Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Stop Wishing, Start Winning: Unleash Your 2024 Living Lucky® Personal Winning Ticket

Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 6 Episode 7

🚀 Embark on Your Epic Journey of Personal Growth! 🌟
Dive into the latest Living Lucky® Podcast episode where we unravel the mysteries behind New Year's resolutions. Ever wondered why a whopping 92% of resolutions fizzle out? Jana and Jason dissect the groundbreaking University of Scranton study, revealing the keys to enduring change.

🧠 Transformative Mindset Unveiled
Join the dynamic duo as they navigate through the labyrinth of commitment and resilience. This isn't just about setting resolutions; it's a call to action, urging you to view them as milestones on your path to your Living Lucky Winning Ticket . Forget the stats; it's about the climb back up, and they're here to guide you every step of the way.

🎙️ Insider Wisdom from Mentors
Drawing on wisdom from mentors like Ajit, Jason illuminates the art of aligning personal philosophy with aspirations. Goals aren't just endpoints; they're checkpoints in the thrilling journey of becoming. Buck conventional wisdom, embrace your leaving your 'sameness,' and curate a life that's authentically yours.

🌈 The MTO Principle Unveiled
Discover the MTO principle for goal-setting magic. Minimum, Target, Outrageous—these tiers infuse your goals with excitement and push you beyond your comfort zone. Let your outrageous goals be the North Star guiding you toward an extraordinary life.

💪 Accountability and Resilience
Explore the power of accountability and self-reflection. Einstein's timeless advice echoes as they guide you to change your consciousness to solve the challenges ahead. This isn't just a podcast; it's a roadmap to turn your resolutions into a lifelong narrative of progress and fulfillment.

🎉 Craft a Life You Crave!
Resonate with Jana and Jason's contagious energy as they challenge you to embark on an adventure of self-discovery. Witness the metamorphosis of your ambitions into impactful, lasting change. The Living Lucky® Podcast isn't just a show; it's your companion in the pursuit of an epic present and a future filled with luck.

Tune in now and start living lucky! 🚀🎧

Mindset Mastery, Personal Growth Podcast, New Year's Resolutions, Insights, University of Scranton Study, Resilience and Commitment, Transformative Goal Setting, MTO Principle, Living Lucky, Living Lucky Winning Ticket , Mentor, Wisdom, Self-Betterment, Narrative, Change Your Consciousness, Accountability Partners, Embark on an Adventur

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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Speaker 1:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start living lucky. Good morning, I'm Jana.

Speaker 2:

I'm Jason.

Speaker 1:

It is that time of year, yeah.

Speaker 2:

January 15th.

Speaker 1:

It's the time when people say you know what, forget my New Year's resolutions.

Speaker 2:

Screw it. I'm going back to me.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna fall back into those old patterns, because I have a habit of being me.

Speaker 2:

This is just too hard.

Speaker 1:

I like being me by Golly.

Speaker 2:

Life's too busy for me to change.

Speaker 1:

Change is hard, change is hard.

Speaker 2:

It takes some planning and preparation and just practice. Practice makes progress.

Speaker 1:

And that is why in the past, if you've listened to us, Jason and I often say resolutions don't work always. I mean for the. I think it's for 8%, maybe.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, 8%. I think 8% of the people actually achieve their goals.

Speaker 1:

And resolutions don't work because people say, well, I'm going to try this year, I'm gonna try to do this. Well, when you try, you're not resolving the problem. You're not stepping into resolve, you're not deciding. This is who I am, you're not making that commitment. You aren't. You're leaving just a little door open for oh well, you know what For escape. If this doesn't work, I'm gonna give myself grace, I'm gonna give myself a little grace, I'm just.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna open the. It's okay Open a journal page for excuses.

Speaker 1:

It's just another year. Well, I'm gonna tell you something. A year from now, you're gonna be listening to a podcast and you're gonna be looking in the mirror and you're gonna think, wow, I'm in the same place. I was last year.

Speaker 2:

I'm feeling the same things I was feeling last year.

Speaker 1:

I'm having the same problems, which is why they're called resolutions. You are re-solving the same problem you had last year, because you know what. You don't drop the re and you don't just solve it and say, let's get to the root of this. And the root is your identity. Give us some statistics by week three of January. Give us the statistics on this.

Speaker 2:

So the University of Scranton did this study and they said at a 4,000 adults that 23% of the population had abandoned their resolutions in the first week of January.

Speaker 1:

In the first week, after the first week of joining that gym, buying those new workout clothes.

Speaker 2:

Saving money, eating better.

Speaker 1:

Right. Then they say you know what, Forget this.

Speaker 2:

Being nice to their family.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Wanting to have a better marriage. And after that first week they're like go take the trash out, damn it, that's your job.

Speaker 2:

At the end of January, almost half of the people had given up on their resolutions.

Speaker 1:

By the end of January. So we are at January 15th. Where are you Ask yourself right now? Let's just do a little self-respecting.

Speaker 2:

Maybe that was a Maybe that is it.

Speaker 1:

That's a birdie and slip, but that's exactly what it is. Let's do a little self-respecting and self-reflecting. And stop lying to ourselves. Where are we?

Speaker 2:

Where are we in this? We bring attention to it, so you talk about it all the time. What we focus on is where our attention flows. It grows right, mm-hmm, and at the end of February and March it goes up to 60%, and then it just keeps getting more exponentially.

Speaker 1:

It's like all you know what the the other members of my family or my neighbors have kind of dropped off. I see them eating cake. I see them, you know not showing up for the, the, the zoom bug class, and you know we said we're all gonna start pickle ball and I'm the only one that they want to save their money, but the gym membership and not going.

Speaker 1:

And and you know what we have, this investing class we're all gonna do together will. Nobody's reading the book. I can tell when we meet For our nightly meetings that I'm the only one that's doing the work, so hey, it says the best investment you can make is in yourself. But I don't show up for the classes, I don't show up for the actual Improvement so if I'm the only one doing the work, am I supposed to now just pull them along? Am I?

Speaker 2:

am I carrying the load for everyone else and then by the summer you're down to eight to fifteen percent of the people that are still sticking to their new years resolution and are those eight to fifteen percent in your circle?

Speaker 1:

Think about that because the eight that are actually sticking to their resolutions, if that's what we want to call them. They are scattered throughout different groups of people. They are scattered different demographics, different areas. So how do we find those people that the only way to do this is to be accountable for ourselves?

Speaker 2:

Yes, and have a can accountability partner. That is gonna be that you can hold each other accountable in.

Speaker 1:

You know, I go back always to Einstein, and here's this quote. What's his quote, jason?

Speaker 2:

that no problem can be solved with the same level of consciousness that created it.

Speaker 1:

Repeat that one more time, cuz I think that is so, so important and I maybe we should put that on the wall we should know that I'm just right over the door in the office door in the office, or maybe that whole painting right there. I think I should.

Speaker 2:

No problem can be solved with the same level of consciousness that created it, and just as every problem has a solution. You got to raise your level of consciousness, you gotta change the way you're thinking, you got to move into different. You gotta get out of your box and that's your same, your sameness your sameness I get.

Speaker 1:

I stop being you.

Speaker 2:

I get trapped in my own sameness all the time.

Speaker 1:

I do too, which is why we're talking about this. So don't think that we are the.

Speaker 2:

We don't have everything that we're now all the answers we just done a lot of a ton of work to try to figure it out and stay, and the reason that we have this podcast and the reason that we show up three times a week is because it helps us stay accountable for ourselves.

Speaker 1:

Right now where we talk the talk, walk the walk and roll the roll. It feels like it becomes who we are.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it becomes who we are and allows us to get into different rooms, speak to different people, raise our level of consciousness and get a different way of thinking it thinking of things so we can actually Solve the problem instead of continue to resolve the problem helps us grow and I feel like we have learned from a lot of people.

Speaker 1:

I know that a jet yeah one of Jason's coaches and mentors, who has just been Phenomenal with his wisdom and all of the information that he has shared. He has a technique that he does when he sets any kind of goal.

Speaker 1:

now I don't want you to think that we don't think goals are good, because you have to know where you want to go in life right now where you want to go, and you have to have measuring sticks when you are and where you want to go and then how you feel that gap along the way. Yes, you have to know, okay, my making progress. If not, let's pivot a little bit and let's start heading this way. So I don't want you to think that we don't think goals are good. It's just. I feel like sometimes people get so wrapped up in their means goals they forget the end.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and they identify with the means goals and they identify with accomplishing the means goals when, if they just identify with who, they're becoming in the process of growth, in the process of progress.

Speaker 1:

In other words, they start saying well, once I get college educated, then if, then scenario and I can get a job, and then I can find the right. Start helping people and then I can start making money like so that's a means goal. That's a means goal is people put off the end result because they feel like they have these steps on the ladder that they need to achieve before they can actually Receive the feelings of what they actually want.

Speaker 1:

And Jason and I we kind of approach it a little differently. We believe that if you start feeling the feelings that you actually want becoming that person and becoming those feelings, then the journey to get there just starts happening and the things that you want start showing up for you.

Speaker 2:

It's not passive in any way. It's not because you talk about how you show up in life is how you experience life and what life returns to you.

Speaker 1:

We've had many people say to us you're doing it backwards, you're doing it backwards. And I want to say to them maybe there's not a right way or wrong way, maybe we are onto a secret that you haven't discovered yet and it literally is connecting to our higher selves and deciding okay, this is what I picture and visualize and imagine of where I'm going. And then we start becoming that and then the little steps, the little challenges that we face on the way, there Are just ways for us to grow and it almost becomes magical, because what we let go of our expectations, we let go of the how are we gonna get there? We let go of that. We give that to Something bigger, which I call God. We give that to something bigger and we just start feeling the end result.

Speaker 2:

we start feeling those emotions and I'm gonna just add one thing in this yes, don't take advice, financial advice, from your broke friends.

Speaker 2:

So when people are telling you, I almost spit out my coffee when people are telling you that you're doing things the wrong way or going about things backwards. Yes, but your life is like you feel like you're living lucky and the things that you're doing are producing. If it's working, allow it to work. If it is productive and it's doing the things. If you're creating a wealthy lifestyle for yourself and that's your goal don't take advice from your broke friends Because they don't know how to do it. They're just wanting to tell you how to do it and look at where they are, and that's.

Speaker 1:

People just want to be heard and feel valuable. If that's where it's going to be and it's not saying that they don't have nuggets and information that is extremely helpful. So, keep your eyes and ears open.

Speaker 2:

But a lot of times.

Speaker 1:

But you ultimately make your own decisions.

Speaker 2:

And a lot of times we do listen to outside influences that don't have what we're looking to get, but they want to have the advice because they have an objective viewpoint on what we are doing, which is just crazy. And when I hear people tell us that we're doing things backwards, I feel that sometimes and I want to lean into what they're saying. But then I look at what we've created, the life we're living, the house we Like, the things that we have, the relationship that we have, the love.

Speaker 1:

Yes, the love and the joy I mean we're unbreakable, we're unstoppable. Ultimately, isn't that what we're searching for the experience of life that I'm having right now?

Speaker 2:

is incredible and we're shooting for extraordinary and I do feel like that. I have that.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so we're coaching ourselves.

Speaker 2:

I scrolled off a little bit.

Speaker 1:

We're just being vulnerable for you. Think of it that way. Here's the thing I was speaking of a jit and a jit has this technique of how he sets his goals, which helps him reach them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so it's the MTO principle and it's setting that like your target goal, which is the T in the MTO.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so that's the target, the one that you know I can reach that, even in my sleep, I mean if I just show up and be consistent. I know that I'm going to get to that goal and it's a stretch.

Speaker 2:

Then you have your minimum, but you know that it is doable. Doable, yeah, if you put in the work and you show up for yourself and you show up for that goal, you can get it done.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know.

Speaker 2:

Then you have a minimum, a minimum acceptance, go like where, like, if I hit the minimum, I'm still going to be happy, I'm still going to be a thing, because I showed up 80% of the time I showed up and I did my best and there were some circumstances that I might have.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So I feel like there's a little disc, there's a blurred line, I'm not sure the difference between the first step and the second one.

Speaker 2:

I went to the second step, which is the target. So you want to have a target and then you want to have a minimum that you're still happy with and you can celebrate.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so let's start with the very, very bottom, wrong, the very bottom wrong is very bottom, wrong is your minimum acceptable growth amount.

Speaker 2:

So if you want to grow 10%, that's going to be your minimum and say, okay, I'm happy I did. I was six. Quote unquote successful.

Speaker 1:

And this is the goal you can reach in your sleep.

Speaker 2:

That is a goal you can, you should be able to reach in your sleep. If you really all you have to do with a different level of mindset and growth, you should be able to hit that.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So that's your minimum level of. Okay, this is my goal. I can do this. I know I can do this. Then the second rung of the tier, the second tier.

Speaker 2:

We'll call it tier is your target and that's going to be exciting, and a push Like that's going to say this requires a little bit more than your average.

Speaker 1:

Now the reason this is important is because you want to wake up your soul, you want to wake up your spirit, and when you do that, then all of a sudden you have a little pep in your step and when that alarm goes off, it is like okay, wait a minute, I got, I got a life purpose here. I've got things to contribute.

Speaker 2:

I got things to see the people to do.

Speaker 1:

I've got value to give to the world. Let's get up and get it done.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you literally bounce out of bed in the morning.

Speaker 1:

It excites you, it starts to light the fire within. It lights that ember and it starts putting a little flame like whoo.

Speaker 2:

And the O is your outrageous goal.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So then the third tier, which is what I call your wig, and this is your wildly improbable goal, and this is the one that you put out to the universe and you say you know, this would be really nice to have, this would be really nice to have, and you visualize it. And for me, that's having accepting my Academy Award, and it is saying thank you to all of my friends and family and every single person who has ever downloaded, listened and shared our podcast all over the world. It is people who have watched my talk show, it is people who have hired us to come speak coach. It is all of the people who have poured wisdom and support and knowledge into us, our mentors. It is just, I mean, I can feel it. I can feel it, I can see it, I can. Now I call it my wig because I mean an Academy Award. You're thinking, janna, are you in a movie? Do you produce movies?

Speaker 2:

Have you written movies, not yet.

Speaker 1:

However, I'm putting it out there and I'm feeling the feeling.

Speaker 2:

And that wig or that outrageous goal is something you can envision out like 10 years or 5 years. It's like there's no possible way this can get done in a year, but it's on the list of. This would be outrageous if this happened, like if a genie popped out of a bottle and everything fell into place this year. Could that be something that happened, because it could Right it? Could there have been people that were in a movie this year, got nominated and won an Academy Award?

Speaker 1:

I know, unless it's going to be me. And then I'm going to thank everybody because I not only wrote the movie, it was my life story.

Speaker 2:

So God created all these experiences for me.

Speaker 1:

I did all the songs and I put it together and then I have the audacity to actually put it on a script and to go pitch it to people and they were like, wow, you've got some potential here.

Speaker 2:

Get rid of the probabilities and allow space for the possibilities. That's where it is when it comes to the minimum, the target and the outrageous and these are all in track with just when you pick one single goal, you want to set that minimum, the target and the outrageous.

Speaker 1:

The MTO.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so that's our thought, and then celebrate the process and know that when you're going through the steps of these little things that you can do on a daily basis, that process equals progress.

Speaker 1:

Turtle steps. The turtle always wins the race. So all we have to do is just take a little baby turtle step and we're going to get there. We're going to get there.

Speaker 2:

And when you have an accountability partner, sometimes they can tell you yes, you are making progress, even though it feels like you still have so much further to go.

Speaker 1:

Okay, Jason, they're playing the music telling us to get off the stage.

Speaker 2:

Get off the stage.

Speaker 1:

But I just want to thank my mom and my dad and the whole town of Belleville and Orlando.

Speaker 2:

The universe God.

Speaker 1:

Orlando has been so so supportive of me.

Speaker 2:

I want to thank each and every one of you, and I want to do that by name, starting right now. We're out of time, so keep living lucky, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for downloading, thank you for listening and thank you for sharing. Email us if you have a comment and keep living lucky, bye-bye. If the idea of living lucky appeals to you, visit us at startlivingluckycom.