Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Success: Get In The Cycle.

Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 7 Episode 22

Unleash a Positive Transformation with Dance, Self-Love & the Upward Success Cycle! ✨

Ready to ditch negativity and spin into a life you crave? Join us, Jason & Jana Banana, on the Living Lucky® Podcast as we reveal the transformative power of an Upward Success Cycle.

In this episode, you'll discover:

  • How a simple dance class (like Rosa's!) can spark a holistic transformation, boosting your confidence, self-love,and overall well-being.
  • The secret to igniting this positive cycle: It doesn't matter where you start! Focus on actions, thoughts, or feelings, and watch the momentum build.
  • The magic of self-care. Rosa's story is a prime example: Dance lessons blossomed into a love for beauty routines, a confidence boost, and a total radiance! ✨
  • A hilarious (yet thought-provoking) analogy using the classic Tootsie Pop commercial to explain the cyclical nature of positivity: Look good, feel good, do good, BE good! (We won't spoil the "date number" debate, though ).
  • Practical tips to jumpstart your own Upward Success Cycle. Small, consistent actions lead to BIG results!
  • Why feeling good is the SECRET to life (yes, you read that right!). When you feel amazing, positive actions and thoughts flow naturally.

Bonus: We share our personal journey with fitness and health, proving that small changes (like working with a trainer!) can lead to a domino effect of positive transformations.

This episode is your invitation to:

  • Break free from negativity and step into a life filled with optimism. negativity!
  • Unleash your inner Rosa and discover the power of self-love and confidence.
  • Build a supportive community that uplifts and empowers you on your journey.
  • Live in alignment with your purpose and experience the magic of Living Lucky®!

Ready to get started? Press play and let's create that Upward Success Cycle together! We can't wait to see you living your best life!

P.S. Don't forget to subscribe for more inspiring content to keep you on your path to Living Lucky®!

Keywords: Upward Success Cycle, Positive Transformation, Self-Love, Confidence, Dance, Fitness, Self-Care, Feeling Good, Living Lucky®, Personal Development, Motivation, Inspiration

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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®. Good morning. I'm Jana Shelfer, and this is my husband, Jason Shelfer, and we are Living Lucky®. You are too, when you look good, you feel good. When you feel good, you do good.

Jason Shelfer:

When you do good, you look good you, you feel good, you do good. When you do good you look good, you get good. Yeah, that's right.

Jana Shelfer:

It's like an upward success cycle.

Jason Shelfer:

I want to be in that success cycle.

Jana Shelfer:

And it doesn't matter where you start, whether you start with the feeling, whether you start with the action, whether you start with the being. It all goes in a circle.

Jason Shelfer:

That sounds fun. Are you with me?

Jana Shelfer:

Oh yeah, as long as you're going in the upward success cycle. Yes, I bring this up because I was having dinner with this woman named Rosa, and Rosa has been taking dance lessons. We often talk about our dance lessons because they've been so life impacting for us.

Jason Shelfer:

I like to move it, move it, I like to move it.

Jana Shelfer:

And Jason, I often say that dance for us has really raised our vibration.

Jason Shelfer:

It has much, to my surprise. I mean it's it changes your state. You know, I didn't know that it was going to be this good.

Jana Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, I wouldn't have fought it this much if I knew on the other side of that fear it was going to be this amazing so when I was talking to rosa, who also has been taking dance lessons, she revealed to me that it has brought out a sexiness inside her. It's brought out this self-love, self-care where she is. She said I've never been a girly girl and now, all of a sudden, I'm getting my eyelashes done, I'm getting my nails done, I'm going to have a tan Me too, girl. I know that's what I said. It goes, bringing out a passion in me as well. I mean I want to. Yes, yes, yes, I'm doing crunches.

Jana Shelfer:

I am, I've started doing pushups, I'm starting doing push-ups.

Jason Shelfer:

I haven't started doing my nails yet, but who knows what next week's bringing.

Jana Shelfer:

It does bring out this self-care, this self-love. So which comes first? Is it the doing, the being, the feeling, the looking? Which comes first? I?

Jason Shelfer:

think it goes back to what you just said is it doesn't matter what comes first.

Jana Shelfer:

It's as long as you're going in the right direction.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, I remember when we first started looking at design change, yes, and one of the areas we looked at was what could we change the fastest that was going to start an impact in our lives, and it was for me, diet like diet and a trainer. So we had Cindy. Remember Cindy, like she came over.

Jana Shelfer:

So I'll never forget.

Jason Shelfer:

We changed our diet and we had Cindy come over and I hated work. We were in the best shape, I would hide in the house. When Cindy came over I was like, let me pretend like I'm not here. We would moan and then cindy would come over and she would work my, work me out for like 30 minutes and it was misery and I hated when cindy came over, but I loved when cindy had come over, like when cindy left.

Jana Shelfer:

We loved it when cindy left and I looked so jacked and so good we both did. I look at pictures and I'm like, oh my gosh.

Jason Shelfer:

And my sales, our sex life, like everything was good.

Jana Shelfer:

Everything went up.

Jason Shelfer:

So All of that just falls into and we were feeling good and we were doing good and we were looking good, and and all. So it was all of it.

Jana Shelfer:

I kid you not, I say this over and over, and I'm beginning to think that this is at the core of our brand the secret to life is how you feel.

Jason Shelfer:

How you feel, yeah, and it's when you feel, when you do, when you look, when you feel, when you do, when you look, when you. It's all the things. It's. It's what are you thinking about yourself?

Jana Shelfer:

but for me I I mean we spent years learning how to change our thoughts. I mean that that took a while right oh yeah and it's still. Every now and then I'll catch myself going. Oh, but just fantastic, this is great.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

Yes, and so I catch myself every now and then having a thought that will lead to a disempowering question. So it takes years sometimes to change your awareness of your thoughts and your mindset, to change your awareness of your thoughts and your mindset, and sometimes, when you start with the being or the action, you can wane off pretty quickly. You can fall off the cliff.

Jason Shelfer:

Get so tiresome, I just want to go back to the couch and go back to not doing.

Jana Shelfer:

Right, or you step into this confident new you and after two weeks you're like this isn't working. I don't feel confident, I feel stupid and silly and all of a sudden you're you're.

Jason Shelfer:

What's funny is. So you just said I don't feel confident. But if you felt confident then you could just go ahead and be.

Jana Shelfer:

Continue being confident. Which is beautiful, so I love that Because confident people don't doubt their thoughts and decisions and their actions.

Jason Shelfer:

No, they just go do confident things.

Jana Shelfer:

They just step into it. They're not asking themselves oh, what do you think everybody thought? Do you think everybody thought, I was okay?

Jason Shelfer:

Did I do well today, do you think?

Jana Shelfer:

I looked all right. So you're right, it's thoughts, feelings and actions which comes first. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if Rosa starts dancing. That changes the feeling and now all of a sudden she wants to be sexy. So then she starts getting her nails done and then she starts looking better. All of a sudden people are like what are you doing? Because I want what you're doing. You know what I saying.

Jason Shelfer:

And it might just be a love language, like it's what's your love language and how does your? How's your body coded to get it? How's your brain coded? Like is it? Are you the I need to be doing to feeling, to thinking, or are you the thinking to doing, to feeling what is well? How are you coded?

Jana Shelfer:

That is, I think we just had an aha moment. I really do Because everybody responds differently. And I will say for myself sometimes I respond differently in different areas of my life. And it all depends on where I've been hurt the most and where's the evidence?

Jason Shelfer:

Yes. What am I good at showing myself the measures of success? Because what I really need is I need to see progress.

Jana Shelfer:

I need to see that I'm moving forward.

Jason Shelfer:

I need to be able to define that and I go always back to like a road trip.

Jana Shelfer:

You do. If I'm on a road trip, I need to be able to see the mile markers. I think adventure is at the core of your soul.

Jason Shelfer:

Well, it's because road trips are so simple, because if you're on a road trip and you can see the mile markers, then you know you're making progress.

Jana Shelfer:

That is true.

Jason Shelfer:

And if I can see the mile markers, then I know that I'm on track. And if I know that I might be going in the wrong direction, right, but at least I'm going somewhere, and then I know, then I'll find out at some point that I took a wrong turn, and then I can turn around. Yes, but if I'm not going anywhere, then I'll figure that out at some point, cause I will feel it.

Jana Shelfer:

So as I was talking to Rosa, you know, I thought, which you know, even if she goes and gets her nails done, then your nails make you feel good.

Jason Shelfer:

Feel sexy, feel pretty, feel Right yeah.

Jana Shelfer:

And so then, the feeling makes you show up with a different energy. It's all about your energy.

Jason Shelfer:

You got that swagger. You're walking a little taller, you're showing your hands off.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, all of it.

Jana Shelfer:

And so then I think well, maybe it comes to the dancing, maybe the dancing and you know, there's different the bolero and the rumba. Like they're very sexual dances Second date song. Right Heading to the bedroom song it's not a second date, it's third date. It's like third date, you're getting lucky oh.

Jason Shelfer:

Is that how many dates? How many dates does it take to get to the center of the Tootsie Roll, tootsie Pop?

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, that could cause polarity.

Jason Shelfer:

Let's don't go there.

Jana Shelfer:

Everybody has their own thoughts on that, so we won't go there. But it's look good, feel good, feel good, do good, do good, be good, and when you're being good, you look good yes, I love it, like it is a circle. It's a circle, a success cycle let's get in that vortex love it.

Jason Shelfer:

Thanks for joining us Keep Living Lucky®.

Jana Shelfer:

Bye-bye. If the idea of Living Lucky® appeals to you, visit us at www. LivingLucky. com.