Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

The Lens of LOVE

March 25, 2024 Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 6 Episode 37
Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana
The Lens of LOVE
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Celebrate Love & Attract Abundance: The Living Lucky® Anniversary Special

Looking for a powerful boost of love, connection, and luck in your life? Tune into this special episode of the Living Lucky® Podcast, where Jason & Jana Shelfer celebrate 18 years of marriage by exploring the transformative power of love!

Uncover how love fuels a life of "living lucky®," and unlock these golden nuggets of wisdom:

  • Love: A Choice, Not a Fall: Ditch the idea of love as a passive experience. Discover how consciously choosing love each day strengthens your relationships and elevates your life.
  • Love vs. Fear: Dismantle the Walls Has life's disappointments hardened your heart? Learn how to break down emotional barriers and embrace the power of vulnerability.
  • The "Love Frequency" Effect: Explore the concept of a love frequency and how it can transform your creative expression and interactions with the world.
  • Gratitude: The Key to Staying Grounded in Love Discover the power of gratitude journaling to cultivate a positive mindset and attract the right people and opportunities.
  • Love is the Lens: See the World Differently Shift your perspective! Learn how viewing life through the "lens of love" can create a vortex of positive energy and attract abundance.
  • Brain & Heart Harmony: A Recipe for Luck Delve into the connection between love and brain-heart coherence. Discover how aligning these powerful centers can create a magnet for good fortune.

Feeling stuck in a rut? Jason & Jana offer a simple yet potent challenge: Try on the "lens of love" for a day and see how it transforms your experience!

This episode is more than an anniversary celebration; it's a love letter to the transformative power of this fundamental emotion.  Join Jason & Jana and discover how choosing love can elevate your relationships, boost your creativity, and open your life to a world of abundance.

Ready to ditch fear and embrace the magic of love?  Press play.

P.S. Don't forget to explore the treasure trove of resources at  for even more inspiration and guidance on your journey to a life filled with love, fulfillment, and Living Lucky®!

Mindset, Gratitude, Positivity, Law of Attraction, Brain-Heart Coherence, Living Lucky®, Love Frequency, Lens of Love, Relationship Strengthening, Gratitude Journaling, Shifting Perspective, Attracting Abundance, how to choose love over fear, developing a love frequency mindset, gratitude journaling for relationships, law of attraction with love frequency

Thanks for joining us.

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Email Jason Shelfer

The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®. Good morning, I'm Jana and this is my husband, Jason, and we are Living Lucky®.

Jana Shelfer:

I know that's right, and you are too. It's our anniversary, so we've been getting lucky this morning.

Jason Shelfer:

Happy anniversary beautiful.

Jana Shelfer:

I'm just joking about that. We're lucky all the time, but we are celebrating how many years, eighteen years. Eighteen years. You're so much better at keeping track of that than I am Eighteen years married, twenty together. I thought today we might talk about love, because love is one of the most important components to living lucky, because it's energy.

Jason Shelfer:

It is truly energy when you think about falling in love, when you think about that first initial contact and bond.

Jana Shelfer:

Why do we call it falling in love? Because it feels like you're elevating, climbing into love. You're elevating into love, right?

Jason Shelfer:

You're not falling, but I think sometimes it feels like it's not controllable. Okay.

Jana Shelfer:

So, you're.

Jana Shelfer:

You don't have any.

Jason Shelfer:

What is it called Self-discipline? It just happens, it feels like it just happens, but I don't know that it does just happen, because when you mentioned that falling into love, I was like I feel like every morning I get to wake up and I get to choose Do I want to love fully and love just? Let it kind of just run into me and out of me all day long.

Jana Shelfer:

I'm so glad you went there. Let's talk about this because I have had lunch. I like to go out with my friends, either for coffee or lunch or brunch, and it feels to me, like several of them have said, in the last couple months I feel like my heart has hardened.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

And as we get older, we start to shut down our heart, and our heart is connected to love. Love is the highest vibration. It is the highest vibration and, for some reason, as we go through life, sometimes when we get hurt, or we experience disappointment, we start building a wall and we start hardening our heart. There's that song.

Jason Shelfer:

Gonna harden my heart yeah.

Jana Shelfer:

I knew you'd be able to break it out, so what are your thoughts about that?

Jason Shelfer:

So I believe that hardening your heart is just a. It's one of those things where it's a protective mechanism. It is a protective mechanism, but it's almost like you mentioned building fences, or maybe you didn't, maybe I just heard it because I said a wall. Okay, so I envisioned building this protective fence around me. Well, if I have this protective fence around me, then it blocks communication and connection from people. Yes, and what we don't. So we're like.

Jana Shelfer:

I want love, but, yes, the button that gates everything it's kind of like leave me alone, why doesn't anybody care about me? Yeah, we're sending out mixed signals, not only to the universe but to the people around us, and what I mean it's all energy. It is all energy, and sometimes our energy gets Chaotic and confused because we. It is complex and there are a lot of different levels and there are a lot of different emotions and I think part of that is when we get our heart broke.

Jason Shelfer:

broken or get disappointed is we're staying on the surface of it and but it feels like we're deep in it and I don't know if that makes sense at all, because we're not looking for what is this telling me that I really want, like? What is this telling me that I really want to create and what I was, what I felt like I might have been missing? And I feel like I learned a lot about love for my papa.

Jana Shelfer:

my granddad is his grandpa and one that that always woke up and said boy, do I have enthusiasm? Yeah, it's so funny that you brought that up, because it was when I met your papa that I knew. I knew I had completely fallen in love with you.

Jason Shelfer:

I love it. Well, it's isn't that crazy. I feel like he loved fully in, loved every day and really loved everything about the day, and papa didn't have an easy life and he loved being married.

Jana Shelfer:

What I loved was how he loved his wife, and when I saw that there was something, I just saw you in him.

Jason Shelfer:

I saw him in you and I was like I, that's what, that's what I want, that's what I've been looking for, yeah, and that's what I feel like it actually feels good to love like that when you can. But you have the part of that is is you have to fill up with love like you have to love yourself. Love. Just feel the love flowing into you and allows the love to just flow out of you and Let go of the expectation.

Jana Shelfer:

I think I feel like I cut you off. You were saying that you learned the most from love, from him.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, most about love, and I think it was because he, he didn't have those fences, didn't have the walls up, and he also Felt loved like he. Just he just assumed he looked through. He looked at life through the lens of love oh my gosh, ding, ding, ding.

Jana Shelfer:

Can you repeat that when we look through life through the lens, when we look at life through the lens of love?

Jason Shelfer:

Then you get to assume that everything is working for you, that everyone is doing like people are doing the best that they can Towards your connection with them and towards the love in the environment and think about it.

Jana Shelfer:

when somebody is looking through the lens of love, then as a as an outsider, you feel like you can show up a little more authentically and raw. You're not filtering what you say, because you know that underneath there's always an intention of love and good yes. You know that you're giving love, you know that you're receiving love, and it really does lower the defense mechanisms defense. D F E N S E defense like defense.

Jason Shelfer:

Remove the fence.

Jana Shelfer:

Oh, oh, my gosh. Sometimes we talk out these, these topics, and we have little insights as we go. So that's really fun. Are you crying, right?

Jason Shelfer:

now it's my ocular rosacea. It's just something happened over the last couple days and it's just gone insane.

Jana Shelfer:

What do we need to get you to an eye doctor?

Jason Shelfer:

no, I just I need to go back to my daily therapy routine for my eyes.

Jana Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

I don't know you're like, you're crying right now.

Jason Shelfer:

Well, they've been watering, which is good, but they are also dry, which is not good, which is just like an oxymoron, but I love them.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, I was gonna say maybe we need to love your eyes, love our body, love ourselves.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and it's a and there's an option. We have an opportunity to look at life through the lens of love and we get to where it's kind of like sunglasses you choose to put them on or not.

Jana Shelfer:

Oh my gosh. Ok again. I don't know if you brought that up just out of accident, but I got these new eyeglasses and they're just reading glasses, that's all they are. I just buy the little cheap ones off of Amazon, but they are so clean and I didn't realize how scratched the other ones had become.

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

And you, it's like not until you put on a, it's not until you put the lens on. New pair, or you really stop and clean the old ones, or that you realize wow, I've been looking at life through a filter.

Jason Shelfer:

A scratched up filter.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, it's crazy. And so when you say the lens of love, that is really hitting home for me because I feel, as my friends at coffee have been telling me, that as we go through life our heart starts to harden a little bit, and Joe Dispenza always talks about the heart and brain coherence, and when your heart and your brain can be as one, then you become connected to the unified field. And I take it a step further. I feel that it's not only your heart space but your brain space.

Jana Shelfer:

But I feel, if you can, really, really, your spiritual space connect into your divine self, your soul like your soul, and I always point to my gut when I say that my soul deep in there. Yes, and when you can align all of those selves or energy fields, yes. That's being. It feels like you're living in this vortex of luck and the right people will start coming into your space the right opportunities, the right aura.

Jason Shelfer:

And I think part of that is love it's love.

Jana Shelfer:

That is.

Jason Shelfer:

that is the common denominator, that's the stew that comes out as love, and when you're loving, everything, it's a. There's this beauty, it's a creationism.

Jana Shelfer:

Oh my gosh, you say that. So I have this artist that I am obsessed with right now. Her name is Yayoi Kusama.

Jana Shelfer:

Easy for you to say yeah, if I missed my notes that I so greatly apologize.

Jana Shelfer:

I have been so I've bought all of her books and I've been watching her documentary and she prays for love every day. Every day she prays for love and her life story Life story has been one that, like your papa, it hasn't been an easy life for her, but she has reached this frequency and it is now coming out in her art and she's an older woman now. She's been an artist her whole life, but it's not until now, now, that she's reached this frequency of love in her life. It's a creationism.

Jana Shelfer:

Her art is taking people by storm, and she's actually, I think, the highest paid female artist in the world right now. But every day she prays for love.

Jason Shelfer:

Well, think about it when you are, when you're around someone that just loves fully, loves genuinely, is very authentic in love. It also feels good. We talk all the time about energy being contagious. Yes, you want to be around these people, you want to almost pour into it so you can have a taste of what they're experiencing. You know, and why wouldn't? If you got a chance to choose living in that filter, looking through that lens of love and creation out of love and just experiencing love all the time, why wouldn't you expect other people to come in and want to be part of that atmosphere?

Jana Shelfer:

One last thing I want to add is she claims that once she really started reaching that love frequency, it started come, her art started coming out differently. And so just think about that when your insides, when you're thinking, feeling love you, you do show up differently.

Jason Shelfer:

You express differently. You express differently you don't expect to get orange juice out of a lemon. What's inside is going to come out.

Jana Shelfer:

Which, I believe, is why gratitude journals are so important, because every day then you start concentrating on what you love, what the beauty in life, what you're grateful for, and it all comes back down. It all comes back to love.

Jason Shelfer:

I love you Happy anniversary. I love it Thanks for joining us.

Jana Shelfer:

I hope this helped someone out there. If not, I hope it just raised your vibration. Yeah, just try it.

Jason Shelfer:

And if having looking through the lens of love doesn't sound comfortable to you, just try it on like a costume, Try it on like an outfit and just see how you can, how it changes the experience of the day.

Jana Shelfer:

And I also think, just having the awareness of how we are showing up, how we are viewing life.

Jason Shelfer:

And asking am I looking at this through the lens of love or am I looking at this through the lens of I might get hurt.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

Keep Living Lucky®.

Jana Shelfer:

Bye-bye. If the idea of living lucky appeals to you, visit us at www. LivingLucky. com.

Living Lucky
Lucky Love Through Life's Lens