Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana


Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 7 Episode 29

Feeling Frustrated? Anxiety Got You Down? Dive Deep for Inner Peace in Our Latest Episode!

Do you ever feel like one tiny thing can disrupt your entire world? Imagine a peaceful meditation retreat thrown into chaos by a single unmuted microphone! In this episode, we explore the real-life story of how a seemingly minor event triggered a wave of anxiety amongst participants. It's a powerful reminder of how contagious emotions can be, and how quickly negativity can spread.

Here are some nuggets:

  • The Power of Awareness: We'll show you how recognizing your fear-based emotions is the first step to overcoming them. Learn to ask yourself, "What is this feeling trying to teach me?" and watch those challenges blossom into valuable lessons.
  • Letting Go of Control: Clinging to control can be a major source of anxiety. We'll guide you through the art of acknowledging your worries and trusting that things often work out just fine, even when they're outside your comfort zone. Imagine the freedom of letting go and truly enjoying the ride!
  • Tapping into Your Inner Strength: We'll share a powerful analogy of the ocean: calm and still at its depths, but chaotic on the surface. Learn how to "dive deep" within yourself to find that inner peace, even amidst the external storms.
  • The Magic of Communication (Even with Your Emotions!): Instead of ignoring your worries, we'll teach you how to communicate with them! Thanking your anxieties for showing up can be surprisingly insightful. It allows you to understand their root cause and move forward with clarity.
  • Recognizing and Processing Emotions: Learn how to become aware of your emotions and transform fear-based feelings into opportunities for growth.
  • The Need for Control: Understand the impact of clinging to control and discover the benefits of leaning on faith and trust.
  • Asking Better Questions: Shift your mindset from "Why is this happening to me?" to "What is this teaching me?" to gain valuable insights from life's challenges.
  • The Ocean Analogy: Dive deep within yourself to find calm and stillness amidst the chaotic surface of life's anxieties.
  • Communicating with Emotions: Embrace the importance of acknowledging and communicating with your emotions to prevent them from escalating.

This episode has tips and takeaways to help you manage anxiety, cultivate inner peace, and live l

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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®.

Jana Shelfer:

Good morning.

Jana Shelfer:

I'm Jana Shelfer, and this is my husband, Jason Shelfer, and we are Living Lucky® you are too.

Jana Shelfer:

We are back in America in hot hot.

Jason Shelfer:

Florida, and we are talking about anxiety, holy moly.

Jana Shelfer:

I have noticed there are so many anxious people out there.

Jason Shelfer:

I have too, and occasionally I've been one of them.

Jana Shelfer:

I know, me too. I was actually in an energy retreat today and I was just on virtually. However, there was one person that didn't have their sound muted.

Jason Shelfer:

That's funny.

Jana Shelfer:

And they started yelling at their husband about an Amazon package. Her name was Bonnie.

Jason Shelfer:

Was his name Clyde.

Jana Shelfer:

Now I don't know, but she started yelling at her husband about this Amazon package, and I am telling you this is in the middle of a meditation, an energy retreat in Sedona, arizona. So there's 180 people online. There's people in the room, everybody's ah listening to music in such a zen state, and as soon as this woman doesn't have her mute on.

Jana Shelfer:

All of a sudden people start coming out of the woodworks on the chat and there started being some really negative things. I mean, these are people who are all about love and bliss and good vibrations and all of a sudden they're like shut your effing mic up, bonnie.

Jason Shelfer:

Let him get his GD sex toys.

Jana Shelfer:

Bonnie, we hear about your.

Jana Shelfer:

Amazon package. You're ruining my meditation and I'm telling you anxiety.

Jason Shelfer:

They're being influenced by the outside world.

Jana Shelfer:

Frenetic energy, chaos and we had worked the I mean this was a Friday, saturday and Sunday retreat where we were releasing all of those feelings and, in one second, a snap of the fingers. People.

Jason Shelfer:

A delivery of the Amazon fingers people switched.

Jana Shelfer:

It was like a switch went off from their bodies and they went from those good vibrations to God damn it, bonnie.

Jason Shelfer:

It was. Your package has arrived.

Jana Shelfer:

It was crazy.

Jason Shelfer:

Your anxiety is here, and here's the thing, that's how quickly anxiety comes on.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, and when you're in it. I mean people were like start the meditation over. I didn't hear the instructions because bonnie was talking and people were flip. That's mad they wanted their money back. They wanted it to. You know, just they wanted they wanted other people to feel the way they were feeling burn bonnie at the stake. They wanted other people to feel the way they were feeling.

Jason Shelfer:

Burn Bonnie at the stake?

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, but they didn't want to feel anxious alone, so it was like they started pulling down the whole group.

Jason Shelfer:

Energy is contagious, yes, and we talk about this. One of the things that we talk about often is that when energy is contagious is recognize that energetic state and that feeling that you have.

Jana Shelfer:

I'm telling you almost everything we talk about, every single podcast. Our first step is to be aware. Be aware, yeah, every behavioral change starts with awareness and is it serving me?

Jason Shelfer:

Is it? Is it leading me to where I want to go or is it taking me away from, like? Is it anchoring me to the place I was?

Jana Shelfer:

Because I'm telling you worry and anxiety, those are fear-based emotions and when you feel fear-based emotion, fear is a natural emotion. There are no bad emotions and fear is a very quick emotion. When you feel fear, you should feel it and then it should pass after you process what's happening. It's one of those that you feel it and then it passes. It's your body's way of protecting you, However, we live in it.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, we allow ourselves to just hang on to it.

Jana Shelfer:

And so anxiety, worry those are.

Jason Shelfer:

That's wasted energy, yeah this kind of reminds me of our episode a couple episodes ago about me in the airport, right.

Jana Shelfer:

Because you got stuck in it and I laugh about it now.

Jason Shelfer:

We both do, because I should have just danced.

Jana Shelfer:

Well, here's the thing Jason Shelfer is the most laid back happy-go-lucky guy, in fact, in our business. I'm the one that needs certainty. I need answers. I am not one to love this. I don't know where we're going exactly, but let's just enjoy the journey.

Jason Shelfer:

Well, even most people look at me and they say they think that I'm the organized person, they think that I'm the laid back, easygoing, like all. They have all these characteristics that they label me with and they don't see the moments that I'm have anxiety, that I have uncertainty, that, like the worry, like they don't see we're all human. We're all human and we all experience these things. It's just when do we become aware of it and when do we say what is this showing me and what is it? How can I process it and see where I want to go with it?

Jana Shelfer:

Okay. So that's where I want to go. Next is because, if you are a person who is experiencing any kind of anxiety or worry, instead of saying why why is this happening to me, why is this happening let's ask better questions. What is this teaching me? What am I to learn in this process? Every emotion or challenge that we face, it's part of our spiritual curriculum, and if we can just stop and be aware okay, I'm feeling worry right now, I'm feeling anxiety. What is this communicating with me? What is my soul really trying to say to me? Am I right or am I right?

Jason Shelfer:

Because that's we have. We have these lessons that come back over and, over and over again and we're either going to learn them now or we're going to keep learning, repeating that lesson. It's almost like third grade, right? If you don't, if you don't score well, if you don't pass the test, you're going to go back and do third grade again.

Jana Shelfer:

Oh I know, Please. I was always like oh God.

Jason Shelfer:

And then there's more quote unquote anxiety, and you just get to get a deeper experience of it the next time around.

Jana Shelfer:

Speaking of deeper, I was on Instagram, which I'm rarely on, but I happened to be on it and I was guru that I follow and he was talking about oceans and at the top of the ocean you see all the waves and you see them clashing in and the tide comes in and then it goes out and if there's a boat on there, it's rocking, going up and down. It's very rocky, it's chaotic. Boat on there, it's rocking, going up and down, it's very rocky, it's chaotic, it is, I mean if you really You've got all the outside forces affecting the top of the ocean.

Jana Shelfer:

You really watch the top of the ocean and it can be an anxious place. It really can, because you're out in the middle of nowhere.

Jason Shelfer:

It's rough, it's wavy.

Jana Shelfer:

It's rough, it's wavy, it's. However, if you go down deeper, down to the source, if you start getting curious about okay, what's underneath this? What is underneath all of this?

Jason Shelfer:

Phrenetic energy.

Jana Shelfer:

Thank you, I've already used that word a lot of times but thank you. It's a good descriptor If you dive deeper, you start it's a good descriptor If you deep, if you dive deeper, you start feeling the calm and the stillness If you get to the source of it. Am I right?

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, yeah, I remember back, just thinking of this analogy when we first got our scuba gear. I would feel all this anxiety and the noise of the world. And you would come home from work and I would be at the bottom of our pool yes, in my scuba gear, because you loved it. You loved it. It was quiet and it was still.

Jason Shelfer:

Now. This isn't the emotional stillness that we're talking about, but it was my way of getting to silence. It was kind of like a meditative state where I could go down and I would just all I would hear is the breathing of the respirator or whatever it's called aerator, regulator, the regulator, thank you, thank you, sheila. And I would just go down to the bottom of the pool and I would hear the in of the breath, the out of the breath, and that's all I would hear. And I would be able to just kind of be there with the simple thoughts and it would allow me to just think about the things that I wanted and kind of plan things out which were very simple, like it wasn't a meticulous, wonderful plan, but it allowed me to cut through all the noise, release all the anxiety, all the stress of the day and allow for peace and serenity.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, and this is. And when you get to that place, when you go deep within, you start realizing I am perfectly fine right now, okay, in this moment, and that's when you can release the anxiety, the worry, and you understand I am safe and we can do this without having to don a bunch of scuba gear and jump into the bottom of our own pool.

Jason Shelfer:

You don't need to be carrying scuba gear through the airport. We do this by asking better questions about situations that we're in. We do this by saying, okay, this is what's happening, this is the experience outside of me, what is it meaning for me? And then I go within myself and say what is the spiritual curriculum that I am experiencing right now and that I'm learning through?

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, what is this teaching me?

Jason Shelfer:

What is this teaching?

Jana Shelfer:

me. What is the?

Jason Shelfer:

lesson, a spiritual curriculum that I am experiencing right now and that I'm learning through. Yes, what is this teaching me? What is this teaching me? What is the lesson? How am I growing myself into the next, better version of me and what is this growing me out of and into? Yeah, I like that, and that's a beautiful way of not being in the experience. That's a beautiful way of not being in the experience but being the objective observer. It allows you to rise above it.

Jana Shelfer:

So, like when everyone in the chat was yelling at Bonnie for having her microphone on, she couldn't hear what they were saying and she just kept yelling at her husband. It allows people who are rising above that to just enjoy the meditation, yeah.

Jason Shelfer:

That Bonnie has nothing to do with me. Yes, bonnie's situation is Bonnie's situation. I'm here. I'm in an energetic state. I'm here Like I'm present in this moment.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, although can I just tell you something? I really had to hold myself back. I almost messaged Bonnie after all of this was over and I wanted to say so. What happened with the Amazon package?

Jason Shelfer:

Let me get up in that a little bit.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, rise above it, rise above it. And the way you do that is to communicate with it, communicate with your emotions, and I know that sounds so crazy, but if you, if you start communicating with it and you, I mean if you, if you become curious, it's like if you're in a fight with someone and, instead of fighting back, if you come at it with curiosity, hey, what's happening here?

Jason Shelfer:

What are you feeling, and I love that you said. Communicate with it instead of ignore it, because I was a big ignorer. Yes, and if you ignore it, it just gets louder.

Jana Shelfer:

It not only gets louder, but eventually in your life it's going to pop. It's like the big zit.

Jason Shelfer:

Eventually it's going to come out and or you might think it shuts up, but it doesn't. It's like it just it turns into something else. It turns into something more fierce and more angry, Like but. Yeah, it might turn into rage is what it might turn into angry like but yeah, it might turn into rage, is what it might turn into. And the just acknowledging it, communicating with it and thanking it, thanking it for showing up.

Jana Shelfer:

Thank you worry, thank you showing me something that I need to notice and that's where you get to be aware of that I like to be in control, and right now I'm a little bit outside that control zone, and so I need to lean on my faith and my trust and let go of some of that control?

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, and realize that you know what, sometimes things aren't in my control. And if I can, let go of some of that control, I will realize that things work out anyway and we can just dance. And it would have been more pleasant for my experience if I had realized that sooner and then I could have enjoyed the whole experience instead of letting trying to control the whole experience.

Jana Shelfer:

I hope you got something out of this. Thank you so much for joining us. Keep Living Lucky®.

Jana Shelfer:

Bye-bye. If the idea of Living Lucky® appeals to you, visit us at www. livinglucky. com.