Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Unknot Your Mind, Release Your Body: Dive into the Magic of Emotional Body Mapping

Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 6 Episode 6

Feeling like stress has literally taken root in your body? You're not alone! In this groundbreaking episode of Living Lucky®, Jana, Jason, and the insightful coach Lenka crack the code on how our emotions hide within our muscles, joints, and senses. Prepare to be amazed as you:

  • Uncover the secret spots: Learn a powerful exercise to locate your unique "emotional baggage pockets" and understand how tension manifests in your own body.
  • Sense the hidden language: Discover how your unique sensory filters (sight, sound, touch, etc.) interpret and store your emotions, shaping your stress response.
  • Transform stress with color: Embark on a guided visualization journey where you'll swap that fiery orange stress ball for a calming pink cloud, literally reshaping your stress response.
  • Become the sculptor of your own well-being: Master the art of emotional sculpting and learn to manage stress by changing your perception, not just your actions.
  • Join the thriving community: Share your experiences, learn from others, and contribute to a life-changing conversation about personal growth and emotional release.

This episode isn't just a podcast, it's a stress-busting blueprint for a happier, healthier you. Ditch the "doom loop" and unlock the vibrant symphony of joy within. Download now and:

  • Say goodbye to tension headaches and muscle knots!
  • Boost your emotional intelligence and resilience.
  • Embark on a path towards personal growth and self-discovery.
  • Join a thriving community of like-minded individuals.

Living Lucky® isn't just about luck, it's about living with intention and awareness. Take control of your stress, transform your emotions, and create a life you love. Start listening today!
#EmotionalBodyMapping #StressReliefRevolution #SculptYourEmotions #LivingLucky #JanaShelfer #JasonShelfer #LinkaCoach #UnleashYourJoy
emotional body mapping, stress in the body, mind-body connection, tension release, visualization for stress relief, transform stress with color, emotional sculpting, personal growth, self-discovery, emotional intelligence, empowerment, sensory perception of emotions, submodalities, stress perception, communication with self, emotional wellness, holis

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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Speaker 1:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start living lucky. Good morning. I'm Jana, I'm Jason and we are living lucky. We store our emotions in our bodies. Yay, fill me up. That may be a crazy cranked-up belief for some people.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think some people just haven't really thought about it. But you think about when you get really stressed or tensed, I mean you literally are tensing your muscles and then that area starts getting tightened and flamed and then the things around it start getting tightened and flamed and, like for me, I get a lot of tension in my legs and my masseuse tells me this all the time, like what have you been doing?

Speaker 1:

And I'm like.

Speaker 2:

I really haven't done much of anything. I do normal day-to-day activities.

Speaker 1:

You just naturally do it. That's a natural home state for you is to tense your muscles there.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and even if I'm not physically or consciously tensing or flexing my muscles, I do store it in my legs and sometimes in my lower back.

Speaker 1:

We just did this exercise and it was with one of our coaches named Linka, which I love her name. It reminds me of a video game Zelda. It does it reminds me?

Speaker 2:

of Zelda Linka show me the way. Link.

Speaker 1:

Linka show us the way and she had us close our eyes. So we're going to share this with you, because it has to do with modalities and how we locate emotions in our bodies, and I don't know if you've ever done an exercise where you literally walk your way through your body and really try to communicate Okay, what is my body feeling right now and what is it communicating with me? But we did this and I find that I carry my emotions right up in my shoulder blades.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Kind of like in that area between like well, yours is right between your shoulder blades.

Speaker 1:

They're my traps. That's what it's called.

Speaker 2:

Which is funny that they're called traps right.

Speaker 1:

Because I feel trapped.

Speaker 2:

I even say that I feel trapped and it's trapping your stress and a lot of people feel that between their neck and their shoulders and it's a and so we end up with like carpal tunnel and these things like that bleed down into our hands and the whole modality of holding that stress in our shoulders, and that's why we rub shoulders right.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes I'll be watching a movie and I'll start feeling stress for the characters on the movie screen and I literally find myself, if I really stop With your shoulders trying to cover your ears. Yes, and I'm like whoa, whoa, what am I doing? Relax.

Speaker 2:

Why are my shoulders creeping up?

Speaker 1:

Take a deep breath. Jana, just like whoo.

Speaker 2:

That's not the empowered stance. That's like how do I get this turtle head back into the shell stance You're stressing me out, it is, it is.

Speaker 1:

So she taught us this technique on how it has to do with our sub modalities. Now our modalities are having to do with our senses and how we store these emotions in our bodies. So our modalities are our eyesight.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Our vision and our nose, the way we smell, our senses and our taste buds. It's all of our five senses.

Speaker 2:

How we hear.

Speaker 1:

The way we hear things. But it sounds like we feel things. So that's how we sense things are feelings, that's how we sense everything that's going around, that's how we feel life, and then we feel these sensations. And when we feel sensations, we label that in our brain, which, when we label it and put a story behind it, then it becomes an emotion.

Speaker 2:

Now in our issues land in our tissues.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, exactly. Now, within all of those different modalities, there's what's called sub modalities. So your eyesight, there's different ways of seeing. For example, like I went into my mom's house and her walls of her brand new house, she has this really pretty gray color that she's painted her walls. Now, I'm an artist and in my opinion, everybody sees color very, very differently.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and they definitely describe it differently.

Speaker 1:

When I went into her house at mid-morning-ish for the first time and the windows had gone up, I was like, oh my gosh, these walls have a blue tint to them.

Speaker 2:

There's like a coolness here A hue of blue.

Speaker 1:

Yes, like a refreshing kind of blue. It's very fresh in here. I feel this nice little cool breeze that comes through in these walls in this wall color and she had never noticed that or she doesn't see that in the wall color. So, like the way we see things, some people see things very vivid and very crisp.

Speaker 2:

And some people see things very like if something's happening in their life, they see it very up, close and personal, whereas if they have the opportunity, if it's in the past or something, to move it out in the distance. So is it close or far?

Speaker 1:

And it's the same with, like, the way we hear things. Do you hear the tonality? Do you hear the vibrato? Do you hear the the pitch, the influxion the.

Speaker 2:

how loud it is yes.

Speaker 1:

So there's so many different sub-modalities or ways to communicate and when we hear those things, how are we storing that memory in our brain? And the way we store it is the way we interpret what it is actually conveying to us. For example, if somebody comes up to us and says something, go sit down. And if they say it kind of harsh and up close and with a tone in their voice, to some people that might seem a little bit rude or a little bit demanding. Maybe they might connect that to a teacher from their past or a parent that might be a little strict and they might find that a little confining, like go sit down, what about? Whereas other people might find that to be organizational or maybe Very strong, right yeah. And people might say you know what we need Someone that takes charge.

Speaker 2:

Yes, we've lost direction. Right now. We could gladly use direction. We need a leader. Thank you for the instructions.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, because now I feel safe, I feel like somebody is here and they're going to take the lead, and that makes me feel like Relaxed and comfortable. Yes, thank you, jason.

Speaker 2:

I should have been the leader. That's pissing me off. It's almost also, I think, of kind of how we talk to each other today.

Speaker 2:

Some people, someone can say you're so stupid, or someone can say all you so stupid, right, but they're just meaning you're fun and friendly and kind of carefree it and all depends how we hear that, how we and how we communicate yes and how we, how we absorb it because sometimes we can change the way they said it because of something else that they did at the time and a different little action that took place and like, oh, they didn't really, they weren't being complimentary, they weren't being fun and friendly, they were being a friend of me, yes. And then we change it all in our own minds and then we store it so that the next time we're around them, we're on, we're on high alert, more protective, and it starts creating one of the best examples is when is the phrase I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry?

Speaker 1:

you know, you say I'm sorry, say 100 mean 100 mean 100 different things. It can literally mean tell me again, or I'm sorry, meaning I did something wrong, or I'm sorry. You know what are you saying.

Speaker 2:

Repeat that please sorry, like tough luck right.

Speaker 1:

You say it so many different ways and it means so many sorry so many different meetings.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so those are called sub modalities and all has to do with the way we communicate with ourselves. Jason and I had link walk us through this exercise and we want to share with you real quickly. I know we're already 10 minutes into the podcast, but this changed the way I carry stress. For me I carry it in my traps and she had me close my eyes and she had me visualize what shape is my stress, and for me it's literally the shape of two teardrops and they are sitting on my shoulders, so they are in the shape of their round at the top and then they come to a point at the so they need a lot they are needle out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, how about you? What did you picture so?

Speaker 2:

I pictured this spring. It was a large, huge screw. Yeah, that look like a spring. So it's very sharp on one end and the more it's, the more I get to focus on it, the more just kind of twisted self in.

Speaker 1:

And was it on your shoulders?

Speaker 2:

it was in my calves, so in my calves, between my ankles and my knees, okay, I feel this like grinding, almost like Sharpness getting pushed, like twisted in you know that's so interesting because when Jason was a little boy he actually had braces on his.

Speaker 1:

My legs yeah so that I wonder if anything to do with that.

Speaker 2:

That is so crazy, like I feel trapped down here and it was very force, gumpish yeah. I wasn't the runner who could just run off my braces right right for his run and the braces just broke free, okay.

Speaker 1:

So the first thing she had us do was visualize what is the shape of your stress. What is the shape now? What is the color of your stress now? For me, mine was literally the shape, the color of a Really dinky cloud. So mine had like a grayish like that word dank it was dank, it was dank colored. How about you?

Speaker 2:

So I, my spring was very. It was orange first of all, kind of like fire okay, and then it just that's it.

Speaker 1:

It was just very orange, so she had us just picture the color of our stress and and you know, she really had us dive into this and I know that I'm really speeding this up, so For time sake we're just kind of putting this into fast forward but she had us go through the shape of it and then the color, and then what she had us do, just those two things, shape and color. And then she had us also describe briefly of what it felt like, and for me I described my teardrop clouds on my shoulder. They were literally sucking, just sucking, almost like leeches on my shoulder, just sucking, and they just they sounded kind of like that Sucking this life out of me. That sucks Right.

Speaker 2:

And how about for you? So for me the what was the question? Again, I got lost.

Speaker 1:

What did it sound like or feel like it?

Speaker 2:

felt to me. So when it would turn, when I recognized the stress, it would feel like a burning.

Speaker 1:

Okay, when.

Speaker 2:

I, when it was, when I didn't, when I wasn't in recognition or awareness of the stress, it just felt numb.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that's interesting Because you talked about fire and you've often said your feet sometimes feel numb and feel like they're on fire.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and while people hear that and they think automatically diabetes or something like that, I've had all that checked, yeah, so that's not that Interesting though, right yeah.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so then, where's, where's the turnaround here? So then, after we went through those three things, what does it look like, what is it, what color is it, what shape is it, and then what does it feel like, sound like? You know, we went through the modalities.

Speaker 2:

Submodalities Yep.

Speaker 1:

And then what we did was we changed the shape and the color to either a pink or a yellow.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Something lighter something that is For me. I changed the direction of the screw so and I and at first I started changing the shape of the screw and then I realized the better part for me in that, because I felt like it was so deep in, yeah, so I changed the direction of the screw and then allow it to turn from a screw into like a straighter object, yes, and like not so spiral and springy, like gripping in deeper, yeah, but something that kind of straightened itself out, but not tearing up the inside of my legs, which was really weird and fascinating, because I automatically felt my legs getting very relaxed.

Speaker 1:

I immediately felt this relief in my shoulders, and I would like to know how it affects you at home. I would like you to try this exercise, and you don't even have to do it for very long. We literally did this for minutes, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Minutes it might have been three minutes and let us know if it, if it does anything for you, let us know if it changes anything for you, because for us it made a profound difference. In, first of all, it made us realize where we carry our stress, where we're carrying it, but it also gave us a little insight as to what it looks like, the color and how it's affecting us, and then the fact that we can literally, in our brains, imagine it to be a different color, a different shape, and imagine it lifting from us.

Speaker 2:

And almost being getting awareness around, how we give the stress the power or the emotion the power, as opposed to being in control of the power and controlling our emotion.

Speaker 1:

We are greater. We are greater than our bodies, we are greater than our conditions, and once we finally embrace that and come to that realization, our life just goes to a whole different level. Thank you so much for joining us and please give us some feedback. Let us know how this works out for you.

Speaker 2:

Email us. Email us at admin at startlivingluckycom, and we just have to open up the door of conversation.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for joining us. Bye-bye. If the idea of living lucky appeals to you, visit us at startlivingluckycom.