Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Energetic Residue

March 22, 2024 Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 6 Episode 36
Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana
Energetic Residue
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever Feel Stuck in Someone Else's Bad Mood? Escape the Energetic Drain and Live Lucky®!

Do you ever leave a conversation feeling mysteriously zapped? Or maybe you've experienced the road rage contagion – one minute you're cruising, the next you're a steering wheel-gripping maniac thanks to some jerky driver. In this episode of Living Lucky®, Jason and Jana Banana delve into the fascinating world of energetic residue – how it clings to you and how to scrub it clean.

You'll discover:

  • The surprising truth about emotional contagion: It's not just a feeling – it's a transfer of energy! Learn how to protect yourself from other people's bad vibes.
  • From road rage to road bliss: Conquer frustrating commutes and situations with practical tips for maintaining positive energy behind the wheel (or anywhere else!).
  • Are you an energy empath? If you take on other people's emotions, you're not alone. Discover how to manage your super-sensitive energy field and avoid burnout.
  • ️  Creating your energetic sanctuary: Learn how to craft a safe space where you can recharge and cleanse your energy, fostering a haven of positivity in your world.
  • ✨  The ripple effect of good vibes: You are a power source! Discover how your positive energy can create a chain reaction, uplifting yourself and those around you.

Plus, get ready for actionable tips to cleanse your energetic aura and supercharge your emotional well-being. This episode is your roadmap to a life overflowing with positivity and resilience.

Ready to ditch the energetic drain and radiate good vibes? Tune in and get ready to transform your life!

P.S. Struggling to stay positive in a negativity-filled world? Send your woes to and have a personalized discussion to help you on your journey toward Living Lucky®. 
energetic residue, emotional contagion, energy empath, positive energy, cleanse your aura, bad vibes, road rage, emotional well-being, negativity, sensitivity, protect yourself from negative energy, how to manage emotional contagion, create a positive energy space, practical tips for maintaining positive energy, transform your life with positive energy
#LivingLucky, #EnergyHealing, #EmotionalIntelligence, #PositiveVibes, #SelfCare, #EnergyEmpath, #LawOfAttraction, #Mindset, #PersonalGrowth

Jason Shelfer, Jana Banana, Living Lucky® Podcast, Energy Management, Emotional Hygiene, Law of Vibration

Thanks for joining us.

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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky®. Good morning. I'm Jana and this is my husband, Jason, and we are Living Lucky®.

Jason Shelfer:

You are too.

Jana Shelfer:

Because you're here with us and we greatly appreciate that. We appreciate you. Today we're talking about energy residue.

Jason Shelfer:

Give me some of that or don't.

Jana Shelfer:

Or don't. It can be either or right, yes it can? We often say in our conversations that energy is contagious. We're gonna take it a step further today, because we personally are responsible for our own energy. Yes, and sometimes you need to clean, you need to detoxify your energy.

Jason Shelfer:

Amen to that I'm. I know I do sometimes Like oftentimes, oh, but you have great energy. I do have great energy, but it's it's a process. So it's almost like I keep that energy cleansing and energy focus moving constantly like an engine.

Jana Shelfer:

You have very clean energy. In fact, we were at a conference a few weeks ago and it was a manifestation summit down in Miami, and of all the people in that room they came over and they picked Jason specifically and said, and I quote I have little quote fingers going up right now, they quoted you have the best energy.

Jana Shelfer:

Would you mind coming and talking to the camera? So, of all the people like you have this little aura of golden energy that comes from you. So I appreciate that about you. The only time you don't have golden energy it's in the car. It's when we're in the car.

Jason Shelfer:

So that's where I need to say okay, when I put my sunglasses on or when I think of the front windshield, that I need to put on the lens of love, because I do.

Jana Shelfer:

I will admit I take it off too bad.

Jason Shelfer:

Yes, I do and it falls in. Really it's my old self.

Jana Shelfer:

It is your old self that goes back to your sales days, when you spent a lot of time in your car.

Jason Shelfer:

It goes back to way back, I think, when I thought so little of myself and I tried so hard, like I was constantly trying to be better, trying to prove my value to, and just in the car I'm thinking of it right now. It's really about trust and boundaries.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, Trusting other people know how to drive, and so they're gonna stay in their lane.

Jason Shelfer:

A lot of times I felt like I am the best driver, so anybody that drove slower than me was an idiot. Anybody that drove faster than me was just reckless.

Jana Shelfer:

But that's not necessarily true.

Jana Shelfer:

It is so not true.

Jason Shelfer:

It is so, not true, because I drive according to the mood and the energetic expression that I have. Yes, I mean, cars are literally energy and motion. Emotions are energy and motion.

Jana Shelfer:

For example, we were driving to dance lesson on Wednesday and I felt so uncomfortable. I felt so uncomfortable in the passenger seat to the point where I was like I went out of this car, and so I tried. I get scared to say anything to you.

Jason Shelfer:

Because I'm already in that state.

Jana Shelfer:

I can feel the energy, I can feel it coming from him, yeah. So I just said very slyly are you road raging right now?

Jason Shelfer:

Is there road rage happening somewhere?

Jana Shelfer:

I did. That's what you said. I tried to say it.

Jason Shelfer:

It was like, don't point it at him, but just say, is there road rage happening anywhere? And that brings my awareness to am I acting a certain way? Am I thinking a certain thought? And do I because I'm in a position where I know that when we communicate, we're always communicating toward the higher good?

Jana Shelfer:

We are, we are, and so when we ask ourselves questions, it's hey, is there road rage anywhere?

Jason Shelfer:

and if I'm completely focused on what everyone around me is doing wrong, then it's going to lead me into that feeling of anxiety, of pressure, of I've got to get out of this situation or, if I can just say, we're all just going somewhere.

Jana Shelfer:

And we're all doing our best.

Jason Shelfer:

I'm focused on what's bothering me here, yes, and then I'm sucking in that energy.

Jana Shelfer:

It's a spin positive.

Jason Shelfer:

It is such a spin. Positive it is and it was non.

Jana Shelfer:

Where's your focus? Is your focus on what everyone is doing wrong or are you focused on what you can control, which is you can stay in your lane, you can control your speed, you can control your mood and your energy and what you're bringing to this experience.

Jason Shelfer:

And I would say, five years ago you would probably have said something more pointed.

Jana Shelfer:

I would have, I would have.

Jason Shelfer:

You're driving like a bat out of hell, like what the F is wrong so why do I feel like this and even if you hadn't said something five years ago, that was more pointed. I would have taken it more pointed, yeah isn't that interesting so that whole experience.

Jana Shelfer:

I'm realizing now that we both have grown so much, because I literally did. I said is there road rage happening somewhere? Like that was a very Non-confrontational way to bring awareness.

Jason Shelfer:

Go me yeah, okay, so it allowed me to take a take a pause, take a breath and get out of the little zone quote unquote zone I was in because I wasn't in a healthy zone. I was getting irritated that people were pulling in front of me and slowing down. I was like why do you change lanes to get in front of me and slow down? I was like I took it personally.

Jana Shelfer:

I'm in this. I'm in this mastermind right now with Robin banks and he is fantastic.

Jason Shelfer:

He is a fantastic that's not robbing banks, it's Robin, I know.

Jana Shelfer:

I told him. I said Robin, that is such a funny name. And he said Are you making fun of my name, jana banana? Anyway, he was telling a story that he had someone in his cohort Once say I can't control my road rage when I'm in traffic. And Robin said well, how do you react in those situations? Because it's just a circumstance. It is just, traffic is just a circumstance.

Jason Shelfer:

And if we allow our outer environment to control, us or inner environment, we become victims, we give our power away yeah, it's renting brain space out to whatever for free, like you're not even getting anything from.

Jana Shelfer:

We give our power away. And so he asked this guy so how do you react in these situations? And this guy says I think the guy's name was Michael. He says I call everyone at a hole.

Jason Shelfer:

I hit my hands on the steering wheel. I touched the roof of the car and I'm like a hole everybody's around, his energy goes through the roof.

Jana Shelfer:

and so then Robin banks says Not to get too personal, but how's everything in your backside?

Jason Shelfer:

yeah, how's everything around your a hole?

Jana Shelfer:

And the guy says it's funny, you ask because I've had two hemorrhoids surgeries. And then of course we all laugh. Now here's the here's the point to that whole story. The universe not only here's the words we say, but it feels the energy that we are giving because there's a vibrational frequency to every energy level and everything has its own vibrational signature.

Jana Shelfer:

and when energetic when you tap into it, just like Jason does, as soon as we get in the car, he taps into this vibration, this frequency and, frankly, it's a station that I don't want to listen to anymore strong and I hear that like I have actually had knocked down fights about this, and it's funny how we have grown, because your energy and here's a point that I want to make to everyone your energy is contagious and it affects everyone in the car then, wherever your destination is. When everyone gets out of that car now, they are holding energy that now they have to cleanse, and not everyone is an energy cleanser.

Jana Shelfer:

not everyone has the tools some people are like I don't want to feel this, so I'm going to make whoever around me feel like crap, I'm going to get rid of it, I'm going to push it off on other people. And then there are some people who are energy empaths and, without even knowing it, it's happening in their subconscious, they're sucking all of this energy in and they attach meaning to this energy. For example, if I am an energy empath, so I am sucking it in, and then I start attaching stories, because I sometimes am like why am I always, why do I feel the burden to cleanse everyone's energy?

Jason Shelfer:

Why am I feeling that emotional burden of an odd energetic exchange?

Jana Shelfer:

And it's only human to start asking myself questions. Well, do they not like me? Why are they always like this around me? Is it something that I've done?

Jason Shelfer:

Right, because you feel like the common denominator.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, because you start going out in the world and you're like is it me, Am I the one that's attracting all of this? Which it is, because, now that I'm aware of it, I'm like you know what?

Jason Shelfer:

It's just you were accepting it, like you were seeing it, because you're so, I think you're very enlightened, like you pick up on the cues, the social cues, the energetic vibration of the crowd, of the individual, and we often move towards what we want there, because vibrational frequencies tend to pair up. But the problem is is a lot of times people in general are depressed, angry, anxious. They have all these negative vibrations and we're going through that to get to the where we want.

Jana Shelfer:

Which is it's so funny you bring that up, because right now, a lot of times, I prefer to be home, I prefer to be in my house, and for me, my house is an energetic, safe space. It is our energy, is very clean.

Jason Shelfer:

It's high energetic here, like creation, this love, it is All the appreciation and.

Jana Shelfer:

I hate to say this, but I think people have this hangover from COVID and I kind of feel sometimes like people are not at the highest vibration that they could or potentially should be I hate to use the word should and a lot of times.

Jason Shelfer:

What has happened is is because we don't process this information like, have the conversations around it, like we do, that we bring a lot of that energy from outside into our homes, into our safe space, and if we're not, if we're, or we even turn the TV on and we're bringing extra negativity and just bad energy into our safe space.

Jana Shelfer:

We try to be aware and stay informed, and so we turn on the news which Jason and I do not watch the news anymore, and so a lot of times, a lot of times, when we do go out, people are like, oh yeah, well, war is happening over in Ukraine.

Jason Shelfer:

We're like really, it's funny because we'll get all the negative information from the news.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

And we're like, oh, and honestly I get it. There are people out there just gonna beat the hell out of me right now because they're like, well, you're not informed, you're not affecting change, you're not part of the solution 99.9% of the people.

Jana Shelfer:

We went through that phase in our life and we've decided to rise above it.

Jason Shelfer:

We are above it and we are making such positive change. So we are actually affecting change, because we know that there is the anxiety, the conflict, all the negative things that are happening, but I see physical change in the people that we interact with every single day Me too and then they are able to show up more fully in their lives, in their houses, in their communities, and that is making effective change and there is a ripple effect through that.

Jana Shelfer:

Do you know what news stands for N-E-W-S? Do you know what it stands for Negative energy with suffering?

Jason Shelfer:

Drop the mic. Drop the mic.

Jana Shelfer:

Negative energy with suffering. So if you're a person that is a news junkie, who is constantly oh I got to follow my news nose, follow my news nose, guess what you're getting. You're getting energy residue that is not always at the highest vibration.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and you're changing your lens of life. Because immediately for me, when you said negative energy with suffering, I thought negative energy will sprout.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, yes, because that's what you're planting. Yes.

Jason Shelfer:

So it's a like think about what you're allowing in, Think about those seeds, Think about your energetic residue yes and also what energetic residue you're allowing people to leave on you.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, I feel like we've gone a little long. I could talk about this for hours. This is something that it raises my passion inside me. I get so excited about this because we're onto some things. We are onto some things and if we can help you. The first thing is be aware of your own energy. Be aware at all times of your energy. Now, if a feeling or an emotion comes up, there are ways to cleanse that energy, and I'm not sure if. I should talk about it now, or if we maybe should do a part two of this.

Jason Shelfer:

If you have questions or want to discuss this more, send me an email at Jason@ LivingLucky. com. Like let's have this conversation or leave some comments in the podcast notes.

Jana Shelfer:

The number one tip I'm just going to give you because I want everyone to have a nugget before they leave is to change your state. Change your state. And how do you do that? Sometimes, when a crappy circumstance happens or you're feeling an emotion you don't want to feel, or something inside you is stirring, you say how lucky am I, how lucky am I that I'm feeling?

Jason Shelfer:

this. "How lucky am I.

Jana Shelfer:

I love it. How lucky am I. And let's start moving toward the radical gratitude. All right guys, have a great day. Thank you so much for joining us.

Jason Shelfer:

Keep Living Lucky®.

Jana Shelfer:

Bye-bye. If the idea of Living Lucky appeals to you, visit us at www. livinglucky. com.

Mastering Energy Residue and Positive Driving
Understanding and Cleansing Energy Vibrations