Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Talking Myself Healthy: How Positive Self-Talk Powered Our Diet Transformation

Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 6 Episode 4

Ever hear that inner voice whispering "you can't" when you face a plate of kale chips? We've all got one, that critic whispering doubts and sabotaging healthy choices. Forget fad diets and guilt trips! In this episode of Living Lucky®, we're talking Talking Myself Healthy: How Positive Self-Talk Powered Our Gutsy Viome Journey!

Join us as we get real about embracing a new diet plan while wrestling with our food demons (lamb meltdowns and cashew cheese cravings, oh my!). But this isn't just about our struggles, it's about your victory! We'll equip you with the secret weapon that transformed our relationship with food and health: Positive Self-Talk!

Learn to silence the critic and become your own cheerleader:

  • Turn "I can't" into "One bite at a time, I rock!" mantras. Reframe negativity, empower yourself!
  • Ditch the guilt, embrace self-compassion. Cookies happen! Learn to be your best friend, even after that extra treat.
  • Make healthy choices fun, not a chore. New foods, unfamiliar routines? We'll show you how to turn it into an adventure!
  • Celebrate every step, big or small. From conquering cravings to enjoying a delicious, healthy meal, every victory counts!

This isn't just our story, it's your roadmap to a healthier, happier you! We're your guides, your cheerleaders, on this sometimes messy, always rewarding journey. Download this episode, hit play, and let's turn our inner voices into forces for good, one bite (and positive affirmation) at a time! Conquer your cravings, crush self-doubt, and start Living Lucky® with us!

About VIOME: I'm personally invested in Viome - not just financially, but I've brought this cutting-edge nutrition testing to my family too. Plus, I've invested months becoming a certified nutrition coach with Mindvalley Viome. If you're ready to stop guessing and start testing, Use code for a special discount and let's decode your path to vibrant health together!

#LivingLucky #JanaShelfer #JasonShelfer #positiveselftalk #healthtransformation #dietinspiration #Viome #guthealth #wellness #motivation #personaldevelopment #healthyeating #selfcompassion #mindsetshift #foodandmood #healthylifestyle #selftalkexercises #innercritic #innerdialogue

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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Speaker 1:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start living lucky. Good morning, I'm Jammel, I'm Jason and we are living lucky. That's right. We're talking about our inner dialogue. What we tell ourselves is what we experience, and in the last hour, that's exactly what happened to us.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes I'm like who is that talking in there, because I can just have this whole conversation going answering myself, talking to myself. Or is it just my brain taking control of everything?

Speaker 1:

No, Sometimes I'm rolling down the street and all of a sudden my mind just starts having a conversation without me. Has that ever happened? Yes, and then all of a sudden I'm like where did that come from?

Speaker 2:

All of a sudden I wake up and I'm like whoa Well, my mind is literally having a conversation without me, do you ever get in an argument with yourself in your head and you're like okay, who's gonna win it? Like roses are red, violets are blue. I'm Schitzer-Bernick, and so am I. That's for you.

Speaker 1:

Andrew, no, that's from an old movie called what About Bob? Here's the thing we all have this voice inside us. If we track that voice, many times it goes back to maybe a teacher, maybe a mom, maybe a dad, maybe an inner critic. But yes, we all have this voice inside and what that voice is telling our brain is usually what we pay attention to and usually what we experience. It is painting our reality.

Speaker 2:

It's basically holding the lens of focus towards what you're gonna end up focusing on.

Speaker 1:

And here's the deal. Many of you listen to us day after or week after week. We have three podcasts every week, so thank you for all of our loyal clients, customers, listeners.

Speaker 2:

Downloaders we so appreciate.

Speaker 1:

I think now we are in 70 different countries, so we appreciate all of you all over the world and for all of you that have been listening to us, you know that we have recently been doing what's called Viome. Jason has become a coach for a company called Viome. Viome is this company that literally looks inside your gut.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's a full health spectrum to figure out what's going on in your human biome, whether that's in different areas, we all have these different microbiomes in our mouth, in our gut, in our any cavity in our skin All these things that affect how our bodies respond and perform optimally.

Speaker 1:

And, to put this in layman's terms, we had to spit in a little test tube. We also had to take our little blood and we had to poop in a hammock, and then we had to take all these little tests and send them to Viome. And then what they did is they put them through their scientific laboratories. They sent us back a list of what's going on inside our guts Individually everything is individual and they literally say okay, this is what's going inside your individual community, inside your body, and these are the foods, these are the supplements that will help you become optimal, that will help you become your best self.

Speaker 2:

These are your super foods. These are your. You can enjoy these as much as you really like.

Speaker 1:

As well as these are the foods that you need to stay away from at least for a while, until your inner community starts to behave in a more cohesive, harmonious manner. That being said, jason and I have had to give up some foods in the last few days, and we've had to incorporate some new foods in the last few days. For example, we have kimchi in our refrigerator, we have yogurt in our refrigerator, we are eating lamb and lamb over steak, and for me that's, that's been very hard when he says lamb over steak, he means we're giving up steak and we're eating lamb instead of I've been.

Speaker 2:

it's been suggested that I remove beef from my diet for six months.

Speaker 1:

That's half a year now for Jason.

Speaker 2:

This is I like steak a couple times a week In some form, mostly steak. In a lot of times in the past what I've done is I've said I just want the protein, so I stayed away from the vegetables, which I love vegetables, but as I really love steak, so we make this healthy meal.

Speaker 1:

Actually, jason made this healthy meal for our mid mid morning snack this morning yeah, it's kind of like a brunch, it's it was a brunch and that down to eat it it was literally lamb. And then we had this. It was supposed to be cheese, but really it was made out of cashews and if you close your eyes you would have sworn you're eating avocados, so they would have made it green. I would have said, oh, this is avocado.

Speaker 2:

This is kind of a bland avocado yes, like fake cheese, but anyway it's.

Speaker 1:

it's on the label it says cheese, but really it's cashews, it's nuts, and then we had beans or legumes in there tomatoes, organic, tomatoes, organic, everything's organic yes, we're getting rid of a lot of the pesticides and.

Speaker 2:

And it's not a it. We're not doing it full time. We're doing that. We're making adjustments as much as we can. Yes, one thing that I have committed to is that I'm getting steak out for a while for the six months we are giving up the state. My birthday is in a week, so we're just trying to be our steak for my birthday.

Speaker 2:

if I fall off, if I change something for a day, that's okay, that doesn't create a new habit, that what that does just says okay, don't fail twice like don't, don't just let go and change directions Because I wanted the steak once and I might not have steak, I haven't decided okay, so we're we've already taken seven minutes just to get into.

Speaker 1:

We sit down to have this meal together and literally we both take a bite and Jason goes oh my gosh is so gamey, I can't eat this.

Speaker 2:

and you say this out loud, you're like I can't eat this because it's been a thought going through my head and what's probably happened is I've told myself For a while that if you don't know how to cook lamb, or if you're not a cooker of lamb, there's their intricacies to get the flavor to be palatable. And so I keep telling myself, keep telling myself that. So now I'm looking for how does this lamb not taste? Well, because I don't identify as a person that knows how to cook, like he is literally picking apart this lamb.

Speaker 1:

He is looking for everything that is wrong with this lamb and luckily he has a coach that is sitting across the table from him. That is saying you know what, honey, maybe we just need to make the uncomfortable comfortable, and change takes A little time. So let's give it a chance and let's change our inner dialogue. Let's start asking better questions.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, let's focus on the why and what's good about this, how we can make it more effective, better Like. What are those possibilities?

Speaker 1:

Let's start telling ourselves how good this is for our bodies, and let's start focusing on the health aspects and let's start asking ourselves questions like how can we enjoy this more? These are empowering questions. This is taking the power within exactly. So here I am changing his inner voice. Thank goodness, how lucky are you that you had me sitting across from you.

Speaker 2:

Amen to that.

Speaker 1:

Now, as soon as we get him settled and he's like okay, thank you, thank you.

Speaker 2:

This is your first chunk of cheese.

Speaker 1:

I take a bite of my salad, I get a chunk of cheese and I'm like, yeah, I don't know about this cheese. This is disgusting. I can't eat this. This is going to make me puke.

Speaker 2:

So we end up, once you become aware we all have our little areas where our voice takes over and starts leading us into a different, a downward perspective in that downward dim loop. So if we live into that, just like if I lived into the thought that the lamb didn't taste right or taste the way I expected it to which, if you're looking for something different, if you're looking for surprises, if you're looking for excitement in life, you don't want it to be what you really expect all the time.

Speaker 1:

One time when I was little, I took a drink of Pepsi that was on the counter, and when I took a drink of it, it was actually grease that my mom had been losing the can.

Speaker 1:

That's disgusting and just like you say, when you expect one thing and get something else, you're like ehh, so okay, that sidetracked there, I squirreled off. However, we are having this nice, healthy brunch and luckily we start laughing because Jason's, like you, just coached me through this. So then he reflects back to me all of the coaching things that I just coached him and he coaches me. So luckily, I had a coach across from me to coach me through this cashew cheese that I was eating Bless you and we allowed ourselves to just give it a minute and just give it a chance and to change the inner dialogue, and I'm telling you, we started focusing on the health aspects and asking ourselves better questions by the end of this meal.

Speaker 2:

I thought that was one of the best salads I've ever had and the wonderful thing is is the presentation was beautiful and it was colorful. The, the, the lamb had its color, but the salad had the tomatoes, the cheese, the avocado, the mixed greens. It was a really pretty plate, like it was a good looking lunch or brunch my palate was changing within a twenty five minute period of eating.

Speaker 1:

I just had to change what was going on between my ears.

Speaker 2:

That can change everything, whether it's a meal, whether it's an experience, whether it's just overall quality of life is what are we focusing on? Because we're getting the experience of what we focus on. We're not getting the experience of actually what's happening. It's. Where is the focus? Is the focus on the, the like, the sour, or the, the, the different feeling, or the feeling of what do I really like about this? What's good, what, what, what's the benefit of this? And then how can I make it better? How can I enhance what?

Speaker 1:

I'm doing. It's changing the perception, it's changing the perspective, it's changing that inner voice with it is changing what we're telling our brain to experience. This is all neuro linguistic pattern. That's what it is. That's what we're doing, and when you do that, all of a sudden I had the best salad of my life was started out as I wanted to puke.

Speaker 2:

I literally wanted to puke what did that do to your energy level? When you want, when you feel that versus this is delicious and healthy, it are. We both talked about how our energy was was actually rising, and whether it's the food, whether it's the the mental thoughts about it and what we're telling ourselves energies contagious. So we think we're adding nutrition, adding help, adding beauty to our internal, light, internal gut.

Speaker 1:

Then obviously that's gonna change the way we start feeling in the external world it was like that old commercial Mikey, he likes it, he likes it, you know, and the more Mikey likes it than everybody else like. Yeah and the more that I told myself Jenna, she likes it, she likes it. I I really, I really genuinely authentically Started liking this it's not a fake.

Speaker 2:

It till you make it.

Speaker 1:

It's a, it's an experience, it in it's connecting your values, connecting what's important to you, and I love it. It's, it's really. It really is changing those narrow pathways in your brain. However, somebody needs to teach you how to do this, which is why it's so important to be sitting across from a coach while you eat.

Speaker 2:

That's really the lesson I'm telling you out to lunch and we'll help you through and we'll help you through any problem that you have.

Speaker 2:

So that's part of it is because a lot of times we'll get caught in that conversation in our head and we don't even we're not aware of it, or we're aware of it but we're not intentional about where it's going, where it's leading us, and that's almost like giving the reins of the horse to someone else or giving the steering wheel to someone else, yes, and saying, okay, just take me wherever, I'll follow just go along with it instead of really just directing the narrative and really being the own artist of your life.

Speaker 1:

I want to be the artist along with God. I want to co create with God. But it can't be. It can't be the, the Janna inside me that wants ice cream, and you know the, the gluttonous side of Janna. It has to be the Janna who wants the best self for Janna.

Speaker 2:

Yes, right, absolutely, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

I love it. I love it. I hope this helped someone out there and, if it did, please reach out to us, because we want to hear from you, even if you are in one of the 70 countries that we are broadcasting to. We now have software that we can. We can interpret your email, so please reach out to us and we will do our best.

Speaker 2:

Emails free send us an email send us an email at. Admin at startlivingluckycom have a great day.

Speaker 1:

Bye, bye, bye, bye.