Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Inner Critic

Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 7 Episode 36

Silence Your Saboteur & Unleash Your Inner Rock Star: How to Turn Self-Doubt into Success on Living Lucky®

Feeling like your own worst enemy? That nagging voice in your head holding you back? You're not alone. But what if you could transform that inner critic into your biggest cheerleader?

On this episode of Living Lucky®, Jana and Jason dive deep into the power of self-love and positivity, showing you how to cultivate an unstoppable inner champion who propels you towards success and fulfillment.

Here's a taste of the powerful takeaways you'll get:

  • Unmask Your Inner Critic: Discover how to identify the limiting beliefs and negative self-talk that sabotage your progress.
  • From Bully to Belieber: Learn practical steps to reprogram your brain for optimism and focus on your strengths.
  • The Mirror is Your Magic Portal: Unlock the transformative power of affirmations. We'll show you how to use them to build unshakeable confidence.
  • Beyond the "Not Enough" Story: Learn how to break free from outdated childhood beliefs that hold you back.
  • Become Aware, Become Unstoppable: Increase your self-awareness and live intentionally to overcome obstacles and design the life you deserve.
  • The Power of Positive Ratios: Discover a simple strategy to drown out negativity with a flood of positive self-talk.
  • Your Past Doesn't Define You: Learn how to rewrite your limiting narratives and embrace the powerful person you've become.
  • Listen to Your Inner Champion: We'll share how Jana and Jason use their own podcast as a tool for self-affirmation – and how you can do the same!

This episode is your essential guide to silencing your inner critic and igniting your inner rock star. Are you ready to create your luck and live a life filled with abundance, love, and meaningful connections?

Hit play and let's start Living Lucky® together!

Keywords: Self-Love, Self-Talk, Positive Affirmations, Overcoming Self-Doubt, Mindset Shift, Personal Growth,Success Habits, Living Lucky®, Abundance, Happiness, Relationships

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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®.

Jana Shelfer:

Good morning. I'm Jana Shelfer and this is my husband, Jason Shelfer, and we are Living

Jana Shelfer:

Lucky® you are too. Every episode of the Living Lucky® Podcast, we tell people, we share with people, how to create your luck.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, and how we're doing it every single day.

Jana Shelfer:

And we invite you to join the process because it has dramatically changed our lives.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, just make the choice to start Living Lucky® our lives.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, just make the choice to start Living Lucky®. And one of the biggest hacks that, once you become aware of it, your life will go to the next level is turning your inner critic. We all have it. We all have that voice inside that is constantly judging and saying, yeah, that wasn't good enough.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, there's that voice inside your head that just has that conversation A lot of times, even without you.

Jana Shelfer:

Right, it's about you without you it happens when you're not even aware there's an inner critic within all of us, and one of the biggest hacks to start creating your luck is to turn this inner critic into your inner lover, someone that is so enamored with everything that you do, your best cheerleader, your number one fan. You're the person that's always like oh my gosh, yes, you should go for it. I believe in you. I'm going to invest in you. I'm going to do whatever I can to support you.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, it's your biggest supporter. It's like the person that's behind you 100% and says you've got this, you're the champion.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, yes, and so it's almost like turning that inner critic into a crazed fan self-loving.

Jason Shelfer:

It's the tony, the tiger right. Show them you're a tiger. Show them what you can do. Is that the tune?

Jana Shelfer:

I just remember you're great well, that too yeah, you're great. Well, that too, yeah, you're great. Yeah, turn your inner critic into Tony the tiger. That's what we need to do and it has nothing to do with frosted flakes.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, so how do we do that? What are the steps? How do we go about doing that? Because you trust yourself over anyone else. Now, some people are like I don't know, I always tend to go for other people's advice because I don't trust myself. However, your brain trusts you. Your brain will trust you. So if you believe you can, you can, and if you believe you can't, you can't.

Jason Shelfer:

So true, and a lot of times we may pick up these beliefs as children, but we grow, and we grow Into a new version of ourselves. And that's what we're doing is we're pulling these beliefs forward and we're not allowing that belief of the growth to catch up with ourselves. So then we hold on to this I'm not enough, or that the voice in our head is still that old version of ourselves saying oh, who do you think you are? Oh, you're not enough. Oh, what are you thinking? What are you doing? Who do you think you are? Oh, you're not enough. Oh, what are you thinking? What are you doing?

Jana Shelfer:

Who do you think you are? You really fucked that up. I've heard that one inside me.

Jason Shelfer:

So there's all this inner critic, inner dialogue. That's saying get back into your comfort zone, go back to your shell, hide from the world.

Jana Shelfer:

It's really just trying to protect us.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

And I keep saying, I keep calling it it, but that's what it is. It's an it, it's an inner voice, and I don't want to claim it as me.

Jason Shelfer:

However, y'all understand what I'm talking about, right? It either sounds like you, or it sounds like a parent, or it sounds like a teacher, but it's a voice that's in your own head.

Jana Shelfer:

We're sounding a little crazy as I zoom out here.

Jason Shelfer:

But we all hear it right, we all have it. I mean, it's not just me, we all have it negative voice that's pulling me back and making me want to hide and making me want to not live fully into this experience or into this new expression of myself.

Jana Shelfer:

And that negative voice can also be a cheerleader. That negative voice can also be the person that says no, no, no, no, you've got this, you have got this, you've got this, go for it.

Jason Shelfer:

I am here for you and you will succeed, yeah, and allow for that new growth and new experience, and the more we push outside of that comfort zone and trust that we do have it because, just like you said before, whether you believe you can or believe you can't, you're right, and part of that is the confidence of moving forward.

Jana Shelfer:

So there is a slight pivot once we recognize oh, I've got this inner critic inside me. How do we go about training it to become your biggest cheerleader? And what Jason and I have found is looking in the mirror, looking at your own eyes and saying with conviction, conviction, get into state, say it with conviction and start training your brain to look for everything that you love about yourself.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

To look for all of your strengths, all of your good qualities, all of your skills, all of your talents.

Jason Shelfer:

I love you, I'm so proud of you, for you know I'm excited that you're doing this. All the wonderful things.

Jana Shelfer:

And if you start to outweigh the inner critic if you have one thought that's an inner critic and you outweigh that with four, the ratio is one to four, four positive or uplifting, optimistic thoughts, optimistic thoughts then your brain will start to slowly train itself to start looking in that direction.

Jason Shelfer:

Well, you start seeing yourself in a different light. You do, because what happens is we sometimes carry forward the failures, carry forward the hurts, and when we start building, it's building a confidence wall.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes or building a confidence path. It is.

Jason Shelfer:

That's exactly what we're doing, and when we start laying the bricks of confidence in front of us by saying I love you, I'm proud of you, and we're looking ourselves in the eye, in the mirror, or we're hearing our voice say that, like when we listen to our own podcast, when we listen to ourselves talk to each other Perfect example.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, so Jason and I started this podcast a couple of years ago and we really were doing it. We would have conversations that would help us, that would help us, and then, when we go back and listen to ourselves saying exactly what we need to be doing, what we should be doing, where we're going, it made us realize, oh my gosh, that's Jana and Jason talking, and I trust them.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, it's like captain's log. Remember this.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

Remember you are wonderful. Remember you are moving in this direction. Remember these are your goals. Remember you can do this. You do hard things. You're a champion.

Jana Shelfer:

And in fact, sometimes, when we face any type of obstacle or struggle, I will say out loud we need to go back and listen to our own podcast, don't.

Jason Shelfer:

I yeah, and it's just, it's the affirmation, and it's hearing our own voice instead of hearing our own inner critic saying, hey, they're all going to laugh at you. Oh, remember, this happened in the past. Nope, it might've happened in the past, but I've grown. It's been three or four months since then. I've practiced 30 times. I've practiced 60 times. Like this is. I'm a new me today.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes. So I guess the biggest tip that we are giving today is to look yourself in the mirror and give yourself affirmations.

Jason Shelfer:

Give yourself affirmations Now which is affirming that you are the new you and you are the stronger, more powerful you.

Jana Shelfer:

Sometimes there's that little critic voice that says that's bullshit. Then as soon as you catch yourself, as soon as you catch that inner critic, you need to do four more affirmations and whether you do them on your voice, memo of your phone, or you look in the mirror and you literally do them in person or you record a video, it needs to come from you. It needs to come from you and you need to say it and believe it with conviction, so that when you are in the moment and you are having a weak spot, you can turn to your phone and listen to that memo. Listen to that memo and you realize oh yeah, you know what. I'm not going to listen to that bully, bully in the brain.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, pretend like it's that movie 50 First Dates where you grow so much every day that you have to introduce yourself to yourself every morning in the mirror and say I love you so much, I'm so proud of you that I, I, I'm, I. You've grown so much, you, you did these things like be that person, like wouldn't that be exciting if you could grow so much that you almost didn't recognize who you were yesterday versus who you are today? Yes, like that's. That's like the place that is so exciting. That's that's where you start recognizing all the abundance, all the wonderment in the world and you're really just embracing it and allowing it in because it's there, it's available and we have it all the time.

Jana Shelfer:

I want to say one more thing and then we're going to close out is most people aren't even aware that they have this voice within. I know, if you listen to our last podcast, jason said something just this past week. It was unconscious.

Jason Shelfer:

We've been on this journey for years and we have the tools.

Jana Shelfer:

So it still happens.

Jason Shelfer:

However, the more aware you are of these limiting thoughts, limiting feelings, these inner critic, these little barricades to growth and success.

Jana Shelfer:

That's what they are. The more you are aware, the more you can start to consciously live intentionally and overpower, overcome and keep growing towards that experience of exponential experience. Create your luck, and for most people that is abundance, prosperity, relationships, love. They want to live in that direction. So the more aware you are, the more you can create what it is that you want. Thanks for joining us, keep Living Lucky®. Bye-bye. If the idea of Living Lucky® appeals to you, visit us at www. livinglucky. com.