Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Dream Builders

Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 7 Episode 21

Are you living the live of your dreams? I mean Really Living Life to the fullest?  Discover the Dream-Building Blueprint to Success on Living Lucky®!

Tired of negativity swirling around you? Yearning to break free and ignite a powerful cycle of success? This episode of Living Lucky® is your key to unlocking a treasure trove of practical wisdom for achieving your dreams and building a fulfilling life.

Join Jana and Jason as they guide you on a transformative journey from dreamless to dreamer. They'll unveil the secrets behind the Living Lucky® philosophy, a powerful approach centered on creating, nurturing, and championing your deepest desires.

In this episode, you'll discover:

  • The Dream-Building Secret: How to unleash the transformative power of articulating your dreams and step into a world of possibility.
  • From "Me" to "We": The magic of supportive communities and the power of finding your tribe. Learn how to connect with like-minded individuals who will elevate and empower you on your journey.
  • The Sacred Pace: Avoid burnout and overwhelm by discovering your ideal rhythm for success. Learn to align your actions with your energy for effortless manifestation.
  • Vulnerability as Strength: Break free from self-imposed limitations and embrace the power of sharing your dreams. Jason shares his emotional liberation after finally voicing his aspirations in a safe, supportive space.
  • Men and Dreams: Explore the unique challenges men face in expressing their dreams. Learn how to cultivate a space of open communication and break free from limiting societal expectations.

This episode is your invitation to:

  • Reclaim your childhood desires
  • Align with your highest self
  • Embrace vulnerability
  • Find your Dream Builder Crew
  •  Surround Yourself With A Supportive Network 

Feeling inspired? There's more! Jana and Jason delve into the inspiring story of the Dream Builders Club, a men's group dedicated to supporting each other's aspirations. 

This episode is a must-listen for anyone who desires:

  • To break free from negativity and cultivate a life of optimism.
  • To finally

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!!! SEND US A MESSAGE: Are you ready to unlock your path to a more inspired life where you're Living Lucky®? Email me directly and let's chart your course toward realizing your dreams and creating a life that fills you with daily inspiration.
Email Jason Shelfer

The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®.

Jason Shelfer:

Good morning.

Jana Shelfer:

I'm Jana Shelfer, and this is my husband, Jason Shelfer and we are Living Lucky®. You are too. We love creating dreams, we love talking about dreams, we love hearing what other people's dreams are and then helping them push toward those dreams.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, let's create dreams together.

Jana Shelfer:

And this has been our MO from the very, very beginning of Living Lucky® is what's your dream.

Jason Shelfer:

It's just been fun. It's been a fun experiment.

Jana Shelfer:

It's fun. Tell us about the group that you're in.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, so Dream Builders, and I got lucky to hear about it about four years ago and it was from a South African general who's in our neighborhood Right and he said, and he knew what we had been up to. Yes, and he said Jason, what you and your wife are doing, you would be perfect for our Dream Builders Club.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, and Now I remember him saying that. And then weeks and weeks went by.

Jason Shelfer:

A year.

Jana Shelfer:

Before you got the actual invitation.

Jason Shelfer:

And it wasn't until.

Jana Shelfer:

I actually ran into the same guy while he was walking his dog and I said so. When are you going to invite Jason to that dream builders group?

Jason Shelfer:

And I want to thank you for that.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah because I was bold, I had asked him three or four times between, and he would say, yeah, I'm going to get you that, I'm going to get you that. And what he told me was he said I saw you, I know that you were doing a lot of things and I didn't think you were ready to come in. He said that to you, yes, and I don't think I was. I mean, they're serious, like they're doing big things, and it's a group of about 18 guys. They get together at 6 am one Friday a month, right, and they talk about it's an open space to just discuss your dream.

Jason Shelfer:

And your dream is bigger than yourself.

Jana Shelfer:

I want to, okay. So I'm going to stop you right there, because I want to say, first of all, for men to get together, because it's men, only for men to get together and to express their dreams. I think that's huge. I think that's so huge because most men don't really talk. They get together to watch the football game.

Jason Shelfer:

And we don't face each other.

Jana Shelfer:

They get together to play golf, and some of the biggest business deals are made on the golf course. Well, it's because they don't have to look at each other in the eye.

Jason Shelfer:

The only time we look each other in the eye is when we're shaking hands and we're greeting each other, get to know each other, and then we turn to the side, yes, and we talk, looking out at the sunset.

Jana Shelfer:

Men do not like to chit chat at all. I mean, we go to Thanksgiving every year and you're with your family and the shelf are not putting the shelf down.

Jason Shelfer:

We look out over the lake and we talk.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, they're like hey. So you know how are you Good, how are you Great.

Jason Shelfer:

And I'm getting much more Family okay, yep. Yep.

Jana Shelfer:

How about your side?

Jason Shelfer:

Yep Doing real good Not too shabby. If we were doing any better, we'd have to be twins.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

And then it's like, well, let's go get some pie, let's get another turkey leg and good catching up with you this year.

Jana Shelfer:

That's right.

Jason Shelfer:

And then it's another year before. You have that surface Now we can stand in this big circle as a family and share news, but it's hard to stand right across from each other. Yeah, I'm getting much more comfortable sitting right across from someone, looking them in the eyes, like feeling their energy and going deep into what they want out of life.

Jana Shelfer:

What's exciting them, what that big thing is that they want to create for themselves in the world. I actually see it in their demeanor and in the way they, when they start talking about what they really want, they light up a little differently. Wouldn't you say yeah?

Jason Shelfer:

And a big part of that is for me, cause, I'll be honest with you, the first time I sat in there I cried. I cried telling my dream I know I didn't tell you this and I got goosebumps telling about now because it was so liberating, because I never articulated out loud what I really wanted to other people, to other powerful men and other people that I thought they're either going to think I'm silly they're either going to think I'm crazy or they're just going to laugh me out of the room crazy or they're just gonna laugh me out of the room, whatever. I didn't know what was going to happen, but it was. I was scared and I was, um, I'm concerned that I hadn't thought it out fully.

Jana Shelfer:

That might need to be our next podcast is why are we scared to articulate our dreams? Because I face that exact same thing, Jason.

Jason Shelfer:

I think what happens is our soul knows what we really want. Yes, because we've done a lot of work. We've done so much work over the last 10 years of really peeling back the layers and getting down to who am I and what are the things that I really want out of life and how do I want to impact the world and what kind of contributions do I want to make. What are the experiences that I want to have? What's going to make this life really mean something? Yes, and when we get down into it, then we get back to really, for me, who was I when I was four or five years old and what was I doing then? Like I was exploring the world and I was helping people and I was so excited about doing that and I was loving everyone so fully.

Jana Shelfer:

And I was so excited about doing that and I was loving everyone so fully.

Jason Shelfer:

And you often talk about just being a kid and going on adventures, getting on your bicycle. I mean, I was dirty, honestly, I was making a mess, but people loved me.

Jana Shelfer:

You're still living your dream, honey, I know People love me, you're making messes, and people love you.

Jason Shelfer:

Trust me, you're making messes and people love you and people were laughing around me and they were talking about how I would go from. I would go from our house to all the neighbor's houses looking for things to help someone else, like if a neighbor, if I heard overheard a neighbor saying I really need this, I would go search the neighborhood and maybe the next neighborhood over to find it, so that they would have what they needed in life.

Jana Shelfer:

I love that.

Jason Shelfer:

And that's like I want to be a builder. I want to be this. I want to be someone that is able to add to the world. Yes, and because we all have things that we're not using. Like the whole planet is full of all the resources that we need and we're not maximizing the utility of them. So this is one of those things where I was able to express this dream that I've had. But I was told when I was six like you're not enough, you're you're too small, you're going to get hurt. You're like you can't do these things, and I just lived in that.

Jana Shelfer:

And I started adjusting towards things like these smaller dreams. Yeah, because I will say that you have also expressed I don't think that I'm speaking for you, but you've also expressed that you kind of played a I don't want to say clown, but you kind of played a goofball role sometimes.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, I did because I was kind of labeled as the screw up, Because I like one of those things. Was it hurt when I was told you're not enough. You're not enough, so instead of when you're young, you don't have the faculty or the capacity to really handle those hard hit, like when something hits hard and crushes your dream yes. You either. Just I don't, I don't. I'm not a psychiatrist, so I don't know all the ways that you handle this. The way I handled it was joke. Make someone laugh.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

So why don't we turn my utter pain and hurt into something that makes people laugh, so I don't cry, wow? And then what I did was I said you know what Well, whenever I feel a certain way, or whenever I feel like someone else feels a certain way, I will use humor. So that's what I lived in is if I ever felt like an awkward situation came up, or I ever. And so that's why, like laughing at a funeral or something, gets tense.

Jason Shelfer:

Here comes the here comes the inappropriateness and it still comes out. It's okay, I don't mind Like people think less of me. Whatever, I don't care, cause it's coming out of love is what it is.

Jana Shelfer:

No, when Jason met my family for the first time, there was silence at the table, and the first, the first thing you did was you just started talking to make people laugh and it was absolute nonsense that came out.

Jason Shelfer:

Your dad said is he on drugs? I found this out later. I was like, and I thought I should be offended, like I was like. I was like oh no, how do I repair this? Because I was hurt but I was like how do I explain who I am and like what's going on, but I had no faculties about that at the time.

Jana Shelfer:

So laughter is your go-to defense mechanism. It's the way you protect yourself.

Jason Shelfer:

So I was so in, I felt so free and open in this group of men. So first thing we do is when we get in there at 6 am, so we get there at like five till five, we have breakfast, we pray in the meeting just to say, hey, we're here, this is completely safe and open. And I felt open and safe, safe and open. And I felt open and safe and I the words just came out of my mouth of of what I wanted and and all these things and I was like and I said you know what I struggle and I feel like sometimes I'm trying and that I do screw up, and sometimes I feel like I try and I because I'm trying to prove that I try too hard and I try to overdo, and because I try to overdo and I go beyond my, my natural pace, that I screw up.

Jana Shelfer:

I'm getting teary eyed right now Because I try to, because I hope you never feel that way around me, and I know that there's been times when you have felt that way, and I don't I mean I in. From my perspective, you are the jackpot of life. So I I know that you have felt that way before and I don't want you to.

Jason Shelfer:

So the only way I know how to really describe this so people understand what that looks like in my world is when you're trying to prove that you're capable or you're trying to prove your worth or value is almost the visual that comes to my mind is clearing the dining room table. The visual that comes to my mind is clearing the dining room table and there's so many dishes. But you're like, oh, I want to help, so I'm going to grab all the dishes in one trip and take them to the sink. And now you know that you're an excellent dining room table clearer. I can do this. We can all do this very well and very easily. But I want to show you that I'm so good at it because I want you to be proud of me, so I'm going to do it all in one trip. But when you try to go beyond your pace and beyond your capacity, you spill dishes, you drop a plate, you drop a cup shatters on the floor. Now it's a big mess.

Jana Shelfer:

You're a screw up again.

Jason Shelfer:

You were trying to help, so you've created the same thing again, yes, and now you're hurt.

Jana Shelfer:

And now your mom is like just go in the other room so I can clean this up, Right.

Jason Shelfer:

So now you're again the screw up. So that's what I'm talking about, where you say okay, find your sacred pace, you can go harder, like you don't have to go.

Jana Shelfer:

Right, so let's stick to the dream builder.

Jason Shelfer:

So you all come together and you express what your dreams are. And it's not about joining someone else's dream.

Jason Shelfer:

It's just about saying it out loud Because when you put it out there if someone else feels called to it, it out loud because when you put it out there, if someone else feels called to it, they're welcome to help you, they're welcome to say, hey, I know someone that's kind of on that path. They may be able to offer insight. It's a beautiful thing and it's just been amazing. Some of the dreams that have actually already come to fruition are incredible.

Jana Shelfer:

And I feel like that is what we started doing when we would ask people what's your dream? What's your dream?

Jason Shelfer:

Absolutely, and more people need to be thinking about their dream, because so many people in the world are just not talking about their dreams. They aren't even thinking about their dreams.

Jana Shelfer:

Do you have an example of a dream that's come true in this group that you're in?

Jason Shelfer:

Well, yeah, they've built massive schools in Africa, they've built a monument out in California and we're talking like millions of dollars worth of things. They've done movies. They've created several movies that are faith-based movies out of this one group. This group is 20 years old, wow, and the founder of the group, kenan birch, has got diagnosed eight years ago with um cancer and a couple years ago, I think, with pancreatic cancer.

Jana Shelfer:

And I will say something about Kenan, because I've been to a couple events now where Kenan has been there. He attracts so many people that want to support him, and the reason they want to support him is because he has helped people follow their dreams.

Jason Shelfer:

Think about, has helped people follow their dreams. Think about and I think and he doesn't use the terminology we use where it's defined and designed, but it's when you help someone put words and thought behind their own dream.

Jana Shelfer:

And know their divine design.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

I mean and again he doesn't use these exact same words, but we are speaking of the same thing. It is getting in connection with an alignment your highest self, the universe, god, and saying what is it that I was created on this earth to do? What did my soul come to this planet to do?

Jason Shelfer:

Because that's what satisfies your soul.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, that's what lights you up. That's what it's called living in spirit. It's inspired in spirit is inspired. I call it living lucky and we call it living lucky, but it's living in spirit.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

It is because there's an energy there. And when you really tune into that frequency the right people, the right place, the right time, the right opportunities and it does feel like you're living lucky.

Jason Shelfer:

It's a vortex of success and just it's beautiful.

Jana Shelfer:

Now you have to do your part. That's the thing is. You have to take have to do your part. That's the thing is you have to. You have to take action and do your part, and sometimes that means really becoming aware of your thoughts, becoming aware of your feelings.

Jason Shelfer:

So I mean, it's a little more complex than that, but it's living in spirit and I think that's the beauty of having these 15 guys, 18 guys, 20 guys. However, many people show up on a week, on a monthly basis, because we get to start saying, okay, well, what actions are you taking towards this? Like, you keep each other accountable it's almost like having a coach, but we have our own coaches and most of the people in there have a coach, so it's beautiful because it's it's this rising tide.

Jason Shelfer:

It's almost like you can visibly or consciously see this rising dream machine happening. Yes, Well, every month. I love it.

Jana Shelfer:

I love it. Good discussion, thank you.

Jason Shelfer:

Thank you, we'll see you next time. Keep Living Lucky®.

Jana Shelfer:

Bye-bye. If the idea of Living Lucky® appeals to you, visit us at www. LivingLucky. com.