Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Wish Granted

Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 7 Episode 35

Ever wondered if the words you speak shape your reality? In this episode of the Living Lucky® Podcast, we dive into the profound impact of conscious language and the concept of "Living Lucky®."

Key Insights:

Transform Your Reality Through Words

Join us as we explore the undeniable power of language in shaping our lives. Jason shares a personal story about how his words influenced his stock investments and dance lessons. By recognizing and shifting these self-sabotaging patterns, he discovered joy and growth in unexpected places. 

The Science of Conscious Language

Did you know that our words are constantly manifesting our reality? Whether we realize it or not, the language we use can reinforce our beliefs and shape our experiences. We delve into how being mindful of your speech can help you direct your life towards the outcomes you desire. Learn how to replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations to build confidence and attract success.

Breaking Free from Negativity

In the second half of the episode, we shift gears to the concept of "Living Lucky®." We discuss the importance of focusing on positivity and abundance, breaking free from the victimhood mentality. Discover practical tools and experiences that have helped us embrace a life full of joy and abundance. Learn how to reframe your mindset, train your brain for positivity, and live a life rich in rewarding sensations.

Episode Highlights:

  1. Personal Anecdote: Jason’s experience with stock investments and dance lessons reveals the power of words in creating self-fulfilling prophecies.
  2. Conscious Language: How the words we speak can shape our reality and influence our subconscious mind.
  3. Mindset Shifts: Techniques for reframing negative thoughts and focusing on positive outcomes.
  4. Living Lucky: Embracing a mindset of abundance and joy through positive affirmations, visualization, and gratitude practices.


  • Positive Affirmations: Reprogram your mind and beliefs with empowering language.
  • Visualization: Imagine your success and the feelings associated with achieving your goals.
  • Gratitude Practices: Cultivate a sense of abundance by acknowledging the positive aspects of your life.
  • Mindfulness Techniques: Stay present and aware of your thoughts to respond to challenges with a positive mindse

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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®.

Jana Shelfer:

Good morning.

Jana Shelfer:

I'm Jana Shelfer, and this is my husband, Jason Shelfer, and we are Living Lucky®.

Jana Shelfer:

You are too Okay we need to be very conscious of what we say unconsciously.

Jason Shelfer:

And then when it comes out of our mouth into the world, it's just crazy.

Jana Shelfer:

We create our reality and we are constantly manifesting, whether we realize it or not not. And the more conscious we can become of the words we are saying, it will help us direct which direction you want to be manifesting.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, because it just kind of shapes that belief system of what you think is true and what you're creating for yourself.

Jana Shelfer:

Here's what happened. We're on our way to dance lessons. I mean, I know I talk about dance lessons a lot, but it's really become a huge part of our life.

Jason Shelfer:

Well, it's where we're immersing ourselves right now. We're on our way to dance lessons and Jason Shelfer says Every time we go to dance lessons, my stocks in the stock market just take a dump.

Jana Shelfer:

So he checks his stocks right before we go to dance or on our way to dance. He's usually checking oh, how are my stocks doing today?

Jason Shelfer:

And every like we have dance lessons at a specific time of the week, on specific days, and we go.

Jana Shelfer:

Always at 140. Yeah, we always take lessons at 140.

Jason Shelfer:

So we leave the house at like 12 o'clock, 1230. And I check the stock market right before we leave and it's always like my stocks just start tanking right before we leave and I say, oh, because we're going to dance, my stocks are taking a dump. And I say what does that?

Jana Shelfer:

really mean, Jason Shelfer. What did you just say? What does that mean? And he follows up with.

Jason Shelfer:

We need to stop going to dance.

Jana Shelfer:

Oh, and I say stop right now. First of all, the first thing I want to say is that we have patterns.

Jana Shelfer:

It's silly, isn't it? We do have patterns.

Jana Shelfer:

We have patterns in life and it's all about recognizing patterns. So we could go in that direction. It's about recognizing that the patterns of the stock market, oh, this is a particular time of the week, a particular time of the day that maybe there's a coincidence there and therefore we need to start researching the data and looking at charts and measuring. Okay, if this is a particular pattern, then maybe we can profit off of that.

Jason Shelfer:

And we can profit off of that. And this is the thing is. So often in life we pick something that is just random in a pattern and we blame a circumstance on a superstition or just something that we want to tell ourselves.

Jana Shelfer:

And that's the second part of this is what are the stories you are telling yourself about this particular pattern?

Jason Shelfer:

Because me going to dance in Florida has nothing to do with the pattern of a stock anywhere in the world.

Jana Shelfer:

Exactly, really. And what you're telling your subconscious brain is, you know what I better not go to dance, because then my self-worth or my self, my my stock growth is going to go down.

Jason Shelfer:

My financial worth is going to decrease, and that doesn't make any sense.

Jana Shelfer:

And it's such a crazy little example.

Jason Shelfer:

However, we all do this to different scales. We create these conflicts within our lives and I said I did say it in jest, but there was, but it wouldn't have come out if there wasn't a sense of wanting to stay and keep an eye on the stocks.

Jana Shelfer:

So what you're doing is you're actually creating self-sabotaging behaviors because of the stories that you have told yourself about something that is so random and the fact that you say it out loud starts creating this barrier in the space of acceptance and abundance. Because we create our reality with our words and our feelings and our actions. We create what is happening around us.

Jason Shelfer:

And it all has to do with perception.

Jana Shelfer:

That's really what I'm talking about today. It's how are you perceiving the external events around you?

Jason Shelfer:

And we get to actually build a world of abundance and wonderment, and it's just recognizing the patterns and then diving into what is it that I can do to create the world that I want?

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, yes, I mean, it's so crazy. So he has said this now like two weeks in a row and it wasn't until we literally had a deeper conversation about it. That, and I love.

Jason Shelfer:

I love that. You thought oh my gosh.

Jana Shelfer:

I'm. I'm actually creating this. And not only am I creating, I'm looking for the worst in my stocks. I'm looking for the worst in the stock market. I'm also planting a seed in my brain that I really shouldn't go to dance because it's going to affect my pocketbook.

Jason Shelfer:

So when I changed the focus to the patterns of the stock market, then I adjusted, just watching where the patterns were, and focused on okay, how do I optimize that? And then I also focused on what I really wanted out of dance, which is the joy, the connection, the experience of it, and I started actually picking up the routines better. And we have this competition coming up, so I enjoyed that experience more.

Jason Shelfer:

So, we've been able to really dive into growing together and enjoying that part of life more and enjoying the wealth and growth abundance in the stock market more. So it's changing that focus and actually changing the words that come out of my mouth.

Jana Shelfer:

Because we all say things unconsciously, we all say things out loud oh, that really sucked. You know, have you ever said that? Or, um, you know, I always go. I always use examples about food or about exercise.

Jana Shelfer:

You know, you go to the gym and you're like, oh, this is going to hurt you know, we say it out loud and what we're doing is we're really, we're telling our brain that's what we want to feel, that's what we want to experience, and what you say is it. I have a coach right now and he gives out little stickers that say wish granted. Rob Worgen is my energy coach and he gives out stickers that say wish granted, whatever you say out loud is going to come to fruition. So if you say, oh, you know what they don't like me, or oh gosh, you're literally manifesting and we do it unconsciously, because you're kind of putting that lens over it.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, because you're putting a filter on it the minute you say something you're going to put a subconscious filter over it you are, it's a subconscious filter, and then you're telling your brain that that's the experience that you want to have and that's what you are going to naturally start looking for and creating, and create. So you're what you are going to naturally start looking for and creating and create, so essentially you are creating it yourself.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and when I did change that filter, when I did change that creation mechanism of my language and of my terminology, all the things that I was focused on, yes, I did change my reality, which is just insane. Well, it's not insane, it's just what we recognize in the world.

Jana Shelfer:

Think about your everyday life. How many times have you said things maybe even just because you grew up being programmed to say things like oh, there's no good men out there. I mean, that's one right.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

And the minute you say it, guess what you're going to experience.

Jason Shelfer:

There's no opportunities.

Jana Shelfer:

Opportunities. Never find me there's no good jobs. Right, I mean people do this all the time.

Jason Shelfer:

The economy sucks.

Jana Shelfer:

So Jeep, right. And the minute you say that that's the story that you are telling your brain, and then what you're really doing is programming your brain that this is the experience you want to have. So start looking for all the jobs that suck. Start looking for all of the non-opportunities out there.

Jason Shelfer:

The beautiful thing is it's very easy to point out all the things that are wrong. It's so easy.

Jana Shelfer:

It's human nature. We automatically go to what's missing, what's wrong, what we don't have, what we can't do. We automatically go to those things instead of what we have, what's available, what we can do.

Jason Shelfer:

Which is also easy.

Jana Shelfer:

The thing is, it's a choice, it's a choice and we are training our brain, we are constantly training our brain and sometimes, when people come to us and they say, oh my gosh, I have this problem, I've had this problem my whole life, and they literally go into this victimhood mentality.

Jason Shelfer:

Woe is me. Woe is you tomorrow too, if you keep. Woe is me.

Jana Shelfer:

One of the first steps is to become very, very aware of your thoughts and your feelings. Become very aware, and sometimes we say things unconsciously, I mean without even realizing it we say it, we live in the story instead of writing the story. Yes.

Jason Shelfer:

And the writing in the story is the language that we're using. And what are we? What is the language that we're putting out? Are we putting out every time I go to dance, my stock market. The stock market takes a dump. Like, are we saying? Are we, are we creating the woe is me? Yes, and it's not. That has they have nothing to do with each other? But that's the story that I was writing for myself. Yes, and it's just a pattern that had nothing to do with anything. I was just kind of make-believing.

Jana Shelfer:

And maybe we just reframe it slightly to say Every time I go to dance, I leave there feeling so fabulous that everything in my life starts to increase. Yes, and next thing you know, we're going to start leaving dance and it's going to become a pattern. Every time we leave dance, the stock market increases.

Jason Shelfer:

And really it does.

Jana Shelfer:

Hello, hello. So why are we focused on our way to dance? It's funny.

Jason Shelfer:

It's like every time I leave the gym. I didn't like going, but I loved having left.

Jana Shelfer:

There, you go.

Jana Shelfer:

So let's start focusing on how we feel after.

Jason Shelfer:

So, when you said earlier, sometimes we say, oh, this is going to hurt, wow, I'm ready to grow. I'm going to grow my muscles, I'm going to grow my endurance. If we can start changing the vernacular to that, that would be just changing the experience and getting there.

Jana Shelfer:

All we're doing is changing our reticular activating system To what we're looking for.

Jana Shelfer:

To tune in to what we want. I want to go to the gym. What is that feeling we're looking for? And I want to feel great afterwards. Now, the truth of the matter is, sometimes we don't always put that on our this is the highest thing that I absolutely love doing. So let's start focusing on how we're going to feel afterwards, and then we start telling our brain oh my gosh, I want to feel like that, so let's go to the gym, let's feel it now.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, yeah, life is about that feeling. Let's feel it now.

Jana Shelfer:

Let's experience it while we're doing it and then let's amplify that through the process brain and you stop living in the hurt and the victimhood and the uh, those lower vibrations, and you start to pivot to where you want to go and what you want to achieve. What you want to accomplish. That's how you do it. I mean, we talk about this over and over and it's the same thing. We're just putting it in different scenarios and different situations and sometimes you have to hear it differently.

Jason Shelfer:

That's how it was for me Through the 10 years that we've been doing this, or actually, I guess 40 years that we've been doing this. Sometimes you just have to hear it differently, in a different way, until you're ready for here we get caught in this every day, and Jason Shelfer and I know the tools and we get ready for here.

Jana Shelfer:

We get caught in this every day, and Jason Shelfer and I know the tools and we still get caught. And so the thing is is, once you are conscious and aware of what's happening, you start realizing oh my goodness, this energy and this world is full of abundance and I can experience all of it if I just learn the rules of the game and I'm just open to it and accept it and take it in.

Jason Shelfer:

And now we're Living Lucky®.

Jana Shelfer:

We're all Living Lucky®. Thanks for joining us. Bye-bye.

Jana Shelfer:

If the idea of Living Lucky® appeals to you, visit us at www. LivingLucky. com.