Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

50 Things You Forgot About Yourself

April 03, 2024 Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 6 Episode 41
Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana
50 Things You Forgot About Yourself
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Feeling Stuck in a Rut? Reignite Your Self-Love & Design a Life You Crave!

Ever feel like your life's on autopilot, lacking the magic and excitement it once held? You're not alone. In this episode of Living Lucky® with Jason & Jana Banana, we'll guide you on a transformative journey to reclaim the power of your self-appreciation and craft a personal manifesto of love that propels you towards success and fulfillment.

Here's what you'll discover:

  • The Secret Weapon You Didn't Know You Had:

    We unlock the transformative power of listing 50 things you love about yourself.  Learn how this simple practice can shift your self-perception from negative to overflowing with positivity and self-respect.
  • From Harsh Critic to Warm Acceptor:

    Discover how to replace the harsh inner critic with warm self-acceptance.  This episode equips you to recognize and challenge those limiting beliefs,  empowering you to do your best with what you have.
  • Love Yourself More, Live More Powerfully:

    We explore how self-love isn't just a feel-good notion, it's a vital practice for living a more present and engaged life.  Learn how self-appreciation unleashes a surge of positive energy that spills into every aspect of your world.
  • Your Self-Image: A Masterpiece in Progress:

    We challenge the idea that your self-image is set in stone.  This episode empowers you to take control of the narrative, crafting a self-image based on love and appreciation.
  • The Ripple Effect of Self-Love:

    Discover how self-love isn't just about you!  Learn how embracing your worth sets a positive example for those around you, fostering a more loving and supportive environment.
  • Actionable Steps to Kickstart Your Self-Love Journey:

    We don't just leave you with inspiration, we provide practical steps to get you started.  This episode equips you with the tools you need to begin cultivating a resilient, loving, and empowered self-image.

Plus, you'll hear Jason share his eye-opening experience with a gratitude journal that revealed a surprising truth about self-love in his own life!

Ready to ditch the status quo and design a life you love?  Tune in to this episode of Living Lucky® and start living the life you've always imagined!

#selflove #selfappreciation #selfacceptance #personalgrowth #selfworth #selflovejourney #selflovemanifesto #gratitudejournal #positiveselfimage #selfcompassion #selfcare #selfdiscovery #lawofattraction #livinglucky #podcast #happiness #fulfillment #success #lifetransformation 

Jana Shelfer, Jas

Thanks for joining us.

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Email Jason Shelfer

The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®.

Jason Shelfer:

And we are living lucky. You are too.

Jana Shelfer:

Because you're here with us.

Jason Shelfer:

That's right.

Jana Shelfer:

Or we're here with us, that's right, or we're here with you, amen, okay, here's the deal. I had a life-changing experience yesterday.

Jason Shelfer:

Oh, wow.

Jana Shelfer:

I know.

Jason Shelfer:

Do I know about this life-changing experience? No, you don't.

Jana Shelfer:

It was through an assignment, okay, and I want to share it with everyone because if it affects anyone the way it affected me, then we are putting goodness out into the world.

Jason Shelfer:

I like that.

Jana Shelfer:

I was assigned to write 50 things that I love about myself.

Jason Shelfer:

Wow, you know that reminds me of you having me do a gratitude journal for a year and me getting and not repeating anything. So five things a day and not repeating anything for a year, and when I went back to look at it, there was nothing in there about myself.

Jana Shelfer:

Oh, wow.

Jason Shelfer:

And it shocked me.

Jana Shelfer:

I know the things that came out of me shocked me, shocked me. In fact. I kind of want to go grab the paper just so that I can liked about myself. The more that I started writing them down, I realized why I did it. Now I really took time and did this with intention and it started out, you know.

Jason Shelfer:

I mean it started out Most of us could come up with two or three things, maybe three or four things, and then you have to be very intentional, very searching. I would have to be very searching and there's a lot that I love about myself now because of the growth that I've had, because of where I've come, like the reverse gap. However, I still don't know Like I want to do this exercise now.

Jana Shelfer:

I'm telling you, jason, it changed the way I saw myself, and then I realized that our self image is created by us. We create our self-image, which I mean? That's such an obvious statement, right?

Jason Shelfer:

Well, it sounds obvious when you say it out loud.

Jana Shelfer:

It sounds obvious. However, it feels sometimes I mean okay.

Jana Shelfer:

I'm trying to think of an example.

Jason Shelfer:

How often do we look in the mirror, though, and we're like I don't like this. I feel like I'm aging. I wish I weighed a little less. All these things where we look at our imperfections and we don't see them as perfectly imperfect.

Jana Shelfer:

Like. Here's an example I happen to write I love my energy. Now I've realized my energy has become a little sensitive and I sometimes can go to the dark side pretty easily. And and recently, like my sister has said, you know, I'm tired of you bringing such dark energy to this family and it really stuck with me. It really stuck with me.

Jason Shelfer:

And then you get to ruminate on it.

Jana Shelfer:

And I have. I have ruminated on that, ruminated on that. However, when I started writing about it, I love, love, love, love, love, my energy, and the more that I wrote about it, the more that I loved it.

Jason Shelfer:

It's so funny. It's a compounding effect and oftentimes if we're looking in the mirror and saying, gosh, I've got an extra love handle or I wish that I didn't have that wrinkle, we start focusing on those imperfections and it magnifies them. And when we do an exercise like what you're talking about, it's intentionally putting the magnifier on what we love, which allows us to really change the chemicals that are going on in our body, change our physiology, because love is the highest vibration to live in.

Jana Shelfer:

It is.

Jason Shelfer:

And then it creates more of it, and now you show up differently in the world, which allows you to serve from a full, overflowing cup.

Jana Shelfer:

Once I got to about 30, I had to stop and count. I was like, okay, I think I've gotten to 50. And I'm like, oh my gosh, I'm only at 30.

Jason Shelfer:

I've got more work to do. I'm only at 30.

Jana Shelfer:

I got to keep going. And then I had another breakthrough Once I hit 30, then I got into this. Like you said, it's almost like these new chemicals started releasing in my brain and I went to even a deeper level and I started finding more and more things about myself, about how I love, the way I have compassion and I can jump into other people's feelings and I can. I mean, it just was so crazy, Crazy.

Jason Shelfer:

It sounds like what you're saying is what you look for, is what you're going to find.

Jana Shelfer:

That's true. That is true in yourself.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, in yourself and in the world.

Jana Shelfer:

And the fact that I am a reflection of the greater world. I am a reflection of the world, so what I see in myself is really what I see all around and also what you've trained yourself to see.

Jason Shelfer:

And this is training yourself to say what do I love about me to see. And this is training yourself to say what do I love about me, because so often we're saying what I want to fix or what might be wrong with the world and we're not putting the magnifier on what's great and what's amazing. And if we're magnifying the cracks, then we might fall in the crack. If we magnify what's great, the monuments, the peaks, then we might find ourselves on the peak, yes, in those highest possible elevations of life.

Jana Shelfer:

It was such a wonderful experience. So if you have a chance today, grab a piece of paper and just start walking. Just start with number one, what I love about me, and then say number one I love, and then just start writing and see what comes out and try not to make it a short sentence. I mean you might have a few where you say I love my eyes, but then try to elaborate a little bit.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, kind of like an intentional appreciation letter or a intentional thank you, because, like, thank you so much for opening the door for me. It helped me do this, it helped me be able to carry the bags in without being obstructed. Like intentional and specific.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, let's take my eyes for an example. I have reached that age where I-.

Jason Shelfer:

Need readers. Wear my reader glasses, some reader cheaters.

Jana Shelfer:

And I mean I try so hard to not complain about this, but there are times in the middle of the night when I just want to look at my phone and or we're out to eat and we want to look at a menu and it's dark and it feels like the menu is very, very small why does the menu keep getting smaller and blurry? And my arm is very, very short and for some reason I have to dig in my purse for my glasses, which then Are smudged and scratched.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, they smell like perfume and double mint gum. When I was little, my mom she would always give me something in her purse.

Jason Shelfer:

Always smell like double mint.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, Anyway, and for some reason, when she would give me double mint, it would taste like dirt and perfume.

Jason Shelfer:

It tastes like foundation.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, I'm like oh, my gosh mom. And then her Kleenex.

Jason Shelfer:

She would always pull out a Kleenex which would always I always felt like whenever I got a Kleenex out of my mom's purse or my grandma's purse, it was already used.

Jana Shelfer:

It had been used and it was crumbled up and I'm like, why is this in there?

Jason Shelfer:

Don't focus on the booger in it, Focus on the clean clean. Why?

Jana Shelfer:

would you keep it after you use it?

Jason Shelfer:

Where else are you going to put it?

Jana Shelfer:

But you know what I love that?

Jana Shelfer:

about my mom.

Jason Shelfer:

I think, all moms do that.

Jana Shelfer:

Because in our gratitude thing that we're doing 50 things that I love about me, I actually put in there. I love the parents that I have. I love the parents that I have and how they raised me and I love the challenges that I've had in our relationships because it has become part of my spiritual curriculum in this world.

Jana Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

I have grown so much from learning from them.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, that's big, because so often we have something in our family that's like I wish this was better and we focus on the wishing something would change and wishing something was better instead of being grateful for the fact that it allows room for growth and room for what it does for you individually as a person, whether it's creating resilience, creating empathy or compassion all these things.

Jana Shelfer:

And so back to my eyes. I started out by saying I love my eyes and then I elaborated on that and I said because and I didn't go into how they're starting to get a little bit at that age where they need readers I didn't go there. What I did was I said because I love the color and I love the way they have seen the world and let me experience such wonderful nature and beauty and my husband and your husband's face every morning.

Jana Shelfer:

Exactly, and the smile on tater.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, and I started naming things that my eyes have allowed me to see color. I'm an artist, I love to see color and paint, and anything with texture and fabric just lights me up. Anything with bling and sparkle.

Jason Shelfer:

And we have five senses about ourselves, right? So you would think that you could come up with 50 things relatively easy and I hope I'm not giving away a secret to like a quick cheat code. But with five senses that's really only 10 things per sense to come up with. That you're grateful for.

Jana Shelfer:

Oh, that's interesting. Yeah, see, I didn't think of that yesterday. I will say that for me, almost all of my Actually the first, I don't know how many were about the way I feel. I tend to feel like that seems to be my primary mode of how I experience the world is through my feelings and the way I feel, and that seems to be where I go. You know how some people taste things there. They talk about food all the time.

Jason Shelfer:

They talk about um yeah, it's kind of like it goes into the how do I learn? Am I a kinesthetic learner? And an auditory learner and am I a visceral learner Like so? Someone might be out there going.

Jana Shelfer:

I'm so thankful for the way for my ears the aromas and being able to hear or the aromas or my sense of the smell of the flowers, my sense of touch. Yes 50 things you love about yourself, 50 things I love about me and I guarantee you will learn something new about yourself and you might have a few aha moments I would love to hear about.

Jason Shelfer:

And you can't help but have a different energy about yourself when you come up with it. And you also have an evidence list for those days when you feel crappy, because crappy days happen.

Jana Shelfer:

I actually made a few phone calls that I was avoiding to make. I'm like, wow, I would not have made those phone calls. If I would not have made that list, I would not have made those phone calls, if I would not have made that list.

Jason Shelfer:

When you love yourself and this goes straight into Living Lucky®, when we believe in ourselves and love ourselves fully and know that we are doing what we can with what we have from where we are, to the best of our ability. It allows us to show up differently, because we stop beating ourselves up and start loving ourselves fully.

Jana Shelfer:

All right, have a great day and love yourself, bye-bye. If the idea of living lucky appeals to you, visit us at www. livinglucky. com.

Creating Self-Love Through Intentional Appreciation
Discover Self-Love for a Lucky Life