Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Walking Again: The Power of Belief

June 10, 2024 Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 7 Episode 17

Break Through Limitations & Dive Into Possibilities!
Stuck in a rut? Feeling like you've hit a dead end on your path to personal growth? This episode of the Living Lucky® Podcast will crack that wide open and propel you towards a future brimming with possibility.

Join Jana and Jason as they delve into the transformative power of #intention, #belief, and #innovative thinking. You'll be inspired by their personal journey of breaking negative patterns and embracing new horizons.

Dive Deep into Underwater Healing:

  • Discover the incredible Scuba Gym, a one-of-a-kind underwater rehab facility created by a determined father seeking to help his paralyzed son heal.
  • Witness the power of water therapy firsthand, as Jana experiences a newfound range of motion underwater, igniting hope and possibility.
  • Learn how embracing #unconventional #solutions can unlock profound healing and growth.

The Belief Factor: How Others Can Help Us Rise

  • Be captivated by a powerful story from a Mindvalley manifestation conference: a paraplegic man stands up and walks, fueled by the collective belief of those around him.
  • Explore the impact of external #expectations and #belief on overcoming internal barriers.
  • Gain insights into the power of #visualization and how it can pave the way for extraordinary outcomes.

Key Takeaways to Transform Your Life:

  • Unleash the potential within you by taking #accountability for your growth.
  • Embrace the power of "what if?" Let curiosity be your guide as you explore new avenues for self-improvement.
  • Commit to living lucky!  Embrace new paths to personal growth and stay open to the unexpected adventures that await.

Bonus Nuggets of Wisdom:

  • Learn why setting clear intentions is a powerful tool for attracting the right people and opportunities into your life.
  • Discover the delicate dance between supporting someone's #potential and respecting their personal journey.

This episode is a treasure trove of inspiration and practical wisdom. It will leave you brimming with newfound hope and ready to embark on your own adventure of self-discoveryJoe Dispenza's Book Becoming Supernatural

Are you ready to unlock your potential and start living lucky? 

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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start L iving Lucky®. Good morning. My name's Jana Shelfer and this is my husband, Jason Shelfer, and we are Living Lucky®. You are too.

Jason Shelfer:

I almost forgot my name when you said my name's Jana.

Jana Shelfer:

Oh, J ason, are we back to those COVID days?

Jason Shelfer:

No, I'm so used to it going. I'm Jana, so it's about routine.

Jana Shelfer:

I caught myself this morning saying what am I doing? What am I even doing?

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and I think it's just about patterns and about routine.

Jana Shelfer:

I was on autopilot and I literally was grabbing for something and then I thought what am I doing? I'm not even in the right room.

Jason Shelfer:

Sometimes we do the things that we're used to doing, and that, I think, plays really well into what we're going to talk about this morning, Because on Friday or last week we did something that I haven't seen you do in the 20 years that we've been together.

Jana Shelfer:

Ever Okay. So how should we even preface this? Jason and I are doing this Living Lucky TV show and the first episode of Living Lucky TV. We literally set the intention to the universe, to God, to say, hey, take us to the people that we need to connect with and help us deliver the message that you want us to share with everyone that is watching this.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, take us to the people that we need to meet, teach us the things we need to learn, give us the opportunities that are meant for us and have us open to the experience. And we have literally just in, like the whole Living Lucky program the right people have fallen in place, the right opportunities in the right timing.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, at the right place.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, it's been incredible.

Jana Shelfer:

So, anyway, we're on episode three and we end up at this scuba gym. Now you're thinking scuba gym. That is so weird.

Jason Shelfer:

That's G-Y-M.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, it's an underwater workout rehab facility. So you put on scuba gear and you go underwater. You go 12 feet underwater and then the therapists work with you, depending on what you're trying to improve.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and it's like nerve manipulation, it's body movement.

Jana Shelfer:

I mean there's people underwater that are playing ball, they're playing catch, they're working on sensory deprivation, there's people who are working on physical rehab, and I just found this whole gym fascinating because it stemmed from this guy and his son, his son at the age of 11 developed a brain tumor and ended up with paralysis from about the neck down and he just started thinking outside the box and trying to find a way to help his son. His intention was love.

Jason Shelfer:

I need to help my son, and a lot of the medical experts said that hyperbaric treatment was going to be one of the best forms of therapy for him, but it was going to be thousands of these treatments.

Jana Shelfer:

And it was so expensive.

Jason Shelfer:

So expensive. They couldn't afford that, and he was a master diver already. So he just thought well, what if? I learn about therapy and nerve stimulation, and I take him underwater with scuba gear and I take him underwater with scuba gear.

Jana Shelfer:

Now this guy Dave I'll call him Dave because that's his name he's actually a computer programmer by trade. So you can see how it's almost like his life path was leading him to this. He was a computer programmer and a scuba diver, so those were his two expertise and he put them together and he takes his son underwater and he starts, you know, tapping and touching, and realizing okay, what nerves are still firing, when are they firing and how can we rewire his brain so that he can learn how to maneuver these?

Jason Shelfer:

like recoding it is.

Jana Shelfer:

It's recoding the body and being underwater that takes away all of the gravity, so you're literally not fighting. I know gravity for most people is like well, gravity, gravity doesn't really. That's not much weight. But when you are learning to walk or learning to remove or maneuver your body in different ways, gravity is.

Jason Shelfer:

Plays a big role.

Jana Shelfer:

It's huge. Yes, that's like lifting a 50 pound weight.

Jason Shelfer:

It's a weighty subject.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, thank you. Thank you for helping me out. And over time his son began to get all sorts of feeling and movement back and now his son walks with a slight limp. But you would never know it unless you knew his backstory. I mean it was a miracle in progress, and after that then he opened this gym to anyone who wants to.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, he became a licensed therapist.

Jana Shelfer:

Heal their bodies.

Jason Shelfer:

And took it to Australia, took it to several different cities and a couple of places around the globe and we found out about it by our third episode and you did it for the first time last week I got in the water.

Jana Shelfer:

I'm like I want to try this, I want to try this. And, jason, from your perspective, what did you see? Because if I say it, I don't think people would believe it.

Jason Shelfer:

I saw your body move in a way that I haven't I've never seen. First of all, I've never seen it move. I mean, I saw you in video from before you were 15, like before your accident, right in video. Yeah, from before you were 15, like before your accident, right. But I never have, I never in my mind. I haven't put the, the abilities that I saw, like I saw you jumping underwater I was jumping, I saw your legs actually doing the steps. I walking, I know it was it was I was crying.

Jason Shelfer:

I'm crying, you're crying. Dave is like just this Okay, you're, the nerves are working the way they're supposed to work. We just need to get the brain to say, oh, this is where they, this is where the communication needs to go. And I was like and he's, he's seen the process work before, so he's just recoding down there.

Jana Shelfer:

He is.

Jason Shelfer:

And it's really weird to me. But it's being open to it because for so long we've been told there's no way to do this. This doesn't like there's no path here.

Jana Shelfer:

It's a limiting belief. I was told that the one part of your body that cannot regenerate is your spinal cord and I feel like somewhere deep in my subconscious mind. I mean, I did therapy after my accident for, oh gosh, maybe two years and it got to the point where I wasn't seeing any improvement and it was time consuming and it was almost disappointing Every time I would go. It was disappointing Every time anyone would ask me about it how's your therapy coming? It felt like I was letting not only myself down, but I was letting the world down.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, it feels like and I can imagine this because when you're working so hard on something and you're investing, it's an investment. It was Because you're putting time, energy resources into it and you're not seeing any progress. It's just the doing. And this is what it feels like to be on the hamster wheel.

Jana Shelfer:

And it got, yes, and it got to the point where it started to really take a toll on me emotionally and spiritually. And so then, at that point, I made the decision that you know what it's better for me to accept my circumstances, accept my situation and spend that time that I was spending on rehab, spend that time to lift weights in the gym and to get stronger with my upper body, because my upper body is now going to need to compensate for my daily living. Yeah, and you can see results there.

Jana Shelfer:

And I could see results, and not only results. I mean, I started playing wheelchair sports and I started accelerating yeah, in this life. So I was getting attention, whereas going to rehab for an hour a day, it felt like I was draining my energy, whereas going to the gym learning how to-.

Jason Shelfer:

You were creating energy and momentum.

Jana Shelfer:

I was creating. So there was a difference there and so I you know it's like two roads diverge I took the road of possibility at that time.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and that's the beauty of it. And now, because there's no limiting belief for Dave. And he said you know what? There might be other possibilities. And he said why don't we try this in a different way? And he opened that whole world up because sometimes when we, just when we explore and there's so many different people that explore, but we, instead of subscribing to the it's impossible, yes, and allowing people to having these people on the frontier that say I'm willing to explore.

Jana Shelfer:

You know along those same lines, this scuba gym is literally in our backyard. Again, it's in our backyard.

Jana Shelfer:

And we both said how come we do not know about this? And he says to me you find it when you're ready to receive the message. Find it when you're ready to receive the message. And I feel like that is a huge. That was a huge pivot point for me, because in life sometimes we're asking why haven't I found this? Why isn't this working? I was asking the wrong questions and it wasn't until I went to Joe Dispenza and I started seeing people becoming supernatural that's literally the name of his book and I started seeing people healing their bodies, including Joe Dispenza, who healed his body with his mind. I was asking the wrong questions and so since November I've started asking what if there are new possibilities? What if I've had almost a scotoma to this, where it's been blind to me? That's what a scotoma is. It's been blind to me because I wasn't open to receiving it.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, what are the possibilities?

Jana Shelfer:

You know, we create a reality that fits our expectations. And I had Ooh say that again. Well, we do. We create a reality that fits our beliefs and our expectations, and I had come to the belief that this wasn't a possibility to me, so why would I explore it?

Jason Shelfer:

Why bother, why look for it if it can't be found?

Jana Shelfer:

And you know, the other thing that happened which makes this so part of living lucky is that we went to a manifestation conference with Mindvalley about two months ago, maybe three months ago, and literally they opened up with this story. That actually made me angry, because I was on the front row and they opened up with this story about a paraplegic and the paraplegic the woman that was telling the story said you know, I went over to him and I said I'm getting a divine download that you can stand up and walk right now. Do you remember?

Jana Shelfer:

this story and I'm like why would you tell this story at the beginning of a conference? But she was telling it to provide hope and motivation, inspiration to the audience. However, I was on the front, center, front, center, and she went over to this paraplegic and she said I am getting a divine download that you can stand up and walk right now. And he was like, oh, you're crazy, you're crazy. And then she's like no, I'm going to help you.

Jason Shelfer:

And she goes down to lift him up and he started walking and she got help from people to lift him up and see from my perspective because we've been together for 20 years and I know that if you haven't taken the necessary steps throughout your day as a paraplegic and there's timing involved in when it's good to get out of your chair, when it's not, when it can be embarrassing, when, like those types of things- yes.

Jason Shelfer:

Like, don't invade someone's personal space, like that, exactly Because there is timing, is everything when you don't have control of your inner organs, when you don't have control of your body. That's so true, and if you're there to learn. However, part of that message was, your body might just want to remember what it's like to stand up and walk.

Jana Shelfer:

Here's what happened in that whole story, though After she told that story. So he got up and he walked because we believed in him. That was her whole message. We believed in him, and it wasn't until he saw that we believed in him. That was her whole message. We believed in him, and it wasn't until he saw that we believed in him, that he believed in himself. And anyway, after she tells the story, I had probably five or six people Now I know that's not a lot in a room full of 300. But for me in that moment that felt like a lot. I had so many people.

Jason Shelfer:

It's a lot for a moment.

Jana Shelfer:

Five or six in the next. We were there two days, or three days, one of the two. So five or six people in the next two days would come up to me at different times and say, Okay, you're going to be the one that gets up and walks. I feel that same story for you. I know that's going to happen for you and that started to piss me off. Which is my own. That's living in my head and getting in my own way.

Jason Shelfer:

So the funny part for me is that I know that you had these thoughts prior to. Funny part for me is that I know that you had had these thoughts prior to and then, but I also know that it was something about that story and something about that conflict and contradiction in how it happened, and that everything happens in the right time and can't be forced.

Jana Shelfer:

So it's, it's so bizarre because we aren't ready to hear the message until we're ready. And then I came home from that and I did a lot of writing and I thought you know what, Maybe I am getting in my own way, Maybe my head is getting in my own way because and here's how I knew that is because I started feeling all of these emotions when she told that story and it made me so angry and so resentful so I literally went to write, to unpack. Why am I feeling resentment? Why am I feeling these emotions right now? I call them my porcupines on my back. They came out in full force.

Jason Shelfer:

Protection yeah.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, and I'm like, why am I feeling that? Because she was just telling a story from her perspective. But I got so angry, so angry to the point where this woman came over to get a test. This woman came over to Jason and said Jason, you have such wonderful energy. And she totally did not even look at me and I'm like that bitch Does she not see me.

Jason Shelfer:

I have great energy too, Not at that time. You were angry and that's why.

Jana Shelfer:

That is why, and it's not until we can take accountability. So, anyway, once I heard that story, then I started coming home and I started in my meditations. I started thinking well, I'm going to start just imagining myself climbing mountains, doing cartwheels on the beach, walking through the grass, running a marathon cartwheels on the beach walking through the grass, all of these things that actually, yeah, I kept going back to eighth grade and running the 400 and how that would make every muscle in my body feel.

Jana Shelfer:

And then we are invited to my niece's track meet where she's running the 400. And I could see how that made her feel, and so then I started thinking about it more and I'm like, oh, I'm just going to. And then she started showing me some of their alternative training methods in their gym where they have, like this big bubble.

Jason Shelfer:

The anti-gravity treadmill.

Jana Shelfer:

So if you're trying to rehab a knee or an ankle, you can stand in this anti-gravity bubble while you're on the treadmill. And I started thinking I wonder if I could do that. So it's weird how.

Jason Shelfer:

The dots connect.

Jana Shelfer:

The dots have started to connect in the right people, the right timing, the right places, and it just feels like I am. My soul wants to go on this journey and I've already told Jason I'm letting go of expectations. I'm letting go of expectations and I just want to be curious about how this can be possible and creating, creating.

Jason Shelfer:

I think it's beautiful when we can bring down that wall between what's possible and impossible, and even when we can just peek over it and peek and imagine the other side into that, what was once impossible, because that's where evolution is, because that's where that's where evolution is and that's where innovation is, and that's that's where we start really creating the newness and and the beauty and and all these wonderful things that we're moving into. That's I mean, that's where we've come from.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

You know, we didn't have any of this before and we have it now, and all this was impossible at one time. The technology we're using today was impossible at one time. It was not even thought of. It was in someone's imagination, and then they just kind of explored into it. With curiosity With curiosity to it, with curiosity, with curiosity. And they brought down that world of impossibility and didn't listen to the people that were saying you can't.

Jason Shelfer:

And they started thinking well, what if? What if, what if I could? What if, what if it is possible?

Jana Shelfer:

What if?

Jason Shelfer:

What if I'm just I'm this close to figuring it out and understanding it? Or what if I can just play around and it happens?

Jana Shelfer:

I think those are two very powerful words, and that's what I'm getting from our conversation right now is you know? Up until now, I was thinking that. So what are the two most?

Jason Shelfer:

powerful words. If something goes wrong, so what?

Jana Shelfer:

Not most powerful, but so what has kind?

Jason Shelfer:

of been my mantra, so what?

Jana Shelfer:

So what Like who cares what anybody thinks? So what Crap happens. And people are of been my mantra. So what so? What Like who cares what anybody?

Jason Shelfer:

thinks so what? Because crap happens, crap happens and people are going to say things, so what?

Jana Shelfer:

My journey has literally gone from now what to I am to so what? And now what if?

Jason Shelfer:

I think it's beautiful.

Jana Shelfer:

It's a beautiful journey, right? What if? What if? What if?

Jason Shelfer:

Tell me more.

Jana Shelfer:

Oh my gosh. Oh well, I hope this we're running out of time. I feel like I could talk about this forever because again, my body was doing things that it hasn't done in 34 years.

Jason Shelfer:

It was overwhelming, it was exciting, it was it's waking up, some sort of exuberance in me and I think one of the powerful things about what I saw and seeing these new possibilities creates this whole new world of possibilities and creates this whole new energy. Yes, and it's exciting and I just want to break out into the love boat tune. But I'm not the love boat. Exciting and new, but I really want to. I mean it's something the video is going to speak for itself because it is powerful. When you realize what's possible, you really want to dive into the deep end and explore it yes.

Jason Shelfer:

When you're stuck in the impossible, it's defeating, deflating, and it's a rut that you just keep digging deeper in. It's the moat around life that creates that hamster wheel of sameness. Oh gosh, and what's on the other side of that? In that field of possibilities, is where living lucky lies. It's the field of living lucky where you're just in that alignment.

Jana Shelfer:

You're following your, you're letting your soul guide. Yes, Cause your soul wants to grow, you're going by your soul and your heart instead of living in your head.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, it's, it's complete alignment and you will meet the right people in the right place for the right opportunities in the right timing.

Jana Shelfer:

And I know now there is a reason I'm on this planet. There is a reason I've been asking myself that question for a while too. Oh my gosh, this is getting kind of deep and kind of long, so we're going to wrap it up. We may continue talking about this. I don't know, it's again. We're going back. I'm going to the scuba gym twice a week and I am going to start pursuing this avenue.

Jason Shelfer:

We'll see where it goes, but regardless, we will keep Living Lucky®, and you will too.

Jana Shelfer:

Thanks for joining us. Bye-bye. If the idea of Living Lucky® appeals to you, visit us at www. livinglucky. com.