Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Creating A Reality of Love

June 17, 2024 Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 7 Episode 20

Ever Feel Like Love Dances Around You? Attract Your Soulmate with Powerful Frequency Shifts! [Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason & Jana Banana]

Feeling stuck in a cycle of negativity? Yearning for a love that lights up your life? This episode of Living Lucky® is your key to unlocking a treasure trove of practical wisdom for attracting love and building a rock-solid relationship.

Join Jana and Jason as they bust the myth of "finding" love and instead guide you on how to become love. Discover the powerful practice of  shedding emotional barriers and embracing a state of radical self-love. Learn how Jason transformed his sales career by prioritizing the needs of his customers, a shift that brought him not only success but also deeper, more meaningful connections.

In this episode, you'll unlock golden nuggets like:

  • The Law of Attraction: How to vibrate at a frequency of love to attract your perfect partner.
  • From "Me" to "We": Shifting your focus from self-interest to genuine care for profound relationship growth.
  • From Friendship to Forever: Overcoming hesitations about marriage and building a wildly fulfilling life together.
  • The Strength of Vulnerability: The power of open communication and facing challenges head-on as a team.
  • Love Beyond Limits: How navigating disability within a relationship can foster deeper empathy and appreciation.
  • Creating Your Reality: Learn to embody the qualities you seek in a partner and watch your ideal love story unfold.

This episode is a must-listen for anyone who desires:

  • To cultivate a heart overflowing with love.
  • To attract a partner who mirrors your values and aspirations.
  • To build a relationship that weathers any storm and grows stronger with time.
  • To communicate openly and honestly, even when it's tough.
  • To embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, together.

Ready to rewrite the narrative of your love life? Press play and join Jana and Jason on their heartwarming journey to happily ever after. Let Living Lucky® be your guide to attracting love, building a soul-deep connection, and creating a life filled with extraordinary experiences.

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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®.

Jason Shelfer:

I'm Jason Shelfer and we are Living Lucky®.

Jana Shelfer:

I feel particularly lucky because we had a dance recital on Saturday and people afterwards they weren't coming up to me saying, oh my gosh, you guys were awesome on the dance floor.

Jason Shelfer:

We were awesome though.

Jana Shelfer:

They weren't commenting on our moves. They weren't commenting on the costumes that I made.

Jason Shelfer:

We had some good moves and costumes.

Jana Shelfer:

You know what they all said. There was a common thread. Everyone commented on the love that we share the connection that we have and people were saying here's the question, here's the number one question that I get, no matter if I speak or no matter what I do.

Jason Shelfer:

Who's your instructor?

Jana Shelfer:

No, no, no, no. They say how do I find a Jason? How do I find a Jason?

Jason Shelfer:

I received that. That's a compliment to me and to you, I think.

Jana Shelfer:

So, jason, what is the secret sauce in being you?

Jason Shelfer:

I would say it is just to love fully. So, if there is a, I think the energy that we bring is if there's a imagine, you have a body and your body is a temple, yes, and you have a protective barrier around yourself. Knock that barrier completely down, because that barrier, if that barrier is resistant to you receiving or giving love in any capacity.

Jana Shelfer:

That's good advice. That is so good because you know what? In my life, I feel like I do put up this barrier and I am very, very particular with who I let in. Now, once I let someone in like the inner circle I love them so fully, like you and tater yeah like tater has, like she's unconditional I think you are too.

Jason Shelfer:

She yeah, but if I pooped on the floor I would be in trouble I don't know.

Jana Shelfer:

I pick up your socks almost every single day like if I, just if I decided hey, you know what, I'm tired of going into the bathroom.

Jason Shelfer:

You'd be like, hey, I'm not putting up with this any longer you do wake up with your balls hanging out.

Jana Shelfer:

Quite often it's hot.

Jason Shelfer:

That's my. That's my self-contained air conditioning unit. We can't turn the air down any any colder, and it's like I have to cool down somehow okay, that's we're a little off topic, so but loving freely and not putting walls up. I think that is really, really key I think that's where my energy shifted and that's where I really started allowing people in, and also things changed for me. It was a new receivership for me and also a new way of me giving.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

And the more I was able to give.

Jana Shelfer:

Do you have any particular examples of when that shift happened?

Jason Shelfer:

I think it started in sales actually.

Jana Shelfer:

I would say in sales, yes, but you had a different energy when you were in sales. I feel like your energy has shifted just in the last three years.

Jason Shelfer:

It has shifted, but I think it started. So the awareness of loving happened in sales, when I because I was doing everything for gain in sales and then it turned into actually loving my customers. Like it turned into providing a solution and if I wasn't the right solution, like if I wasn't the right fit for them it was helping them find the right fit.

Jana Shelfer:

That's so good. It's like when you go to the the boutique and you're looking for a particular outfit and the person helping you says you know, we might not have exactly what you're looking for here, but I was just at the mall of millennia and they have a store there that, I think, is exactly what you're looking for. And the minute that they help me get to where I want to go, I'm like I will come back here and shop every single time.

Jason Shelfer:

And that's what happened for me, and so literally the people that were not my customers called me all the time for all kinds of weird things, but it was a relationship, yes. And through that, through understanding what relationships were, then I started calling them when I needed things or when I didn't understand something or when I needed clarification or help on something, and it just created this new communication system where it wasn't about ego, it wasn't about what can I get? There's that ego word again. It was more about how can we help each other.

Jana Shelfer:

How can we?

Jason Shelfer:

love each other, and how can we help each other get what they need and get to where they want, or get what they desire out of life and the experiences that they they're looking for?

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, that's really good, that's really good and I do think, in a relationship when you know I'm, I'm always put your own needs first. I do believe that. However, when it comes to Jason and I, I feel like we are so connected that I feel like our I mean, I'm pretty in tune with what your values are, and so if I know something isn't going to uplift you, then I don't want to do it because I put love as my number one value Right and that, and I do the same thing.

Jason Shelfer:

So we, we definitely are strictly values first, but it's like if we, if it's if something is detrimental to one of us, we're going to take care of ourselves first. So, like our health, those things, because we want to be there for the other person always.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, yes.

Jason Shelfer:

And that's one of those things where it's like we will like, cause we're going to meditate every day. We're going to get in the right attitude first.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, it's my job. It's my job to show up as my best self.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, right, yes, as my best self. Yes, right, yes.

Jana Shelfer:

And that is me loving Jason.

Jason Shelfer:

Because if I show up like a turd, if I wake up in a bad mood in the morning, please don't show up as a turd. I don't want to be married to a stink bomb If I show up in a bad mood, if I'm grumpy if I show up, even if I show up to a party and misrepresent myself in a crummy way, it reflects poorly on us, on both of us, and I'm like that's not and that's not who I want to be.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, I agree.

Jason Shelfer:

As myself even. But sometimes I have a bad day and I'm like I don't and I'm just not being authentic to myself. Okay, because I'm just like having a pity party for myself. You just got like a slightly southern accent when you said a pity party, because I recognize it you sound like Paula Deen. Because I've learned to throw these silly voices on myself when I'm doing things that aren't true to who I am.

Jason Shelfer:

Oh, that's funny and it helps me say hey, what are you doing? What are you doing here? Because that's not you. You're putting on a show.

Jana Shelfer:

So when people come up to me, because they come up to me constantly and they ask me how do I attract a Jason Jason? What would you say is the secret sauce to that? What is the answer? What is the answer? What?

Jason Shelfer:

you do. What you've done is you've said you know what I'm fearless. I don't allow outside circumstances to dictate my life. That is true, I say my imagination and my determination are bigger than anything that life is going to throw at me and I create my desired outcomes. Yes, so that when you do something like that that creates this, this area around you that's so energetic and so magnetizing, that says, hey, what's it like to be around this person?

Jana Shelfer:

So what I hear you saying is we attract what we are. Yes, we don't attract what we want. We attract who we are.

Jason Shelfer:

When we first met in 2004, it was during four hurricanes in a row, that is true, and we were alone.

Jana Shelfer:

That is true.

Jason Shelfer:

With not much. God did me a solid, we taught, we had a deck of old is true, and we were alone, that is true, with not much. God did me a solid, we talked, we had a deck of old maid cards. Yes, and Totino's frozen pizza rolls in the freezer. That is, and we talked Fact For probably 10 days.

Jana Shelfer:

We did.

Jason Shelfer:

And there wasn't much else, like it was crazy, right, but that was equivalent to like six months of dating, but that was equivalent to like six months of dating, like when you talk that much, we talked, we talked and I got to learn so much about you and got to experience so much of you. When we met, I was convinced. I was like I'm not getting married.

Jana Shelfer:

She will be a friend.

Jason Shelfer:

I was like I'm freaking awesome and honestly I was like and I'm going to. I was like and I'm gonna have a wheelchair girl like friend girl like I, was like oh my gosh, but it was like you're a chair chaser well. I wasn't a chair chaser, but it was like. It was like I will have a friend that's in a wheelchair, but I would never marry.

Jana Shelfer:

I'm not getting married right, I know I was the same way.

Jason Shelfer:

Like I was so happy being single because I was like I'm done with girl games.

Jana Shelfer:

I know.

Jason Shelfer:

Done Girl games. And then I met you, and this energy that you have and this person that you are made me go. I never want to be without you Boing.

Jana Shelfer:

It made you go boing.

Jason Shelfer:

Something like that. But I said I never want to be away from this girl. And then you left for 30 days, I did, or more, to go to the Olympics. I did the Paralympics and I said, and then when you came back I was like, how do I get to her quickest? And I met you in DC.

Jana Shelfer:

I know.

Jason Shelfer:

That was so romantic. And I, because I couldn't stand it, I was like I, I have to be near you. And then we got back to Orlando and I said, can we, can we date, can we be together? And we, and then two years later we were getting married less than two yeah.

Jason Shelfer:

So it was um, and I was like who is this guy? But I was like I knew that I couldn't live my life anymore without you in it, and that's how you get adjacent. Is you be a person that creates your reality? Yes, and you be a person that says I dictate what happens in my life. I create my, my reality.

Jana Shelfer:

I also want to say that through our relationship, we have evolved together and I really give us both credit on that, because I feel like we've learned to communicate and we've learned to have tough conversations, whereas when I see Jason coaches a lot of relationships in the Mindvalley community and when I hear you talking to people or helping others with their relationship, I immediately see how we've become different. How we've become different and many times I think because of our circumstances, because I have a disability and you know molding those two worlds. We've had to learn to communicate differently, we've had to learn to navigate differently, we've had to learn to think differently.

Jason Shelfer:

And we've gone through our time in the desert.

Jana Shelfer:

We we have, and it was in that time in the desert when we decided you know what it's all about, the questions we ask, and seriously and when I say time in the desert, I mean like times where things were freaking hard marriage can be hard sometimes yes, like things like that's a limiting belief, However well, we went through it. We went through it and I am grateful that we did, because I feel going through that actually took us to a whole different level.

Jason Shelfer:

I think we went through some difficulties that a lot of people don't make it through.

Jana Shelfer:

I I will say that and I also think that many times when people are going through those kinds of difficulties, they maybe push things aside, push things aside or ignore what. They turn a blind eye to what's really happening A lot of times it's out of fear, until it's too late, until you have to confront.

Jason Shelfer:

And then we just said I remember you said distinctly to me we have to look at this.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, we have to grow together. If we're going to grow, we need to grow together.

Jason Shelfer:

And we made a decision.

Jana Shelfer:

We're not being extraordinary. Both of us, individually, were created on this planet by God and he said I'm going to create two extraordinary individuals. He's done that in all of you, everyone that's listening you are extraordinary, you are extraordinary. And we had a conversation where we said we're not being extraordinary in our relationship, we are, that's. That's one area that we have kind of just let coast. We became complacent. We became complacent.

Jason Shelfer:

We were extraordinary people who got into this relationship to have an extraordinary experience of life and we had become complacent in our relationship and in some other areas of life.

Jana Shelfer:

And we started looking at what we don't want, what's missing, what we could have had. I mean, that's all language that is looking in the wrong direction. And once you start asking those questions, then you are reverse manifesting and you're actually causing chaos.

Jason Shelfer:

You're bringing the familiar past and putting it into the unpredictable future.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, so I mean there's. When someone asked me the question how do I attract a Jason, I simply say write down everything you're looking for, Imagine it, feel it and then become it. Become everything that you want in a partner. Just become that, because we attract who we are.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, so you know what, when we first started this and you asked me that question and I said love, fully, knock down that wall. Yes, I think what it came down to really is get into those higher vibrational feelings, those higher like be that person if you want to find love be love have thoughts and feelings of a person that's in love.

Jana Shelfer:

A person that's in love doesn't go oh, I'm exhausted, I gotta go lay on the couch. A person that's in love doesn't say I'm gonna just pig out, I gotta go lay on the couch. A person that's in love doesn't say I'm gonna just pig out and feel sorry for myself because I'm such a victim and life isn't fair.

Jason Shelfer:

And I'll never find anybody.

Jana Shelfer:

A person that's in love. You know what they're doing.

Jason Shelfer:

They are so exuberant they have this awakening about them and they're looking at life through rose-colored freaking glasses. That's Like they are.

Jana Shelfer:

Life is the most beautiful thing to them. They're feeling lit, lit inside and they want to show up as their best Turned up for what? They want to be charismatic and they show up all of a sudden. They're a little bit funnier, they become better looking. When you're in love, you become all these things. Why? Is it because you're in love or is it because you're having the feelings?

Jason Shelfer:

that you're in love. It's because you're in that higher vibrational frequency, yes, and that higher vibrational frequency is vibrating all of you.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

And it's bringing things to you.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, Because it is a magnet. It is a magnet.

Jason Shelfer:

And when you're in those higher vibrational frequencies, you are L living L ucky®.

Jana Shelfer:

So, to make this full circle and to wrap this up, people say how do I attract Jason? Well, it is no accident that the year Jason and I met, right around the exact time that Jason and I met, I was just offered my dream job at Real Radio. I was on the Paralympic team getting ready to go to the Paralympics.

Jason Shelfer:

In Greece.

Jana Shelfer:

In Greece. So I was in the best shape of my life and all of a sudden this guy comes around.

Jason Shelfer:

I mean Looked like Adonis from Greece.

Jana Shelfer:

But what I'm really trying to say is how do you attract adjacent? I was living as my best self. I was living as my best self, I was loving my life. I was loving it and I was also very appreciative and content with everything that I had, because it was.

Jason Shelfer:

You were grateful in the moment you were all the high vibration frequencies I was living in a higher frequency.

Jana Shelfer:

And then guess who just happens to come along? My soulmate, who also was living in a high frequency at that time. Because you were a single guy in Orlando making lots of money and it just felt like. I was living life. In fact, you had just gotten a promotion, yeah I was doing it all, and so we, we were both living in these higher vibrations yeah, higher. It's all about how you feel. All right, that's enough for today when you got that swagger.

Jason Shelfer:

That's right. That's right, let's continue everyone everyone.

Jana Shelfer:

Let's continue. Everyone, everyone is . Thanks for joining us.

Jason Shelfer:

Keep L living L lucky.

Jana Shelfer:

Bye-bye. If the idea of Living Lucky® appeals to you, visit us at www. L ivingLucky. com.