Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana


Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 7 Episode 37

Mastering Productivity & Self-Awareness – Your Path to Living Lucky®

Ever wondered how to truly create a life you crave?

In this episode of the Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason & Jana Banana, we dive deep into actionable steps to help you harness your optimal productivity zones and discover what truly energizes you. Our conversation is packed with insights on self-awareness and leveraging your peak performance times to crush your goals. If you’re looking to transform everyday experiences into opportunities for success, this episode is for you.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Identify Your Optimal Productivity Zones:
    • Learn how to conduct an energy audit to find when you're most alert, focused, and productive.
    • Discover what activities contribute to your peak performance and what drains your energy.
  2. Immerse Yourself in High-Energy Activities:
    • Use your most productive hours to focus on tasks that align with your ultimate dreams, whether it's writing a book, starting a business, or building relationships.
    • Consistency is key: Regular engagement in these activities helps build momentum and leads to mastery over time.
  3. Reframe Mundane Tasks:
    • Connect necessary but uninspiring tasks to your larger goals to stay motivated.
    • Understand how these tasks contribute to your bigger picture, making them more meaningful and easier to tackle.
  4. Leverage the Power of Coaching:
    • Gain insights from experts who can push you beyond your perceived limits.
    • Coaches provide accountability and help you identify blind spots, accelerating your progress.

Our Four-Step Productivity Process:

  1. Self-Awareness: Understand your personal energy patterns to optimize productivity.
  2. Immersion: Dedicate your peak hours to activities that drive you toward your goals.
  3. Consistency: Show up regularly and persistently to build momentum.
  4. Seek Outside Help: Use coaching to gain new perspectives and achieve faster results.

Join us as we explore these steps in detail, providing you with practical tips and strategies to create a luckier, more intentional life and start living lucky today.

Productivity, Self-Awareness, Peak Performance, Goal Setting, Mindset Shift, Personal Growth, Living Lucky, Abundance, Success, Success Formula, Winning Formula, Life

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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®. Good morning. I'm Jana Shelfer and this is my husband, Jason Shelfer, and we are Living Lucky®. You are too.

Jana Shelfer:

Today we're talking about action steps. Action steps to help you create your luck, create the prosperity, the abundance, the wealth, the relationships, the connection, create the love, the inspiration, whatever it is that you are looking to create. We're going to teach you how, and the way we're going to do that is to give you some tangible action steps.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, create whatever it is that you want in life, like, what is it that you want to experience?

Jana Shelfer:

and create mastery over so, as we were preparing for this, we had a conversation. There is an optimal zone for everyone, and I think our first action step is to identify and understand where is your optimal zone of yeah.

Jason Shelfer:

So it's looking at your day and saying where do I, where's my optimal zone of learning? Where's my optimal zone of production? Like a creating.

Jana Shelfer:

It's taking an energy audit of yourself and your day. Where is it that I am the most alert, the most focused, the most ready to be productive, and what is it that I'm doing in those times that helps me feel that way?

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and like and also like recognizing, okay, when I'm eating this certain way, like so we talk about all the areas of life, and when I'm doing these things, like with my health and fitness and food intake, like we, I know for my body and my lifestyle. Currently the way it is that when I wake up in the morning and we go through our specific routine, that right, when I'm done with my routine, that it's perfect time for me to take in information. And once I've taken in information, it's a great time for me to start being creative and producing.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, what we're really saying is to be aware. Yes, and which seems to be our lesson in every single podcast is finding the awareness. It's just when we say those words. If you're not, if you don't understand what we're talking about, it's like I have no idea what Janet and Jason Shelfer, what planet they're even on, but it's becoming aware of yourself, it's getting to know yourself, and awareness is a huge bubble.

Jason Shelfer:

A lot of times we're not even aware that we don't know what we want.

Jana Shelfer:

We know what we don't want and we keep finding what we don't want because we haven't identified what we want, and that's like the super first step.

Jason Shelfer:

So if we're journaling, we need to and you talk about this a lot about identify the feeling. So we know I feel this way and we keep identifying okay, this is what I'm feeling, but we haven't said this is what I want to feel. So we, we we've identified the awareness of this is what is, but what do I want?

Jana Shelfer:

And so then it's funny because our souls are constantly communicating with us. I just feel like we sometimes misinterpret what they're saying. So if there is an activity that you're doing where you automatically just get a lot of energy, what your soul is saying do more of this.

Jason Shelfer:

And it's having the awareness of oh, wow, this is giving me the fire of life. And we feel this a lot of times when we go on vacations or like there's different for me it's vacations, Like it's being out in those things, and we have these little insights and inspiration, right, and we sometimes we go, okay, when I get back I'm going to like things are going to be different, I'm going to change. We have these little grass like glimmers of what things will be like, but then we get back Glimmers of hope.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, when we get back and we fall back into the hamster wheel.

Jana Shelfer:

So oh gosh.

Jason Shelfer:

So if you want the mastery, so oh hold on.

Jana Shelfer:

You're jumping like five leaps here.

Jana Shelfer:

So I guess, once you realize what lights you up, it's also important information to know what doesn't light you up and then to change your perception on the things that don't light you up, as long as they are connected to where your soul eventually wants to go. For example, Jason Shelfer, I know that we want to impact people, we want to create, we want to have fun, we want to work together. Impact people we want to create, we want to have fun, we want to work together. We want to share with people the experiences that we have grown through and these secret tools that we have learned along the way in how to manifest the life of your dreams. However Checking email, running a website.

Jason Shelfer:

A lot of the administrative tasks, like the.

Jana Shelfer:

Scheduling, scheduling coaching sessions. A lot of the paperwork when it comes to taxes and running a small business and speaking. When it comes to trying to come up with pitch decks to speak to different people.

Jason Shelfer:

Jason Shelfer and I both are like Keeping the business registered through the federal government.

Jana Shelfer:

There's just a lot to it, and so those are the things that do not light us up and will literally pull us down, and we kind of start assigning the other person to do it. Editing videos. We're like yeah, Jason Shelfer always like Jana Shelfer, you need to edit videos and I'm like, okay, Okay. I'm working as fast as I can, yeah, and I'm like you need to do the website and he's like okay, and next thing, I know he's off cleaning the boat.

Jason Shelfer:

It confuses me, yeah, yeah, let me find something else to do, and I do the same thing.

Jana Shelfer:

I start cleaning the house. We both start cleaning Anyway.

Jason Shelfer:

That's the do, delegate or delete, and some things can't get deleted.

Jana Shelfer:

So it is learning and training our brain to know that those tasks that our souls really don't want to be doing, we need to somehow attach the outcome to those tasks.

Jason Shelfer:

Why are these necessary steps and how are they leading me on the yellow brick road to-.

Jana Shelfer:

So I'm not saying, just ignore them, you know, just do what your soul wants to do.

Jason Shelfer:

I mean there is a point Just go get in the kayak and enjoy nature.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, I mean, if my soul, if I let my soul do whatever I wanted, I would probably eat cheesecake for every meal. And then there's that inner voice that's inside that says vegetables will make you feel better, vegetables will make you look better, look better, give you more energy. Vegetables will give you look better, look better, give you more energy. Vegetables will give you more energy, vitality, and so that is really the value that I want. Yeah, the dessert is just the immediate gratification, so it is-.

Jason Shelfer:

And the emotional gratification.

Jana Shelfer:

It is unveiling that emotional layer so that we can really get down to what it is that we are looking for our value.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and the other things will unveil themselves also over time. And that's where sometimes a coach can ask the right questions to say okay, is this really giving you what you want?

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, what's your next step, Jason Shelfer?

Jason Shelfer:

So, once you realize when those prime time moments are of the experience, like when you're going to be showing up as your fullest immersion, like put yourself in it, like what we're doing with dance is we're showing up and we're showing up a lot.

Jana Shelfer:

Act as if so, not only are we showing up with consistency, and perseverance.

Jason Shelfer:

Like it's doing over and over again. And I'm going to go back to super simple, because I'm a very simple person, like when it comes to figuring things out tying shoes. You don't tie your shoes once as a child, or even walking. You don't stand up and walk as a kid. You try it over and over and over again. You don't tie your shoes the first time. You watch, you try, you try and you keep doing it until it just becomes natural, and then you're tying your shoes in the middle of a conversation, you're tying your shoes in the middle of a while you're walking and doing a marathon.

Jason Shelfer:

Those things happen, but it's a repetition of doing that creates the being of it, like I'm just a person who can tie my shoes anytime a day without looking, without. I can do it in the dark, you know it's. I can feel my way through it because it's in me now.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, you start doing it unconsciously, yeah you start doing it unconsciously, yes, so it's repetition creates, it's just a part of me now. So we show up now dancing and we're doing it every day of the week and we're doing it multiple hours of the week and it's like dance for me is very hard, but I love it. I love the experience and the connection and it's something that we want to do and it's creating things for us that I never even imagined, and it's greater.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, so let me break this down. Our first step was to become aware. Our second step is, when you are aware of where your energy is at its peak, then immerse yourself into what you want, and then, I believe he combined a couple steps when our next step, then, is to show up consistently, yes.

Jason Shelfer:

And then I would say the final step is that learning never ends, and having a coach, like we will get trapped in our sameness over and, over and over again, like we could go as far as we want to go on our own.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

Or as far as we're willing to go, but we will always stop where we feel like we want to stop.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

Like, even if we think we've gone as far as where we can go, a coach will get us further. And we see this over and over again in everything that we do, whether it's at the gym, whether it's at the track, whether it's in dance and they will always make us better. A coach will always say you've got one more, you can make this better. I see it from an outside perspective and there's something else I can add to this.

Jana Shelfer:

They push your limits. They push your limits that we put on ourselves.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

Okay, those are great actionable steps. So there's four actionable steps Become aware. Become aware of your personal energy, where you can focus most, where you can learn best, where you can show up as your best self and play full out. Step two is, when you do identify those points, then immerse yourself in what you want, whether it's writing a book, starting a business, creating a relationship, creating wealth. Whatever it is that you want to create, do it in the time that you are at your sharpest and best self. Step three is to show up with consistency. It doesn't happen in a day. What's the saying? Rome wasn't built in a day.

Jason Shelfer:

There are no overnight successes. They might appear like that, but there are no overnight successes.

Jana Shelfer:

And we need to allow ourselves to show up on a regular basis, because it's almost like the universe testing us, saying do you really want this, or was this an idea fart that you just threw out there and wanted immediate gratification right away? So it is immersing ourselves in it, showing up regularly, allowing ourselves to experience the. I don't want to call them failures because it's just feedback, but we have to experience that to learn and to say, okay, that's not the way to do it, let's do it this way To allow for the becoming.

Jana Shelfer:

And then our fourth step that Jason Shelfer has is to get outside help, because what outside help does is they will exponentially accelerate your learning curve.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, you've got the results. Coaching, the systems coaching, and then just the accountability coaching.

Jana Shelfer:

The accountability plus. They always will push you a little further than what you will push yourself, and I hate to say that, because I push myself, just naturally I do that. However, when a coach is there and they say you can do one more, you can do it again, do it again you, it helps. It really helps, because they see potential in me that maybe I didn't realize was there.

Jason Shelfer:

And you will never see your own blind spots.

Jana Shelfer:

Oh, that's so true.

Jana Shelfer:

Because we've all got them. I did that noise because I see mine a lot.

Jason Shelfer:

It's just a little buzzer, it's a whoa moment, because I see mine a lot. It's just a little buzzer, it's a whoa moment.

Jana Shelfer:

Thank you, coach Jason Shelfer. I appreciate that and I actually feel that, knowing those four steps, I'm going to be so much more productive today.

Jason Shelfer:

So thank you for bringing that to the forefront and we are all going to be Living Lucky®.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, bye-bye, take care, we'll see you next time. Living Lucky® yes, bye-bye, take care, we'll see you next time. If the idea of Living Lucky® appeals to you, visit us at www. livinglucky. com.