Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Stitch By Stitch

Jana Shelfer and Jason Shelfer Season 7 Episode 24

Escape the Doom Spiral with Leyla's Inspiring Journey on Living Lucky®!

Feeling like life's throwing curveballs and your dreams are fading? Buckle up, because this episode of Living Lucky® with Jason & Jana Banana is about to inject your world with a powerful dose of possibility!

Meet Leyla, a single mom turned embroidery entrepreneur, whose story is a beacon of resilience and positive transformation. From humble beginnings in Turkey to building a thriving business in the U.S., Leyla's journey is packed with wisdom nuggets that will show you how to:

  • Turn negativity on its head: Discover the secret to shifting your mindset and attracting the right opportunities and people into your life.
  • Master the power of gratitude: Learn from Leyla's deep appreciation for the little things and how focusing on what you have can blossom into a life overflowing with abundance.
  • Harness the Law of Attraction: Dive into the concept of "like attracts like" and understand how to raise your vibration to align with your desires.
  • Embrace the "Just Do It" philosophy: Sometimes, all it takes is that first step. Leyla's story is a testament to taking action, even when the path seems unclear.

But wait, there's more! This episode goes beyond personal success. Leyla is on a mission to uplift others and help them live bigger, better lives. Here are some golden takeaways you won't want to miss:

  • The magic of co-creation: See how your thoughts, feelings, and actions weave together to shape your reality. Leyla's journey is a masterclass in co-creation!
  • Inner alignment is key: Discover how aligning your inner world with your outer world unlocks true fulfillment. Leyla's meticulous attention to detail in her craft is a metaphor for creating a harmonious life.
  • The power of intention: Be amazed by Leyla's story of burying her son's umbilical cord at Princeton University, a symbolic act that manifested his future scholarship to the very same institution!

This episode is your roadmap to living a luckier, more fulfilling life. Get ready to be inspired by Leyla's wisdom and transformational journey. Remember, you too hold the power to co-create your own version of Living Lucky®!

P.S. Don't forget to subscribe to Living Lucky® for more inspiring content to keep you on your path to living your best life!

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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®. Good morning. I'm Jana Shelfer and this is my husband, Jason Shelfer, and we are Living Lucky®. You are too. We feel so blessed because the right people come into our path at the right time at the right place, and that's not by our doing.

Jason Shelfer:

No, that's divine intervention.

Jana Shelfer:

Or is it Is?

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

It's a co-creation.

Jason Shelfer:

It is a co-creation, so there has to be action involved.

Jana Shelfer:

Thoughts, feelings and actions. Thoughts, feelings and actions, thoughts, feelings and actions. When we have good thoughts and we raise our vibration, we tune in to something higher, and it never fails. Trust me on this the universe, god, will take you to exactly who you need to meet. You will learn the lessons you need to learn at exactly the right time.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and sometimes it's. Are you focused on what you want or are you finding what you don't want? Because sometimes what we do is we say I'm not finding the things that I want because we're so specific on this is exactly what I want and the universe says I've got something bigger and better planned for you.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, and that's what happened when our intention last week was to take some hats that Jason had bought on some site because they were cheap.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah well, I bought the hats wholesale because I've been buying hats resale as merchandise for Living Lucky.

Jana Shelfer:

In other words, we wanted merch. We wanted some Living Lucky merch with some cute little bananas that we could meet people and say hey, here you go, You're Living Lucky too.

Jason Shelfer:

And if you've ever had a business and you bought something wholesale to give away or you bought retail to give away, you realize, hey, I'm buying something at a very high price and giving it away. Well, buying it wholesale, then you can give away more.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, we're giving you way too much information. What happened was we went to have this merch monogrammed and embroidered and we met this woman named Layla. Stitches with Layla.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

And I'm telling you, it's like my soul is gravitating toward people who are spiritually gifted, Because as soon as we met her, I knew, I just knew I'm like she's got something special.

Jason Shelfer:

Well, you always say energy is contagious.

Jana Shelfer:

Energy is contagious and I can feel it, and I'm not saying that I'm a psychic or a clairvoyant. I just, for some reason I magnetize toward people who are also very in tune to energies and spirituality.

Jason Shelfer:

And I would say also her joy and appreciation and gratitude. Those were some of her highest values and love, and those values highly align with your values.

Jana Shelfer:

So we get there and we're telling her what we want on our hats. We want this little banana living lucky and she starts telling us about her life and her story. Everyone has a story. Everyone has a life story and whether or not we are open to hearing it, most of the time we're not, because we're busy being busy. So we're going about our lives and a lot of times I mean think about it in your own life. Are there times when you're like you know what I'd love to hear your story, but I got to pick up the kids at soccer. Am I right or am I right?

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and I want to touch back to everyone has a story. Yes, I think we all have two stories. We all have a story of appreciation of how we got to where we are yes, and then also we have a story of depreciation. Sometimes we tell ourselves a story that's disempowering.

Jana Shelfer:

Jason, that's brilliant, did you just make that up?

Jason Shelfer:

Well, I hear it a lot of times from clients that the story that gets them stuck, that gets them in that position where this happened to me instead of this happened for me it's tuning in to the lower radio station is what it's doing instead of tuning into the highest, best version of yourself station. Yeah, and we hear this over and over again in our conversation with Layla, where she says I look for the rainbows, I look for when the sun's coming out, I look for the holes in the cloud.

Jana Shelfer:

I mean as soon as we walked in the store she was like look at that beautiful sunrise and I was like wow yes, let's stop and let's look at the sunrise.

Jason Shelfer:

Let's have appreciation for the things because that's another thing that we talk about often is what we appreciate. Appreciates, and we can always nitpick things, yes, but if we look for what we appreciate, then we get to grow in the appreciation.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, so I'm just going to give you a little pre-shadow. Pre-framing yeah, A little foreshadowing that's the word I'm looking for of what we learned about her. She came from Turkey. She was a single mom. She had two kids. She gets over here. She needs to make a living. Her education as a lawyer isn't granted here in the US.

Jana Shelfer:

And so she goes to step B or plan B, plan C. And so she goes to step B or plan B, plan C. She opens an embroidery business and, stitch by stitch, she is making it, and what's so fabulous about her story is that her kids are now living out the future that she had when she was a child. Really, the dreams that she had as a child didn't come to fruition through her, but her highest value has been being a mother. So actually they did.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and I think when she gave birth she had a dream of this beautiful, wonderful life of love and cherishing her children. And that really I got goosebumps because that really just kind of flourished. Yes, and her children are both successful. One graduated at Princeton, went on to the armed forces, is working in DC right now. Yes, the other went on to the University of Florida and it's a powerful relationship. Seeing pictures of them and their love and their joy is just exciting. And just watching her beam and glow over this is incredible.

Jana Shelfer:

It's making me beam and glow right now. Just talking about her, I saw you go from this. Let me tell you about Layla. To all of a sudden, you're like, yeah, she's beaming and glowing.

Jason Shelfer:

Energy is contagious and it also shows in her work, like just when she interacts with customers, when she interacts with just putting the stitches in the fabric.

Jana Shelfer:

No, can I just tell you something? So Jason actually suggested in the middle of the interview you know, I've been around a lot of sewing, a lot of fabric, a lot of quilting and what we see on the outside is not usually what's on the backside. She gets out her work and says, oh no, no, mr Jason.

Jason Shelfer:

I pay so much attention to the backside as well.

Jana Shelfer:

Which is another lesson that we can learn, because when we clean up our inner selves, it shows outwardly.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

And I felt like when you brought up that idea, you were actually thinking about taking the story into a different direction. And she was like, but no, that's not the truth. The truth is, my outward appearance is exactly.

Jason Shelfer:

Matches my inner story of myself.

Jana Shelfer:

And that is living lucky, because you are aligning your desires with your decisions, with your divine design.

Jason Shelfer:

That's changing the inner story, that's changing those two stories. Yes, that's cleaning up the knotted fabric, because a lot of times we think people don't know the real me, they don't know what I've been through. Well, you know what, if you're telling people you don't know what I've really been through, it's because you haven't gone deeper and said how did I grow? How did I get resilience? How did I get this tenacity? How did I learn to love deeper and more?

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

How did I see the bigger layers? How did I see the bigger layers? And that's where you can start trimming that fabric on the inside of the quilt and say it's not knotty.

Jana Shelfer:

It's clean and perfect. And when he says knotty, he's not talking like dirty, stinky.

Jason Shelfer:

It's K-N-O-T T-Y yeah.

Jana Shelfer:

It's not knotty.

Jason Shelfer:

That makes me think, oh my gosh, we're going to like Bow, chicka bow, wow, all right.

Jana Shelfer:

We're going to see it all today. It was a fabulous discussion. I also loved the fact that her life has manifested and she intentionally took steps along the way. She tells us a story about when her first son was born. She took the umbilical cord and she had it sent to Princeton University.

Jason Shelfer:

To be buried.

Jana Shelfer:

To be buried there because education was such a dream of hers and she wanted that for her children. And what's so fascinating is that her son went to princeton university and on scholarship.

Jason Shelfer:

So, and that's not an easy feat, the layla story. Really it comes down to layla got me on my knees, got me on my knees, so there's a lot to it and a lot of it comes down to those upper vibration, upper like the higher frequency feelings, yes and belief.

Jana Shelfer:

It's what you believe is your reality, and she just goes to show that the adversity that she has faced in her life. She literally came to America as an educated lawyer and then, all of a sudden, she doesn't have a way to make a living because her law degree isn't valid in the US. She doesn't have the money to go back to college. She has two children. At that point, she's a single mom and she's got bills to be paid. Now there's so many people that could live in resentment.

Jana Shelfer:

Doubt, disbelief, uncertainty, doubt and say you know what? Why did we come here? America is not the place of land of opportunity.

Jason Shelfer:

There's all this room for U-turns, and what it is, it's belief, is the ability to have the awareness of catching that feeling, catching that thought and saying no, what is the frequency I want to be in, what is the frequency that is truer to me, that lifts me and pulls me forward? And that is where she stayed.

Jana Shelfer:

We're having a pep rally here. I don't know if you can see us.

Jason Shelfer:

So she had that wherewithal to say to catch the thought instead of feeding it.

Jana Shelfer:

Catch the thought and then match the emotion to that. Am I right?

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, Feed the thought that you want to grow into. Yes, and that's the big thing. So feed the belief, feed the right belief.

Jana Shelfer:

I again, I want to introduce this woman to the world. When we left, I said what is your dream? What is your dream now, now that your kids are being successful and they are falling in love and doing all of those those wonderful things that she wanted for them? What is Layla's dream? And she said I'm thinking about writing a book. And she said it very meek and small. And I said yes, yes.

Jana Shelfer:

That needs to be Layla's next step, because her life is fascinating and she's full of such wisdom, especially spiritually. She is spiritually gifted.

Jason Shelfer:

And a dream is bigger than self, like it's bigger than this is for me. She wants to help people, like that's her thing is. She wants to help people live a bigger, better, more fulfilling life and giving the thoughts that she has the way she goes about things. That is a way to help more people live lucky.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, oh my gosh, jason, what you give to the world comes back to you tenfold. There's something to be said about karma, and that's law of attraction, right there. It's law of attraction law of vibration and the Nike, the Nike law which is just do it.

Jason Shelfer:

And it's the law of living lucky. Let's keep Living Lucky®.

Jana Shelfer:

Thanks for joining us today. We'll talk to you next time. Bye-bye.

Jason Shelfer:

Keep Living Lucky®.

Jana Shelfer:

If the idea of Living Lucky® appeals to you, visit us at www. livinglucky. com.