Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Where Can I Find Gratitude?

June 03, 2024 Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 7 Episode 14

Want to attract more positivity and abundance? Tune in to Living Lucky® and discover the transformative power of gratitude!

This episode dives deep into the practice of gratitude, revealing how it can shift your perspective and open doors to a richer, more fulfilling life.

Here's what you'll learn:

  • The surprising impact of gratitude: Host Jason Shelfer shares his personal journey, transforming from skepticism to experiencing the profound effects of a daily gratitude practice.
  • Breaking free from negativity bias: Discover how societal focus on negativity can skew our perception of life.Learn how to reframe your thinking and cultivate an "abundance mindset."
  • The Law of Attraction in action: The episode explores the connection between gratitude and the Law of Attraction, explaining how appreciating the good things you have can attract more positivity.
  • Training the Universe for abundance: A fun metaphor explains how expressing appreciation acts as a "treat" to the Universe, inviting more blessings into your life.

Practical steps to cultivate gratitude:

  • Start small: Begin by acknowledging and journaling just a few things you're grateful for each day.
  • Daily affirmations: Repeating short, positive affirmations can rewire your brain for positivity.
  • Focus on the good: Frame your affirmations in positive language to enhance their effectiveness.

Key takeaways:

  • Gratitude is a powerful tool for rewiring your mindset and attracting positivity.
  • Shifting your focus from scarcity to abundance can significantly impact your life.
  • Simple daily practices like gratitude journaling can create a ripple effect of positive change.

Call to action:
Ready to transform your life? Take action!

  • Start your gratitude practice today! Begin by acknowledging a few things you're grateful for and write them down.
  • Visit for more inspiration and join their community for support on your journey to abundance.

Start Living Lucky® and watch your life blossom with gratitude!

James Altucher's book:
Become An Idea Machine

gratitude practice, law of attraction, abundance mindset, negativity bias, positive affirmations, transform your life, rewire your brain

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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®. Good morning. I'm Jana Shelfer and this is my husband, Jason Shelfer, and we are Living Lucky®. You are, too. We had the opportunity of speaking to a group of people. We started out with this exercise of asking people to write down what they were grateful for.

Jason Shelfer:

Just three things.

Jana Shelfer:

Were you surprised at how hard that challenge was?

Jason Shelfer:

Initially I was super shocked and then I remembered back to when I first started with my gratituding when you had me write down five things a day.

Jana Shelfer:

Really, gratituding is now a verb for Jason and I, just so you know we gratitude all the time.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and a couple of years ago you had me write down five things a day for a year that I was grateful for.

Jana Shelfer:

And we could not repeat.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and the whole year it was. Write down five things a day and try not to repeat anything for the year.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

But five things a day didn't seem very difficult and I will say when I got into it to start it was very simple. It was just little things that I was grateful for the house, you, the dog like just the coffee.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

The blocks outside, little things just off the top of my head. But it wasn't hard to come up with those first five, the first 10, the first 20, the first 30.

Jana Shelfer:

And then it started getting deep. After a week or two then you're like, wow, I got to think about this.

Jason Shelfer:

And it got to the point where I was thankful for the guy that was removing the rocks from the mountains in Peru, colombia, so that they could plant the coffee, and then the people that were harvesting the coffee and shipping it Like it was every little thing. I was thankful for the way, the sunlight hits the leaves and creates photosynthesis and you start thinking of other senses.

Jana Shelfer:

You're like I am grateful for the sound the coffee maker makes in the morning as I wake up from my dreams.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, I'm grateful for people who think differently for me and when I have the awareness of it's just a difference of thought. It's not anything disagreeing with me, it's just a difference of thought and I need to be aware of this and just seek understanding and to be understood.

Jana Shelfer:

I guess I was out of touch because I just assumed this was going to be an easy breezy. I mean, I only planned 15 seconds for this exercise. I'm like, in the next 15 seconds, write down three things you're grateful for. Ready Go, and first of all, people were like what do you mean? What am I grateful for? I don't understand. I don't understand what to do. So then you know, I went through it.

Jason Shelfer:

yeah, so just something that you're grateful for anything at all, just anything that you're, anything that you're grateful for for today I am grateful for waking up this morning and then just write it on the piece for the breath in my lungs yes, and I only need three things, okay.

Jana Shelfer:

And so after I explained the instructions, then I said on three, two, one, we're going to all do this together In three, two one. I was amazed at how many people could not think of anything. And then people, some people, would think of one thing, and then they would sit and they literally would put their hand in their chins or their chins in their hands and they'd be like oh my gosh, I don't know what's right, pressure, pressure. I don't know what I'm grateful for.

Jason Shelfer:

So this is the same feeling I get when you say, jason, let's show them our dance really yes yes, I saw that look on their face.

Jana Shelfer:

It's just a dance, right? We practice. Every week we practice it all the time.

Jason Shelfer:

But for you, you're very comfortable in it and you pick it up very quickly. Okay, for me, gratitude right now, because we've been practicing it all the time.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

I can go in gratitude, I stay in gratitude, so it's very easy for me to just fall into it. I don't think that the general public, a lot of people, live in gratitude and are always in it, so they it doesn't. They don't fall naturally into answering that question in that, so it did throw me off guard and it made me aware of hey, maybe this is what's happening. And that's that same feeling I have when you say Does that surprise you? It does and it doesn't.

Jana Shelfer:

I mean our whole society is based on sitting down and saying grace. That is a form of gratitude. Our whole society is based on saying prayers before you go to bed. That is based on gratitude. Our whole society is. I mean, there's so many.

Jason Shelfer:

So yours and mine. But when we look at the way the world a lot of people are seeing the world right now is they're watching the news, they're gathering around water coolers or meeting at bars or meeting up for conversations, and they're talking about the things that have gone wrong with the day. They're talking about the politics. They're talking about the challenges in life instead of the successes in life, and that's the. That's the backside of the coin, where they're focused. They're putting their attention on the things the challenges instead of the on the problems, and they've.

Jana Shelfer:

They've started to put their attention on the problems instead of the solutions. The attention is on what's wrong instead of what's right. The attention is on what we don't have instead of what we have. The attention is on what's missing instead of what's right in front of us. The attention is on what we don't have instead of what's right in front of us. Yes, the attention is on what we don't have instead of what we have. I think I've already said that, but it just feels like we're inversed.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, that's what marketing has done.

Jana Shelfer:

The attention is on what we can get instead of what we can give. I mean, everything is the opposite of what the law of attraction and what the law of vibration.

Jason Shelfer:

We've moved into a feeling of lack instead of abundance.

Jana Shelfer:

And we're reverse manifesting. We are all living in lack. If that is the case, right? If that is what you're telling me.

Jason Shelfer:

That's what I noticed and that was my feeling of when I get that sense of dread when you say let's show them our dance, that's me lacking confidence in my ability to do what we do on a weekly basis, which is just go have fun and dance.

Jana Shelfer:

Oh honey, you got to just give it to God.

Jason Shelfer:

And allow the fun and what I know.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, and if we screw up, then that's where we just laugh and we become self-deprecating and we say ta-da, and we have fun. That's what you get for an on-the-spot show.

Jason Shelfer:

And just the movement of dancing and dancing with you. Like I know the moves like it's.

Jana Shelfer:

We don't have to be completely choreographed when we're doing it, but we're not talking about dancing right now, but we're talking about gratitude and how difficult it was to come up with three things to be grateful for.

Jason Shelfer:

So that was in that feeling of lack and not being constantly focused on the abundance of what we can be grateful for every single moment of the day.

Jana Shelfer:

You know James Altucher. I always get his name Tongue twisted, A little tongue twisted. When I first started down my self-development journey, I read a book by him which I just thought was so profound. I read a book by him which I just thought was so profound. I don't have the name of his book right off the top of my head, but he had like 10 ways to improve your life and it was funny and it was engaging, it was vulnerable and I just thought he was really, really gifted in his writing. However, one thing that he said was to write down 10 ideas a day, because sometimes, when we're first starting a business or we're first getting out there, we don't always have the capital to pay everyone for all of their expertise or pay everyone for, you know, interviews or pay everyone for all of their advice. Sometimes we want to sit with mentors and pick their brain and we don't have the money to pay them, but we can always pay them with ideas.

Jason Shelfer:

Some type of collaborative measure.

Jana Shelfer:

So he would carry around this old diner's pad. You know like what they would have in Mel's diner.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, you know Flo from Kiss Migrants. Flo, what do you have? Yeah, there was Vera Flo, and I don't even remember. Yes, so anyway, he ordered these pads that he would write down 10 ideas a day. Now he said when he first started doing it, coming up with five ideas was a stretch, and he said he would get to about five, maybe six, and his brain would be like I do not have any more ideas for anyone around me. I have- Mentally exhausted.

Jana Shelfer:

Literally, am mentally exhausted. I cannot come up with any new, innovative ideas about anything in the world. Anything in the world, and I mean this guy thinks differently about everything in the world. However, the more that he started to do it every single day as a daily practice, 10 became easy.

Jason Shelfer:

And he would force himself to the 10 every day.

Jana Shelfer:

He would force himself to the 10. And once he started forcing himself to the 10, 10 became easy and he can come up with 10 ideas for anybody when he wakes up right off the top of his head so he can meet anyone and say I have 10 ideas for you. And so when he calls people and he says, hey, do you want to meet for lunch?

Jason Shelfer:

Everybody wants to meet for lunch with him.

Jana Shelfer:

I've got 10 ideas for you.

Jason Shelfer:

Because in the first 30 seconds he can give them 10 ideas that would be amazing for them, that will benefit them. Eight or nine of them could be idea farts that stink, and one of them can be that multi-million dollar dollar idea, because James Altucher has made hundreds of millions of dollars.

Jana Shelfer:

He's also lost hundreds of millions of dollars, and then he's made it back. My whole point of this story is that it's the same way with gratitude the more we practice it, the more we do it daily, the easier it becomes, to the point where it just feels like it is a no brainer.

Jason Shelfer:

You could list thousands of things. It's just how much time do you have to list out how much? You're grateful for.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, I mean. I, literally I am so grateful for your eyes. I'm so grateful that we had Heather over on Friday and told us that Lumify is making your eyes red and now we know. I'm so grateful for that. I'm so grateful that you got new glasses, because they not only look great but they protect you from the blue light, which is so awesome, because now you're going to feel better, and I'm so grateful that you are feeling better, because that is important. The way we feel is important.

Jason Shelfer:

And I'm so grateful that we have a new second opinion for an eye doctor.

Jana Shelfer:

Oh my gosh, right Like who knew. So I mean we can, and we just went down a rabbit hole about eye doctors and we literally got to there's one subject like a small subject.

Jana Shelfer:

And I could have listed a hundred more things off the top of my list about jason's eyes in particular. That I am so I mean I didn't even get into that. He can see that he you know the color of his eyes and the way he looks at me and the way he makes me feel, and like I didn't get into any, of that, the way way heat feels on them, the way ice feels on them, just all of it yes.

Jason Shelfer:

Like just knowing what it feels like to close them and open them.

Jana Shelfer:

And so I just feel like you know coming up with three things. If that's a challenge, maybe we should dive into that. Yeah, as a society, society dive into that as a society.

Jason Shelfer:

And it's just about taking the time to take inventory Right.

Jana Shelfer:

I mean I.

Jason Shelfer:

Right, that's R-I-G-H-T and W-R-I-T-E.

Jason Shelfer:

So, write yes and write it down. Yes, write down what you're grateful for. Someone said the other day what if you woke up tomorrow and you only had what you were grateful for today? That's pretty powerful. Now, I don't want that for anyone, because we can't list out all the things that we're grateful for, but if we're constantly in a state of gratitude, it gives us that ability to start noticing that what we do appreciate does appreciate, and it allows us to realize how abundant we are currently. And then it allows that law of resonance and law of attraction and all those natural occurring laws in the universe to take effect. And let's just see that we are creating our own reality. Oh that's beautiful.

Jana Shelfer:

That was beautiful. I think we're going to end there because that was just. Ah. Thanks for joining us today. I just I love talking about gratitude because it puts me up in this warm and fuzzy vibration.

Jason Shelfer:

Me too.

Jana Shelfer:

And I also feel that the universe feels that it does. It's the old. Gratitude is the ultimate state of receivership. So think about this when you receive a gift from Santa Claus if you say thank you, thank you, I love this gift, I'm so grateful. This is exactly what I wanted, and the more you appreciate that toy, the more you play with it, the more you notice how wonderful it is.

Jason Shelfer:

Useful and beautiful and enjoyable.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, and the more you just take note of this gift that Santa gave you, do you think next year he's going to pay a?

Jason Shelfer:

little more attention to your list?

Jana Shelfer:

I think so absolutely, because I mean I mean we're all like that, right?

Jason Shelfer:

yeah, we, we love it that works with spouses and children. I mean, it works with everybody mean if you give your dog a treat, yes, and they love it. It's like, and they it's like, it makes them so happy. You want to give your dog more of that treat.

Jana Shelfer:

I know it works everywhere.

Jason Shelfer:

My dog can do no wrong because she's just so excited about everything If they do all the tricks you want because this is their treat? Yes, I'm going to give you more of that treat. Want because this is their treat? Yes, I'm going to give you more of that treat. If you run away or you get sad because I give you this treat and you're like I don't appreciate that, then Then you're training me to not give it to you, right?

Jana Shelfer:

So we're training the universe on what it is that we really want in life, and that sounds so simplistic, but it's so true it is. It is simplistic, it's that easy.

Jason Shelfer:

It is simplistic, it's that easy.

Jana Shelfer:

It's just a law of nature. Thanks for joining us.

Jason Shelfer:

Keep Living Lucky®.

Jana Shelfer:

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