Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Unlocking Your Dream

July 10, 2024 Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 7 Episode 30

Listen to Your Soul and Reignite Your Dreams!

Have your dreams been hiding, like a smoldering ember, deep in your soul? Are guilt, shame, and doubt holding you hostage? In this episode of Living Lucky®, we smash those emotional walls and guide you out of the mundane & mediocrity that's keeping you from fulfillment.

Here's what you'll discover to unlock your true potential:

  • The Antidote to Apathy: Learn how to transform a negative mindset into an upward spiral of success. We'll reveal the surprising power of curiosity and how simple acts like Googling a topic or watching a YouTube tutorial can reignite your passions and put you back on the path to purpose.
  • From Fuzzy Dream to Focused Vision: Feeling lost and unsure where to begin? We'll show you how to move from uncertainty to clarity with practical steps for designing your dream. Get ready to create a powerful vision board filled with inspiring images and words that resonate with your soul.
  • Building Your "Belief Muscle": Self-doubt can be a dream crusher. This episode equips you with tools to build unshakeable confidence. Learn how to gather evidence to support your dreams, celebrate every victory (no matter how small!), and reframe setbacks as valuable growth opportunities.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Engage Curiosity: Lean into what fascinates you and explore new interests through simple actions like Googling or watching tutorials.
  2. Create Vision Boards: Visualize and refine your goals by surrounding yourself with images and words that resonate deeply with you.
  3. Develop Confidence: Build your belief muscle by celebrating small wins and viewing setbacks as growth opportunities.
  4. Nurture Your Dreams: Identify, nourish, and grow your dreams through actionable steps.
  5. Find Community: Surround yourself with supportive people who cheer you on and keep you motivated.

This episode is your roadmap to dreaming again and living a life that aligns with your deepest desires. 

P.S. Struggling to identify your dreams altogether? We'll share a powerful story of overcoming hopelessness and reigniting a passion for life. Don't miss it!

#Dreams #Motivation #SelfDoubt #VisionBoard #LawOfAttraction #PersonalGrowth #GoalSetting #SuccessMindset #Happiness #LivingLucky #JanaShelfer #JasonShelfer  

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!!! SEND US A MESSAGE: Are you ready to unlock your path to a more inspired life where you're Living Lucky®? Email me directly and let's chart your course toward realizing your dreams and creating a life that fills you with daily inspiration.
Email Jason Shelfer

The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®. Good morning. I'm Jana Shelfer, and this is my husband, Jason Shelfer and we are Living Lucky®. You are too.

Jana Shelfer:

We're talking about my favorite topic dreams, Dreams. Dream, dream dream dream I was thinking more the cranberry song.

Jason Shelfer:

Okay, dreams all my life chasing every day and every every possible way.

Jana Shelfer:

you know it, you know it.

Jason Shelfer:

Took me a minute, but I got there.

Jana Shelfer:

Dreams, unearthing, the dream that lives deep within our soul. We all have them and we all are born by saying them out loud, saying I want to be a fireman, I want to be an astromat.

Jason Shelfer:

Be a Fireman. I want to be an astromat. No astromat, I want to be a linguist.

Jana Shelfer:

I'm going to be a television talk show host. We say it out loud and then we start gauging other people's reactions, and because we are all part of the animal kingdom, we want to fit in.

Jason Shelfer:

Be accepted animal kingdom.

Jana Shelfer:

We want to fit in, be accepted and so we start developing these almost guilt, shame, doubt, worthiness. Worthiness, I mean, there's so many emotions that start to develop around our dream. We create almost this. It's a golden prison cell is what it is.

Jason Shelfer:

A barrier system.

Jana Shelfer:

We do, we create this shell of all these emotions around our dream, and the more intense those emotions are, the harder it is to break through.

Jason Shelfer:

And sometimes we start telling ourselves a story based on some of our experiences and evidence of not the persistence or the resilience or the achievements, but of the things that happened to us, not the things that happened for us.

Jana Shelfer:

Everything is happening for us.

Jason Shelfer:

I remember when we were driving our camper around the US and asking people what their dreams of, and the first person that we met, ty, that said I don't have a dream, I don't even have hope. I don't know how to put one foot in front of the other in the morning.

Jana Shelfer:

He was in survival mode.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and it was, and it hit me to my core because I was like that is a, that's a desperate place to be.

Jana Shelfer:

But then when we leaned into curiosity and I said just what's one thing it's hard to dream when you are in that state, because you are so surrounded by fear.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

So, even if you do start dreaming when you're in survival mode, it sometimes feels like your dreams have a different energy to them.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and you're just trying to exist, have a different energy to them. Yeah, and you're just trying to exist. And I, there's times when I think a lot of us feel that way, when we're kind of on that hamster wheel and we're giving it all we've got and we don't feel like we're getting anywhere. Yes, and because we're not looking for the evidence of, hey, we're not chasing our purpose and we're not living in our dream, we're not living in our, our true, we're not aligned. That's, that's a big thing. And we're not living in our dream, we're not living in our true, we're not aligned. That's a big thing. So we literally just talked to Ty for what? 10, 15 minutes and got him thinking about what is that one thing that really would make you feel like you're progressing in life, like make you feel like you're moving forward? And he got to some place and his whole demeanor changed and he walked out of that lot, that parking lot, with some swagger and a new energy and a smile on his face. He changed his energy and it was incredible.

Jana Shelfer:

And then that literally comes down to where are you focused? Are you focused on everything that's going wrong, or are you focused on what possibly could go right?

Jason Shelfer:

The focus on the possibilities and what can I do? What is that next best step forward that leads me towards something that's possible?

Jana Shelfer:

So good, okay, so today we're going to give you some actionable steps on how to not only find the seed of your dream, but how to help water it, nourish it and watch it grow.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and pull the weeds around it right, Like what's the format and the formula for just unearthing this dream and then helping it grow.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, so let's start with step number one. Unearthing the dream so many times, people are like I don't even know what my dream is anymore. I've literally forgotten who I am, what I like, where I want to go. I don't know.

Jason Shelfer:

I don't know. So the unknowing? The first clue to the unknowing is just leaning into curiosity.

Jana Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

What is fun. In fact, when I was going through this stage, you know what I started doing. I started giving myself time to just Google, following my curiosity, like what do I want to learn about? What do I want to know? Or just give yourself time to go on YouTube and type in how to, and then YouTube will bring up videos and you may find yourself in an area that you think why am I this Like? I started designing dolls. I started designing dolls and I would watch all these videos on how to carve dolls and how to dress dolls and what I realize now is I literally was playing dress up with myself, right.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

Because I would dress these, I would create these dolls, and then I would dress them in these wild outfits and fun hair and I would put like little accessories all over them.

Jason Shelfer:

Basically styling your life.

Jana Shelfer:

I was literally designing Jana Shelfer and who I wanted to be.

Jason Shelfer:

So oftentimes we focus on the not knowing. So we keep telling ourselves I don't know, I don't know. And we, we, we laser in on that dot of the I don't know, I don't know. We laser in on that dot of the I don't know, instead of leaning into the curiosity of what can I find out?

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, so step number one is curiosity and just brainstorming. What are the things that I like to do?

Jason Shelfer:

What gives me joy, what increases my energy?

Jana Shelfer:

And when I have nothing else to do, what do I find myself doing?

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, what do I lean into when I?

Jana Shelfer:

give myself time to just do nothing. What do I think about?

Jason Shelfer:

What would I like to be doing, Even if I don't have the energy for it right now? What does my brain go to fascination for?

Jana Shelfer:

And then, after you, kind of start becoming aware which, Jason Shelfer and I, we use this in every podcast. Awareness Step number one awareness Once you start becoming aware. You know, I'd kind of like to take a class in carrot carving carving. I don't know why that just came to mind or I might want to start learning about gardening or nutrition or art, or whatever it is for you whatever it is for you, then follow that curiosity dance, we did dance follow the curiosity.

Jana Shelfer:

Now step number two. So step number one is unearthing the dream, and that is following the curiosity.

Jason Shelfer:

You got to figure out something to chase or follow.

Jana Shelfer:

Step number two is designing the dream. So once we start realizing okay, my subconscious mind wants to pay attention to this over here. This is starting to ignite something.

Jason Shelfer:

So now I've kind of got. I've got a little canvas of what this might look like.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

So now we start kind of lasering in on that.

Jana Shelfer:

So yeah, so let's start sharpening the focus.

Jason Shelfer:

That's what we need to do, right.

Jana Shelfer:

Sharpening the focus and I, the way I did this was I actually brought out two big boards for Jason Shelfer and I and we started going through magazines and I said let's create a vision board.

Jason Shelfer:

Now, when Jana Shelfer says two big boards, they were like five foot by almost six feet wide. They were ply board and we literally laid them out on the floor and we went through these big, beautiful magazines and cut out these images of the things that we wanted in our lives.

Jana Shelfer:

Now we weren't even clear with what it was, where our curiosity was taking us. I mean, we had maybe like 10 different directions our curiosity was taking us at this point. But then we bring out the vision boards and we started cutting out magazine pages, articles.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

We didn't question it, it was just whatever we wanted on our board.

Jason Shelfer:

Enthusiasm, energy outrageous. I had dancing.

Jana Shelfer:

There were words I had learning to work in a new way. Do you remember that I had? I mean everything style I had um a picture of an arm, a cut arm, with like all these muscles. And you know, like Jason Shelfer had forbes magazine covers on his and you had camino and boat and we've been on covers of magazines.

Jason Shelfer:

I've done the Camino, like all these things that we had on our vision board, but we weren't clear. We weren't clear at that point.

Jana Shelfer:

We were just seriously following our subconscious mind.

Jason Shelfer:

We were bringing things into focus.

Jana Shelfer:

We were, because we were so lost at that point. We were so lost so we started designing the division, the vision board, not the division, the vision board. And then, when, when you get to that next step of developing the dream, you start breaking it down even further. Okay, let's, let's get even more clear with what this board actually says, right? And? And when you do that, you for us, we needed to start developing the belief muscle. Yeah, can this actually happen? Is this, is this a possibility for me? And I know we often say believe it and then you will see it. Well, there is doubt. That naturally occurs and that's healthy to an extent, because it is protecting you from completely putting yourself out there or from going bankrupt, or Right?

Jason Shelfer:

You know what I'm saying. You don't want to just push all in immediately.

Jana Shelfer:

You need to start developing the belief muscle, and so what's so crazy for us is I started getting these downloads saying work on your editing skills I mean, they were just small little skills. Work on building a website, work on taking more classes about life coaching and learn about psychology.

Jason Shelfer:

And one of the things for me was that, once I had the vision, the more refined focus on what we wanted my reticular activating system started picking up on the road signs of yes, you're heading in the right direction, these are the things that you're looking for, and they're here and available. Yes, and you're on your way and it's almost like you're in a video game and you're gathering the evidence for your belief system of saying, yes, this is it, this is where you're going.

Jana Shelfer:

This is what's possible and if you can see Jason Shelfer as he's talking, he's doing the circular motion with his arm. I'm bringing it towards me, not only brings it towards him, but it's showing how the momentum starts to create. Momentum starts to happen and you start seeing evidence that this can really be a possibility for me, and it builds confidence within your soul.

Jason Shelfer:

Which is like fuel. Confidence is fuel for that creationism.

Jana Shelfer:

Now it is important to celebrate every single win along the way, because there's going to be times where it's not necessarily, it doesn't feel like a win. And if you concentrate on those, I don't want to call them failures, because everything is feedback, Everything is feedback. But if you, if you get stuck in those moments, which Jason Shelfer and I have done many, many times it's it will hold you back.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, if you're concentrating on the final product, like the private chef or the yacht, whatever it is, that is your like one of those things at the end that's on the vision board but you don't concentrate on the process of how it's created. It's almost like if you're concentrating on the finished sweater. You never appreciate every needle point or thread that goes into it and you can't get there without every single thread of the needle.

Jana Shelfer:

Now the last step is to develop a community of people who are cheering for you, rooting for you, supporting you along the way. That is the last step. So here's really what I want to say. That is the general outline of how to start realizing your dream. Here's what we found is that you do that those four steps and then it's time to even narrow it further.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

And you do those four steps again.

Jason Shelfer:

It's a reciprocation problem.

Jana Shelfer:

And then you narrow it even further and you do those four steps again until you get laser focused on your destiny. Oh preach, you can feel it, and it's God's way of preparing you along the way.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, we talk about this all the time. It's your spiritual curriculum. It is, and you're getting pulled to it. Momentum is also pushing and pulling you towards it. It's a beautiful process once you get that alignment.

Jana Shelfer:

And once you understand it. I think part of the frustration that I have felt in this process is I didn't understand how it worked and now that I can zoom out and say, yes, these are the stages that you will go through. This is how you start bringing your dream all the way from the bottom of your soul. This is how you start growing it, birthing it You're birthing it, you're birthing your dream.

Jason Shelfer:

And not everyone is going to be going with you through the whole journey. And that's one of the hard things for me is, sometimes I want everyone to experience this with me, and community is an evolving thing and sometimes it's not everyone in the community. You're going to gain people and lose people along the way, because everyone is in their own journey and it's beautiful. Community is a growing aspect of the whole process. Every little process of this you talked about earlier, just a moment ago, was that this is an evolutionary process. The whole dream growth process is evolutionary and you're getting laser focused. You don't end alone and you don't go it alone ever, but it's it's ever changing throughout.

Jana Shelfer:

I love it. I hope this helps someone and when you can kind of stop and realize the four steps that you're going through. So again, chase your curiosity. That's step one. That's how you unearth the dream, that's how you find out what your soul is really wanting. Step two you start envisioning it, you start designing it by actually putting it on paper, write it down, start putting pictures up around you so that you know okay, this is where I'm going. And it's almost telling your subconscious yeah, just just follow these pictures get really focused down on it step three is actually developing the belief muscle.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, and it is. Finding every little step along the way is part of the journey, so celebrate your wins. Celebrate your wins very good yes therefore, you can build the confidence to even dream bigger. And then step number four is providing the community, finding your people. That is just key. I love it, I love it. And then, once you go through those four steps, then you start to narrow in on your dream. You become laser focused.

Jana Shelfer:

And you will be Living Lucky® and you keep going through those steps again. You just keep going through those steps again and next thing you know, you'll be speaking on Mindvalley Stages and you'll have a TV show and you'll have the love of your life beside you, dancing in a competition.

Jana Shelfer:

I love it. Thanks for Living Lucky®. I love it. Thanks for joining us. We love you.

Jason Shelfer:

See you next time. Keep Living Lucky®.

Jana Shelfer:

If the idea of Living Lucky® appeals to you, visit us at www. livinglucky. com.