Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

FEARFUL OF FEAR!!!😱 ( Living Lucky )

Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 3 Episode 28

Everywhere we turn it seems like the media, the news, and the general populous is selling fear, death, and end of times.   It doesn't matter if it is real or news or not any more. 
Is it true that horrific things happen during the week around the country and around the globe? Absolutely, but having it on a 24 hour news loop and covers of all the magazines in the check out line at the grocery store just in case your 6 year old didn't hear about it doesn't "help" the world.  It's selling to fear.

What you focus on is what you will become more aware of. 

Turn down the focus on the anxiety in your life and turn up the focus on your gratitude and all the things that bring you joy and happiness. Limiting Beliefs

#LivingLucky  #FearSells #ZombiesAmongUs #GratitudeJournal #Refocus #PrioritizeYourLife #LimitingBeliefs  #WhatYouFocusOn  #FiveWhys #CommunicateWithYourSoul  #JasonShelfer #JanaBananaRealRadio #JanaBanana #RealRadio

Thanks for listening.   We go LIVE on Facebook every Weekday morning at 6:55 New York time to start our friends off with some smiles, fun, and a positive message before they go to work and we start working with clients or companies.  Now that many of them are back to commuting, Podcast is an easier medium and not a big ask.  We are happy to oblige.

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!!! SEND US A MESSAGE: Are you ready to unlock your path to a more inspired life where you're Living Lucky®? Email me directly and let's chart your course toward realizing your dreams and creating a life that fills you with daily inspiration.
Email Jason Shelfer

The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded