Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

The Boogie Man Inside You: Your Attitude

February 23, 2024 Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 6 Episode 24
The Boogie Man Inside You: Your Attitude
Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana
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Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana
The Boogie Man Inside You: Your Attitude
Feb 23, 2024 Season 6 Episode 24
Jana and Jason Shelfer

Unleash Your Inner Sunshine: Attract Success & Live Lucky with "Morning Magic" ☀️

Dreading the daily grind? Feeling stuck in a rut? It's time to flip the script and ignite your mornings with positivity and possibility! In this power-packed episode of Living Lucky®, Jason & Jana delve deep into the transformative power of attitude and how it shapes your path to success.


  • Waking up with a spring in your step, ready to conquer the day with optimism and enthusiasm.
  • Shifting your mindset from "doom loop" to growth cycle, attracting opportunities and abundance.
  • Living Lucky® not as a catchphrase but as a lifestyle of self-awareness and proactive growth.

This episode is your:

  • Morning mantra: Learn how to harness the power of positive mornings for success in all areas of life.
  • Personal development pep talk: Discover practical tips to combat negativity and cultivate a vibrant outlook.
  • Call to action: Embrace self-reflection and open yourself to life's enriching experiences.

Bonus: Jason & Jana share real-life stories of how shifting their perspectives impacted their journeys.

Feeling the resistance? We get it! The episode also tackles skepticism and negativity, offering tools to overcome them and step into your growth zone.

Ready to invest in yourself and unlock your true potential? Tune in to "The Boogie Man Inside You: Your Attitude" and Living Lucky®" and start living a life you love!

positive attitude, success, mindset, personal development, Living Lucky®, morning routine, motivation, inspiration, growth, opportunity, abundance, self-awareness, lifestyle, podcast

P.S. Share this episode with someone who needs a dose of sunshine!

P.P.S. Don't forget to subscribe for more Living Lucky® magic!

#LivingLucky #MorningMagic #SuccessMindset #PersonalGrowth #Podcast #Motivation #Inspiration #Positivity #Opportunity #Abundance #attractsuccess #overcomenegativity #shiftperspective  #positivevibes #embraceopportunity #cultivateoptimism #morningmagic #luckymindset #selfawareness #proactivegrowth #personaldevelopment #lifestylechange #happiness #abundance #mindsetmatters #positivevibesonly #motivationmond

For mind-blowing inspirational content, join us on Living Lucky TV and on Living Lucky TV Live where you become part of the show at

Thanks for joining us.

*** The Living Lucky Community is experiencing what it feels like to create a life of inspiration where dreams come true. Check it out HERE *** or at

!!! SEND US A MESSAGE: Are you ready to unlock your path to a more inspired life where you're Living Lucky®? Email me directly and let's chart your course toward realizing your dreams and creating a life that fills you with daily inspiration.
Email Jason Shelfer

The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Unleash Your Inner Sunshine: Attract Success & Live Lucky with "Morning Magic" ☀️

Dreading the daily grind? Feeling stuck in a rut? It's time to flip the script and ignite your mornings with positivity and possibility! In this power-packed episode of Living Lucky®, Jason & Jana delve deep into the transformative power of attitude and how it shapes your path to success.


  • Waking up with a spring in your step, ready to conquer the day with optimism and enthusiasm.
  • Shifting your mindset from "doom loop" to growth cycle, attracting opportunities and abundance.
  • Living Lucky® not as a catchphrase but as a lifestyle of self-awareness and proactive growth.

This episode is your:

  • Morning mantra: Learn how to harness the power of positive mornings for success in all areas of life.
  • Personal development pep talk: Discover practical tips to combat negativity and cultivate a vibrant outlook.
  • Call to action: Embrace self-reflection and open yourself to life's enriching experiences.

Bonus: Jason & Jana share real-life stories of how shifting their perspectives impacted their journeys.

Feeling the resistance? We get it! The episode also tackles skepticism and negativity, offering tools to overcome them and step into your growth zone.

Ready to invest in yourself and unlock your true potential? Tune in to "The Boogie Man Inside You: Your Attitude" and Living Lucky®" and start living a life you love!

positive attitude, success, mindset, personal development, Living Lucky®, morning routine, motivation, inspiration, growth, opportunity, abundance, self-awareness, lifestyle, podcast

P.S. Share this episode with someone who needs a dose of sunshine!

P.P.S. Don't forget to subscribe for more Living Lucky® magic!

#LivingLucky #MorningMagic #SuccessMindset #PersonalGrowth #Podcast #Motivation #Inspiration #Positivity #Opportunity #Abundance #attractsuccess #overcomenegativity #shiftperspective  #positivevibes #embraceopportunity #cultivateoptimism #morningmagic #luckymindset #selfawareness #proactivegrowth #personaldevelopment #lifestylechange #happiness #abundance #mindsetmatters #positivevibesonly #motivationmond

For mind-blowing inspirational content, join us on Living Lucky TV and on Living Lucky TV Live where you become part of the show at

Thanks for joining us.

*** The Living Lucky Community is experiencing what it feels like to create a life of inspiration where dreams come true. Check it out HERE *** or at

!!! SEND US A MESSAGE: Are you ready to unlock your path to a more inspired life where you're Living Lucky®? Email me directly and let's chart your course toward realizing your dreams and creating a life that fills you with daily inspiration.
Email Jason Shelfer

The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start living lucky. Good morning Jana I'm Jana and this is my husband, Jason. Oh, that just made me giggle. You had such a twinkle in your eye, almost like Santa.

Jana Shelfer:

Because, we're talking about attitude today.

Jason Shelfer:

I love attitude.

Jana Shelfer:

You say that about every topic.

Jason Shelfer:

Well, I do because I could say we're talking about bowel movements today. I love a bowel movement. I'm full of love. What I'm gonna tell you right now is I try to love things and I love life, and it doesn't matter what it is, I'm gonna just come at it with love and it makes my life so much better.

Jana Shelfer:

Jason comes at life, he has the boy do I have enthusiasm attitude every morning?

Jason Shelfer:

Thanks, papa.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, he learned that from his grandfather, which it actually was a slip of the tongue, I think he was either gonna say enthusiasm, or optimism, or energy, and all three words just came out together.

Jason Shelfer:

He kept it and he owned it.

Jana Shelfer:

Boy, do I have enthusiasm and it's such a great attitude. We happen to be going to a conference today, which we love conferences. So if you are, if you are followers of Jana and Jason, you know that we are constantly learning and growing An investment in yourself is one investment that will always pay off. And it's tax-free.

Jason Shelfer:

And it's tax-free.

Jana Shelfer:

Anyway, we are going to this conference today and we woke up super excited. Now, like many of these conferences, there's usually a private group online that you can join and you can get to know the other participants that are going to be there and you can kind of start to connect. So Jason got on the page this morning to see okay, what are people saying, how are people feeling this morning about our conference, that we're gonna be spending the next three days together at trade surge and anyway. What did you read?

Jason Shelfer:

It was. It was just interesting because I attended this conference today and might I say it was truly exceeded my expectations. I'm a little concerned about the classes, so the first conference was kind of an introductory, like hey, this, wake up. And then these, the classes that we're going to today, tomorrow and Sunday are the education classes. Like this. It's like how do you, how do you do this?

Jana Shelfer:

And let me just be real. That's how they all work.

Jana Shelfer:

They start out with some there's always like some sort of motivational, inspirational day where they get you to come and they get you all fired up and then at the end of the day they're like now, if you really are ready to take action in yourself, then do this. And then they offer something and of course Jason and I are like all right, let's see what they're offering. And it sounded like you know what that sounds like fun to us, so we decided to proceed and head go forward with this. The thing is, is that on this group, oh my god it just went viral, like in the group it felt like that funk.

Jason Shelfer:

You know that that one person I read a couple reviews and they're gonna try to sell us at the end.

Jana Shelfer:

That one person puts out a little doubt, a little skepticism a little, he's bringing an energy to the group. That is a little, he's just. It's his protection it is mechanism because he doesn't want to get scammed and he's trying to alert everyone in the group.

Jana Shelfer:

Oh, watch out keep your caution yes, keep your antennas up, and the reason that I'm bringing this up is because it is that I know again, it's just our lizard brain trying to protect us and trying to make sure that we aren't naive. However, it's that same attitude that will keep us from growing, learning, connecting, and it's contagious.

Jason Shelfer:

It is contagious it is contagious and where your focus goes, energy flows yes so when you're focused on where, how are they gonna get me? How are how am I that's?

Jana Shelfer:

the thought. That's the limiting belief right there. How are they going to get me? How?

Jason Shelfer:

am I gonna lose in this the? World is not out to get us but when you're focused on that, that's, that's a, it's what's gonna happen, like it or it's there's gonna be that you're not gonna get the return on investment of time or or whatever you paid for the tickets. So, because you're focused on the wrong thing, it's. What can this teach me? What can I learn from this?

Jana Shelfer:

How can I grow?

Jason Shelfer:

a portion of the large portion of your energy is going All right. How, what's wrong with this and how is this bad for me? A and also, anything you do learn, it's not gonna stick Because you you're not accepting it and you're it's tainted.

Jana Shelfer:

You're not open. You're not open. It's crazy. You're living in lack.

Jason Shelfer:

And you know what I was like this, I know like, I remember being like this.

Jana Shelfer:

And I was just gonna say I, I think we both have been like this in the past. We both have gone to these things and said, oh, here it comes, and and we're still, and I'm sure they're still aware.

Jason Shelfer:

I'm sure there's places where I'm still like that. I just haven't recognized it because we haven't been in those situations lately.

Jana Shelfer:

And here's the thing is, that's how these things work. That's how they operate is again, they start out with an inspirational day. They motivate you, they get you all pumped up to change your life, and then they offer something. They offer something more.

Jason Shelfer:

That's how these things work and it's an incredible deal. It's an irresistible offer. Every time it's an irresistible offer, the irresistible offer to get you in the room. That's just the way it works.

Jana Shelfer:

That's the way it works, but it's how we perceive it.

Jason Shelfer:

And another thing is you have to have the irresistible offer, because we're so programmed now to look for how they're getting us.

Jana Shelfer:

Uh huh.

Jason Shelfer:

So we've got to get you in the room, or like, whoever it is has to get you in the room, so that there might be a chance that they could help you get better.

Jana Shelfer:

Isn't that funny. It's insane, but it's the way it is there might be a chance they can help you. Yeah, and it's all about how we perceive it. And again, we go to these things because there's something in our souls that wants to learn, wants to grow, wants to I put this in quotes but get better.

Jason Shelfer:

Want more out of life.

Jana Shelfer:

Want more, we want more, and so we go to these things and then, at the same time, we close off and we say, oh, but you're trying to scam me, you're trying to take my money, you're trying to. Well, we need to reframe that. They're not trying to take our money, they're trying to help. And it's like how do you here's an example how do you view police officers? Yeah, I was taught growing up police officers are your friend.

Jason Shelfer:

Police officers. This is gonna blow up the chat, just because I was taught that too.

Jana Shelfer:

I was taught that. Now I know that other people have grown up in different circumstances and they have literally been taught oh no, the police are out to get you Well, think about this anytime the police officer is like the blue lights pop up behind you, how much is your immediate feeling?

Jason Shelfer:

I mean, I still oh my god she's gonna pull me over to tell me there's something wrong with my car, because no, he's probably telling me I'm driving too fast, which is true.

Jana Shelfer:

I'm in trouble I don't want to hear it, but it is true and you have to look at it like he or she, excuse me. The police person is keep their job is to keep safety and order, keep safety and respond to help.

Jason Shelfer:

They are helpers, but it often seems like we're in trouble.

Jana Shelfer:

And therefore sometimes people perceive police officers to be the bad guy, the man trying to keep me down. All of a sudden in high school the word for police officer was pig.

Jason Shelfer:

Here comes the pig, the police, the pig.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah right.

Jason Shelfer:

The pigs are wrecking the party.

Jana Shelfer:

That's horrible.

Jason Shelfer:

I remember that, yeah.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, here come the pigs, Get out, the pigs are coming. I don't know if that was a farm reference.

Jason Shelfer:

Kansas. You don't know. It was in Quincy too.

Jana Shelfer:

It might have just been and so our perception started to change right and then slowly I mean then over the pandemic it felt like there was like a society against police.

Jason Shelfer:

Oh yeah, take the badges, take the guns, defund them all that yeah it's all about our perception.

Jana Shelfer:

And so back to our conference today and the attitudes that people arrive with. When you here's the second part of this you have an attitude, so you have a thought, and then that creates a feeling. And when you have a thought and a feeling combined, that will influence your actions and therefore you are creating your reality. So if you have the thought, oh, they're out to get me. And then you have this feeling, ooh, I gotta be on alert, I gotta be cautious. Guess what you're gonna experience?

Jason Shelfer:

All that just creates this resistance.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes. And your overall goal is to change and grow.

Jason Shelfer:

And this is basically putting a layer of resistance over any growth that you might possibly have.

Jana Shelfer:

It's the stop Whether it's financial spiritual relational-.

Jana Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

Anything that you are trying to work on. You are in your own way. You are your biggest obstacle.

Jason Shelfer:

It's a resistance to the connection that you're trying to make. So you're saying I want this connection, but you're resisting it by showing up that way. If you're not showing up fully and open, then you're not gonna be able to experience that full relationship and connection.

Jana Shelfer:

In the last week alone, I have probably I don't know if God is just sending me these people trying to make a point to me, but I feel like I've had coffee. I have met with four or five different people and they all are having the same issue where it feels like they are trapped in their circumstances, and when I try to give them a different perspective because I'm not in their circumstances, I am outside, looking in, saying okay, but do you see how you are creating this? You are creating it by the thoughts you are having and the feelings that you're having around this. If we want to change our lives, we need to change our energy.

Jason Shelfer:

Amen. And I don't even know if we need to talk about this today, but it feels like whenever I talk to people that feel like that, whenever I say you need to change your energy, you're kind of creating this for yourself. They're like, no, it's happening to me.

Jana Shelfer:

It's a resistance and all of a sudden I'm like do you hear yourself? You are becoming a victim in your own life.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, it's one of those feelings like you can say you can't read the label when you're inside the box, but when you're inside the box you do not want to hear it.

Jana Shelfer:

You're like, just get me out of the box.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, just get me out of the box and, like, help me, I don't understand.

Jason Shelfer:

They're fighting you off with everything they have, because that resistance is so built up and the attitude and just the thought process of it's happening to me keeps you in the box.

Jana Shelfer:

Again it's happening to me. Again. This always happens to me. It does. I already know the outcome because, I've been there before. Well, if you keep doing and thinking the same things that you've always done and thought, guess what kind of results you're going to have? You're going to have the same results.

Jason Shelfer:

That's the definition of insanity.

Jana Shelfer:

And until we say oh, wait, a minute, I'm going to think about this differently, I'm going to feel differently about this. Those two things, just those two things alone, will create a chain reaction where you start taking different actions. But it's up to us, it is up to the individual, and nobody can do it for you. It's something that you have to figure out yourself, but everybody has the capability, if they are just aware.

Jason Shelfer:

Awareness. It always comes back to awareness.

Jana Shelfer:

Okay, I'm on a rant and now I am going to attend a wonderful conference where I'm going to meet the most amazing people and I'm going to learn aha moments that I didn't realize and maybe, if I have learned them before, they're going to hit differently with me today, because I am open and aware and ready and you're at a different level of viewership. Thanks for joining us, as always, and keep living lucky. Bye-bye, see you tomorrow. See you tomorrow.

Jason Shelfer:

I was gonna say see you tomorrow, but it'll actually be Monday, bye-bye.

Jana Shelfer:

If the idea of living lucky appeals to you, visit us at www. livinglucky. com.

Creating a Positive Attitude for Success
Living Lucky