room. That's the great thing about going to a manifestation conference is you put your dream out there and there's someone in that room that's ready to help you make it happen.

Jason Shelfer:

That's so critical because so many times we keep our dreams inside us, either covered up or forgotten, and we don't think about what we want.

Jana Shelfer:

Like that, we don't think about what that dream is because we're so busy doing In fact, if I run my own manifestival which is what I'm gonna call it I am gonna have people on the first day write down what is your dream? What is your dream, what is it that you want? What is it that you really desire? Because so many people, including myself, we know what we don't want. We know what we don't want. We can tell you a million things. I mean, when it comes to dating. I could tell you exactly what.

Jana Shelfer:

I didn't want.

Jana Shelfer:

and then I just kept telling myself well, when I meet that right person, I'll know, I'll know and it's been the same thing with my damn career.

Jana Shelfer:

You know, I throw out a ton of things and then I'm like, no, that's not exactly what I'm looking for, that's not exactly it. And I keep saying to myself you know, when the opportunity comes, I'll know, I'll know. Well, if I just sat with myself and said what is it that I really desire, and communicated with my soul. The hardest part with that is that there's so much chatter and chaos around what your soul is trying to tell you that we haven't been able to tune in and really listen to that voice.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, to me that's kind of like knowing, like your soul knowing, or your stomach knowing exactly what it wants to eat. But you don't spend time asking your stomach what it wants to eat and you just drive from restaurant to restaurant looking for the right food.

Jana Shelfer:

You just do what's quick and easy.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah. And you're like okay.

Jana Shelfer:

That's not enough, that's satisfying me.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, right, and really what your soul is at your stomach is saying I need nutrients.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and this is specific nutrient.

Jana Shelfer:

I want this specific nutrient and I've been giving you every signal in your body but you aren't listening. So we have a responsibility and some people call that intuition or that voice God. It is connected directly to God. So sometimes we aren't sitting and listening. You know, early on when we started down this journey, I remember Jason came home from one of his Ironman meetings and someone had asked the question how do you know when it's God's voice or if it's just your own? And the answer to that is you sit and talk to develop a relationship. You develop a connection. I mean, when you pick up the phone, do you know it's your mom calling?

Jason Shelfer:

right, even without caller. I d like you recognize the voice on the other line. Janna, when I, if I got a voicemail that said it couldn't tell me what the number was or didn't have the text out, I would recognize your voice On the voicemail. Hey, that's my wife because we talk often.

Jana Shelfer:

We talk often, and that is the distinction.

Jason Shelfer:

I don't feel like we sit and really communicate with our souls often enough yeah, you said the word intuition and I haven't looked it up or anything but right in the front of it into it. Like in two me I go inside and one of the things is eighty percent inner work, twenty percent outer work.

Jana Shelfer:

That's not as exhausting as back to that eighty twenty yeah, the preto principle.

Jason Shelfer:

Tell us what that is exactly so that you get twenty percent of your result, or eighty percent of your results from the twenty percent of the action that you do.

Jana Shelfer:

So it's it's narrowing down that twenty percent action so that you can get eighty percent progress and when that starts happening, when you start manifesting the eighty twenty rule, you're gonna think oh my gosh, I'm magical, I'm making things happen. I literally think about something and it comes to life, it becomes my reality yeah, and you did the distance between it or the time between it shortens.

Jana Shelfer:

So here's the biggest takeaway from my perspective. When it comes to manifesting and again, we listen to the best speakers about this in the world michael beckwith was what's the chart? Incredible. He is just a gifted speaker. He's a gifted human is energy.

Jana Shelfer:

I was just he was doing those big like jump up in a hillkicks I happen to get to sit right beside michael beckwith In the audience, like what, during the thing, he came out and sat and watch the other speakers and he came and sat right beside me and the woman that was on the other side of jason so it was michael beckwith, me, jason and this other woman he turns to her and says Emily, it's so nice to see you again in this lifetime. And I was like what just?

Jana Shelfer:

happened and I turn to Emily and I go she was, she was her jaw drops and she was like yes, it is, and she didn't have a name tag on.

Jason Shelfer:

He said he knew her from a previous lifetime that's crazy, right, I don't, I don't and I'm staying crazy, because it's one of those things that just hits in your like how did this just happen? But one of the things that Michael Beck with talked about on stage is that he Often runs into people and he'll he will say I know this person, I know these people, and whoever is with will be like no, you've never met these people, this is a new crowd. And then he'll go around and actually talk to the people that's what he did with Emily.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, he literally said Emily, it's so nice to see you again in this lifetime. I was like, oh, my gosh, okay, so let me just tell you.

Jason Shelfer:

So that's one of the lines right now.

Jana Shelfer:

Neil Walsh was on stage now. If you haven't read his book or seen it, I watch the movie it's letters to God, and that would really hit home for me because I was going through a dark time when I watch that movie. And it's about his life. He was homeless at one point and whenever he was angry in life or whenever he started feeling this feeling he didn't know how to deal with, which was despair, anger, resentment, hate feeling forsaken whenever he felt that he would write letters to whom ever he thought her.

Jana Shelfer:

And the way he would deal with that feeling is he would get it out of his body and then he would actually crumble up the letter and burn it. And he got to the point where he had blamed and written letters to everyone around him and the only person left to blame was God. And then, when he started writing letters to God, his hand started writing responses and so that what that became his communication with God and some of the things that God told him. We're really quite incredible. For example and this goes right down to the whole lesson of manifestation God told Neil Walsh the only answer I have for you is yes, that's big. And here's the thing. I'm gonna put this into layman's terms. So when we ask God for anything, when we ask the universe for anything, it's going to say yes. The problem that we don't quite understand is that we don't get what we ask for. We get who we are.

Jason Shelfer:

Our energetic beingness vibrates with the universe and brings to us all the things that we vibrate at.

Jana Shelfer:

So if we say I want more money, Then God is gonna say, yes, you want more money and I'm gonna give you more. Wanting oh that's. And then, every time we spend money, we start feeling anxious and we start thinking, oh my gosh, can I afford this?

Jana Shelfer:

Can I afford this? I don't know.

Jana Shelfer:

So we attract then more worry, anxiety, overwhelm when it comes to money, and so then we start getting bitter because God isn't hearing us, god isn't listening to our wishes, our desires our wants, our needs, our prayers, and that is where it gets some friction. Some friction and it causes more feelings. And then guess what those feelings attract? More of the same we attract who we are.

Jason Shelfer:

And I feel like that's an opposite side of gratitude, because when we have that feeling of being so grateful and so appreciative, that A that's raising your vibrational frequency, it's raising your mood and you lose the wanting and you start vibrating at the level of gratitude and things that you have and are available already.

Jana Shelfer:

Now listen to this distinction. If I say, god, thank you so much for always providing for my needs, my desires, and thank you for always giving me the abundance that is all around me, that is a nuance in communication. And what does God hear? Jana likes abundance. Yes, jana loves it when I provide for her needs.

Jason Shelfer:

Let's give her more of that.

Jana Shelfer:

Let's give her more of that. The answer is always yes. We attract who we are, and so there's it's communication. It is a subtle communication, and I feel like one of the problems that people have is they're not in rapport with God and the universe.

Jason Shelfer:

And they're not clear about what they really want.

Jana Shelfer:

And they're not clear with what they want. It comes down to those two things.

Jason Shelfer:

Be what you want, and you talk about this a lot. When people come to you and they're like, oh, I can't find a man, or oh, I can't get the job that I want, I can't do this, it's have the feeling that it's there and you're doing it already.

Jana Shelfer:

Try it on, be that, and then it will come to you because it attracts, like it attracts, like Act as if it has already happened, act as if it is already in your soul, because it is. The answers are within you. You just have to find them yourself.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

A good witch. I have to do a go back now.

Jana Shelfer:

Hollywood hasn't nailed, I go back to that constantly, constantly, because it's true, the gold is within all of us. We just have to mine for it.

Jason Shelfer:

Wow, and that's inside.

Jana Shelfer:

Into it. It is inside all of us. The gold is within you. You just have to find it yourself.

Jason Shelfer:

And we cover it up with all of this. We have to mine through all the things that we've subscribed to in our belief system, our thoughts, our just all these things that we've heard throughout the years and we've said, okay, I'll just accept that as true.

Jana Shelfer:

Filter through it, filter through all of that and get back to the basics which we were born with. That's so true Manifesting. Manifesting comes down to this big and one idea, and I'm going to say it one more time we don't attract what we ask for, we attract who we are. Boom.

Jason Shelfer:

And there you'll be living lucky.

Jana Shelfer:

Ah, have a great day, guys. Thanks for joining us. Bye-bye. If the idea of living lucky appeals to you,