Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

The Present of Being Present

Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 6 Episode 21

🎙️ "Embracing the Now: Tales of Distraction and the Magic of Presence"
🌟 Welcome to a transformative journey of laughter, wisdom, and the profound magic of living in the present moment with hosts Jana and Jason on the "Living Lucky Podcast with Jason & Jana Banana." 🌟

Ever found yourself nodding along in a conversation while your mind wanders elsewhere? You're not alone! Join Jana and Jason as they dive into relatable tales of distraction, from encounters with curious squirrels to chaotic mishaps with horses. Through these hilarious anecdotes, discover the common struggles we all face in staying present and learn how to reclaim the power of the now.

But amidst the laughter, there's a deeper message: the present moment is not just a fleeting space between past and future; it's a vibrant tapestry of experiences waiting to be fully savored. Explore how simple practices like gratitude walks can transform your perception, allowing you to appreciate the richness of life's abundance in every moment.

In this lively discussion, Jana and Jason delve into the delicate balance between honoring the past and embracing the now. Learn practical strategies to infuse your dreams and aspirations for the future into your present reality, unlocking the power to manifest your desires with intention and clarity.

But living lucky isn't just about manifesting dreams; it's about tuning into the extraordinary within the ordinary. Through their unique blend of humor and wisdom, Jana and Jason invite you to join them on a journey of presence, where every moment becomes an opportunity to experience the wonders of life.

So, whether you're laughing at the antics of a mischievous squirrel or marveling at the beauty of a sunset, remember: presence isn't just about where you are; it's about being fully engaged and alive in that space. Tune in, take a deep breath, and give yourself the present of presence.

Ready to embrace the magic of now and start living lucky? Join Jana and Jason on their website at, where the conversation continues beyond the podcast. Don't miss out on the joy, laughter, and wisdom that await as you embark on this journey of presence together.

🔍 For more episodes on mindfulness, presence, and living lucky, subscribe to the "Living Lucky Podcast with Jason & Jana Banana" on your favorite podcast platform. Let the journey begin!

#Presence, Living in the present moment, Gratitude, #Manifestation, #Joy, #

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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start living lucky. Good morning, I'm Janna, I'm Jason and we are living lucky. I hope you are too. We're talking about being present today. Have you ever had a conversation and literally your mind is somewhere else?

Jason Shelfer:

Just wondering, like what has happened? What just happened? Because I don't remember anything or I didn't hear anything that was said.

Jana Shelfer:

Or you're having sex and your mind is totally on the grocery list. What baseball.

Jason Shelfer:

Oh, I know.

Jana Shelfer:

Just a couple minutes longer.

Jason Shelfer:

One more inning and outing please.

Jana Shelfer:

That is funny. Yeah, you know the kids.

Jason Shelfer:

Let me go all nine innings and outings.

Jana Shelfer:

The boys at school. You know when they'd get called up to the chalkboard and they would pull their shirt out. The joke was just think about baseball, Think about baseball.

Jason Shelfer:

How did that erection go into the chalkboard? Oh, did I say the E word?

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, I don't know what that has to do with being present, but that's what we're talking about.

Jason Shelfer:

Being present is a present that you give yourself.

Jana Shelfer:

Oh, that's so good. Being present is a present to everyone, not only yourself. It's a present to God, it's a present to the people you're around. It's a present to, I know, just being with Tater. Sometimes I'm like you know, I just need to stop and be in the moment.

Jason Shelfer:

I noticed that she does that for you.

Jana Shelfer:

Right, I'm telling you we can learn all of our life lessons if we just tried to imitate our dogs.

Jason Shelfer:

They love freely and unconditionally. They are present in the moment with you. They are just generous.

Jana Shelfer:

Tater specifically.

Jason Shelfer:

Now they don't want to share their food very often. All right, so what are your tips, coach Jason, of being present, one of the things that I was thinking about because I was on a call today with about 300 people and we were talking about presence. Right Immediately it came to me of when we would go on walks, our little nature walks.

Jana Shelfer:

When we do go on walks Just to kind of do a gratitude walk. Yes, which I highly suggest everyone does.

Jason Shelfer:

When we do the gratitude walk we're noticing what's around us and what's available, or even just what's on our mind at the time and being grateful for that. But just being alone in nature and on a walk, that wonderment and awe that we get to experience, brings me super present to the details and the abundance that are just available and around all the time that so often I just take for granted or kind of skip over.

Jana Shelfer:

When you notice the clouds, when you notice those bleeds of grass. In fact, right before we pushed play on this podcast, we were sitting in the kitchen and I said, oh my gosh, there's a squirrel on the lanai. And that was me being present. I noticed the squirrel and if we would have just been busy doing our daily routines because people get busy being busy, mm-hmm, in that effect, they get busy being busy and our presence is a present, yeah, well, it was a present of that squirrel, because he would have just starved on the lanai he would have.

Jana Shelfer:

because you're leaving out a town in the morning and I don't know if I would have been bold enough or courageous enough to go out there and and try to get it out. You know what's?

Jason Shelfer:

funny is at the closer. I got to the squirrel trying to get out, yeah there was a, there was a anxiety, a little fear.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, because you think it's a wild animal. It's gonna.

Jason Shelfer:

It's scared, it's terrified. When a caged animal gets put into a corner, it's gonna come out right.

Jana Shelfer:

What if it jumped on your head and I had?

Jason Shelfer:

snakes jump on me. I've had a d horse actually back up and roll over me because it was trapped and we unfree it free day. So I've had animal experiences where they've been caged. We were trying to assist and help them and then they came out.

Jana Shelfer:

Wait, a horse rolled over you yeah, actually.

Jason Shelfer:

So I got behind the horse because we were pulling this thing, that it got trapped behind, away from the fence. Yes, and the horse just did this huge 360 or 180 and came in, just barrel over me and I was like, why did you choose the way? The person was like I'm back here, nothing's in front of you but the, just the noise and the distraction Freaked it out.

Jana Shelfer:

So it turned around and all that right over me you almost said hold ass, I did and skirmish, not the breath out of me, couldn't get up for a couple minutes. It was traumatized I know this is so Off the subject, but last night I was watching a Nate bergatsy special. He's a comedian he's a great comedian and he does this whole bit about seeing a dead horse in a yard?

Jana Shelfer:

I wanna watch and he goes all I mean he goes on and on and on about when you buy a horse, you don't think it's just gonna die in your yard you do with it, and then you have to yeah, you're gonna have to call whole crew to come in and move it. Can't call your buddies, cuz they won't even move your couch. He's like hilarious on this.

Jason Shelfer:

And then come to find out that they'll come over and look at the horse horse was just sleepy, that's funny. Now you know the joke, you don't have to listen yeah, no idea that horses slept laying down.

Jana Shelfer:

Anyway, he was being present, you know, like he noticed.

Jason Shelfer:

Well, there's wonderment and there's all in it and I bet you that's where a lot of comedians get their Comedy is going.

Jana Shelfer:

wow, that I'm just in all at how this person thinks, or I'm in all that situation there's something to that, because comedians Are observers of life yes and that's why they can find the humor and things that the rest of us are in the.

Jason Shelfer:

Take a picture.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, we're in the thick of experiencing it and we don't stop and remove ourselves from the situation and go. Wait a minute, I'm gonna watch my life like a movie. And it is about being present and you know, one tip that you were giving me before we press record is to just breathe. Breathing is one thing that always makes us present, and it goes back to why people smoke cigarettes.

Jason Shelfer:

They just want that, you know, I just want that, that Breath and that time to just stop you know, cuz I smoked for 20 years and I remember so often like I wanted to quit on the inside and I knew it smelled bad, I knew it made me not really feel good, but what the words that I remember always saying is I just need to go out and have a breath for myself, and to do that I need a cigarette, because otherwise I feel so overwhelmed by life. I feel so all these things.

Jason Shelfer:

Anxious anxiety stress I need to go pressure, quote unquote take a break and take a breath for myself. And it wasn't a breath of fresh air. It wasn't a deep, deep, nice kind of enjoying the environment, air and healthy, but it was a. It was kind of forcing myself through this habit I created, to take a deep drag and breath in, hold it for a second and then breathe back out. And I didn't even realize that I wasn't breathing correctly On a day to day, regular basis, not smoking.

Jana Shelfer:

But now that, ever since I quit smoking, it's just now that you're aware and way, and another example that you brought up was when we sing certain songs.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, especially like him knows, or like religious music, because that's a new year and with us for years.

Jana Shelfer:

they were built on that cadence of breath they take me, they force you to inhale, exhale and take just a micro moment of being present, whether you are aware that you're doing it or not and just the whole rhythm of the song Kind of wants that air to get deep into your diaphragm, work itself around in through your lungs and then come back up. I mean, have you ever sang the hall at Luiacorus?

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

King of Kings forever and ever and Lord of Lords, and then it goes up like five octaves yeah, I can hit all of them.

Jason Shelfer:

I can hit all of them on just in one little pitch of the voice, because I don't know how to hold a key you just change the Okay.

Jana Shelfer:

what's another tip that?

Jason Shelfer:

you have one of them letting go of ego, because ego we think about what we're gonna say next.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, we are defense is trying to prove or something, or we're trying to get an outcome for the exterior world, so like almost that, the outside validation, and when we're going for that outside validation we're not present. So a lot of times I think about when we're doing things in the ego, what I still be doing. This, if no one ever heard about it, no one ever saw it, did it fill me up and make me fulfilled just in the act of doing?

Jason Shelfer:

Oh, that's so good or am I doing it because I want someone else recognition different about me, so I can feel value for myself?

Jana Shelfer:

you want to prove a point to other people. You want yeah, that's so good, that is so good. Would you still be doing this and enjoying every minute if nobody can see you?

Jason Shelfer:

yeah, if you are on a low and island by yourself or the no one else was in the world, is it something you would still want to be doing?

Jana Shelfer:

I am. I'm guilty sometimes of being in a situation and something will come up and it is my ego that starts popping up saying Well, I'm not getting recognized or they don't realize everything that I've contributed.

Jason Shelfer:

Well, I'm not being heard but so there's also things like in your journal, because I catch myself telling, like, going through this conversation with you, it makes me feel bad about saying Jana, why are you doing all these little extra details that no one will ever notice? Because you love doing creating these journals, creating your art, and you'll spend like it'll be finished in my mind because it's absolutely amazing, thank you. And then you go back in and you're like I'm gonna just tweak a couple things and I'm gonna make a couple changes and spend hours changing something that I don't think anyone else would ever know and I wouldn't know if I wasn't watching it.

Jana Shelfer:

So what?

Jason Shelfer:

what you're saying is I'm extremely sorry with my art, your creativity, yes, and I'm sorry because I should just allow you to be in that creation flow, because you're not doing it all for the people. There's a portion of the people, but that creative aspect of it is for you and you love, and I shouldn't try to call that. All the I still just just my right now we do this podcast on the record.

Jana Shelfer:

So we can do this podcast, so I can apologize.

Jason Shelfer:

One more just one more day to do these daily so jenna's right every day.

Jana Shelfer:

That's my ego talking. Alright, do you have one last tip for us?

Jason Shelfer:

the last one, I think, is just letting go of kind of past influences, like let the past Kind of inform, but don't let it hold us back, because a lot of times what we do is we drag the familiar past into the present, to the present, which is that present in money is everything, the present moment is really the only place where anything ever gets created and as the creation gets started, than the moments in the past.

Jason Shelfer:

Right, and nothing has happened in the future yet. So what? There's a very fine line. It's like Present, gone, present, gone, present, gone, right.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah you know I struggle with being present, yet when I want to manifest, I am constantly imagining and thinking of the future. So there is something there in wanting to feel the feelings of your future self and feel the feelings of what you want to accomplish, and yet still being present so it's feeling the feelings as if it's now right, and you tell me that all the time, like Like reach out reach out there and look and see what it feels like, smells like, taste like, but now start feeling it and thinking of it as if I already have this.

Jana Shelfer:

it's already there I'm bringing the future to the present yeah, boom. I think we should end right there that is huge. That is a huge thing and, if you have a chance, check out the, because you'll never look at horses.

Jason Shelfer:

Sleeping horse, sleeping horses lie. They don't tell the truth let sleeping, let a sleeping horse like lately.

Jana Shelfer:

I just, I totally just ruined your don't let a sleeping horse play awesome. Especially there on the line and we come full circle we're just squirreling off we are Thanks for joining us be present give yourself that you keep living like. If the idea of living lucky appeals to you, visit us at start living lucky dot com.