Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

The Largest Room In The World

April 22, 2024 Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 6 Episode 48
Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana
The Largest Room In The World
Show Notes Transcript

Feeling Stuck? Unleash Your Inner Lion: Unveiling the Power of Limitless Growth on Living Lucky®

Ever felt like you've hit a wall? You're pouring in the effort, but progress seems stagnant. In this episode of Living Lucky®, we ditch the limitations and ignite your potential with the electrifying Dr. Delatoro McNeal II.  Get ready to shatter self-doubt and transform those pesky "doom loops" into success cycles you can roar about!

Here's what awaits you in this power-packed episode:

  • Breakthrough the "Room for Improvement": Dr. McNeal flips the script on limitations, revealing the vast potential for growth that lies within us all. Learn how to reframe your thinking and see challenges as springboards to unleash your inner lion.
  • From "Ugh" to "Aha!": We share our own battles and victories in the gym and beyond, proving the transformative power of a good coach (and a healthy dose of self-encouragement!). Discover how to push past your perceived limits and celebrate every accomplishment along the way.
  • The Company You Keep Matters: Dr. McNeal delivers a powerful analogy about lions and monkeys, highlighting the influence of those we surround ourselves with. Learn how to choose companions who will elevate your journey and empower you to reach new heights.
  • Finding the Balance: We explore the art of self-improvement, striking a balance between embracing your current strengths and continuously striving to be better. It's about living a "lucky" life, one fueled by gratitude and a relentless pursuit of growth.

This episode is your permission slip to:

  • Challenge your limiting beliefs and rewrite your self-narrative.
  • Embrace discomfort as a catalyst for incredible transformation.
  • Find a coach or mentor who will ignite your fire and champion your success.
  • Surround yourself with positive influences who inspire you to be your best self.
  • **Live a life of limitless growth and unwavering self-belief.

Ready to ditch the “doom loops” and step into your power?  Press play and let Dr. Delatoro McNeal II guide you on a journey of unstoppable growth and kickstart your Living Lucky® adventure!
Reach out to us at

Embracing Your Inner Superhero with Dr. Delatoro McNeal II: A Journey Beyond Limits

Thanks for joining us.

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!!! SEND US A MESSAGE: Are you ready to unlock your path to a more inspired life where you're Living Lucky®? Email me directly and let's chart your course toward realizing your dreams and creating a life that fills you with daily inspiration.
Email Jason Shelfer

The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®. Good morning, I'm Jana.

Jason Shelfer:

I'm Jason.

Jana Shelfer:

And we are Living Lucky®. You are too. We went to see the most incredible speaker yesterday.

Jason Shelfer:

Del Toro O'Neill.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

Del Toro, and I think it's just Neil Del Toro.

Jana Shelfer:

Del Toro, are you saying it correctly?

Jason Shelfer:

Del Toro. Del Toro Do we even know who we went to see. All I know is he's amazing.

Jana Shelfer:

All I know is we know who we heard and he was awesome.

Jason Shelfer:

Mufasa is what I want to call him. Yeah, he has an alter ego.

Jana Shelfer:

He says, whenever you speak, you should have an alter ego. That way, if you don't want to do something in your life, then you turn into your alter ego.

Jason Shelfer:

You're not responsible for what the Hulk does.

Jana Shelfer:

The Hulk oh, that's his other alter ego.

Jason Shelfer:

You're confusing me.

Jana Shelfer:

today, bruce Banner's not responsible for what the hulk does okay, so he had just, even in the first five minutes of speaking, he dropped some nuggets he's famous for his one liners I, I was taking notes as fast as I could and then finally, I pulled out my phone and I hit the record button and I know that speakers hate it when you do that, but I literally went to my voice memo and I hit the record button and then I, I like tucked it under my my leg and I was like I'm totally going to get busted for recording it, because that is so against the rules.

Jana Shelfer:

That is so against the rules. But the first thing he had us do was he had everyone in the room. He said do you know what the biggest room in the world is?

Jason Shelfer:

I didn't. I think I knew, but I didn't know exactly where it was going.

Jana Shelfer:

Room for improvement.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, baby.

Jana Shelfer:

And then he had everyone reach as high as they can, which I've done this, I don't know how many times. I mean mean every self-improvement workshop you go to. They're like reach as high as you can to the sky. Now reach even higher, now reach even higher.

Jason Shelfer:

And then, and then the point of the exercise is when someone is pushing you you can always go higher you can always go higher and if you're not standing in your chair and jumping, you're not reaching as high as you can.

Jana Shelfer:

There's always some dildo. Who's standing?

Jason Shelfer:

on his chair. Did you say dildo?

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, I did, because there's always some idiot which is like oh, I've done this exercise before. And they're like showing everybody up and they're standing on their chair going. I'm reaching the highest and you're sitting there going. Okay, we get the point of the exercise, but he, even, he even took it a step further, dr Delatoro O'Neill or Neil.

Jason Shelfer:

It's one of the two.

Jana Shelfer:

Oh my gosh, we don't know Names are important.

Jason Shelfer:

Though I'm going to look it up, it'll be in the podcast notes.

Jana Shelfer:

Oh gosh, look it up, it'll be in the podcast notes. Oh gosh, he said we're all like wheelbarrows and we'll only go as far as we're pushed we will only go as far as we're we are and we are ready to be pushed which is why it's so important to have a coach sometimes, because you know what, if you are at the gym and you are exercising, we, we all.

Jason Shelfer:

I know I'm done after set one.

Jana Shelfer:

Well, we all go there with the intention of wanting to be our best self and wanting to exercise.

Jason Shelfer:

I'm going to get a six pack. And wanting to push ourselves On the way home.

Jana Shelfer:

But there's something in our brains that is like oh, that's as much as I can do.

Jason Shelfer:

I'm tired.

Jana Shelfer:

That wore me out and right, you've got, get back on the line.

Jason Shelfer:

You've got a whole nother set in you you got this let's go and I hate my trainer and I love him so much right hurts, so good hurts so good, I hate going to the gym, but I love having gone and when?

Jana Shelfer:

yeah, when you're done, those endorphins kick in and you are so grateful that you went that extra. Yeah, that extra.

Jason Shelfer:

You know, it's also funny that when we talk about room for improvement, it reminds me of our dance, that we went and we practiced this dance. First we learned the steps and then we practiced this dance for like a month, month and a half.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

And then we had an outside coach come in. So we had our own coach and then we had another coach come in that had never seen the dance before. But as we're going through the moves and the motions, that coach just pointed out these small, little intricate pieces where we could really add flavor and impact, and that made a big difference, huge difference.

Jana Shelfer:

Just those small little micro tweaks when?

Jason Shelfer:

the audience, where we get to connect and have this big impact on our connection with the audience, and I was like this is something we wouldn't have seen.

Jana Shelfer:

And our coach, was in the moment with us. You were like no, it's already perfect the way it is, there's no room for improvement.

Jason Shelfer:

I was in a space where I was like I've learned so much I might be at capacity right now. But that coach came in and said, no, we're only going to tweak it a little bit. Right, these little small changes, these small adjustments Cause my mind was like I can't take any more change. But then when she said we're just going to make these little adjustments, these pivots. And then when she said adjustments, I was like okay, I might can adjust a little bit. I don't want to change anymore, but I can adjust a little bit. And I was like, okay, I can accept that.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, you know that's so good, jason. Because, when you know, at first, when he said there's always room for improvement, there was a part of my mind that said, well, are we ever good enough? Then I mean our whole lives, we're always going to be searching for improvement. We're always going to be searching for better, better, better. Why can't I just be good enough, right? So there's another side to that where we need to accept ourselves, where we are as good enough and yet still have room to grow.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and I think that's where it's. You just look at yourself and say you know what, I am good enough and I am giving it what I've got from where I am.

Jana Shelfer:

And yet there's still room for adjustment.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, and tomorrow I can be better. If I can be better tomorrow than I was today, I'm going to feel really good about myself.

Jana Shelfer:

Oh my gosh, I feel like already you know there was something else he talked about with the lion. Do you remember the whole thing about the lion?

Jason Shelfer:

Well, there's a lot that he talked about the lion, and one of them was that the lion doesn't have to say he's a lion, so you don't have to go around professing that you know everything and that you're the badass on the block. The lion just walks around with the aura of being the lion, the knowing, the internal, just that knowing and the confidence of being the lion. But the lion is also not the biggest animal in the jungle. The elephant's bigger than the jungle, the monkey's smarter than the lion, the cheetah is faster than the lion. The snake is more flexible than the lion, that's true. So the lion has its weaknesses, or or doesn't compare itself to the other animals of the jungle. It just relies on its aura, its confidence and the knowing, and it looks at everything else as dinner. So it just has a roar, yeah, and it knows.

Jana Shelfer:

It just says hey this is who I am.

Jason Shelfer:

I'm the lion. This is who I am, and I'm going to walk with this confidence. I'm going to be authentically me, me and I will eat you for lunch. I think that's enough.

Jana Shelfer:

That's enough, yeah. And yet, Mr Lion, there's still room for improvement.

Jason Shelfer:

And there's still room for improvement. And the lion?

Jana Shelfer:

let's all roar on that one.

Jason Shelfer:

Takes his breaks, takes his naps and he goes and does his business when he needs to.

Jana Shelfer:

You know, what else I found very, very interesting was when he was talking about the monkey that is born at the same time as the lion.

Jason Shelfer:

And hangs out with the lion and hangs out with the lion and walks with the lion.

Jana Shelfer:

Becomes friends with the lion, grows up with the lion, gets the same amount of respect.

Jason Shelfer:

Because he walked with the lion.

Jana Shelfer:

As the lion gets. So that made me think. You know what that really made me think of. Not only did it make me think we need to carefully choose our friends wisely. Did that make you think that it did? It also made me and this is going to sound terrible but it also made me think Get real, I'm going to be very real. It made me think of Pete Davidson on Saturday Night Live. I always think why do the women think he's so attractive?

Jason Shelfer:

Oh, he's hot.

Jana Shelfer:

And why does everyone think he's so funny? Because I don't think he's funny, I don't think he's attractive. And why is he so successful?

Jason Shelfer:

He must be a lion or he's lying.

Jana Shelfer:

He's a monkey that's been walking with the lions.

Jason Shelfer:

He is a monkey. Pete Davidson, you're a monkey. I'll tell you to your face. You probably know this. I bet you he's got a tattoo of a monkey. I would almost guarantee you he's got a tattoo of a monkey. That's what came to my mind. But you've got to respect him. I mean, he's doing his thing, that's true. Whatever it is, he's doing it, he's putting himself out there, he's doing his thing.

Jana Shelfer:

And he probably realizes he has room for improvement.

Jason Shelfer:

I'm sure he does All right. The biggest room for improvement is the biggest room in the world is room for improvement.

Jana Shelfer:

Thank, you See, the biggest room for me is to tell a joke. I screwed that up, I screwed that up, and the most powerful nation in the world is imagination. Oh, yeah, no, we're going.

Jason Shelfer:

That's a different podcast.

Jana Shelfer:

That's a tap back to another podcast where Jason and I really really screwed that one up. You'll have to listen to that, Okay.

Jason Shelfer:

So let's say it again the biggest room in the world is room for improvement.

Jana Shelfer:

And a lion doesn't have to roar the aura does the job itself. Is that it?

Jason Shelfer:

Those are the two things that we learned from Dr Della Toro Keep Living Lucky®. All right.

Jana Shelfer:

Thanks for joining us. Bye-bye. If the idea of Living Lucky® appeals to you, visit us at www. livinglucky. com.