Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Future Self

Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 7 Episode 26

Step into Your Power: How to Become Your Future Self & Live Lucky®

Imagine shedding your current limitations and stepping into the shoes of your most magnificent future self. In this episode of Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason & Jana Banana, we take you on a thrilling adventure to a "Come As Your Future Self" party in Tallinn, Estonia! 🇪🇪

This episode is a treasure trove of practical wisdom to help you:

  • Craft a crystal-clear vision: Discover how to define your future self with laser focus. (Goodbye, fuzzy daydreams!)
  • Unleash the power of "acting as if": We'll reveal the secret behind Joe Dispenza's transformative "walking meditation" and how embodying your future self can supercharge your journey. ⚡️
  • Turn audacious goals into reality: Learn how to break down seemingly impossible dreams into manageable action steps, so you can finally ditch the overwhelm and celebrate progress!
  • Embrace the magic of "vibrational resonance": We'll explain how aligning your energy with your future self can attract opportunities and resources like a magnet.
  • Hear inspiring stories of transformation: Witness the power of setting bold intentions as Jana shares her experience of declaring she'd ditch her wheelchair (yes, you read that right!) and Jason reveals his vision of dancing across continents.

Plus, you'll gain valuable tips on:

  • How to overcome self-doubt and cultivate unshakeable confidence.
  • The importance of daily action and consistent effort in achieving lasting change.
  • Why surrounding yourself with positive, like-minded people can accelerate your growth.

This episode is your invitation to unlock your potential and start living a life that vibrates with possibility!

P.S. Ready to dive deeper? Visit for more Living Lucky® resources and transformational tools!

Keywords: Personal Development, Goal Setting, Future Self, Embodiment, Law of Attraction, Manifestation, Inspiration,Motivation, Living Lucky, Mindvalley, Mindvalley Supercoach, Jana Shelfer, Jason Shelfer, Living Lucky TV

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Email Jason Shelfer

The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®. Good morning, I'm Jana Shelfer, I'm Jason Shelfer and we are Living Lucky®.

Jana Shelfer:

You are, too, we're live from a little coffee shop in Tallin estonia, that's right the surf cafe, even though we haven't seen the sea yet.

Jason Shelfer:

Come on baby surfing safari. I'm gonna take you surfing safari. I don't know if that's a uh, I don't think that's an estonian song, but it's close I think it's beach boys okay, yes, okay.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, so close, or California, I think.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

At any rate, we're going to talk about becoming our future self today, because we attended a come as your future self party.

Jason Shelfer:

Oh, so fun, so fun.

Jana Shelfer:

And I just want to say this was such not only a fun experience, but I feel like it was very practical in helping people move toward their dreams.

Jason Shelfer:

It was very telling.

Jana Shelfer:

Tell me more.

Jason Shelfer:

Well, it was telling the future.

Jana Shelfer:

Well, that too. But you could see whose dreams were actually coming true by the conviction, oh yeah, by the confidence they spoke and yeah, it's going. And, by the way, the passion that came out.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, when people stood up and actually the people that thought about it and actually knew had a clear, very clear vision. So when you have a very clear vision and you've articulated it or written it down before and you can speak it freely into the world, yes, then you can start expressing it more vocally and expressively.

Jana Shelfer:

I don't know if expressively is even a word.

Jason Shelfer:

It is now, but so when you can get that clear, where you can project it and give it?

Jana Shelfer:

to an audience and speak it, because there were Speak it to other people.

Jason Shelfer:

There had to be 150 people in a pretty tight space.

Jana Shelfer:

And not only speaking it and projecting it, sharing it, but also dressing as your future self, speaking as your future self, carrying your body and your demeanor and embodying the energy of your future self.

Jason Shelfer:

And this is declaring your goals in one year. So a lot of times we overestimate what we can do in a year or overestimate what we can do in a week and don't give ourselves the time to get to these goals. To get to these goals and this is making that declaration to a lot of people who are really creating a life and reality around themselves.

Jana Shelfer:

We overestimate what we can do in a day. We completely overestimate what we can do in an hour. However, what Jason Shelfer saying is, if we give ourselves a longer period of time and just do a little bit each day and take intentional actions each day, we can get there.

Jason Shelfer:

Once we have made that declaration, once we've put the goal, down Of where we're going and we've clearly defined where we're going.

Jana Shelfer:

It comes back to where are we now? Where do we want to go?

Jason Shelfer:

And what's that gap?

Jana Shelfer:

And then, what's the gap? Yes, the gap.

Jason Shelfer:

Which is what this future party was. And it said have you taken the time to define who your future self is, made that vibrational resonance with it, and can you articulate who that is well to who you are now and the people that are around you now, who that is well to who you are now and the people that are around you now, and can you be that person now so that we can actually experience that person now in today's world? And it was incredible.

Jana Shelfer:

It was awesome. And when you got up there and spoke, oh my gosh, I ended up grabbing the mic and speaking as my future self.

Jason Shelfer:

I think your future self came into the room and grabbed the mic.

Jana Shelfer:

I think so too.

Jason Shelfer:

Because I was like what?

Jana Shelfer:

Look at this. I mean, I was telling people that I was going to ditch my wheelchair. That's right, go me. I can't wait to be me, my future's fun.

Jason Shelfer:

I know.

Jana Shelfer:

My future self is awesome.

Jason Shelfer:

Look at the ass on your future self.

Jana Shelfer:

Right, you've never seen my ass. Really, that's not standing.

Jana Shelfer:

What Not withstanding no-transcript, all of the dreams that have come to fruition. So when I was meeting people as their future self, it was first of all I found that odd to do on the first day of the conference, Right? Because then the next day when I saw them, I didn't even recognize some of them, Like people came as their future self. They came dressed a little differently, Like this one lady had her makeup on and then the next day we saw her at the conference and she came over and she was talking to me like she knew who we were. You know who I'm talking about and you and I both went back to the hotel and said who is that? Because she looks in real life, in today's world. She looks completely different than her future self.

Jason Shelfer:

So, looking back, one thing that I recognized is this is our first year here and the future self party is a recurring party.

Jana Shelfer:

I think that should be on the last day.

Jason Shelfer:

So it might be a party that occurred the next year on, so the second year of Supercoach, or does that make sense? So they had Supercoach and then the next year. They said why don't we have a future self party on the first day so we can start defining ourselves? But I see what you're saying. It should be a last day party, but a lot of people are flying out on the last day, so let's do it on the first day, because people get here early. They're like let's have a party to welcome everybody, see what we're becoming or what our intention is.

Jana Shelfer:

I don't even know what tense we're talking in right now.

Jana Shelfer:

It gets crazy right At any rate, it reminded me of joe dispensa he has this walk as you are, party walk, as as if, yeah, and it's almost like living as if your dreams and goals have already come to fruition, and it's a very powerful exercise. I suggest everyone at least try it, even if you don't want to, if you're a little timid to do it out in public, do it at home. Do it at home and just get into the almost, the stance, the state, the state of your future self and it it's life changing.

Jason Shelfer:

I got goosebumps because the Joe Dispenza meditation, that the walking meditation, was a game changer for me. Because when we meditate with our eyes closed, that's one thing, so you get the very visual image of what that vivid future looks like. But then we sometimes open our eyes and we get into our reality and see the evidence of our current self, right. But when we're walking into our future self and we're doing that future meditation walk into your future self with our eyes open we get to create our reality with our eyes open and meditate with our eyes open. And that's a beautiful state to continue to meditate as if we're in our future self with our eyes open and move forward in that state. So we're creating with our eyes open and create that evidence alone.

Jana Shelfer:

So, Jason Shelfer, what does your future self look like?

Jason Shelfer:

So good question.

Jana Shelfer:

Because I actually grabbed the mic along with probably 10 other people. However, I noticed you were kind of sitting in the back.

Jason Shelfer:

So my future self is traveling, dancing, laughing, and I think it's going to be really involved in this television show that we're putting out and I really love the idea of. I want to travel around the world. I want to experience life. I hope that climbing Mount Kilimanjaro is in our future. That's something that excites me. The coaching on a big level it's excited me. I've really enjoyed that With Mindvalley, With Mindvalley and just in general, I've really enjoyed coaching coaching, and it because you're a helper.

Jana Shelfer:

You, that's who you are, that's who you've always been. You're the shell for help.

Jason Shelfer:

I am and I've, I've, I've always, since I was four years old. I remember helping and then I remember being kind old. I remember helping and then I remember being um kind of pushed away from helping. Like felt like, hey, you're helping too much.

Jana Shelfer:

Really yeah, but I don't remember you saying that.

Jason Shelfer:

Well, it's a. It's one of those things where it's like, hey, you're making a mess, like um, get out of my hair, like you're. You're trying to, you're in the middle of it and your help is making a mess. You know, it's like you're because you get in that awkward stage as a child and it's like people don't want to take time to invest in your learning. So then I would just I went off by myself and kind of cause I was I was an only child for seven years the dog. Yeah Well, I didn't have a dog, so I went off and kind of learned on my own and learned with friends. But I would come home and I would just be cause I would learn and I would play with the Creek, I would build a dam or build a fort, and I would come home and I would just be a muddy mess of a child. I was the dentist, the menace of the neighborhood, but I would also go help the neighbors.

Jason Shelfer:

I remember I had a neighbor, Sam McMillan, and I would always go to their house because they had all these tools and Uncle Gene who was next door, and I would always help the neighbors. So I learned a lot from my neighborhood. And then I would come home and I would just be filthy.

Jana Shelfer:

So I feel like we're talking about your past self. How does this connect to your future self?

Jason Shelfer:

What happened was is I developed this insecurity in the helping because when I would come home it would be oh my gosh, you're such a mess. Because when I would come home it would be oh my gosh, you're such a mess. And then I would. I felt like I had to be cleaned up and I wasn't helped Like I was, I had to be corrected. Oh. So that was like don't help here, and so that's where now I've kind of cleaned up a lot of that internal mess.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

And I'm realizing that when I slow down now that I've kind of got that internal mess cleaned up, I love helping.

Jana Shelfer:

And you're so good at it. People love getting help from you. Well, it's a you make them feel good.

Jason Shelfer:

I feel like we all have the ability to help and everyone wants to help someone else and we all want to serve, because that's part of growth. A rising tide lifts all ships and when we collaborate, we all do better. So if we can just lean into that, it's a beautiful thing. If we can just lean into that, it's a beautiful thing. And but a lot of times we're all sometimes we want to get ourselves ahead.

Jason Shelfer:

That's ego, yes, and there's a part of us that I know, because I'm guilty of that a lot, and like Zig Ziglar says we can get wherever we want to when we help other people get to where they want to. That is true. So there's a beautiful piece of that where we can dance with our own ego and we can help other people's egos. So it's not getting rid of the ego, it's just saying, hey, you know what, let's embrace all of us and let's embrace everyone and let's just raise everyone together. I'm going to, I'm going to rein you in a little cause. I feel like we're not talking about my future self says I want to dance with life and I want to dance with you and I want to travel. I want to travel the world, showing people that we can have an amazing relationship, have a lot of fun and laughter Now say it as your future self.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

I am the world dancing on every continent. I'm laughing from my belly and I'm coaching powerfully and helping people realize that they can create the life of their dreams and bend reality.

Jana Shelfer:

Oh, and they're my folks and I'm Living Lucky®. Oh and there, my folks and I'm Living Lucky®.

Jason Shelfer:

I feel lucky, I am the luckiest guy in the world To experience all of those things with you Tune in in a year.

Jana Shelfer:

Let's see if it's all come true.

Jason Shelfer:

It is come true. Because it is, I'm vibrating in that resonance.

Jana Shelfer:

Thanks for joining us. Bye-bye. If the idea of Living Lucky® appeals to you, visit us at www. livinglucky. com.