Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

I'm a Dreamer! I'M A DOER!!!!

Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 6 Episode 22

Unleash Your Inner Dreamer AND Doer: The Dance Between Visionaries & Integrators

Hey, lucky ducks! Jason and Jana Banana back again, inviting you on a transformative journey where audacious dreams meet practical action. That's right, we're diving deep into the "Balancing Dreamers and Integrators for Personal and Business Success" episode, and it's gonna be epic.

Ever felt like your head's a battleground between fantastical ideas and, well, getting things done? We all do! We'll share hilarious stories of our own scattered focus, from curious squirrel encounters to chaotic horse mishaps—because let's face it, staying grounded while gazing at the stars ain't always easy.

But amidst the laughter, there's a deeper truth: dreamers and integrators are like peanut butter and jelly – they just belong together. We'll peel back the layers of societal expectations that often push us towards one role over the other, revealing the beauty of embracing both.


  • How your creative right brain and analytical left brain work together (think:visionary ideas + strategic plans = magic!)
  • Real-life stories from Jason and Jana on navigating this dynamic duo in their own lives
  • The hidden pressures that can stifle innovation and why we ALL need a healthy dose of dreamer and integrator energy
  • Why skilled integrators are the unsung heroes of progress (and how you can join the crew!)
  • The game-changing impact of visionaries who dared to dream big and bridge the gap between impossible and inevitable

This episode is your rallying cry to unleash your inner powerhouse. Whether you're a dreamer brimming with ideas or an integrator who thrives on making things happen, you'll discover how to tap into both sides and unlock your true potential.

Ready to live lucky and dance the dance of success? Dive deeper with Jason and Jana at [invalid URL removed], where the conversation continues beyond the podcast. Don't miss out on the joy, laughter, and wisdom that await you on this journey of dreamer-integrator harmony!

unleashing potential, self-discovery, personal growth, living authentically, navigating self-doubt, overcoming challenges, finding balance, achieving personal goals, big ideas, practical execution, collaboration, dream teams, creative thinking, analytical thinking, integrated approach, whole-brain living, maki

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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start living lucky. Good morning, I'm Janna, I'm Jason and we are living lucky. I know you are too, because you're here with us.

Jason Shelfer:

That's right.

Jana Shelfer:

And we're talking about integrators versus dreamers.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes or visionaries?

Jana Shelfer:

I'm definitely a what you call a visionary.

Jason Shelfer:

I am.

Jana Shelfer:

I thought I've always called it a dreamer.

Jason Shelfer:

I'm definitely a dreamer, visionary myself.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, I'm also good at logistics, though, but the problem lies in me thinking like having these big grand ideas and then having to fill in the spaces on how it gets done with integrators.

Jana Shelfer:

So okay, when we talk about integrators and dreamers, I often talk about right brain and left brain.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

And I feel like the right brain is the creative side, the intangible side. It is the one that often gets emotional, whereas the left brain can.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

Yes, the left brain can really focus in on numbers and kind of. You know, these are the strategic steps.

Jason Shelfer:

This is my strategy, this is my plan. Yes, yeah.

Jana Shelfer:

And what's so interesting is, whenever Jason and I have any kind of meeting with a business consultant or a brand consultant or anything that has to do with our business, they perceive you to be the integrator, the left brainer, the logistical one, the strategic one, and they they perceive me to be the creator. The yes the visionary, the creator, the almost the, the flighty one that has all these ideas.

Jason Shelfer:

I mean.

Jana Shelfer:

I mean, there's positives to it, but there's also a negative connotation as well, and they they kind of put me in this category of well, Jana is the dreamer here and Jason is the one that is integrating and making it happen.

Jason Shelfer:

And see, I picture us kind of being the this is going to sound just egotistical, but the best of both. Okay, in a sense, because and I got, I got to be better when we got together because, and likewise, yeah, but dealing with a disability and travel or or activities Immediately, I think, of all the things that may or may not happen. And then if we want to have a successful outcome, what is it? What does the path look like to have a successful outcome?

Jana Shelfer:

So you, you've learned how to be more strategic and more logistical, and also I mean some of your jobs that you've had. You, I mean I remember when you worked you were managing Renna prize and Renna prize.

Jason Shelfer:

Renna prize in a car. And because we don't want to give them any. They haven't actually paid for advertising yet, so Renna prize in a car is perfect.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay. So Jason used to work for Renna prize in a car. You had to become very logistic as far as, okay, this car is here and who can pick it up and who can rent it out and 30 drivers, nine employees or nine team members. Who's going to be washing these cars?

Jason Shelfer:

Like you had to do a lot of customer who picks up, who picks up a car, all these things.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, there was a lot of moving the dominoes.

Jason Shelfer:

There's a lot of moving parts. Let's organize it, let's put it together and let's make it run smoothly so that everyone has a great experience.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, so you weren't really. I mean, you learned to do that. Instead of saying well, let's talk about our dreams and goals, but I also learned to do that from like a 90,000 foot perspective.

Jason Shelfer:

So instead of being in it, I was able to orchestrate it, and that's kind of to me what a dreamer can do once they get very clear on the dream.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay. So, and I guess my point of that whole thing is that people perceive us one way, but inside our relationship we know that it goes both ways. Yeah, and I would go off the track, and I don't mean that in a naughty sense. Hello.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, I would. I feel like when you're gone, when you're away from home, yeah, things fall off the tracks.

Jana Shelfer:

Right, thank you, I guess, and when I'm gone.

Jason Shelfer:

You don't eat, that is true, and Jason is getting ready to leave on a trip, and so we're.

Jana Shelfer:

we've been stalking the fridge for the last three hours Pre-made prepared meals. Yes.

Jason Shelfer:

I'm integrating. We've been cooking. I'm integrating the meal plan.

Jana Shelfer:

Thank you for that. The reason we started talking about integrators and dreamers is because I made the comment today that dreamers, who are usually very artsy and creative people, they have a hard time. They have like a bigger success curve. Curve, a bigger curve, because it feels sometimes like society trains us to be integrators. Society wants tangible results, so I I believe when you say I've been planting seeds of inspiration everywhere I go.

Jana Shelfer:

You know some people are like, but you have to pay your bills right you know, and you have to manage your time, yeah, I'm like, yeah, but I I've been spending an hour and a half in my meditations every day, so I've been consistent. Well, what is that? How is that getting you to where you want to go?

Jason Shelfer:

was in. I think that for me, when I visualize this whole thing, I picture every little four, five and six year old daydreaming, envisioning what they're like, that are what tomorrow is gonna be like the weekend. Like having these dreams and then being yanked back into the classroom, yank back into the process of training. Yes, like the training to be an integrator like this is. You have to learn this out, you have to learn these math equations, you have to learn the senate structure, you have to like all these things that you're get out of your dream world and get into reality.

Jason Shelfer:

And so the translation is reality is integration which you need both you need both, I mean, I'm well yeah, if everybody sat around dreaming all day and nothing would ever get done, right?

Jana Shelfer:

however, it's the. I mean you look back at some of the greats, the, the irons times and the. Yes, they put action to their dreams.

Jason Shelfer:

They put action to their dreams, but they, they have these they also had teams grand ideas, so we don't talk about their teams, like the people that were around the people that were around Edison in the room when the light bulb came on.

Jana Shelfer:

We don't talk about all that the truth is, if you look at the greats, if you look at the, the legends, the trailblazers, the people who have really impacted the world, they are visionaries and that doesn't mean that they don't put action behind their ideas. But they are visionaries and there is a steeper learning curve to get to where they want to go. But once they do, once they break through, they go higher, they go higher.

Jason Shelfer:

And when you said the game changers, the people that have actually had the biggest impact on the world, they kind of stuck to their dream and weren't dissuaded by the outside world pulling them back into. No, things have to be this way. Things have to be this way.

Jana Shelfer:

They start out as dreamers, but they learn to connect the integration with their dream. It's adapting.

Jason Shelfer:

And that's what I was having.

Jana Shelfer:

Whereas the ones that don't make a difference are the ones that give up on their dreams.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

They're visionaries and it starts becoming too hard, they start failing. They start thinking that society only values the people who can put it together, we'll not put it together.

Jason Shelfer:

That's kind of a give output that provides tangible results. The curve to. Whatever you want to call it, it's not a learning curve, but it's a curve of resistance, I think.

Jana Shelfer:

It is. It's perseverance, resilience. They have to break through this. It's almost an invisible ceiling, an invisible wall. Are you with me on that, or am I just imagining this?

Jason Shelfer:

There was everything that we have right now almost was impossible at one time, and it was a dreamer that brought down a visionary, that brought down the wall between what's possible and what's impossible and said I think that can be possible. I don't know how, but I believe I envision this and I envision how I see it working in my head. Now I'm just going to start taking the steps and it is that kind of working through the failure quote, unquote failure and recognizing it's just feedback.

Jana Shelfer:

Failure is the only feedback.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, and so I've learned now 99,000 ways. This doesn't work. Will I quit now, or will I try that one more time?

Jana Shelfer:

So good.

Jason Shelfer:

But yeah, we need visionaries to kind of propel us forward. We need integrators to kind of do the day to day and to help push in the pieces when we are missing a piece or when we don't have time to do the pieces because we're busy creating the bigger vision.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, we so, yes, we're saying that we need both. Let me ask you this do you feel sometimes that the really really strong integrators sometimes try to communicate with the visionaries and there's a disconnect?

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

They don't quite understand each other sometimes.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and we deal with this just in our own business, like talking to someone that's kind of integrated and built the business, and they built it from the ground up and then we have this plan of something that's a little bit different and a little bit more I don't want to say grandiose, but it's pretty big and we're like this is what we're viewing. They're like no, you can't do it that way, you have to do it this way. I'm like you don't understand. I'm not on the exact same path as you. I'm going a little bit direction and just trying to communicate the two.

Jana Shelfer:

Which we have to listen and learn, yes and in each other and saying, yes, I believe this can work.

Jason Shelfer:

But it's learning to work together and it's huddling up and saying, hey, this is where I'm hitting a little roadblock, or hitting a little resistance, how do we need to work around this? And then the dreamer can help the integrator, the integrator can help the dreamer, it becomes a symbionic relationship.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, oh, good stuff. Good stuff today, all right. Well, that's where we're at, and I hope this helps someone out there. I hope it just makes you think a little differently.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah. Are you an innovator? Are you a visionary? Because we're looking for a couple integrators right now. Just send us an email, we're always looking for integrators to help us out.

Jana Shelfer:

Have a great day and enjoy Good luck. If the idea of living lucky appeals to you, visit us at startlivingluckycom.